High Magic Earth

Chapter 1279: I can't think of the title at 1 o'clock

"I'm not your cat."

Jessica didn't throw Jebdia at all, and faced the Purple Man, she was only full of anger and hatred.

She can never forget the things she did while she was under the control of the Purple Man, the blood full of hands, the pleading gaze even now will wake her up from the nightmares in the middle of the night.

She could not forget what Ziren did to herself, as if it was a long nightmare, and she would never see cramps until now.

Jessica squeezed her fist, and her seemingly thin hands immediately clicked.

Her power is not a joke, she can punch Jebdia into a pie.

However, in the face of Jessica’s threat, Ziren didn’t even care about it. “But I’m still your master, always.” She said with a smile.

The faint smile was ridiculous, making Jessica's anger surge wildly.

"You are not the owner of anyone."

Jessica froze, although she was a little bit decadent, she still didn't seem to have much deterrence.

So Ziren seemed to be more arrogant. She seemed to forget that there was another clamor beside her. Waving her hand again, the two unlucky eggs fell to the ground and climbed up regardless of the injury. With a look of pain, they quickly rushed towards Jessica. .

"Qing Fan," she said, "I can dominate anyone."

"But you can't even control your own destiny." Jessica said without hesitation.

Since the day Jessica fled the Purple Man, she has never forgotten the threat. Since then, she has also used her detective skills to collect a lot of information about the Purple Man.

One of them was vaguely related to her childhood.

However, the specific recorded words are unclear, vague, and there is no valuable information, and Jessica is only half-knowledge, and can not speculate at all.

She just spoke casually.

But I didn't expect that this sentence seemed to pierce some kind of pain in Ziren. Her face sank, with a look of anger and anger.

"You always know that it's no good to anger me."

"You are the smartest one."

"And now I am a little unhappy."

I have to say that Ziren's sarcasm is first-class.

In fact, she used to say these things before. The so-called before was of course when she still controlled Jessica, just like she was controlling kittens and puppies.

Jessica is very obedient. This is of course. The Purple Man's ability to order others makes everyone listen to her.

But Jessica is the most obedient, because of her great strength and high combat effectiveness, she can do many things that ordinary people simply cannot do.

Ziren used it most smoothly, so she thought she was the most obedient.

For Jessica, this is definitely an insult.

At the same time, Jessica was also angered by the Purple Man.

"Is it." She strode towards the Purple Man, her face drooping slightly, like a female gangster. "That's a coincidence, because I am also very unhappy."

Jessica wasn't a good-tempered person at all. It was her nature to be anxious and impulsive. Her anger surged, and the thought of delaying time was thrown behind her.

Now she has only one thought in her mind, that is revenge.


Like playing bowling, Jessica opened her hands one by one, and flew out the two unlucky eggs that threw her right and left against her.

How did they come, how did they go back.

Normal people face this kind of situation, either ulcer retreat, or who ulcers in other ways, but unfortunately, the people controlled by Jebdia can not have their own thinking.

Regardless of the pain in their bodies, the two climbed up again as soon as they landed, trying to continue to prevent Jessica from advancing.

Seeing the imposing Jessica, Jebdia also quickly backed away. She may not have reacted. After all, the two of them suddenly played with their mouths and guns.

But at this time, she seemed to realize suddenly that her surroundings seemed to be too quiet.

So she turned sharply, and she saw Yi Xiao and Lucy, looking at herself expressionlessly

Jebdia's ability is undoubtedly very disgusting, even if she controls some ordinary people, the sea of ​​tactics can defeat most of the enemy.

If they are faced with those superheroes, they are even more afraid of hurting innocent people.

Although Jessica has not yet become a superhero, joined the Defender League, and her character is never perfect, but she also does not want to hurt the innocent.

She has already done it.

Now she just wants to redeem.

At the moment of hands-on, Jessica had some regrets, but it was too late, her power was great, but her fighting skills were almost zero.

She has learned some fighting skills, but only to the point of being able to make some tactical moves. She can't control her power at all, and she has always used her strange powers in battle, so let alone talk about the perfect control of freely Too.

Wanting her to change direction halfway is a dream.

Two hammers with windy fists were fiercely hammered on the stomachs of two unlucky eggs, causing them to fly out, and luckily they couldn't stand up if they hit their chests.

And when they persevered to get up and tried to continue to block themselves, there was indeed a moment when Jessica even thought that it would be better to kill them directly.

But then, when the three children were rushing towards her, Jessica finally calmed down.

They are all innocent, all are victims, and the only enemy is Jebdia.


Jessica stepped back and whispered.

Facing a guy who threw himself at him again, Jessica flicked aside, avoiding his attack, while palms lightly hit his neck.

Even though Jessica's movements were very light, the man who still hurt hurt his teeth.

Yes, they can't control their bodies, but their instincts are still there, and their thinking is also there. They can still see it and feel it.

It’s just not as real as it is dreaming.


Jessica was speechless.

She broke free from the other guy's block, and then went up with a knife.

This time her strength was slightly stronger, and the guy's neck swelled at a rate that was visible to the naked eye, but she continued to pounce perseverance.

Jessica’s approach was already obvious. She tried to stun these guys, but unfortunately, her power was not so easy to control.

The apology she said was not about being stunned, but about how to stun them.

A group of controlled puppets are naturally entangled with Sika. She easily breaks away and evades, taking advantage of the chance to cut several times on the neck of this unlucky egg, just like chopping wood.

And in the seventh, this guy finally passed out in luck.


At the moment when he fell, a guy staring at a high-powered telescope was also relieved at the three-story height of a skyscraper outside Yi Chou's shop.

