High Magic Earth

Chapter 1271: The title of the head

The smile gradually disappeared.

Yi Xiao returned to the boss chair behind the counter and sat down, tossing a Captain Sparrow's compass into the glass window.

The clear price tag, $14, is of course fake. The gadgets made by Yi Chou using the silver tongue are completely functional except for the appearance in the movie, and can only be sold as a film and television peripheral.

The present ability of the silver tongue is very suitable for this, but even the sword in the stone can be read, or the sword with the stone.

Of course, it cannot be pulled out. Even if it is pulled out, it is just an ordinary sword inserted in the cement. It cannot be the king of Great Britain.

"Who did you see?"

Lucy finished today's fitness exercise. After washing, she walked downstairs in a bathrobe, her hair was still hanging with water drops, and was wiping with a towel.

Although Lucy does not need to do these exercises to increase her strength, because her artificial body, her physique has stabilized at the beginning, and she is also subject to materials. Even if she can grow through exercise, it is almost insignificant compared to the strength she already has. It is out of reach, and even washing is not necessary at all, and it can even be replaced with a cleaning spell.

But she still enjoys these things, and Yi Chou feels that she wants to experience a real life, just like one. . Humanity.

Just like myself before.

"Jessica Jones again?"

Yi Xiao turned on the computer on the table, looked at the headlines and news with some boredom, and nodded silently.

"Look, I said that there are still superheroes." Lucy turned and turned back upstairs. He hadn't arrived in half a minute, and had walked down neatly dressed.

It is magic, and she changes her clothes as she pleases. For this purpose, she has specially written a small story for Yi Chou to create this magic with silver tongue.

Even if she is magically intelligent, Lucy is a woman. In this respect, she doesn't realize what it feels like to be a human being. How convenient and beautiful is magic.

Yi Xiao's face was calm, the smile when he saw Jessica was no longer there, and even the feeling of normal communication with people was gone, leaving only a cold taste.

"Super hero?"

He sneered, "In my heart, I still have a very strong sense of this title. It should not be so cheap, nor can anyone be called a superhero."

"Heroes and mortals differ not in their ability, but in the choices they make."

Lucy looked dazed.

"What do you want to say?"

She didn't expect Yi Chou to give her such a philosophical answer, usually. . After talking about such nonsense, the next things will not be very good, I hope this time can be an exception.

"I want to say... she can't be considered a superhero at all."

"It's just a power man with special powers. She shouldn't have such a title, but should lie in my laboratory obediently."

"The last sentence is the point." Lucy said with a twitch in the corner of her mouth.


Yi Chou shrugged indifferently.

"Pay attention."

Lucy reminded, "You can't make too much action right now. No matter whether it's the timing or anything else, waiting is the only thing we can do now."

"I know."

"What about other superheroes? We have been here for almost five days. Have you found anything valuable yet."

Leaving aside the comic version, the Marvel world of the film and television version is not too big, but not too small. Both the plot and the characters are very full.

It’s not that the Avengers are removed, and nothing is left.

In addition to the S.H.I.E.L.D. with Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, and Hulk, there are many other examples, such as Dr. Karma Taj’s Bizarre Doctor, New York’s good friend Spider-Man, generations of Hydra, and playing by themselves There are a lot of digging existences such as the afterlife of your own aliens.

But most. . Actually, it's useless for Yi Huo.

If he is an ordinary traverser or reincarnation, then the former must definitely participate in the plot, because the ordinary traverser has no task itself, and he is relaxed. Unless he wants to live a lifetime, he can only enter the wonderful show. Inside the plot.

In the case of the latter, it probably means that geese do not leave anything like pulling hairs, do everything possible to take away and change to points, and then enhance their strength.

But Yihuo is different.

He doesn’t have a mission, but when he thinks about the enemies he will face in the future, he can sum up two things in general.

Strengthen your own strength and weaken the enemy's strength.

In fact, there is not much power in the world that can work on him. Biting Spider-Man’s spider, Yi Chou is not sure which version of the spider is able to work on himself, but even if it works, It will not greatly improve his current strength, it is better to think about how to use the silver tongue to shape a new ability.

The same is true of the Super Serum, and this is even more true in the Iron Suit. As for Dr. Banner’s gamma rays, the Hulk’s miracle is too difficult to replicate, and is not necessarily more suitable than his current pseudo-steel body.

The power level of the Marvel Universe is not low, but compared to the dc world next door, the group of gods acted as human beings and made feats that the gods could do.

It is more like human beings acting as gods to accomplish impossible miracles.

The starting point of a superhero is different, and the enemies are different, so the power is naturally different.

But there are still many things that are extremely valuable even for Yi Chao, such as the Universe Cube, or the knowledge that can be improved and accumulated in Kama Taj.

For a mage, knowledge is always the most precious asset.

But before that, you still need to figure out the world first and start acting without knowing it. This is undoubtedly the most stupid way.

In this period of time when there is no black technology flying around, Lucy should not be difficult to achieve this.

And there is another reason, that is the problem of Marvel's parallel universe.

There is a guy named Tolia Stark, whether she is the future Iron Man or not. Obviously, this is a world that is very different from having Tony Stark, a parallel world.

Infinite gems are also known as the Kui Treasure of the universe. Even in the entire universe, they are the most powerful pinch of existence.

But if there is an infinite set of gems in each parallel world, they are not as powerful as expected, which is a very worthwhile thing.

Yi Xiao has been asking Lucy to find clues, Tolia Stark, because there have been branches that are very different from the so-called original plot. The value of the reference is not great, but there are many other clues worth tracking.

"I bypassed S.H.I.E.L.D.'s defense system and Jarvis's firewall. It's a pity after finishing these days. It's a pity... I didn't find any information about Peter Parker, Spiderman, Steven Strange, and Bruce. Dr. Banner's."

