High Magic Earth

Chapter 1277: Action movies will always have funny characters

Time seemed to freeze at this moment.

Yi Xiao spreads his hands and has a helpless expression, seems to have a look of waste that hates iron and steel, and Ziren and Jebdia are also stunned there. It seems that they don’t understand why they have always had unfavorable superpowers in this nasty. The guy lost the effect.

She always stood above her, complacent, and looked at everyone, as if she were the expression of her own slave, with a moment of loosening.

Proud and confused are mixed together, giving a strange feeling.

Jessica wasn't much better. At this short moment, her expression was rainbow-like and varied.

When the Purple Man first appeared, she was surprised, and then realized that everyone present was in danger, because the Purple Man would turn everyone into her own enemy.

Sure enough, the unlucky shop owner became a victim of Ziren.

If he is innocent, then he is the victim, who dragged him down, um. . He will avenge him. If he killed the three young men, then he might face a murderous madness, um. . Jessica will avenge those three young men.

But in the next moment, Yi Chou's performance broke Jessica's cognition of Ziren.

He is immune to this power that can control the heart.

Jessica immediately realized what it meant, which meant that perhaps he was the only hope in the world other than himself that could fight the Purple Man.

I have to say, classmate Jessica, you still know too little.

If Wanda is here, the Purple Man will definitely be scared to death by himself, if it is vision. . Well, if you want to control the most powerful soul power in the universe, Ziren is brave enough.

In the same way, the immunity shown by Yi Chou will make Ziren at all costs. . Kill him.

Jessica's expression changed from worry to surprise, and from surprise to nervousness, but in the end, it turned into a kind again, which I had already seen through.

Very good, very decadent apathy of Jessica Jones.

She squinted at Yi Chou, leaning lazily on the armrest next to her. I knew that you were not simple, and I must be hiding something big secret.

Although it was only a half and half detective, Jessica's ability to speak and watch was very good.

She naturally soon realized that despite facing such a weird thing, and being so close to Ziren, Yi Chou didn't feel a little nervous at all.

Of course, it is not ruled out that Yi Biao knows nothing, and the ignorant are fearless, but Jessica doesn't think it is the latter.

The only possibility is that Yi Chou doesn't care about Jebdia at all.

Poor Jebdia, she may be in trouble this time.

Faced with the change of face on the scene, it seemed that the three people who participated in the competition, and Lucy, who had been watching with cold eyes, were bored.

As the processing power of magic intelligence, she can record everything deeply into her mind and deep into her eyes. Everyone, every movement, every second, she can clearly capture.

It's like a farce.

Lucy rolled her eyes, "jesus... who will save me, when will it end."

Jebdia finally recovered from her daze, "...I said, you are going to die now, and jump off the upper floor." She said clearly again.

Yi Ao looked at her silently, as if looking at a stick.

When Yi Chou was still indifferent for the second time, Jebdia could finally be sure that his ability was not effective for him.

It’s not an illusion, it’s not an accident, that is. . invalid.

This is the first time she has encountered such a situation in the Marvel world for so many years.

If you want to control a wizard, Jebdia still thinks too much. Not every wizard is proficient in occultation, and even learning is not difficult. But obviously, Yi Chou will not forget to exercise this magic.

And that is long past. The shadow energy wraps the arrogant brain and heart like a hard magic armor.

Want to pry open the shell of Yihuo from the spiritual level, unless reaching a higher qualitative change, such as the scarlet witch from the comic world, or her fellow x professor.

Of course, the power of the Purple Man does not seem to be the ability to win the inspiration. The TV series Jessica Jones is more like a physical variation.

In the original setting, the Purple Man was a spy from Croatia, because of various accidents and something, eventually there was an irreversible mutation.

His whole body turned purple, and he had the resilience that could withstand a few rounds in the non-human circle, as well as super physical fitness.

Then comes his signature ability to control others.

Using one of the hormones he emits, combined with his voice and words, will let others obey him.

Yes, this is the mutation and irreversible damage that the neurotoxin brings to him, so he can also use hormones to control other people, not the abstract ability of telepathy, but the actual body mutation.

He should be classified as Spider-Man, not the Scarlet Witch.

Of course, it is impossible to be an Iron Man formation.

However, in the TV series, his Croatian identity was jammed and turned into a lucky man with an unfortunate childhood. His parents were scientists and his ability. ⊥ is an unexpected product of the experiment.

But the use of hormones to control others has not changed.

So although he is not the power of the mysterious side, the brain closure technique, the shadow energy defense may be useless, but it is not so easy to want to hurt Yi Chou at the physical interface.

The pseudo-Kryptonian's steel body constitution and the pseudo-swift speed leader's approaching speed of sound make Yi Chou basically no enemies unless they encounter the original users of these energies.

In addition, Yi Chou's physique is naturally not greatly enhanced, because this may be the top priority.

The wizard has always been the representative of crispy skin. In order to obtain the silver tongue-like wishing power, as long as it can be realized with reasonable power, of course, Lucy must strengthen the first time, that is, the survivability of Yi Noo.

Although the self-healing power of Wolverine and the speed of regeneration of the Deadpool, although they can’t keep up with the original version, Yi Chou can also proudly announce that he can also shoot a few guns without dying as he often performed in the movie, and he was simply bandaged with a knife. You can get up and continue throwing fireballs.

And this is just a protective force that acts directly on the body.

