High Magic Earth

Chapter 1276: Immunity is the most annoying property


The girl is screaming.

There is a mess in the store, a broken craft compass, a deformed Bijin armor, and a few pieces of other skills, the entire surrounding store seems to be in a car accident.

The blood permeated the ground, several people fell here, and there were also a few people standing, including the ugly face.

He doesn't like this troublesome store, but it doesn't mean he can tolerate others to destroy it like this.

How did it become like this. . It's probably starting from half an angle.

. . .

Jessica Jones Detective Office.

Yi Biao has heard of this place, one of Marvel’s world-famous attractions, like the Stark Industrial Building, Karma Taj, Lawyer Ma’s law firm, and a sequence in New Mexico.

Since Anjia is in Hell's Kitchen, of course Yi Biao cannot fail to understand all this.

He knew exactly where Jessica was.

When he didn't understand why Jessica came to the door, what did he do? Sure enough, no superhero will appear for no reason, but. . Yi Biao really didn't want to know what Jessica Jones' story line touched.

The two came from Brazil, and in less than thirty seconds, even Lucy couldn't analyze too much content.

So even before pushing the door open, Yi Biao knew that Jessica was inside, and he still looked surprised.

Even anti-guests.

He wanted to see what happened.

The atmosphere is silent.

After Jessica Jones said this, Yi Chou didn't react. The **** guy, Jessica rolled her eyes very uncomfortably in her heart.

It must be a habitual crime, otherwise it will not be so calm.

And Yi Hao, a classmate who has been recognized as a habitual offender, opened his hands very innocently.

"Okay, the office, a private detective, but this can't be the reason for you to break into someone else's store without permission. If you don't give me a reasonable explanation, I will call the police."

"Yeah." Jessica stared at Yi Chou and nodded. "You really should explain."

Taking a deep breath, Yi Chou presses to be unhappy.

Whether Jessica Jones admits herself or not, whether she is a superhero or not, it is undeniable that she possesses the character of a potential hero, and she still can't frame or even take a bite.

So since she asked Yi Xiao to give an explanation, then there must be a reason.

Look, this is the sign of a superhero. Except for those anti-heroes who are indefinite, most of them are God's messengers walking on earth. Their characters are almost perfect.

Even Yi Biao believes them.

The first time Jessica questioned, Yi Biao did not think it might be the reason for the other party.

Unless there is any misunderstanding, because it is what makes Yi Huo depressed, he really does not know what is going on, why does Jessica ask, it is not that he is confused, maybe. ♀Is there really any misunderstanding?

"What the **** do you want me to explain?" Yi Huo increased his tone. "You better speak clearly."

"Because in my opinion, you are an uninvited guest who trespasses on my store. Listening to what you mean, there seems to be my problem."

"Either you just say it casually, or... maybe something is wrong."

"You can think about it, no matter what it is, if it really has nothing to do with me, you repeatedly ask, and it will only make the misunderstanding bigger and bigger, right."

Yi arrogant tone is very sincere, and not organized.

He didn't look down on the classic scenes of TV dramas, and it was obviously only a small problem, but it was tossed and finally made the problem more and more troublesome.

Such a **** situation is bound to be eliminated.

Jessica was stunned by the series of explanations from Yi Huo, but after thinking about it, she felt very eternal,

She looked a little embarrassed. Jessica was not a person who was good at talking with people, and she was not good at apologizing. It was really inappropriate to be dismissed by Yi Chou's comments.

Sure enough, these superheroes like to pretend to pretend to be like they are acting like a stage play.

On the other hand, Yi Huo, who was waiting quietly, was upset with patience. Similarly, Lucy next to him showed a masterly actor level, standing in fear in the shop door, as if there was something in the next moment. In an accident, she would flee.

"I'm tracing a young man named Jamiteri." After sorting out the language, Jessica whispered, "He was born four days ago."

Of course, Yi Xiao can also stop talking to Jessica.

