High Magic Earth

Chapter 1282: Jebdia's consternation

At the same time, the deep night also shrouded the hell's kitchen with demons and dances.

Here, like Gotham, it has a magical ability to bring its own style of painting. Although it looks very bad during the day, it still looks like a normal block.

Just one night. . The dim cloud immediately enveloped the Hell's kitchen, blocking the thick moonlight, leaving a dim ground.

The gang members will be more peaceful in order to survive longer, but there will always be a lot of non-influential guys, as if eating some manic agent, a swarm of bees gush out.

They don't recognize who the gold is and who they don't know is the way of survival. They only know that they use a knife in their hands and a pistol to rob an innocent late returnee, and then squeeze some money.

What's surprising is that if you know that the environment is so bad, there will still be people who will come home late, and don't know what these guys think.

Maybe they are the mobile npc of this world?

This is the Hell's Kitchen, an eternal chaotic zone. It is difficult to imagine that there will be such a chaotic and dark place in New York, a city with so many modern information and technology.

Sometimes, Yi Biao even doubts whether there is a kind of alien space here, just like Silent Hill. Every night, an evil spirit invades here, and everyone becomes a believer of the evil god, and then sugar everywhere.

But it's just Yi Tuo's complaint.

Lucy has detected the surrounding environment more than once, and there is no magic enchantment at all, even if there is. . It was also the defensive enchantment left after Yi Chou and Lucy came, and the enchantment enchantment.

As night fell, the demons danced wildly.

When the clear moonlight appeared again under the night sky of Hell's Kitchen, the thick dark clouds blocked the light, and countless sins were bred out, and they were born in all corners of Hell's Kitchen.

Chaos, darkness, is the eternal theme here.

Tonight is no exception.

. . .

Hell's kitchen has a great guy from the outside world! She can confuse people and make anyone a loyal man. She has to challenge the authority of Jin and she has a lot of benefits to pull out her teeth. She wants to return the big and stable cake of Hell's Kitchen back to the stove to share.

latest news. . This terrible manipulator has been beaten! She didn't even know what she encountered.

Her memory is gone!

These two messages are like a whirlwind. Everyone who hits is dizzy. When the chain reaction and shock caused by the first message are not over, the second message makes people feel a bit ridiculous.

But in addition to being funny, he could not help but be cautious.

It's not a secret thing for the Purple Man to enter Hell's Kitchen.

Because she was never a low-key person, she had never heard of the Hidden Cult, the SHIELD, the Hydra, and even the Ziren who had never heard of the Jinhe and Shouhe Association thought they were the world’s first She has always been very high profile.

Before coming to Hell's Kitchen, she controlled a lot of rich people with great fanfare. Important people on Wall Street may not be as important as Stark, but her assets are not low.

After entering Hell's Kitchen, Ziren still continues her usual style. There are important forces around her to protect her safety, so many non-influential gangs or gangsters are absorbed by her into a thug.

Perhaps the bottom gangsters did not know what happened, and the information was not well-informed, but the high-level staff, like Jin Bing, the hand union, the Irish gang, etc., received the news of a new player entering the game at the first time.

But they did not put Ziren in their eyes.

This place is a hell's kitchen, where strength is not uncommon. With the Ziren alone, it is like turning the world upside down. She obviously overestimates herself.

And these people are not profitable and early, before the Purple People and themselves have no direct conflict of interest, they can’t wait for the Purple People and the others to meet each other and break their blood.

After all, the biggest force here is Jin and the one most likely to conflict with Ziren is Jinjin. Others, whether in terms of sphere of influence or industry, are relatively secretive, and Ziren may not always be present.

But in any case, the addition of a new player will muddle the relatively calm waterhole in Hell's Kitchen.

Countless pieces of information, intelligence gathered together, people can't tell the truth and the truth, it seems that everyone does not seem to care about the surface, but in fact most people are also tense nerves, as long as there is a little wind and grass, the possibility of facing It is the crazy blow of these gang elements.

For a time, the entire underworld kitchen swelled.

"She shut herself in the room and didn't come out all day."

"Where did this guy encounter such a thing, do you know?"

"No... nobody knows, it seems that everyone who went with her has lost her memory."

"And, you know this purple man has strange means. If there is no order, these people will not open their mouths at all."

Relative to those who do not know anything for a day, they know that the gangsters are not influential. The big gang forces pay more attention to the collection of intelligence, because they are relatively formal.

For example, Jin Bing has already established a prototype of a huge underground empire.

There are still a lot of people spying on the news, and then passing information to each other, but they don’t know. The word-of-mouth information was inadvertently separated by a distance of hundreds of meters. After a few blocks, it fell into another person. Among the ears.

A guy covered in a black trench coat, with a black hood, who could not clearly see the men and women, was quietly crouching on the edge of a high roof.

As a night breeze blew by, the ears shrouded under the hood seemed to move.

The wind has always brought a lot of things, flying from far away to prepare seeds for rooting, some undetectable viruses, or news mixed in.

The rustling voice condensed in the wind, which was most perceptively noticed by the owner of the ear. She turned her body slightly and began to listen carefully.

"She... god..."


The intermittent sounds are passed on, very subtle, and normal people will not even feel the existence of these sounds, but the owners of the ears are speechless and hear very clearly.

After a long while, the voice gradually disappeared, and the owner of the ear still squatted quietly, seemingly analyzing the news I heard tonight.

She was motionless, and if it wasn't for the occasional exhaled heat, she even looked like a long dead statue.


