High Magic Earth

Chapter 1281: Nick Fury's melancholy

At least a mentally handicapped.

Nick Fury gave Purple Man, Miss Jebdia a definition, and added a little more after thinking hard with his shiny bald head.

Vision is also very low.

This is the pot that education has not succeeded in popularizing.

Look, her parents think they are a successful scientist, don't their children need to go to school, all kinds of **** laws are always trampled by the rich.

Another country is very good, their education penetration rate is very high, Nick Fury highly recommends those stupid politicians to learn from others.

At least this will not happen. After someone has the ability to control the whole world, he has not controlled a street in New York.

Of course, he did not want the former to happen.

"Purple Man..."

Nick Fury put his thoughts back in his brain, put the data aside, and unconsciously read the name in his mouth, "I know her..."

It's a very safe guy, it doesn't seem to cause any trouble.

"What's up with her?"

"Uh..." Coulson smiled and rearranged his language. "In fact, the news is not about her."

Nick Fury dropped his face, stared at Coulson with strange eyes, and listened.

"Our people have been monitoring her secretly. At 7:18 yesterday morning, she forcibly broke into a shop on the edge of the Hell's Kitchen block because of Jessica Jones."

"A peripheral store."

Nick Fury decided not to ask what is the surrounding store, but after Coulson left, the omnipotent Google would tell him.

"But at 7:46, Jessica Jones and Ziren left separately. They behaved...strangely, as if all the memories before were forgotten."

"They left the store without incident and returned to their respective residences."

"In addition to this, there are three high school students who were innocently involved, and then... no one left."

Nick Fury frowned, "How many people did the Purple Man take."

"Seven people."

They were afraid that they wouldn't be able to get out. The instinct as the king of the agents told Nick Fury that unknown whereabouts often meant death, or death.

Don't think about where you are missing and where you are being held for rescue.

Not only will this idea not save anyone, but it will only kill you and your teammates.

Obviously, no matter what the owner of that shop or the person who did all these things... he is not an easy-going guy.

Is a dangerous person.

Such characters are often tricky, powerful forces make them defy all existence, pretentious, although Nick Fury does not feel that these people can fight a whole country.

You know, the power of the country... is not limited to military force and the army.

And the most troublesome thing is that they really have the power to despise everything. Once a conflict occurs in this situation, it will inevitably cause huge casualties, and it is not worth the loss.

The first thing they must determine is their attitude towards the goal, and then they can make countermeasures.

And want to determine what attitude to respond to... Detailed information is obviously essential.

So, what are these men doing?

"What about his intelligence?"

Nick Fury crossed his hands and began to question poor Coulson.

"Sorry sir, we are still investigating, this is the only one."

Receiving a pile of new materials, Nick Fury nodded. In fact, he had no expectations, listened to what the other person was capable of, and revised his memory.

Another spiritual, spiritual, supernatural power owner appeared.

Such a guy is the most troublesome. Who knows if he can see through other people's thinking. Before getting the exact information, the agents don't even dare to get too close.

Don’t look at the information, but it’s very sketchy.

All are photos taken from a distant perspective, and guesses about some abilities. The most likely ones are those related to hypnosis.

And the actual combat ability of the other party is obviously not weak. In any case, the Purple Man took seven people to go. All these seven guys were controlled by the Purple Man. They were originally violent men who mixed in the underground world in just a few minutes It was completely solved by the other party, which is not something ordinary people can do.

"Confidentiality level 6." Nick Fury said, "Continuing the investigation, I want more information."


"But before that, don't disturb the other party, don't be found by the other party, or have any violent contact with the other party."


"be careful."……


Some green guy nearby.


Sliding down the pipe, Bries held the female neighbor's mouth downstairs, and the two fell into the darkness, waiting for the uninvited guests to leave.

Because of the same female, the strange Brazilian woman did not panic, but stared at Bries with interest.

She knows that Bries is an American. Although this slum is relatively friendly, it still belongs to the legal zone compared with the outside world. On the second day when Bries came here, her origin and details became the people around her. Undisclosed secret.

Didn't cause much disturbance, because Americans are very common here.

As a part of the slums, this Brazilian girl is also well-informed. In the dark, she vaguely saw who was looking for Bries.

All armed guys... are definitely not good people or local gangs, and Brazil does not have such a strong armed force, so their origins are clear at a glance.

Although it is unclear what Briss did, as a Brazilian who does not like the United States, she supports everything that goes against the United States.

Seeing that the outside world seemed safe, she hadn't even pointed to a path leading to the back alley.

Brice whispered her thanks, pressed the brim, and then quickly moved over the wall.

She saw the strange girl lying on the balcony and looked at her. At last she glanced at the strange female neighbor, and Bris turned and fell into the darkness.

Not long ago she suddenly awakened from her sleep and suddenly felt a danger strike.

Obviously, his position was exposed.

And Bryce deserves to be a genius with a double doctorate in physics and energetics, and the first time I thought it was likely that the blood that had dripped on the beverage conveyor belt was not cleaned.

But now the annoyance is too late, and the immediate priority is to leave quickly.

This group of idiots should be fortunate that they didn't get up, otherwise they suddenly wake up, they are not facing Brice, but Hulk.

But her good luck seems to have expired at the moment when she found each other.