He couldn't even look down on him as a bystander, it really embarrassed the guy.

At the same time, everyone in the room, Yi Chou, Lucy, and even Budi Biya also breathed a sigh of relief. Jessica's style was very fierce and very her style, but the technology was too Oops, even they looked at it and couldn't stand it anymore.

Fortunately, this guy finally passed out.

But Yi Xiao always felt that it was not Jessica who knocked him out, but the pain passed out.

Just as Jessica tried to shift her target to the next persevering person, a few black lights flashed quickly, and the people around her instantly collapsed on the ground.

Yi Biao was too lazy to see Jessica continue to waste time here and directly used a spell to help her solve the problem.

Jessica’s eyes seemed a little puzzled, but Jessica’s style of doing things worked again. Now her primary goal is Ziren, only Ziren is the number one enemy. Besides that, nothing matters, she Don't care.

I originally thought that Ziren had ran away for so long, but without thinking, as soon as I looked up, I saw Ziren standing honestly not far away.

And Jebbiah's side is the owner of the shop and his clerk and friends.

After all, in Jessica’s investigation, the two had been together for a long time. It seems that this has been the case since she moved in. She hasn’t heard of any store clerk who wants to be with her boss, Zong.

She didn't care why these two people could resist Ziren's control, or how they caught Ziren.

After all, since he is immune to the control of Ziren, Ziren is like an ordinary person without any special abilities when facing him. It is not surprising that he is caught.

And Jessica, who has been in the **** kitchen all year round, also knows a little. It is no good to know too much, and curses are often caused by curiosity.

A thorough investigation will only cause trouble to her, and Jessica doesn't want to know everything about the owner of the shop. Even she now regrets to check his information.

These thoughts flashed in Jessica's mind, and finally she pretended she didn't think of anything. She raised her chin and continued to say with a cold face, "You caught her?"

Knowing nonsense, Jessica's style.

After all, Jessica only has two states, either a drunken decadent life state, or a battle state that is calmly faced by the enemy.

Making her normal is more difficult than letting her not be poisonous, and making her stun others.

Facing Jessica's question, Yi Xiao nodded with a smile, "Yes, as you can see." He replied, "But I want to correct it, not that I caught her, but I caught you." ."

Jessica didn't seem to expect Yi Chou to say that.

After froze for three or two seconds, she reacted and understood the meaning of Yi Chou.

"If you're still worried about me breaking into your shop, I apologize." Jessica opened her hands very decisively, but she didn't seem to expect much, "This is a misunderstanding."

"I'm not talking about this." Yi Huo still smiled, "I don't care."

Jessica didn't follow Yi Chou's thoughts, and then received a sentence that was because of it, but after a few seconds of pause, she suddenly asked, "Who are you."

Yi Xuan replied with a smile, "An ordinary person."

Ordinary people who want to work hard into this world and become an ordinary person. "

Jessica seemed to understand something.

She was still holding a face, still seemingly unable to mention how many spirits, "I won't say anything," she promised.

But a pity

"I don't believe it." Yi Huo smiled. "There is only one person who says nothing."


Jessica continued softly, clenching her hands firmly.

Although the owner of this shop looks very weird, Jessica is also confident that she may not be able to defeat the other party, but it is certainly possible for someone to escape.

But unexpectedly, in the face of Jessica's answer, Yi Huo looked strange.

"Of course people with amnesia." He looked at Jessica in a weird tone. "Why do you think so? It's a big thing to be alone, not to mention so many people."

"Isn't it clear that there is a problem here."

Jessica has not listened to these nonsense Yi Yi because she is more curious

"Amnesia?" She stared at the pair of smoky eyes, "How do you do it?"

"In fact, it's very simple."

Yi Xiao exposed his white teeth, and it was no longer necessary to take out the old wand, but he was not used to it when holding a spell.

Then he aimed at an ordinary man beside him who had been controlled by the Purple Man.

"At least yes for me."

No one wants to allow others to manipulate their brains, their own thinking, including Sika.

So obviously, fierce resistance is necessary.

The room seemed to be in chaos again, a violent collision sounded several times, and new things were broken at any time, but it didn't take long, and finally it was completely quiet.

In the distance, the agents hiding on the third floor of the building suddenly raised their telescopes.

According to the agent's experience and intuition, it should be over.

No matter which side wins, this is the best time to get a milk report~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and soon, this agent who doesn’t know whether it is lucky or unfortunate, feels his three views and world view Was reshaped.

They didn't even remember anything, and then left peacefully.

Including those who are seriously injured, they even have a false memory in their brains, telling them what happened, and how they came here because of various coincidences.

"Are you able to control the thinking of others like the code-named Purple Man?" the agent mumbled to himself, and transmitted the information back in real time and backed it up.

"Hypnotherapy, mind control, or making up false memories or whatever, these problems don't need me to worry."

The agent quickly thought of several possibilities, and then gave up to continue thinking.

He is not a researcher, nor does he need to study.

"If you don't make any memories for them, I'm afraid you never thought that everything has been clearly seen by another person."

Watching the last person leave the shop, the agent also breathed a sigh of relief. He lifted the alert state, slightly intentionally, and whispered to himself

At the same time, within the store.

"It's finally over." Yi Xiao sat on the chair, pulled a bottle of red wine from under the table, took a glass that broke a half of the gap, and poured himself a half.

Then he looked at Lucy, "I modified their memories."

"Please tell me that the lucky guy in the distance saw all this, instead of foolishly thinking about buying a burger for something, and then missed this scene, otherwise all this would be wasted and thrown to the blind. "

Faced with Yihou's concerns, Lucy was obviously calm, "Yes." She smiled, "Of course he can see."

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