High Magic Earth

Chapter 1273: Who plans to move my cheese

Rosinian slums are not a chaotic zone, but they also do not bring much security.

Obviously, Brisbane has lived here for some time. Even if she didn't know her name and identity, the neighbors still knew her well.

It’s not surprising to see Bries wearing a hoodie, buckling her hat low, and even pressing a black peaked cap in it, striding away from this little half-shaded little shadow in the shadow of dawn lane.

At this time every other day, she would get up early and go out. As Yi and the two guessed, she was going to do yoga breathing training.

But no one knows that this time there was obviously a little difference in going out, because behind Bliss, two invisible people who could not see the figure were following.



"Fried chicken! Fried potatoes!"

The sky is shining, and this crowded city of angels has begun a busy day.

Although Rosinia is a ghetto, it is also an important attraction in Brazil, especially the exquisite shots in many movies.

Here is not as poor as people think. The narrow neighborhoods are equally prosperous. The crowded two-storey low-rise houses are crowded one by one, layered on top of each other, just like a three-dimensional pattern jumping on the paper. With a strange and magnificent beauty.

"Two pieces!"

Bliss bought two pieces of fried chicken and hamburger on the corner of the street, filling her normal belly.

Rosinian slums are far from as bad as imagined.

Although it may be because of various gray interests, the gangs inside may even fight hard with the outside police, but they are far less brutal about the people in the slums.

As long as they pay a small amount of due protection fees and pay back their debts in a timely manner, they will not trouble people in the slums, and they will even manage their own sites to prevent robbery and other bad things from happening.

The reason is also very simple. This is their home and the main source of manpower. If they treat the people brutally, who would like to join them.

And in fact, apart from a few outsiders, stowaways, or guys carrying cases, most of the main members of gangsters are from the local area. In a sense, they and the locals are themselves.

Of course, oneself will not do anything to oneself.

But...not so safe.

"Hey! Beauty!"

"Beauty, do you want to try my motorcycle!"

"Come on, Larry, what can you do with your broken motorcycle."

At least in other places, openly whistling, making fun in public, or even breaking the law in serious cases, but not here, and no one is in charge.

But it is not true that someone will move the foot, that is not allowed.

Yi Xiao and Lucy followed behind Blice, and since then, they had seen more than one group stop and whistle at Bries.

Although the appearance of Dr. Banner can't be considered a big beauty, it is also above the standard line. It is really rare in a broken place like Rosinia. It is not surprising that someone whistles.

Brice is skilled in throwing them behind, striding forward without looking back.

The place to learn yoga is not far from where Bryce lives. Even if she still needs to be careful to avoid congested crowds to prevent Hulk from appearing, it still takes not long to reach her destination.

"let's start."


Professor Yoga's yoga coach is a rigorous middle-aged man. He is strong and looks like a local. After the two salute each other, they begin to fight slowly and rhythmically.

In addition to yoga, Bries seems to learn something else.

The movement of the two was very slow. Instead of fighting, it was better to practice one by one. Bliss was afraid of being irritated and released Hulk, so she didn't take any effort at all.

The same is true of her coach.

Yi Xiao stood in the corner of the room, his head tilted involuntarily.

Under the simulation of the silver tongue, he can now announce that he is proficient in all known combat techniques in the world like a super-powerful guy who is rich.

The body of steel, the silver tongue of power such as the speed of power, may not be comparable to the original version, but knowledge, knowledge will never have such problems.

Looking at the movements of the two, Yi Xuan found that he had never seen such fighting techniques, which should not be traditional fighting techniques, but improved, for example... he vaguely saw the shadow of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu inside.


Standing in the corner of the room, watching Bries being gently dropped on the ground, even the sound didn't even make much noise. Yi Chou could not help but bored a yawn.

"We will continue to follow this."

His voice seemed helpless, "It's really boring."

But at the next moment, Yi Chou's crooked head was stiff because he saw Lucy's brow furrowed, and this expression was not common.

Sure enough, there was a pause, and Lucy showed a strange smile to Yi Chou.

"If we wish, we may not be able to stay here again."

"Someone invaded our shop."...

Three days ago.

Jessica Jones Office.



The knock on the door awakened Jessica from her drunken night.

The old wooden door of the office was pushed open, and because there was no money to repair it, the wooden door of the whole door panel was squeaky, filling the corridor of this old apartment.

"Not free today."

Looked at... No, who came, I didn’t even bother to look at it, Jessica burped a wine, moved her stiff body after the night, and dropped a lot of empty beer on the table by the way. The cans swept across the floor and said to the ground.

"Please help me...my child is missing."

The person who came was a middle-aged woman. Although her clothes were somewhat worn, she was decent. She should be a poor housewife who tried hard to make everything better.

"I said...not free today!"

But what Jessica didn't say was that her impatience was obvious.

Grabbing the few wine bottles by the hand, as they should be, they were all empty, which made Jessica even more upset.

"He has not returned for nearly a week, he has not even reached adulthood..." The middle-aged woman's expression was anxious and sorrowful, as if she would cry in the next moment.

"This is not the missing people's registration office...and I said it! I'm not available!"

The messy feeling made Jessica even more irritable. She grabbed her hair, and her short black hair immediately became messy.

The middle-aged woman's expression is a bit dazed. Isn't this a business office? It's normal to find a private detective in such a thing.

