High Magic Earth

Chapter 1270: How to properly intervene in the plot

After all, Yi Chou did not wait for the arrival of the first customer.

To be precise, it is the first customer with identity.

In his imagination, the first person to come to the door, even if it was not the representative of S.H.I.E.L.D., should be the person of insight among the Hydra.

But it is a pity that I clamor too much.

S.H.I.E.L.D. is also very busy. Even if it has a big business and a small shop that has never shown any peculiarities, it will not enter their vision.

They would never survey every store in New York that might seem to have a problem. Such a workload would not be enough for SHIELD.

and. . This is New York.

Therefore, the first official customers who came to the door were actually three small influxes. They might have seen that this is a newly opened store, and they could find it cheap, and they came to the door like a mouse.

Of course, in the real world, this kind of thing is probably very difficult to happen, but this is where, but this is a superhero world where the neuropathy is flying, anything can happen.

Yi Chou wanted to extract the souls of the three of them as the latest creative plan materials, but in the end, he gave them a special product of an anime handicraft shop in the end with the idea of ​​a good color.

Edible devil fruit.

But they are very dissatisfied.

Yi Xuan didn’t understand what they were dissatisfied with, but he was proud of his silver tongue. Although he could not really get all kinds of strange abilities like the devil fruit after eating it, the taste was absolutely 100%. Restored the taste of the devil fruit.

As a senior anime enthusiast, being able to personally experience the feeling of eating devil fruit should be a sacred thing.

But after they took the first bite, they threatened to smash Yi Yi's shop.

Yi Xiao opened the store soon, but the experience is very rich, even in the strange magical world like Diagon Alley, no one dared to touch his store.

He did not understand why the three were so angry, perhaps because they were not anime lovers, but in any case, Yi Chou could not allow them to smash their own stores.

So he extracted the souls of these three guys, and after releasing a few confusion spells, the rest of the body would die in unremarkable street corners in various unexpected ways.

With three hot souls, you can continue to create the God plan and restart the soul-related experiments.

During this time Lucy has been perfecting the disguise in the shop.

Although Yi Chao does not need to disguise his identity as a traversal, he only needs to smoothly integrate into it, and not to show strong hostility or other outrageous things, but some things are still temporarily unavailable.

For example, the passage to Neverland, and the need for the creation of the God Project, refer to the power of higher latitudes.

In fact, even the identity of Athena, Sadako Yamamura, etc. is not a problem, the abilities of the superhero world are different, there are all kinds of strange guys, whether they are outsiders or local heroes, they can fool the past very well .

But only these two things can't be exposed.

Fantasy Island is located in another world, a world that is completely different from the multiverse in which the superhero world is located. Lucy can’t predict what kind of reaction will be caused after this incident is exposed.

As for the power at higher latitudes. . Obviously, no one likes others to play with some uncontrollable dangers in their own homes.

So during this time, Lucy's resources have been used to write disguise programs.

And the so-called disguise program. . In fact, it is a compiled daily story collection.

Yi Xiao is responsible for reading and uses the power of the silver tongue. When necessary, they will disguise the dialogue, so that the information about Dream Island and high-latitude power in daily communication will be obscured, will not be exposed, and avoid being blamed. The guy listening to hear.

The new foothold has three floors, the second floor is the place to live, and the ground floor is also the shop. In addition, it also has a huge basement.

Most other defensive measures are in the underground space, which is also the gate and laboratory to the Neverland.

The real defensive forces are here, not only to hide and hide, because in addition to protecting all from being discovered by higher beings, we must also be careful not to be found by superheroes, otherwise, with their overflowing sense of justice, It will be a hassle.

And also have sufficient resistance to strike and safety.

In the evening time, Yi Biao will conduct creative experiments here, and use silver tongue to constantly improve various plans. As for the daytime, it will be open normally, and occasionally carry out some other activities.

Five days have passed since entering this world.

In fact, in this nearly five-day period, Yi Chou is mostly conducting creative experiments, or using silver tongue to make some gadgets, some weird little abilities, although the harvest is also very good, but the overall plan Without the slightest help and progress.

"You can't continue this way anymore."