Jessica Jones’s super power and flying ability may be very powerful in the eyes of ordinary people, but in front of Yi Chou, it is still not enough to watch.

Unless it reaches a powerful level of qualitative change like the Scarlet Witch, no amount of so-called super power has any meaning.

It can be said that in this Marvel world that seems to be in the background of film and television, few people can threaten Yi Chao at all.

but. . Yi Chou will not do this.

It’s easy to kill Jessica, and then what next, slaughter the entire Marvel world?

Although it is not difficult, it is also not a simple matter, and it also has dangers and risks, not to mention, no one can guarantee that this will not attract some existing attention.

Of course, there are also traversers who are keen on killing and even killing everyone, so maybe. 』Will attract attention, it is just maybe.

The best way is to be a normal person, a normal traversal, and integrate here. This is the safest way.

Yi Xiao listened to Jessica's story as usual, and no one could see what thought had turned in his heart.

"Four days ago, Jamie Terry and his two companions came here and lived." Jessica continued to tell in that calm voice, ". ♀ is where they last appeared."

"Where are they?"

In the process of telling, Jessica kept staring at Yi Chou's eyes.

Although she is not professional, she is still able to judge whether the other party is nervous or registered through some slight movements and changes in her expression.

After all, she is also a detective and she has learned theoretical knowledge in this area.

unfortunately. . No matter Yi Miao's expression or eyes, there is no slight change.

Magic is magic. Under the control of magic, even the most compact machine cannot detect any errors.

But in fact, Yi Chou's heart at this time is actually very depressed.

"Those three?" He whispered with Lucy using his telepathic ability, "Just because those three dragon suits aren't count? Is Jessica here because of them?"

Yi Chou used three questions in a row.

Because he had never thought about solving the three non-influential Xu Xuan, adding an experimental material to himself would eventually attract Jessica Jones.

New York is really small.

"It should be the **** kitchen is very small." Lucy whispered, "Jessica Jones, Matt Murdoch, their focus is all on the bottom of the **** kitchen."

"And the people in Hell's Kitchen...all are people from the bottom, who are doing illegal or bottom-level work."

"The three people may not be members of the black group. They may just scare the bad boy or bad boy who scares ordinary people. They have their own family, their parents, their own loved ones."

"Their birthday.-It's not strange to move Jessica."

Yi Chou raised his eyebrows.

"Oh... It's so good, I'm all touched."

"But it makes no sense."

Because no matter what they do, they can’t hide or be excused.

Bad guys should not be sympathized and bestowed with kindness because of misery. That will only lead to more bad guys, let the good guys become bad guys, and repeat the tragedy again and again.

"I remember...you said everything was resolved." Yi Xuan continued to ask, "No one saw them come in, and no one saw them leave."

"They will die in various corners in various reasonable and unexpected ways, and then wait to be discovered."

"Yes, sir."

Lucy's expression was indifferent, "I really did."

"Then why Jessica will still find it."

The answer to the question was revealed by Jessica herself, because she could not understand the communication between Yi Xuan and Lucy, and she continued her story.

"I investigated here and found a very strange problem."

"Their companions told me... they came here, but I didn't find them on the monitor, they disappeared, they are here."

"In this shop."

Jessica stared at Yi Chou violently.

"Maybe you can give me an explanation."

"Explain where they went, you put their bodies. ∝ where."

Yi Chou really rolled his eyes this time.

"That's the solution you said?" he shouted to Lucy.

It is a pity that it is not a good time to find Lucy, because Jessica is still waiting there.

Obviously, this is a hassle.

Because she seems to believe that Yi Xuan killed the three of them, and Yi Xuan's suspicion is indeed very large, and he still can't take out the body, can't take out the body. ♀It is a matter of course, no murderer would be stupid enough to do so.

As for handing over the body. . That's better.

Yi Xiao couldn't directly tell Jessica where they died, even if his magic could be traced, because there was no release.

