High Magic Earth

Chapter 1268: 1 The style of Marvel's title has changed

Time and time again, it seems that Stranger has become accustomed to it, but is this really true?

Before escaping from the gap, Strange was convinced that he could not die. He had to reverse the bleak future that was destined to see no hope and no results.

But now.

Fate has been placed in the hands of others, the gem of time has changed its owner, and even Strange himself has actually died, leaving only a few memories and spells.

He seemed unnecessary to continue to run away.

Fight for a fight, even if these strange crystals can't really kill Dastan, it is worthwhile to be able to seriously injure him. After all, as a dead person, there are not many meaningful things that he can do.

Strange's eyes fell on Stan, his face calm and he couldn't see his inner thoughts.

The world of mirrors fell into a weird silence. Since Strange started this world of mirrors, the two have been fighting and fighting each other. After the abrupt gap of the portal appeared, the battle has reached a new fierce. degree.

But now, there is a kind of calmness between them.

It seems that Dastan is very afraid of this crystal. He must have many things to tell himself, but what is certain is that he has no power to resist the spread and existence of this crystal, otherwise it is impossible to show such a state of catching.

As for the possibility that these crystals and Dastan are on the united front, with their speed, it will not take long for the entire mirror world to be swallowed up, and Dastan will naturally win.

In the face of victory, he does not need to be so silent, he will certainly make a mockery with pride.

. . and many more.

Strange seemed to feel that he had caught something suddenly.

A touch of light in the darkness is like the aura of light flashing in the mist.

Before the magic night came, no one knew what was going to happen, and its appearance showed no signs. In fact, after it appeared, no one knew exactly why.

At least they could be sure that the flash point event was caused by the hasty runners running illegally.

But everything about Magic Night is unknown to anyone, including the origin of the external appearance gods, their purpose, only knowing that they continue to attack and destroy everything.

What is the appearance of God?

At first they thought that this indescribable creature was an extraterrestrial creature, perhaps from an alien planet, or from another world.

But later, under the research of top doctors in various fields such as Stark, Richards, Banner, they found that the true definition of these things should be classified as artificial creatures.

Artificially created. . Or remodeled.

This discovery once inspired everyone. Artificial creatures are no better than natural creatures. Even natural creatures have many weaknesses. There are very few perfect creatures in the world, let alone artificial creatures.

Even if this artificial creature looks nearly perfect, there must be fatal weaknesses, maybe even more.

Find the weaknesses, use the weaknesses alone, and then make sacrifices, launch a Jedi counterattack, and finally win.

That's how the correct script was written. They also took this script and won again and again, defeated alien enemies, defeated the supervillains, and won this time. . It should not be unexpected.

Unfortunately, the reality is far less beautiful than these heroes imagined.

After noticing the origin of the external appearance god, the progress of the entire experiment was limited to this, and they never found anything in the next six months.

What can only be determined is that most of the external appearance gods have special energy. Although their abilities are different, they can vaguely speculate that they have the same energy source.

This energy is very invasive, and superheroes have little known means to deal with it.

And as the invasion of the external appearance **** became more and more violent, their personnel began to gradually disperse, and followed. . The laboratory and research room were also disbanded.

With the death or disappearance of Richards, Banner and other doctors in various fields, no one can continue the experiment.

They have lost the opportunity to use their wisdom to win, and they want to win the final battle, they can only confront each other head-on.

And Strange could not see a glimmer of hope in this matchup.

but. . What Dastan said just now.

His power cannot resist this crystal.

As the supreme mage, Karma Taj’s handle, excellent neurosurgeon, Strange’s IQ is completely beyond doubt, countless thoughts and clues circulated in his mind a few times, he immediately realized The importance of this news.

He broke through the crack, but he broke through the crack, but even if everything is handed over to others, or even the owner of the time gem, those outside appearance gods still need to fight.

Strange is not sure whether his departure caused a change in the entire timeline, but he can be sure that those outward appearance gods that have the power of time must have jumped beyond the timeline and will not be affected.

He must make the worst plan.

And this clue can bring new help against these appearances.

Thinking of this, the entire world of mirrors was immediately loosened. After all, this space was created by Strange, and any of his thoughts and actions will be reflected.

As an old opponent, Dastan felt all of it immediately.

"No," Dastan laughed with indifference. "I thought none of you superheroes would have any fear of death."

"I only know that you cunning guys won't wait to die."

The meaning of Strange is very obvious. In time, it is really a situation of death. Dastan certainly will not be so tight-handed and will still try to find a ray of life.

Then he is so quiet at this time, naturally because things may not have reached that level.

As a result, it was foolish for Strange to stay here with him to die, even if this is just a constant spell avatar on the time gem, and it cannot be easily lost.

He only knows some memories and information about the future.

There was a sneer in the corner of Dastan's mouth, and the gravel was re-collected by him, returning to the original state, gathered in the transparent place of the time blade handle, after the chaotic battle with Strange, the sand of time was at least consumed one third.

If he can't get the supplement, he can't support him to make several space-time jumps, and even the time span of the jump can't exceed ten years.

The dark pattern of Horus' eyes reappeared around Dalstein's eyes, and suddenly the whole world changed again in his eyes.

The original brightly colored physical scene has disappeared, replaced by a stream of energy patches.

Dastan naturally sees the origin of these spreading crystals. They come from higher latitudes and are naturally erosive and infectious. Even their own strength cannot resist for long.

Fortunately, the owner of this crystal is not a famous guy in the high latitude world.

The world at high latitudes is complex and changeable, and the magnitude and complexity are not lower than the world at low and middle latitudes. Some powerful existences are widely known, and the power and wisdom they possess are terrifying.

But in the same way, there are many weak guys in countless worlds at high latitudes. Even if they have the power of higher latitudes, they are also monsters without intelligence. Wait for the beasts with stronger powers at low latitudes.

