High Magic Earth

Chapter 1274: The murderer is. .

Dark tone hoodies, old-fashioned to scumbags, and a small camera, this is the classic three-piece suit Jessica Jones works.

Faced with the anxious and sad woman this morning, Jessica suddenly changed her mind not because of her conscience, but because of another reason.

When she continued to calmly ask a few questions and asked about the abnormal situation before her child disappeared, Jessica quickly came up with a name in her mind based on these abnormalities.

Jebdia Kilgrave.

Purple people.

A nightmare in her heart that can never be erased.

This terrible woman can control her people, use her language, just a sentence, strangers who do not even know can even die for her.

It can be analyzed from Jessica's so fierce reaction that the two obviously have a very unpleasant past memory.

In fact, now Jessica could not know whether she got rid of her.

Ziren's language power is very strong. People who are controlled by her should never want to rely on their own power to get rid of her for a lifetime. That is completely impossible.

But Jessica escaped, using her own power, but... now she began to doubt.

Jessica was afraid that it was only her self-righteousness. She thought that she had freed herself from Ziren’s shackles, got rid of her mind control and escaped. In fact, this is just another game of Ziren, it’s her Just let her go, like a cat and a mouse.

Jessica had seen those people and felt them firsthand. Those controlled by the Purple Man were like walking dead, no... more terrible than that.

It's like thinking and body are separated by rigidity, thinking is trapped behind a screen, and that screen is your own body, you can't do anything by cutting off the signal connection with the body, you can only watch His own body accomplishes things that he does not want to do at all.

Watching myself beating a stranger, watching him stab a sharp knife into the belly of a loved one, watching his hands stained with blood, watching himself walk up to the rooftop... and then leap forward.

Can't feel the pain, but can taste the despair that is more suffocating than death.

It was... a terrible experience.

Because it was so terrible, Jessica never believed that she had escaped the demon. She felt that all of this was like a dream. The current experience is dreaming, or the terrible memories. Is a nightmare.

She constantly anesthetized herself with alcohol, and only then could she enjoy a moment of tranquility.

But now, Ziren appears again, how can this not make Jessica anxious and panic.

Jessica was still a fairly qualified detective while she was up.

Even if things are slipping to a very bad point, she still has to calm down, and it is in this way that she needs to calm down, take the cocoon, and find really valuable clues.

Jamie Terry, a name with no special features, dropped a Kirita who killed 10 New Yorkers. Five people can call this name, and the remaining five are called Tom or Jack. He is that name. The son of the middle-aged woman is the missing luck.

According to the clues provided by the middle-aged woman, he was mixed with a group of Irishmen.

All Jessica could think of was the Irish gang in Hell's Kitchen, a group of gangsters who did nothing but acted as self-proclaimed assholes.

Although she is a private detective, Jessica doesn't like to be ganged up with the gangsters. Even though her power can handle most of the troubles, she still has a natural sense of respect for these things.

In other words, her heart didn't keep her from becoming a superhero, not because of fear, but because she didn't like trouble.

Gangs are always intertwined with trouble.

It was not a trouble to ask a small person named Jamietri among the bottom personnel. After swollen the third eye socket with his fist, Jessica got what she wanted and filled it. Own camera.

It does seem to be related to Ziren.

Some rumors have appeared in the Hell's Kitchen recently. It seems that there is a new player who wants to step in this big cake. He has quickly squashed some scattered small groups and quickly gathered from three people and five people. A force not to be underestimated——

And these people are very loyal, especially the leaders, who are almost completely loyal to this invisible existence.

Jessica's grim look is indeed very in line with the purple people's ability characteristics, because she only needs a light sentence, these people will rush to die to offer her loyalty, or even take out a real heart.

And Jamie Terry, the bottom of the gangster, the little person in the bottom, of course, it is impossible to come into contact with the high presence of the purple man.

But the boss above him was able.

According to the clues obtained by Jessica, the guy in charge of this area of ​​Jamie Terry came to Ireland with someone else one night and came back like a personal change and started to expand wildly.

You know, it’s not in the 50s and 60s during the heyday of the U.S.*. At random, people were killed by random guns. As long as there is no evidence to commit a few more people to commit crimes, the site can be snatched.

* The house is only open with one eye closed but not with one eye.

But that was because the various departments were chaotic at the time, and the interests were also very complicated. No one took care of these low-level civilians, and even if there was a telephone fax, the message was still relatively closed, which gave the black * party room to survive. .

Now...although the benefits still exist, it is far less complicated and huge, because the operation rules of the government have been perfected. If you want to succeed, you must follow the rules instead of using brute force. There are countless doubles hidden in the dark Her eyes are supervising each other, and they want to step on the other party's upper position, and no one dares to make any unusual moves.

The developed network even puts everything on a transparent level, and the living space of the black faction has been compressed again and again.

Although they still exist, they have rarely carried out **** and violent business, such as robbery, collecting protection fees, etc. * The gang disappeared in the eyes of ordinary people, and the main source of funds is those invisible businesses.

It can be said that they gave up those activities that are likely to cause panic to ordinary people, so that their exposure rate is greatly reduced, and it looks like they have disappeared, which extends their survival time.

After abandoning this part, they all turned into black business. Now the *gangs have lost the scene of street fighting in the past. They are more like businessmen, but they are completely illegal businessmen.