But when she lived in middle age and lived at the bottom of society, she had seen all kinds of people and things. She was not shaken by Jessica's bad attitude and said to herself.

"Please, please help me...my little Jamie."

"Oh... I'm so worried about him."

Because the two people don't pick each other's topics, ignore each other, and are expressing their own meaning, the dialogue between them seems to be like a play, which seems very interesting.

Jessica rolled her eyes, knowing that if she didn't say anything today, it might be impossible to pass this guy away.

"How do you know he is missing." Jessica started to put on her coat, then simply cleared the table, and got up to leave.

"He calls me every night, even if not, he will make up the next morning, but... there has been no news for more than a week."

"More than a week?"

Jessica raised her beautiful eyebrows with a somber expression, staring at the middle-aged woman with a pair of dead fish eyes.

Obviously, she did not believe it.

Although Jessica is lazy and decadent, she can be said that all the bad attitudes in life are pressed on her, but her IQ is definitely not low, otherwise it will not support a private detective's booth.

Poor and poorly composed family, at least no relatives or friends, otherwise she will not be the only one to ask for help, her son may not be a good person, this is not strange, because living in **** kitchen This is true for a group of young people, and few people will have a good way out.

She may have been divorced, or her husband unilaterally left the family, a middle-aged poor woman, with some nervousness, the child should be her only rely on, with such close attention once a day, she will be missing Came for help a week later?


The middle-aged woman has some congestion.

Jessica was too lazy to ask, and she was too lazy to give her an extra eye, anyway, she had no intention of dealing with these bad things and was able to push away the best.

As for why she didn't want to manage these things and opened a private investigative office, Jessica said... she was planning to close this broken place after her bills were found next month.

"Five days... four days, no, three days. Little Jamie has been missing for three days."

Seeing Jessica unmoved, the middle-aged woman quickly added.

Sure enough, it was really troublesome. Jessica hurriedly opened the door. As long as she left the office, all these annoying things got rid of. This guy couldn't chase himself to the bar.

As for his own room... nothing valuable except the empty wine bottle.

"What does your son do."

Striding through the corridor, Jessica pressed the elevator a few times, and then asked casually.

"Help me close the door."

Seeing the middle-aged woman chase out, Jessicayan raised her chin.

"I... I don't know."

The middle-aged woman hurriedly brought the door of the office and said intermittently, "but he always mixed with some Irish people."

"Damn the Irish gang."

Jessica rolled her eyes. In the Hell's Kitchen, there was nothing other than gangsters and crimes.


A crisp sound echoed through the corridor, and the elevator door opened in front of Jessica.

Half-footed on the elevator door, Jessica turned sideways and said, "Where is Hell's Kitchen? You know better than me."

Her words were merciless, without any cover-up, "He is dead." Jessica said, not feeling that she was cursing her potential customers.

"Perhaps dying on a street, his body has been converged by the police, and you will be notified in a short time, or dying in a sewer, it will take a long time to be discovered, and it is more likely that even the body cannot be found. ."

"The gangster..." Jessica shrugged mercilessly, making an expression that you should be able to understand what I meant, "...the end is always the same, sooner or later."

"So is your son."

"So listen to me, don't waste our time, or waste your money, go home early, get a good night's sleep, everything is over, and let me have a drink with peace of mind."

Jessica's mouth seemed to sneer.

I don't know if I am laughing at this poor man, or ironic herself, or laughing at everything in life.

Shaking his head, Jessica walked into the elevator and smoothly pressed the buttons on the first floor. It was not an event that required a private detective to go out, and there was nothing to investigate. The child who let his mother care about it, just died. It was just a gangster street fight.

Such a thing often happens in Hell's Kitchen, even almost every day.

The poor middle-aged woman didn't seem to react until the elevator door was closed halfway~www.wuxiaspot.com~ No...no! No no no! "

She shook her head frantically, trying to deny everything, telling Jessica, but more of telling her that Jamie was always smart, he never touched those dangerous things! "

"If he feels in danger, he will pretend to be sick, or even hurt himself to escape. He always has a way to get himself out, just like his damn, cunning father who should go to hell."

"My little Jamie won't be in trouble, he's just... he's just trapped."

The elevator door closed slowly, and Jessica leaned against the inner wall of the elevator. She looked at the middle-aged woman indifferently, watching her face disappear into the gap of the elevator door a little, until only her voice passed.

"Sleepy...trapped, yes, yes!"

"My little Jamie was just in trouble. I don't know what happened to him, but he suddenly became weird, and he didn't even say goodbye to me when he finally left."

"He never said goodbye to me, he would not do such a thing."

"He... seems to be no longer him..."

When the last sentence of the middle-aged woman floated through the gap of the elevator, Jessica's decadent eyes without focus seemed to froze for a second, then suddenly widened.

She grabbed the gap of the elevator door, and the terrible brute force rushed out of her not strong, even thin arms, accompanied by a squeaky squeaking noise, and forced the elevator door to the sides. Break it again.

Seemingly unaware of whether her pathetic wallet could withstand a new round of financial burdens, Jessica strode out of the elevator and came to the middle-aged woman whose expression was still sad, with dark circles, as if smeared The eyes of a thick layer of smoky makeup widened and asked with high voice.

"What did you say?" 8)

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