Even in some ordinary low- and mid-latitude worlds, such an existence may occasionally be born.

Now he may be facing such a guy.

Therefore, if Horus observes full opening, he sacrifices part of the force to force out, there is no problem.

As for Strange. . Whoever wants him to die.

But what led Stein wondered is that if he remembered correctly, before he was trapped by Strange, this was just a normal human world that could no longer be ordinary.

How come this strange power of high latitude comes out.

It is impossible. . Is that world?

Dustan knew that there was a place on the surface of the world that looked like the existence of ordinary human beings, but in fact, it had been eroded by countless existence and power.

He even infiltrated Lalaye, the ruined sleeping city himself.

The result was of course almost not coming out. Even so, this lucky experience allowed him to blow for a lifetime, and because of this he was given the power of the Eye of Horus.

The world is very dangerous, even if his boss is close, I am afraid that he will not get much benefit.

Here. . It should not be there.

Sure enough, it was the hot pot of the portal. Dastan couldn't help but complain, why would there always be a neuropath trying to open the door of higher latitude, attracting these uncontrollable forces.

An arrogance far away in another world: "Ah!"

The world of mirrors began to reverse again, but this time it was not aimed at Dalstein. Strange was dividing the space, trying to trap these spreading crystals in it, so as not to spread out after corroding the world of mirrors.

At the same time, at the last moment, he cut off the connection between the world of mirrors and emerged from his own difficulties. Of course, Dastan must not be here.

But Dastan knew better than Strange that these crystals spread in from the outside. With their infectivity and strong assimilation, I am afraid that the outside world will only be worse, not better.

Strange's worry is just superfluous. After he went out, it was not surprising to see the crystal world full of eyes. It was normal for the entire planet to become a huge crystal.

Ignoring Strange, Dalstein prepared himself in secret.

The light in Horus' eyes circulated, staring at possible gaps or flaws.

then. . At the next moment, the entire space suddenly twisted.

"Damn it!" Dastan scolded in his heart.

As an assassin who masters time, jumping space is the most familiar thing. The surrounding energy rolls over, and Dastan immediately realizes that he is involved in the vortex of space.

And it's still a vortex of random exile time without destination.

It seems that people outside the mirror world also know that these high-latitude forces are not easy to deal with and harmful, and seeing that they cannot resist, they immediately sent them to other spaces.

He couldn't help wanting to complain again, idle to call for the power of high latitudes, and found it uncontrollable and threw it into other worlds.

This is simply. .

But Dastan didn't want to participate in the muddy water. At this moment, the Horus pattern around his eyes seemed to come alive, like the fish swimming in the water, and the waves appeared.

"Coordinates hidden in space..."

As the power of God, the Eye of Horus was very good at first, and after the transformation of the God-creating plan, it became one of the most powerful eyes.

Under the gaze of Dalstein, the sparkling luster of the sparks began to appear in the infinite dark void, which was the marked space coordinates, and around him was a huge vortex, which would Everything was wrapped around and moving around fast.

The speed of the vortex is very fast, and Dalstein has no time to observe these coordinates carefully. As soon as the picture in the coordinates flashes, Dalstein has selected a place that looks similar.

At the next moment, the Blade of Time pulled a dagger in his hand. Numerous black cracks broke in the void as the dagger crossed, and then these gaps became larger and larger, and quickly formed a space collapse.

Dastan did not hesitate, jumped into the gap, and just after he disappeared, the next moment, the chaotic energy in the vortex filled up and instantly wiped out all traces of his existence.

. . .

On the other hand, Strange also noticed the disappearance of Dalstein, but he was overwhelmed.

As a mage, Strange is no stranger to the use of space, but he has never experienced such a violent space transfer. This is not a transfer at all, but it is stuffed into the cracks and allowed to flow.

It was not difficult for Strange to escape.

With a light stroke of the hanging ring, Mars shining in the arc of light was already splashing into the sky.

It is not difficult to leave, but the difficulty is how to position yourself where to go.

Strange wants to find the owner of the time gem, the time master named Richard Riphunt, who has inherited part of his future memory, and has a time gem, whose energy can prolong his existence. So that he has enough time to teach him strength.

But the irritable space energy makes it difficult for him to calm down and do all this.~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Space turbulence interrupts his connection with the time gem all the time, and he uses too much power to resist the maintenance of his spells. Without being destroyed by the turbulent flow of space, it won't take long, no space energy is needed, and he will be exhausted and disappear.

At this moment, Strange seemed to return to the time when he studied art at the Karma Taj. The Supreme Guy threw him to the top of Mount Everest, unable to open the portal, and died there.

Time is limited, so take advantage of it.

The ruined New York, the world of disaster, the fallen companions, the city of war. .

At this moment, Strange calmed down violently, and his mind never wavered like this, as if nothing in the world could affect him.

The hand with the dangling ring traversed the circle in the sky, and Mars splashed out, and the arc of light became larger and larger. Then in the next moment, the arc of light suddenly connected together, the door opened inside, connected to Another space revealed a situation completely different from the void in his depths at this time.

The interior of a spaceship.

Strange didn't have much power, or energy anymore. He took a step forward, and then collapsed weakly on the icy ground of the spaceship.

The portal disappeared, the vortex of space swept in and swallowed the last trace of existence.

Lying on the icy ground, Strange felt that his consciousness began to dissipate. Before disappearing, he heard the intelligent alarm of the spacecraft, and footsteps came from one foot to another. Finally, he saw a Agomo motorcycle hanging on his chest. The figure of the eye.

With fists clenched, Strange felt that his body was gradually full of energy again, and began to solidify.

"Fortunately... caught up with..." With a sigh, he fell into a coma completely.

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