In addition, there are also plans for return, forced transfer, life change, etc. Lucy even successfully wrote a story to show the resurrection cross.

Of course, in order to make the story reasonable, there must be many restrictions on the use of the resurrection cross, and the cost is very high.

In fact, Yi Chou can confirm that Ziren Diabiya's ability comes from hormones.

Because the first time she spoke, Yi Chou felt that there seemed to be something that wanted to pierce her skin and turn into her flesh and blood.

But not only his skin was not punctured, even if mixed into his flesh and blood, the powerful regeneration and self-healing power would assimilate these things, or squeeze out of the skin.

The first Kryptonian universe is not blown out.

but. . Although it is determined that the ability of Ziren is through hormones, more information is available but it is not available.

He is not sure whether the purple man here is the purple man of the TV plot he is familiar with. Although her strength is not like a comic, it is not sure that it comes from a TV series.

after all. . The one in the TV series is not called Jebdia.

Despite her angry eyes, Jebdia opened her mouth and then opened and opened, "Why are you..." She even stuttered.


Lucy couldn't bear it at last.

"For God's idiot's sake." She snatched Jebdia's words. "You just want to ask why your ability is not effective for him."

"I tell you, it's simple, it's ineffective... As for the reason? Just like why you can control others, do you need a reason, no need."

After being robbed white by Lucy, Jebdia's face began to turn blue.

She is an arrogant and crazy person who has suffered from various scientific experiments from the beginning. Now she disguises herself with a high-level shell.

And she also has this capital.

She can use voice and language to control anyone, everyone, and a quiet person.

In other words, the people in the whole world are her slaves, and as long as she wants, she is the king of the world and does not need to be robbed like the idiots in the movie.

She is the king of the world, in a true sense.

So how could she look down on ordinary people, she did not even consider ordinary people as human beings. In this world, she thought that she was the only kind of her, probably only Jessica Jones.

Same special.

Jessica had inadvertently displayed super power, so she was stared at by Jebdia. In her eyes, Jessica was like a beautiful craft.

That's all.

Jessica's power is too far behind Jebdia.

But all this was before Jessica couldn't resist Jebdia's ability. After Jessica broke free from Jebdia's shackles with her own will, her status finally rose from a fine art. It was Jebdia’s treasure.

Her good girl, the only kind in the world.

When Jessica was not under control, Jebdia naturally dared not get close, but she wanted to be close, and wanted to get Jessica’s treasure, so Jebdia followed Jessica all the time. Around.

Constantly use other people to monitor Jebdia, even directly control others, and integrate into Jessica's life.

And now. . A second such person appeared.

Jebdia despised ordinary people, and she has such a qualification. Ordinary people can't even speak without her orders, how can they sneer at Jebdia.

After listening to Lucy's words, Jebdia's face turned from blue to white.

"Shore." Yi Biao shrugged insincerely, "Why do I think the following mocking will be bad."

Jebdia stared coldly at the two people, her eyes looked like they were looking at the dead, the smile on her face faded, her hands folded on her belly, and the whole person revealed a coolness.

The atmosphere fell silent for a while.

Even the most sloppy Jessica did not speak for a moment, but waited for a pair of godless dead fisheyes, looked at this, and then looked at that.

Then her eyes suddenly fell on a bottle of red wine on the counter next to it, and Jessica's eyes lit up, and she no longer paid attention to the situation.

Three seconds, five seconds, or half a minute?

No one knows how long time has passed until. .

"I don't understand, Deve, there aren't any of our favorite comics here, why are we here?"

The sound and the figure appeared at the same time at the door of Yihuo's shop almost at the same time. There were three people, all young girls, and the voice was walking on the left, a fat looking guy.

The three of them walked together and chatted violently, not even noticing what was happening in the shop.

"...It doesn't matter if there is no comics, we can bring it by ourselves. I just think it is far away here, don't you think it's like our secret base."

"Secret base refers to a base without others. How could a store be used as a secret base." Another girl next to him who was also slightly fatter was obviously still correct, and said mercilessly.

The three parties in the shop watched the three lucky guys silently, and then watched them push open the door~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Pushed open the door and walked in. The fat girl raised her head instinctively, and then the next moment.

"Shore..." she murmured as she stayed where she was.

The other two alcoholic companions also seemed to be aware of the abnormality, and they also raised their heads and immediately saw that everyone was paying attention to them. Immediately, they swallowed saliva in unison.

After three seconds of silence, Jebdia whispered quietly, "Kill them."

Although the sound was not loud, it was still very clear in the shop that was originally quiet to death. These three lucky guys naturally heard clearly.

They screamed neatly and then said in unison, "Why kill us!"

No one paid attention to these three idiots, and at the moment of receiving Jebdia's order, the ordinary people behind her who were controlled by her moved together.

They were like dead zombies and rushed to Yi Chou suddenly.

Tables, chairs, and any other debris, hands, feet, and even teeth that are placed beside them, they use everything that can be used in order to hurt Yi Chou.

It is said that human beings cannot exert all their powers because the body has an instinctive mechanism of self-protection.

So obviously, the person under control is able to express all his power.


Because at this time, the person with the fastest speed has even rushed to Yi Chou's head.


Along with Jessica's shouting, Yi Chou choked the neck of the individual, and flicked it back. With the sound of the alley, he directly smashed the cabinet and shattered it, and then fell into it, never again. Crawl out again.

"Now... I finally know why New York was destroyed so many times." Yi arrogant tone was plain.

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