High Magic Earth

Chapter 1280: You are being made into a table

"Javis, counting today, ten days have passed."

"That person... haven't you found any clue yet."

The drunk Tolia walked into the villa drunk, and she threw her high heels to the side. With a "pop!", the thick roots fell to the ground, and they hit the wall, making a crisp sound.

She unzipped the back of the dress and pulled it off after three, five and two. The dress worth tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars was rubbed and rubbed at will, and Tolia didn't need to care about its value.

Without the shackles of the cumbersome dress, Tolia finally liberated.

She threw herself into the soft bed with a strong effort, where the large font paralyzed.

Tolia is more than 28 years old this year, approaching 29 years old, and is about to reach the 30 mark. Although she is also keen to maintain her body and maintain various facial care as a woman, she is a scientist after all.

The study of sleeping and forgetting food and the regular diet irregularities make her very bad, and thanks to Tolia being the youngest billionaire, the food and all the maintenance products are world-class, which makes her still look It's not that old.

Even so, she has a little fat on her abdomen, not much, like a small belly, but a little cute.

But it was not what Tolia wanted.

Just like she loves the macho type, she also wants to make herself a hot girl, but unfortunately without success, her height is a natural disadvantage.

Jesus, will she continue to participate in Osborne's biopharmaceutical industry, and then make all efforts to produce heightening drugs.

Of course, life is not going to happen in all directions, even if Tolia is a billionaire, she also has a deep understanding of this.

For example, she had originally planned to get married before she was twenty-five, but now she is about thirty.

In fact, Tolia doesn't need to be lost about this, because she doesn't yet know that Tony Stark, the world next door, is actually forty-eight at this point in time, but she is also not married.

As the youngest billionaire, the smartest big inventor, and the owner of Stark Industries, there are not many people who can deserve her, plus Tolia’s own style of life, which makes her think There are quite a few people, but there are few who are really suitable or sincere.

So even after ten years have passed, Tolia is keen on clubbing, and the habit of getting around in large and small bars has not changed.

Because she is always alone, always.

Tolia has been immersed in this place since she was eighteen, and no one can control her.

The old housekeeper Jarvis was long gone. Her father also left her with her mother except for a car accident when she was ten years old, leaving her alone.

It can be said that she does whatever she wants.

In particular, Tolia still has hundreds of millions of properties. In fact, ten years later, she still just likes to soak in the bar, rather than catching other strange and bad problems. In fact, it has been a very big success.

There is no accident today. Tolia is still staying in the bar she likes most, and one night is over.

The bar is very safe, not only her bodyguards, as the head of Stark Industries, government departments like SHIELD are always watching and protecting her.

There are only a few places that Tolia often goes to. The bar has been checked over and over again. It can be said that these places are much safer than outside.

And there are these hidden protectors, and there are no open-eyed guys trying to get in front of Tolia.

Of course, those who are isolated are those who do not have good intentions. The real encounters and encounters in the bar will not be blocked by the bodyguards.

Otherwise, Tolia might as well stay in the villa and drink.

She owns an entire bar, in every villa.

After returning to the villa, the bodyguard captain Hapi began his daily security work. Since he learned that the last time he had let an unknown guy dive directly into Tolia’s bedroom, he doubled the security force again. .

Anyway, Stark Industries didn't need to consider the issue of capital at all. Now as long as Tolia is there, the villa will be surrounded by them and die with an iron bucket.

Not only did Tolia leave enough private space, but also formed a perfect defense circle.

Of course, these things don't care about Tolia, she is not a bodyguard, these bodyguards have taken money, and naturally have to consider these issues.

After a few minutes of emptying her mind, Tolia suddenly remembered the matter, and asked again.

"Sorry, ma'am, he hasn't found his whereabouts."

Responding to her is Jarvis's never-hurried voice. Since the last time Tolia restarted Jarvis, and by the way enhanced its core code, Jarvis's voice seemed to have a lot of feelings.

It's like having emotions in it, and it sounds... much younger.

"Um..." Tolia breathed heavily out of her nose.

Ten days ago, right here, before dawn, she was pulled out of the bed and pinched her neck, which was the first time Tolia was so close to death.

She never gave up looking for that guy, but obviously, he was not a brutal mercenary, his hacking skills were equally powerful, and even turned off Jarvis.

Such a person will certainly not leave any traces on the Internet, so even if Jarvis is restarted, I am afraid that no clue will be found in a while.

But the same, the power of the network is that no one will leave a trace on the network, as long as there is the most subtle trace, even if it only appears for a moment and then is erased, staring at all times Jarvis must also be able to detect it.

The power of a top-notch artificial intelligence is undoubtedly fixed on it. Even if the person can turn it off once, it will be found by Jarvis after finding it.

But... Tolia is not a patient enough.

Over the years, although she has no major problems, but her small problems continue, Tolia is a genius, does not mean that she can get rid of all bad problems through self-study and become a perfect person.

This is impossible.

No one disciplined her. All the knowledge came from school, books, and the Internet. Although she was not a bad person, her character was also terrible.

Just like Tony Stark next door.

Before really finding his heart, it would be nice to say that he is a playboy.

At this time, Tolia has not experienced everything afterwards. She is not so keen on continuous research and scientific research. Generally, she has some new inspirations, or when she is interested, she will suddenly start researching for a while.

Her life is more casual.

It's only when I have free energy to think about where the guy is.

