High Magic Earth

Chapter 1269: The gear of fate begins to turn

Yi Xiao is not interested in pretending to be x. If he can, he prefers to make a low-key salted fish.

But it is a pity that he thinks what Lucy said is very reasonable. If the comic book version of the hero world has really been born, then he must try to integrate here.

Otherwise, those powerful beings will soon notice the anomaly and come to the door.

He is not yet an opponent of those guys.

As for those powerful beings, most of them can peek into the timeline, and they are not very worried.

After all, he has already removed himself from the field of time. Of course, it is possible that the removal was not complete and the progress was not successful, but that is not a problem.

Yi Xiao believes that the future self can solve this problem and protect the past self from being disturbed.

if not. . Probably he should have been approached by now.

Although this is the world of first-class heroes, it is biased toward the technology side and can be mutated. It is not magic, but there are still many things that Yihou needs, and those top powers are also effective for Yihou.

Many plans are on the verge of having to experiment, because the messy things have been postponed repeatedly, and they have already accumulated a lot.

Even excluding the most existing factors of those heroes in the universe, Yi Chou would better spend some time digesting the accumulation.

So before that, he needs to stabilize.

. . .

"... He has a pure English accent, but seems to have lived in the United States for many years. Because of the assimilation, it sounds no longer the original feeling, it seems a lot weird, and the character is not as old-fashioned as in the United Kingdom..."

"Is it really necessary?" Yi Bao asked in a weird manner with his new accent. "I think my previous sound is very good..."

It’s better to pretend to be disguised.

This is the original words given by Lucy.

"... A mixed-race, with the best characteristics of mixed-race, inheriting the best of two bloodlines, handsome and full of wisdom, makes him look more attractive than a single Asian or a single European, like Is a traveling noble..."

"It doesn't look much changed," Yi Xiao said, looking at the mirror, pinching his new skin and new look.

"...No, there are still some." Seemingly shocked by Yi Biaotian's shameless words, Lucy replied calmly after a moment of silence. "At least your face is thickened."

Yi Huo shrugged.

"...His origins are mysterious, but they are equally simple, because there is nothing worth looking for at all, as if there is some kind of invisible black hand that erases everything that once was, and it is obvious that this black hand really exists ..."

"Is it really okay to show this file* to SHIELD?" Yi Xiao shook the folder in his hand. "This is simply saying that I have a problem."

"The key to the problem is that you have a problem."

Lucy paused. "With the power of SHIELD before the Hydra incident, there are really few things in the world that can hide them."

"Even if a piece of material is carefully crafted, it is very likely to be aware of flaws, and if you want to use silver tongue to achieve that kind of sophisticated precision, it will take us more energy. Instead of being so troublesome, it is better to create a piece directly. No black hand."

Lucy's explanation sounds reasonable, but Yi Chou maintains a skeptical attitude.

"Are you sure?" He stared at Lucy with suspicious eyes.

After thinking for three seconds with his head tilted, Lucy shrugged. "Well, I'm not really sure," she said. "But you don't feel like holding an orphanage document or accident that you can easily find. Identify what sounds too 1o."

Okay, this is the real reason.

"... Now, he opened a strange storefront. On the surface, it seems to sell a variety of film and television props, hand-made items and other trendy elements, but in fact, you will soon appear, he really sells a variety of Amulets, idols, and other things that seem to involve occultism."

"And, he is not just selling, but occasionally, he will also undertake some personal commissions like a private detective."

"This..." Yi Xiao fiddled with the new storefront information in his hand. "I finally have something I like."

"How do you know that I had planned to open such a shop instead of being a psychological counselor."

"I do not know."

Lucy said angrily.

All of the Silver Tongue stories were conceived and completed by her. All Yi Yi had to do was to read them out. A lot of new stories were about to keep Lucy busy. There was no spare time at all. After a while, Lucy stared at Yi Chou who was following her.

"Please do me a favor, please shut up."

. . .

The first thing is to use the silver tongue to reset everything about Yi Chao.

It is just some relative edge changes, such as appearance, accent, etc., because the various unnatural abilities are not involved, the structure of the story is still very simple, and the silver tongue can easily do this.

Lucifer apparently had many meetings with Yi Chou. He knew Yi Chou very well and even made a series of plans. Based on this, he had to consider the worst result.

Although not sure what is special about Yi Chao’s identity, it is very likely that the entire group of angels and demons have information about Yi Chao.

And they are scattered in the new human world.

Yi Chou certainly won't just stay in the world of this level of heroes. In order not to cause trouble when other worlds ahead, it is better to make some changes at the beginning.

In fact, the Silver Tongue transformation plan was very successful. After all, there is the God Creation Plan and the endowment of various abilities. This matter is not much difficult.

Everything went smoothly, but it was better to arrange where to get to the end, but Lucy and Yi Chou had different opinions, or hesitated.

So the second thing is to choose a reasonable foothold.

In fact, there are only two places to choose from, Hell's Kitchen, and Hell's Kitchen.

Choosing Hell's Kitchen, it is obvious that you can open a series of story lines for the League of Defenders, that is, lawyer Ma, Jessica and others, so as to take this opportunity to integrate into the large group of heroes.

But I don't know whether it is because their power is too weak, or they hide too well, or the relationship appears later, SHIELD seems to have not been watching here, if you want to catch the line of SHIELD. . It seems that it is not easy.

According to Lucy's plan, Yi Chou is not recommended to find the door by himself. There are several levels of heroes who recommend the door by themselves. . Except for Deadpool.

But if it is outside the Hell's Kitchen, there is a high possibility of contact with SHIELD.

Yes, New York is so small, so magical.