So this continuous outward expansion is simply crazy. Even in the fifties and sixties, there was no such crazy guy.

They don’t always think that it’s theirs after they have snatched it, but here in the United States, there is no power to surpass the government.

There is no response now, and once I get back to God, even just relying on the strength gathered by the New York Bureau, they can be destroyed.

*There is no shortage of vacancies in the national prison.

Such a move is completely self-defeating.

However, Jessica doesn't think it's the Purple Man's problem. Her terrible ability to manipulate people's hearts is not just about being able to control others. The people being controlled still actually have wisdom.

They will not go foolishly straight to achieve their goals, and will even use their minds to solve problems.

If it is the Purple Man who wants to integrate the dark power of Hell's Kitchen, then even with his orders, these influential cannon fodder will not be so reckless, they will still try to expand their power slowly without attracting the attention of the police.

Now the crazy behavior of these cannon fodder... obviously the purpose of the purple man is not to integrate the **** kitchen.

Jessica is not clear about the purpose of the Purple Man, but she must have other plans.

Jamie Terry is an unremarkable victim of this grand conspiracy.

According to the clues found, Jessica targeted a newly opened franchise store on the edge of Hell's Kitchen.

Obviously, a guy like Jamie Terry must not be exposed to the level of the Purple Man, but his boss is faithfully completing the tasks left by the Purple Man.

Everyone is constantly expanding outwards, and naturally, Jamietri received such an announcement.

But he didn't know what to do.

Let him scare ordinary people. After night, he took out his knife and made a small fortune. Perhaps Jamie has some experience and can win a little.

But grab the site? Please, a series of prohibited businesses such as arms, weapons, and other goods are the source of funds for the modern gang. There has been no clear site division for more than 60 years, because the site is on the street and it is already extinct. I am afraid no one knows at all. How to do.

As the miserable middle-aged woman said, her child Jamie was indeed a little clever.

After a long period of meditation, he and his companions finally stared at a newly opened store. The location of the store was very delicate, on the edge of the **** kitchen, and almost left this block. In fact, the store site already has Half is outside the block of Hell's Kitchen.

A shop selling movies and televisions.

Such a place, and it is still newly opened... certainly no one has visited.

Jamie Terry did not know the meaning of his boss. After thinking about it, he decided to receive a symbolic protection fee, and then faced his face to complete the task.

His instincts told him that the chaos in Hell's Kitchen is now abnormal.

Jamie Terry didn’t know any Jin and didn’t know Mrs. Gao, the hand meeting, not even the Purple Man. He was just one of the most obscure garbage in Hell’s Kitchen, but garbage also has the wisdom of garbage and their survival. This is the way they can survive in this chaotic neighborhood.

It's a pity... this time his little cleverness did not bring good luck as usual, instead, he chose a funeral route to hell.

Jamie is missing, just after coming to this surrounding store.

Jessica repeatedly compared a lot of clues, and finally targeted the store. Jamie disappeared after coming here, or... he was missing here, this store.

At the time, there were two other people who came with Jamie. The three of them came to this surrounding store together.

According to the half-dead memory of being beaten by Jessica, Jamie is used to doing things in the morning, that is to say, he and his companions come here during the day.

But with Jessica's investigations around the store, she found that not only did there be no witnesses, but no one in the neighborhood felt anything unexpected that day.

On that day, the neighborhood seemed to be as quiet as before, and in fact, because few things in Hell's Kitchen would spread to the edge of the block, it was not only quiet, but calm.

It was just that after Jessica continued to dig deeper, she immediately realized that something strange seemed to be revealed.

It’s not surprising that no one saw how Jamie and others came out, because maybe they wouldn’t be able to come out, but no one saw Jamie and others come here, then it’s obviously not normal.

Unless Jamie did not come to this store, all the clues Jessica got were wrong.

After discovering this, Jessica returned to the place where she heard the news. After some argument and investigation, she found a clue that she did not know whether she should be happy or distressed.

Jamie and others did come to this store, because at that time he also posted a selfie on Twitter ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then this extended another problem.

Where did the three Jamietris go, or... why no one has seen them, not when they left, but when they came here, someone saw him.

Jessica has long found several very good perspectives for observing the surrounding stores. She has separately chatted with the owners of these houses that can view the entire scenery. Their answers are very uniform, but they have never seen this. three people.

But Jessica obviously wouldn't believe it, because the position she was sitting in now almost covered the situation outside the street and in front of the surrounding shops, and there was no possibility of subconsciously ignoring Jamie and others.

And Jessica asked not one person.

One person may be lying, two people may be colluding well, but Jessica almost asked everyone around the nearby store, but the answer is very consistent. On that day, they had never seen three people enter the house. shop.

It is impossible for everyone to lie together, even if they are hiding a common secret, everyone will not tell the secret together.

Things seemed a bit troublesome, and Jessica felt that it might be beyond her ability to solve.

Of course, there is another possibility, and the most reasonable explanation, that Jamie and others have never been here.

But Jessica instinctively thinks that this is not the case. There is a problem in this store. The key to the problem lies in this store. This judgment does not come from her superpowers or the like, but simple, woman’s. intuition.

After deliberating for half a second, Jessica, with a pair of desolate dead fisheyes, was ready to find out for herself.

Although it is somewhat reckless or dangerous, maybe you will find any useful clues, such as... three bodies or something. 8)

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