To hear Jarvis still not making any progress, Tolia was very upset.

She was a face-saver and a genius, although this matter was not widely known and did not cause any substantial harm to her.

But there are always mental injuries.

In a sense, this is already a revenge in Tolia's eyes, and she must repay this revenge.

Tolia started boring on the bed, at this time, Jarvis, who was well aware of her lifestyle habits, had already put the warm water in the bathroom for her.

After three minutes, Tolia got up and rolled towards the bathroom.

But at this time, Jarvis suddenly said, "Madam, there is an award party three days later, Colonel Rodi strongly urges you to attend."

Tolia's footsteps did not stop at all, and the last trace of useless clothes was thrown everywhere. She said casually, "Reply to him, I will go... probably."...

"General, this is the latest source of intelligence... A bottle of alcoholic beverage, after being drunk, he turned green."

The soldier handed a folder to General Rose, and as the head of the entire Hulk operation, Rose naturally knew what it meant.

After several years of hard work, he finally saw reliable clues, and a smile appeared on the face of General Rose.

"It seems... this drink is more powerful than he thought."

Rose sneered.

Turn green? Very well, this is Hulk’s signature feature. The source of this drink is obviously related to Bryce Banner. If you find the source, you can find her.

"Where is the beverage produced?"

Rose asked.


While General Ross was arranging his hands in full force, he did not expect that the self-proclaimed concealed plan of action was well known, and his intelligence department was like a sieve. Everyone’s secret secret.

Of course, this is for the people in the circle, and for the people outside the circle, there is still no wind.

For example, S.H.I.E.L.D., the Hydra, and all kinds of weird organizations of all sizes. Even Lucy found Brice's clues and the destination of General Rose's operations through the Internet.

It's no wonder that the poor intelligence department.

After all, General Ross has only been responsible for one thing for so many years, and he only cares about that one thing, that is Hulk Hulk, Dr. Bris Banner Energy Physics.

As long as he had a little wind and grass, everyone else knew what he was going to do.

Either prepare to catch Hulk, or make preparations before catching Hulk.

Even Lucy can find these clues, not to mention S.H.I.E.L.D., naturally, as one of the highest sequence of information on this matter, was handed directly to Nick Fury's table.

"What these guys do."

As an old agent, how could Nick Fury of the old fritters not see the greasiness in the intelligence.

So many forces were dispatched to catch a Ph.D. in energetics and physics? Why do you want to catch this doctor? Of course, as the entire laboratory team had an accident, the only one who survived and chose to escape was a problem.

But it doesn't take so many people.

There must be something unexpected in the experiment, for example... This doctor is the accident itself.

I have been sitting in the position of the Director of S.H.I.E.L. for a long time. I have dealt with such things, and I naturally have experience. Some experiments have unexpectedly happened. Very well, either a superhero was born or a supervillain Too.

The rich suddenly disappeared, and the family went wrong. Very well, a superhero was born, or a supervillain appeared.

Every moment, regardless of the total cause, these supernatural beings will always appear, beyond ordinary people, beyond the common sense and the existence of cognition.

The mission of SHIELD is to isolate them from the world of ordinary people.

And according to Nick Fury’s own end, the laboratory is often the birthplace of heroes, and the place where superheroes are most likely to be born.

As for the target is extremely destructive, it is recommended to contact remotely etc

This large collection of unclear descriptions makes it more difficult for Nick Fury to write. It is often written that the opponent's combat power is very high, so high that it is difficult for the average person to deal with. This obscures the past.

I just don't know... how destructive the accidental product of this experiment is.

Nick Fury sighed and tossed the information aside, hoping this group of fools could get it done.


Before the outbreak of various events of various levels, S.H.I.E.L.D. looked like Shimizu Yamen, but that was not the case. How busy the S.H.I.E.D. Bureau Director, Nick Fury, could explain it himself.

After two minutes of silence, the door knocking sounded again ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ came in. Nick Fury said in a deep voice.

Pushing the door is Colson.

This is not surprising. After all, S.H.I.E.L.D. only has Nick Fury and Coulson...well, in fact, most of the reporting work is carried out by Coulson, because of his relatively high diplomatic skill points.

So the appearance rate in front of Nick Fury is also very high. Besides, Nick Fury was originally optimistic about Coulson, even compared with Agent Hill and others.

"what's up."

Nick Fury didn't relax, because what Coleson said was generally not good.

Sure enough, Coulson immediately handed over a piece of information in his hand, and then whispered that, "Jebudia, code-named Ziren, had some minor accidents recently..."

Nick Fury frowned slightly as he listened to Coleson's report.

They know the existence of Ziren. After all, as a person who can control others, Ziren is inevitably immersed in all kinds of expensive material enjoyment, which means that she needs money, so she naturally chose the simplest method to control Rich people.

In this way, it was obviously discovered by SHIELD.

But... the harm of Ziren is not so great. Her identity here is not a spy, but a guy who has not lived a happy life since childhood. After she has acquired the ability that ordinary people almost dream of, the choices she makes are naturally very natural. Ordinary people are exactly the same.

That is all kinds of enjoyment, unbridled.

Maybe she had a few lives in her hands, and even the way of death was cruel, but she has always been in the small areas of Hell's Kitchen.

Not long ago, I stared at an unlucky guy named Jessica Jones, and my vision became narrower.

Compared with the villains that are going to be destroyed from time to time, the people of the world are actually very harmless.

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