Lucy's expression at this time looks like the mother of the child in the rebellious period. She looks at Yi Chou sadly. "I came to this world not to let you do experiments. You can carry out experiments everywhere, but we The strange powers of this world are needed."

"You are like an otaku and you can't get anything here."

It seems that technical houses are all houses. . Otherwise, it will not be called a technical house.

But Lucy does not agree with the definition of the wizard also belongs to the category of technical house, because to obtain a wider range of power, magic will always need to go out, that kind of mysterious power. . An instant may bring the wizard into another space.

Even farther than most people go together in their lifetime. . Well, in essence, there is still no definition of detachment.

"Then I have no choice." Yi Xiao opened his hand. "We are here to wait for the superhero to come, but not to mention the superhero. Now that there are no customers, I might as well go back to the song of ice and fire The World asked Daenerys how well her storybook has been written."

"Well...well, it can't be said that there is no one customer." After thinking about it, Yi Chou added.

Of course, it does not mean the three unlucky bastards. In addition to the three guys, on the second day of business, there are three female students who seem to be high school. Here, when asking clearly, there are no comics and superheroes. I was very disappointed after doing it, but finally bought some other film and television peripherals.

The appearance of the silver tongue is absolutely true.

Yi Biao just said, with the ability to have a silver tongue to open a peripheral store, it is absolutely profitable and praised.

The impression these three guys left on Yi Xiao is quite deep, after all, they can find it. . Not counting the small shops in the remote areas of the bustling commercial street, it was also very difficult when it was just opened the next day.

Such senior residences are rare, and there are fewer women.

Faced with the complaints of Yi Chou, Lucy had no good way.

I can’t recommend myself to S.H.I.E.L.D. just because of the relatively low relationship. In this era when super heroes and super villains are not frequent, Nick Fury did not have the thirst for thirsty afterwards, and the Avengers were really Just a plan.

Suddenly appearing at this time to risk yourself, only attracting unnecessary attention.

Now it was a relatively peaceful period, and nothing happened. A guy of unknown origin suddenly appeared. It was neither the second generation of the game like Stark nor the generation of the game like Captain America. It was simply for SHIELD. The imaginary enemy sent to the door.

that. . It will definitely not be a pleasant experience.

"Perhaps we should post a recruitment notice." Lucy said after rubbing his chin with his finger for a while.


"Look, Stark hired the Black Widow as his secretary, and the cutting-edge laboratory also hired Frost Killer and Shockwave as research institutes, or two."

"That's different." Yi Xuan felt that his expression at this time must look very strange.

"Try it."

"No." Yi Chou shook his head.

But Lucy was obviously familiar with Yi Chou's character and didn't bother with him at all. "Slap!" She posted a recruitment notice on the table in front of him. "Post it to me immediately."

"No, you have printed it."

Obviously there was a premeditated plan. After a while, the dispute was fruitless, and Yi Chou could only stand up and walked outside.

Opening the store door and starting a new day's business, Yi Xiaoshun took the trouble, and gave Lucy to him as if a small advertisement seemed to be posted on the application slip.

Less than five days after opening, Yi Chou was tired of this feeling.

In fact, this interest in Diagon Alley did not last long. If there was a Winnie beside him, I am afraid he would have closed the door long ago.

He has experienced such uninteresting daily life for more than 20 years before. Compared to these things, he still prefers to study the mysteries of magic.

A large amount of glue stuck to the back of the recruitment slip, and Yi Chou “slap!” clapped on the wall next to it. After rubbing twice with his hand, his helpless eyes fell to the corner of the side wall.

"Jessica...Jones, can you stop drunk in front of my store."

. . .

Jessica Jones, a member of the League of Defenders, a wild hero in Hell's Kitchen, has no famous nickname, but is also called Treasure Girl and Horsewoman.

But Jessica Jones was more pleasant.

Her abilities are due to accidents and accidents. Radioactive chemicals infect her and react to her.

Jessica Jones has strong strength and physical strength. The upper limit of strength is unknown. At least you can easily lift the car, but the defense is still in the category of normal people, you can fly briefly, and the rest is some acquired training and learning capabilities. For example, because they are engaged in private detectives, proficient in reconnaissance and tracking, and unarmed fighting.