This is really a problem.

But Yi Chou's heart did not actually have much attachment.

He and Lucy envisioned many ways to intervene in the plot, this one. . Nature is also among them. Of course, as the innocent and dangerous innocence left from the beginning, it is destined to be easy to start and super heroes are out of tune.

It is best to think of a way. . Fool around.

Jessica Jones is not that cheating.

Everyone in the League of Defenders has a good ability. Jessica only has the power and the flying time, which seems to be not enough.

But this is not the case, it may be related to her occupation. . Jessica's intuition is very strong, which is the sixth sense.

She can feel the danger ahead of time, and she can also tell if someone else is telling the truth, otherwise she won't be able to find it with such a clue.

perhaps. ˇIt is time to try the Soul Charm.

Jessica suddenly felt a chill, she did not see any change in the expression of the person in front of her, or something with a dangerous look, but she really felt the danger.

While Jessica was secretly vigilant, Yi Chou suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Because he and Lucy felt at the same time that some people were coming to their stores, no matter who they were, they would always break the situation.

But then, the two were in the same group of helplessness. Obviously, there would not be such a coincidence in the world. These people should also be directed at Jessica or something else, which would also bring a lot of trouble.

"Who are they?"

Yi Huo asked in a low voice.

But Lucy dragged him inwardly, behaving in response, she couldn't tell who these people belonged to, but. . It is very likely that the people of Ziren.

Because there is a guy in this group wearing a purple suit and a purple hat, Jessica's rival, the Purple Man, is this classic dress.

According to the law of superheroes, where there are superheroes, there must be supervillains.

So there is a great possibility that this guy's identity is Ziren.

. . If she is a man.

Lucy passed all these messages to Yi Chou.

"Damn..." Yi Xuan uttered an inexplicable sigh.

Dr. Brisbane, Tolia Stark, now. . Female Purple Man? The villains have also become women. Has everyone in the world become women?

He stepped back quietly and stepped aside. The next moment, the door was pushed open, and Ziren brought a group of ordinary people under her control and swarmed in.

"Purple people..." Yi arrogantly whispered, then backed away.

Sure enough, it was her.

Although Ziren was also disgruntled and looked like he was about to smash his shop, in fact, Yi Chou was still more grateful for her arrogance.

First of all, he is quite sure~www.wuxiaspot.com~Purple people should come and fall in love with Jessica, secondly. . The Purple Man interrupted Jessica's constant questioning.

Now Yi Xiao does not need to expose his magic or expose his own peculiarities, as long as he quietly moves the body to a place easily found by Jessica, disguising the evidence and waiting for the matter between Jessica and the Purple Man to end , Jessica found the body again. . Then this thing is over.

Perfect solution.

While leaving a good taro, I also came into contact with the group of superheroes. If there is no accident, the next plot line will be much richer.

Yi Chou could not help but feel a little happy.

But a pity. . At the next moment, this good mood was broken by the Purple Man.

"Ziren? Are you talking about me?" Ziren is a very well-cultivated lady. His tone is not in a hurry, but the words he says are not ladylike, but full of blood.

"I don't like the name, close your mouth, you don't need to talk about this function in the future, I don't want to see you again, find a place... Solve yourself."

Ziren gave orders without hesitation to Yi Huo.

For ordinary people, being affected by the power of the Purple Man will make her commands an irresistible truth that must be executed.

But obviously. . Whether it is the psychic level of brain occlusion or the hormonal level of the pseudo-steel body, this induction is meaningless to Yi Chao.

"What?" Yi arrogantly stunned.

At the same time, Ziren and Jessica were also stunned. Lucy, who was the wooden man next to her, twitched her lips and attached it to the IQ that was declining.

Seeing that the two had different expressions, Yi Chou was also stunned, and then realized what was going on, "Oh... you stupid."

His eyes fell gently on Ziren, "You ruined it all."

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