Even if it was just a dilapidated shop hidden in a slum, maybe after being harassed a few times by the gangsters, and then the gangsters broke out all kinds of strange problems, they would be targeted by SHIELD agents.

Well, there is really nothing to worry about.

Especially in the recent period, it is the level heroes who have frequently appeared. Before the beginning of the great era, one after another human beings came out one after another. Similarly, all kinds of strange enemies, aliens, and level villains also swarmed. As it emerged from New York, there was always a way for SHIELD to notice this humble shop.

What's more, this is New York.

In three days, both heads will be destroyed several times. Maybe one day sitting at home, a big green man will jump out and smash the house.

At this time, S.H.I.E.L.D. would definitely be willing to investigate why a person would not die or even be injured after being pressed down by the house.

However, after leaving Hell's Kitchen, there are not many heroes that can be known.

If you are lucky, you may have an intersection with New York's good friend Spider-Man. If you are better, you may encounter hidden mobile npc, the alien Skye who has not yet awakened, and Shock Daisy.

But it doesn't matter. Once you touch the line of SHIELD, you can quickly recognize many other heroes.

Such as Captain America, such as Iron Man. .

what. . Thinking of Tolia Stark, Yi Huo couldn't help but have some headaches, why did Iron Man become a woman.

He did remember that there was some kind of parallel universe in which Iron Man was a woman, and it seemed that the world was the only one that did not explode in the Avengers Civil War, because Captain America and Iron Man were married.

Oh my god, are you in such a strange world now?

Yi Biao is temporarily unsure whether this world should belong to the category of movies and TV shows or the category of comics, because its combat power has not yet been reflected.

Lucy, however, circumvented some of the SHIELD blockade, and Jarvis and other intelligence, sneaked into the network and found a few other things.

That is another big group in the Marvel world, whether mutants exist.

The answer obtained is good news, that is, there are no traces of mutants in this world, it seems that it is just a world of pure heroes.

This made Yi Chou relieved.

He already had a psychological shadow of the Scarlet Witch.

. . .

One day later.

Looking at the brand new storefront, Yi Huo opened the door with satisfaction.

"Today's story has been written." Lucy raised the book in her hand. "At least if we have a higher-level peeper when we are talking, they will not feel what we are talking about, but only hear. Some other very ordinary nonsense."

Yi Chou nodded.

"Very well, in less than two days since we first came into this world, you have come up with such a perfect place to rest. I have to doubt... Will the source of funds really be found?"

Lucy looked at Yi Chou with an inexplicable gaze.

"Jarvis is not perfect at this time. If I want to, there is no artificial intelligence in my world that is my opponent."

"By the way...Dornting is not here."

Yi Dao didn't talk much about the topic of Dornting.

"Can you leave a back door with Jarvis." he asked.

Yi Biao does not peep at Stark’s technology, because the real value is her brain and wisdom, and her heart. Only when the three are combined with each other, the person wearing the steel suit can be called Iron Man, which is unique. .

The most important thing is that the steel armor has been renovated too quickly. This is the case, and it still has not exceeded the temporary upper limit of earth technology.

If you want to get something on the technology side, it is better to go to a higher-level interstellar world, or leave the earth to find the story line of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

The technology there is much stronger than the earth.

The world of super heroes has a huge universe, and there are countless powerful existences. Yi Chou’s eyes will naturally not be limited to the earth, but the same. . Nor will they venture into the universe before the foundation is stabilized.

But if you can leave a back door, it is better to leave one.

Jarvis is also a key presence in the story line of this world, maybe when it will be able to reap unexpected joy.

Unfortunately, Lucy's answer was not so good.

"Although Jarvis is still immature, the overall function has been perfected. I can leave a backdoor, but as it continues to evolve autonomously, it will soon be aware of the existence of the vulnerability."

"It will fix its own loopholes, even if it can't be traced back to me, it will notice our traces, are you sure you want to do this."

After a moment of silence, Yi Chou shook his head.

Turning around, he put the mini villa that originally contained Athena, Tomi, and Sadako in the store as the first product of this store. Of course, this is actually not for sale, and the three Athena I have long since returned to Neverland.

When the shop was completed, Yi Xao and Lucy arranged a powerful interference magic, and most of them were shaped with silver tongues.

The silver tongue is very powerful, but Yi Chou is not sure whether it can block the peeping of the top existence~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But according to the situation that the two are still very safe, the interference of the silver tongue should be successful.

This approach is very risky.

It is completely helpless, because once the silver tongue cannot stop it, it is very likely that it will be defeated.

But before planning to come here, Yi Biao did not think that Lucifer would lead to the birth of a comic hero world, making it likely that a large number of observers appeared.

Only the silver tongue can try to interfere and block the existing power in his hands. If the silver tongue can't do it, then he can only run away from the new human world.

Even if this is risky, Yi Chao has to do so.

He can't keep opening the channel of Neverland all the time, and there are many other experiments and things to go out of this world.

If the silver tongue cannot stop and cover up, then it is better to leave early.

Fortunately, the silver tongue succeeded, and at the first time Yi Chou sent Athena and others back temporarily to avoid any other unexpected troubles.

And the location of the foothold has also been chosen. In the case where the opinions of Yi Biao and Lucy are not unified, in order to avoid more unnecessary waste of time, they chose a compromise solution.

This store is on the edge of Hell's Kitchen, half of which is Hell's Kitchen, and half of it is normal New York.

So Yi Xiao said that Lucy could find such a suitable place so quickly, it was not easy.

Opening the store door, Yi Chao's mood is very pleasant.

"New York, I can't wait for you to be destroyed for the first time."

Lucy stood beside him, smiling, as if she had truly become a qualified clerk, waiting for the first unlucky egg. . Ah no, the arrival of customers.

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