Her character is lazy, more precisely decadent. Since the accident, she has been living in self-blame and various shadows, and has almost fallen into self-abuse.

Jessica also has an older sister, Patricia Tracy Walker, who is not related to blood, is the daughter of her adoptive mother, and is also the future superhero Hellcat.

And entangled with Jessica, but also a super villain of the enemy. . It can be regarded as a man in the Marvel universe, whose ability is already in the middle, which is a relatively difficult, but often unclear guy who loses.

Purple people.

He can use pheromones, a volatile chemical substance to control others, to achieve a hypnotic effect.

It's not even hypnotic, it's more like mind control.

If there is no effective means of resistance, the general superhero is simply to send.

And Jessica, a brute force who often can't even pay her bills, obviously doesn't know a tech hero like Stark, and she can use her brain hole to create a defense machine against various hormones and mind control.

I don't know the mysterious little friend like the Scarlet Witch, the born master of the soul.

So she and Ziren are fighting each other. . Absolutely not wonderful.

Ziren peers at her, her power, her appearance, various hypnotic controls, the failure of confrontation, the surveillance from Ziren surrounding her, and even her life becomes semi-true when the people around her are hypnotized Half leave, the shadow of the original disaster and self-blame, so that her situation can be said to be. . Very bad.

Buy drunk. . It's all her life.

. . .


As if a buzzing sound of flies surrounded Jessica's ear, she flicked her hand impatiently beside her face, frowning to try to drive the annoying mosquito away.


But obviously no effect.

She felt her collar caught, and then dragged her to try to stand up, stabilized her body, and Jessica opened her eyes with a slit.

Seeing this slightly familiar face in front of her, she murmured impatiently, "...it's you."

"Of course it is me." Yi Xiao rolled his eyes. "Because you are drunk in front of my shop every morning. Let's make a discussion. Can't you change a place? You can lie here and block the door of my shop. Now."


Jessica finally woke up, she exhaled for a long time, the strange wine sourness in her mouth mixed with the sweet and fragrant fragrance of the woman, she sprayed Yi Yi's face on the face of her no doubt.

Ignoring the distorted expression of easy noise, she leaned against the wall as if she had no bones, "...you can try to put a bench next to it."

"I am not a park here." Yi Huo said.

"The existence of a drunkard greatly affected the cleanliness of the front door of my shop. No one came to buy anything from me."


"No one came."

Jessica uttered a long disdain from her nose. She shook Yi Yi swaying away. After she dropped the sentence, she walked steadily towards the distance, turning her right hand backwards, facing Yi Chaobi. A big middle finger.

Looking at her direction, maybe either go back to her private detective office, or prepare to continue to go back to the bar~www.wuxiaspot.com~ shook her head, Yi Biao was ready to return to the store.

But just after turning around, I saw a strange ordinary girl standing in front of the store, staring at the recruitment notice just posted.

Yi Chou's face is strange.

"Excuse me... Is this shop recruiting, are you the boss?"

Staring at her and looking at it for a while, Yi Huo replied in the other's anxiety, "No, I am the boss, but this shop does not recruit people."

After speaking, he returned to the shop decisively regardless of the other party's reaction.

Only the girl was left with a dazed look at the recruitment notice that had just been posted, and even the glue was not yet dry. I did not understand why Yi Chou gave such an answer.

As for the reason, it is actually very simple.

After observing the other party, Yi Xao quickly confirmed that she did not have any identity, just a very ordinary dragon suit, not even a dragon suit, only background.

and so. . It is unclear whether Lucy's method is easy to use, but he can be sure that the current New York economy should not be prosperous.

. . .

Just after Yi Biao returned to the store, the girl outside the door left soon.

Outside the range of Hell's Kitchen, in a tall building with 50 floors upwards, a lady wearing a purple lady's suit is no different from an ordinary office worker, but there is a girl with a strange temperament all over her body. At a glance, you can see everything below.

Including Yi Biao's basement, which is not a basement, there are only two unremarkable stores.

With a smile on the corner of her mouth, she reached out and took over the bright red wine passed by a middle-aged woman who looked like a slave in the back and murmured, "Jessica...Jessica...my good girl..."

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