"The only clue found is Skye... She just dropped out of school and has not joined the high tide organization."

"Only these?" Yi Xiao frowned.


Lucy nodded. "We arrived a little early. At this point, Iron Man has not yet become Iron Man. Most superheroes, supervillains, aliens and supernatural events have disappeared. It is difficult to find any clues. "

"If you go deeper...inside SHIELD, they have always managed these things and are responsible for hiding those supernatural items."

Yi Chao naturally knows this, but the power of those weird gadgets. . He still doesn't see it.

The power of the silver tongue is enough to make up. He is more valued by the existence of infinite gems. The top power and objects in the Marvel Universe, Yi Chou and Lucy stared directly at them from the beginning.

There are not many clues, Yi Yi is a little disappointed. He feels that there seems to be a problem. This shouldn’t just be due to the earlier arrival time, but he didn’t think about the specific problem.

After a long while, Yi Biao didn't bother to entangle, "Then Kama Taj, does it exist, and are there any remarkable clues to note."

Because there is no Tony Stark in this world, and some are Tolia Stark, it is very likely that it has a parallel world that is different from the original plot, that is, the plot in the movie. Yi Chao can’t determine other superheroes, don’t Whether there will be other changes,

This is also the main reason he asked Lucy to gather clues.

There are many worlds in the Marvel world that highlight individual heroes as protagonists. For example, the deadpool explodes everything. Even if the black widow has a similar single book, after lifting the hammer, almost everything is smashed into a paste.

So Yi Chou is very worried that he has entered such a world.

He didn't want to hit a third-rate superhero one day, but wanted to kill it. It turned out that the other party is the protagonist of this world. Not only does he have the power of 100 million suns, but he can't beat it to death, but it will burst. Species.

It's trivial to be assassinated if you pretend to be x. If you are an unconventional hero with an unclear position like a deadpool, your life may be at risk.

This kind of death is a bit too suffocating.

"No traces of Kama Taj are found."

Yi Xiao frowned, and before he even asked him questions, Lucy went on to explain, "Kama Taj's existence is always secret, and there is no trace of their existence on the Internet."

"I detected them with magic, in the Himalayas, and beyond... there seem to be no other notable anomalies."

Not bad. Except for Infinite Gems, Yi Biao's second staring existence is the magic in Kama Taj. Although he learns differently from Yi Biao, no wizard will miss the opportunity to gain new knowledge.

And infinite gems are not so easy to get.

The easiest, it seems, is the Universe Cube, which is now in the hands of SHIELD, but after grabbing it. . Without address, how to deliver the soul gem.

Seeing Yi Biao's expression change, Lucy immediately vaguely guessed his thoughts.

"Are you going to Karma Taj? That's not our first goal. The magic in Karma Taj is not the most valuable to us. The first goal is..."

"It's a perfect match with your strength, we must get it before that...I don't recommend you to fight the snake."

"This time is too long." Yi Xuan said with his finger on the table. "I can't wait for nothing."

The thing in Lucy's mouth is exactly the ultimate goal of their trip. It is something that must be obtained. It is not difficult or simple to get it. It is needed. . Just the timing.

In fact, it is also an infinite gem, one of infinite gems.

Ether particles, realistic gems.

It coincides with Yi's silver tongue power unexpectedly, and Yi Xiao doesn't know how much he can improve with it. . But he can be sure that he is bound to get it.

It is not difficult to get ether particles, it is needed. . It is only when the celestial body converges that it can reopen its seal.

In addition to space gems, soul gems, reality gems, and power gems, but it is far beyond the earth, on the side of the galactic guards, the other one is still on the earth and can be reached, it is also in Kama Taj Time gems inside.

Before getting the real gem, Yi Chou didn't mind getting the time gem first.

As for Dormam. . Well, Yi Xiao admits that this guy is more difficult to deal with, and I am afraid that even the Tyrant is not an opponent, it is even invincible in its own field.

However, it appeared relatively late, and the time gem was not destroyed. If it was not possible, it was temporarily loaned to Dr. Kiwi.

The most uncomfortable can also attract higher latitudes of power. Those high latitudes are definitely enough for Dumam to drink a pot. If Domam can’t deal with it, he still talks about the creation plan or can’t beat it. Slip~www.wuxiaspot.com~It's not his world anyway.

"Kama Taj..."

Seeing that Yi Biao seemed determined to go to Karma Taj, Lucy did not continue to block, but began to think about the next plan of action.

As Yi Chou said, the time span is too large, and there will be a long time to wait until the whole plot is fully unfolded, so just waiting for waste, even if Lucy is not reconciled.

She just chooses the safest solution based on the habit of intelligence, instinctively chooses, hides herself, and does not play with the snake.

Now Yi Biao insists on choosing to go to Karma Taj, and Lucy will naturally not object. There are more than one plan originally. In addition to waiting and hiding, the second set of plans is to go to Karma Taj.

This is also the most feasible option.

Not only does it not directly touch the fragile nerves of S.H.I.E.L.D., but also successfully blends into supernatural circles and groups, and it can also be exposed to new magic knowledge and time gems.

Of course, when necessary. . Perhaps the arrogant means will not be so gentle.

But this is a discussion of some details.

"If there is no problem, we are today..."

Seeing that even Lucy did not object to his plan, Yi Chou was certainly pleased. He was planning to deploy today's action plan, and saw that Lucy suddenly waved his hand and interrupted his next impromptu speech.


"I have a message here." Lucy's head was on her side, as if listening to something. Yi Xiao knew that she was using magic to locate and search. "I think you should be interested."

"About Hulk Hulk."

"Then...?" Yi Xuan spread his hands and motioned to Lucy to continue.

"She has mutated, Maca Ray, Dr. Brisbane."

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