Not long after she left the lane, she ran into the group of soldiers who were searching for her.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Bries quickly turned around and wanted to join the crowd to leave, but she had not experienced tracking and anti-tracking training at all, and the movement was very large. .

"She's there!"

At the beginning, Emile only saw a back view, somewhat doubtful, but as Bries turned away and began to accelerate faster and faster, he immediately confirmed the goal.

With a roar, he held the gun, pushed away the crowd, and ran wildly.

I have to say that as one of the most outstanding foreign mercenaries, Emil is the most top-notch in terms of physical fitness and combat literacy.

He is like a master parkour, no matter whether it is a crowd, a booth, or a poultry roaming around, there are no obstacles that can stop him from moving forward.

Emile kept shortening the distance with Brice, and the distance between the two was getting shorter and shorter.

"This way!"

"I saw her!"

On the other hand, the situation of Bries is far less beautiful. Emile did not intend to take the credit alone, to show how powerful he is, just to hunt down an ordinary scientist, still a woman, based on her laboratory constitution, it is estimated to run You have to fall in three steps.

It is not a powerful enemy, and there is no need to chase it up at all, so the moment Emily discovers Bries, Emil yells loudly, calling his companions.

Several squads began to move closer to Bryce, and the combat qualities of these soldiers were not vegetarian. After all, they were professional combat elites. In this era when the superheroes have not begun to emerge, they are the strongest warriors of mankind.

Although they threw an empty space at the beginning, after Emile found the target, they immediately began to weave formation in an orderly manner.

In a timely manner, she did not block Bries, and Bries also found that she had fewer and fewer places to move.

Their people are everywhere, these soldiers are almost everywhere.

If it wasn’t for Bryce that she knew more about the terrain here on weekdays, it might be blocked now.

"She is gone!"

Although it didn't turn into a Hulk, Brice's physical strength was not weak. After all, she lived with a big monster in her body, how could it be a bit unusual than ordinary people.

And she usually works harder and harder.

Bliss was like a dexterous monkey, carrying a heavy computer bag and shuttled around in the alleys around. These soldiers didn't detect it for a while, but she really slipped out of the blind zone.

In fact, not to mention that these soldiers were depressed, and Emile was also puzzled.

Isn’t it an ordinary scientific researcher? How can she run faster than an athlete? As an elite, Emile naturally knows all kinds of data that the human body can reach. According to his observations, this does not look strong. There are even some thin women who have completely ran out of the Olympic World standard.

Although you may not get a gold medal, it should be no problem to get a silver medal.

Emil vomited a little blood, but didn't care. After all, the other party was able to continually escape and pursue, and even asked General Rose to bring himself in, obviously there should be a few brushes.

He has encountered countless enemies more difficult than this, an enemy who runs fast, it is nothing.

Although other soldiers lost Briss, Emile did not. He just had to send his position behind Briss.

Another round of siege began.


"Don't you have long eyes!"


Bries was keenly aware that there were more people around her. She was anxious and was about to leave the area she was familiar with. If she could not get rid of it, she might have no chance.

One was distracted and didn't pay attention to the way forward. She hit three people heavily.

The running stopped for a moment, but after raising her head, Brice immediately screamed again.

"It's you."

When he was hit by Brisbane, the guy who didn’t look like a good person also saw Briss, "Chick, did you come to see me specially?" he laughed haha.

Brice works in a beverage factory. As a technical worker, she is a Ph.D. in physics and energetics. Even if she is not a graduate of mechanical engineering, it is no problem to maintain and repair a beverage factory.

And this guy in front of him...is a worker in the factory.

There are two dog legs around him, which is considered a rather annoying guy in the factory, and a rogue in the local area.

It was not long after Briss arrived that he was stared at. As an American, Briss did not have a good time there, especially as a woman. This guy always wanted to trouble Briss but failed. .

In the original story, it was this guy who was entangled with another woman and was stopped by Bruce Banner, the two talents laid hidden dangers for future conflicts~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But here...Bris is a woman herself, very Well, there is no need for too much blood.

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry!"

Bliss was too lazy to take care of this guy. While the other party was not paying attention, a slammed push pushed them away, and then ran forward again with her little backpack.

Because of the delay of this time, Brice could already see the ghost behind him approaching quickly.


Unexpectedly, Bries slammed the pile, and the unlucky egg nearly fell to the ground. He stood in awkwardness and immediately made a strange cry.

"*Son! Catch me up!"

The sudden situation made Brice look a little flustered, seeing the other party getting closer and closer, she panicked and chose a wrong path.

People often look for what they are familiar with in times of crisis, so Brice ran towards her factory and then got into the factory door skillfully.

Of course, at this time it was getting dark, and the factory had long been off duty, no one was on duty.

"Da da da!"

At the next moment, a series of footsteps connected together, the destination is the same place, moving towards the dilapidated beverage factory.

Dr. Brisbane was in front, followed by the three unlucky bastards, followed by Emile, and finally the combat team dispatched by General Ross.

Everyone thinks he can succeed, Brice thinks she can escape, the three bad luck thinks that she can give each other an unforgettable lesson, Emile thinks that this mission is in hand, maybe...only General Rose knows the matter It's not that simple.

But even General Rose may not know what kind of monster they will release in this humble and dilapidated beverage factory.

Invincible... Hulk! 8)

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