I don't know how long it has passed, and with a crisp gunshot, the hustle and bustle of the night sky has been added a bit of blood again.

The sound also awakened the meditator, the face under the hood suddenly turned to the direction of the choking sound, and then after a pause of half a second, her body suddenly fell forward.

But before waiting for it to fall completely, she reached out a hook, as if a smart ape, shuttled between the jungles she was familiar with, grabbed the edge of the balcony on the lower level, and took advantage of it to get to the window of another floor. on.

The concepts of narrow and steep did not seem to exist at her feet. At the height of seven or eight floors, she jumped and ran like a flat ground.

Almost in the blink of an eye, she jumped from the top of the building to another, and after a few more breaths, her figure had disappeared into darkness.

The night has just come, here is her battlefield.

. . .

I am afraid that Ziren Jiebudia has not yet known. Attorney Ma, a volunteer in Hell's Kitchen, has noticed her, but has not yet come to the door.

In fact, Jebdia's heart is very depressed at this time, as well as panic, anger, and so on.

As spread in the surging undercurrent, Jebdia lost her memory for a period of time. Although it has not been restored, it is also fast.

The magic left by Xian Yibiao is not a permanent erasure of memory. He also hopes to get online with these heroes and villains. Naturally, it is impossible to cut off the connection easily.

Secondly. . Jebdia took so many people, and none of them came back. Even a fool could know there was a problem.

When she found her men and asked a little, she could notice the abnormality during this time.

She closed herself in the room and kept recollecting, trying to regain her lost memory, but she was always in constant panic, fear and even anger.

Fear, since the other party can easily modify their memory, then naturally they can easily kill themselves.

Just like the pitiful worms around her, as a purple man with similar abilities, she understands this more.

As for anger, she should be angry, but. . She doesn't even know who the other person is, what she looks like, how angry she should be.

The door of the room closes in the afternoon.

This thing passed quickly, but the scope was not wide, only spread among the ears of the boss of Hell's Kitchen.

They dismissed the new guy.

The fact is so, it didn't take long to come to the Hell's Kitchen, she fell such a heel, she simply did not understand the survival laws of the Hell's Kitchen.

These guys are nagging at their younger brothers while they are nagging, and while seizing the time, the following people quickly investigate where the purple people are eating.

When they find the right place, they will list it as a forbidden place, and no one will be allowed to touch the mold, how far they will go.

Since this guy who appeared suddenly like the Purple Man has only been spotted now, there must be no oily business or site, and no one is going to fight his idea.

So it's always safe.

I don't know what Ziren did.

But since there is no oil and water, there is no need to provoke each other. The bosses of various gangs can naturally take the position of bosses. The courage is naturally not small. Although the power is terrible, they will not be afraid.

However, everything is based on profitable premises. Since there is no oil or water, the idlers only want to poke the other side.

They also waited for the instability of Jin's empire, and then took the opportunity to tear off a large piece of fat.

Yes, the whole **** kitchen is not stable recently, not just because of the sudden addition of these ordinary forces. As soon as the purple man entered, the big cake of **** kitchen has faced a new division.

In any case, the power of Ziren to control others is too terrible, and it is simply not something ordinary people can face.

No matter how gang bosses disdain new players, they are always shrinking their forces and always being alert to possible accidents.

In this case, the ordinary power possessed by the Purple Man rose rapidly, and almost a few nights later, she cleared several blocks of Hell's Kitchen.

But Ziren didn't seem to realize what she was doing.

As these gang bosses analyzed, she was not in the circle at all.

In her view, the Hell's Kitchen is no different from other places. The darkness is full of gangsters, little **** who are not influential, and she is the master of these people and the master of everyone.

Ziren had heard Jin's name under the control of her men, but it was just the name. She didn't know what Jinhe meant.

And she continued to expand in Hell's Kitchen, and the benefits she mainly touched on were Jin Jin.

It’s not that the Purple Man deliberately or unintentionally, but the entire Hell’s Kitchen is the most powerful. The huge underground empire he built includes almost all Hell’s Kitchens~www.wuxiaspot.com~ other gangs, such as Speed*, Irish Gang, etc. Can only shrink in the corner of the **** kitchen.

The purple man who enters here with a big fanfare, no matter whether she is willing or not, will face Jin Bing.

And Jin did not fear any challenge. His empire would destroy all the enemies in front of him, but it is a pity that the Ziren had not yet met Jin and had already met another rival in advance.

An almost invincible enemy.


The door that had been closed for a whole day was opened, and the purple man in the purple lady's suit stood in front of the door again with a smile.

"You... and you." Her eyes were on the left and right, and her voice was an irresistible command, "Come with me."

There were no inquiries, nor any doubts. The two people who were ordered stepped forward in silence, one behind the other following the Purple Man.

Under her control, everyone is silent like a doll, everything is like a purple person singing a unicorn play without sound.

It doesn't feel very good.

Loneliness, this is the feeling that no amount of control can fill up, so after Ziren feels that Jessica Jones can resist his own orders, why does it seem like a novel toy has appeared and has been reluctant to let go.

Because maybe. . It can give her a slightly different feeling.

But now, Ziren suddenly feels that she no longer needs Jessica Jones, because she may have found a brand new ally, a natural ally.

With similar power, then you must have similar language.

And since the other party has not killed himself, it means that everything is still there.

"Call the driver." Ziren said to the person next to him, "I'm going to meet my new friend."

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