High Magic Earth

Chapter 1283: We have 100!


Jessica moaned and climbed from the table with her head in her hands. There was a red mark on her forehead that was printed on the table.

"Head hurts.."

She hugged her head and felt that the whole person was muddled and painful all over her body, as if she had been beaten up.

If it wasn’t that her memory was not wrong, she even thought she had encountered an accident last night, but unfortunately there was no accident. She just drank too much.

With a painful cry, Jessica sighed, "...it seems to be less in the future."

As she talked, she reached out and touched a can, shaken, and half a bottle of wine in it, so she poured it into her mouth with satisfaction.

Yesterday's harvest was pretty good, and things did not surprise her.

Following the clue all the way, she found the body of the client's son, as she guessed, perhaps because of gang fights or other accidents, he died.

The corpse was in an obscure corner, like a mouse in a stinky ditch, small and dispensable.

Like the smallest existence in the world.

So far, Jessica threw the folder at the bottom of the table. All the clues she found were all matched. The next thing she needed was to deal with the client.

Maybe this one won't make much money, but. . Judging by Jessica's decadent attitude to life, she knew she didn't expect much money from her career.

But at the next moment, her eyes fell as the folder fell to the ground, and then she suddenly stared.


But at this moment, the phone on her desk that didn't know where to roll suddenly rang.

"Jessica Jones Detective Office."

Jessica instinctively touched the phone in a pile of debris and said in a lazy and indifferent tone.

"...Joan, Detective Jones, I was the other day..."

"Oh, it's you, I know..."

Jessica has heard the voice of the owner, who is her only client, the one who entrusted her to find the child.


Jessica finally put on a slightly formal tone, "I found your son."

The opposite breath stopped suddenly, and there appeared a silence like death. Although Jessica seemed to bring good news, her sudden change of tone made the other end of the phone instinctively uneasy.

That is a kind of intuition derived from family.

Sure enough, it seemed that after giving each other some time to prepare, Jessica whispered, "His body."


The heavy object hit the ground, and Jessica had already taken the phone away from her ear.

Sure enough, the other party could not accept the news at all. At the moment of hearing, the phone had fallen to the ground.

Jessica waited quietly, and groped through the pile of cans next to it. She was pleasantly surprised to find half a jar to drink the remaining beer bottle, so she quietly took a big gulp.

After a while, I didn't even know how long it had passed before the other end of the phone finally heard a voice again.

"Detective Jones..."

The sound seemed to tremble, as if it had been ageless for countless years.

Jessica didn’t ask you if you’re okay. Are you okay? That kind of nonsense, the other party obviously doesn’t seem to be okay, and her character is destined to be not like him.

"I have called the police." Jessica continued with a steady tone.

"They converged the body, and it won't take long for you to get notified."

"That's it, contact me again."

Even before the other party responded, Jessica Jones hung up the phone directly. Although all this had nothing to do with her, she took the news after all.

This feeling is not good.

and. . There seems to be something that is not right, something is not right.

She, forgot something.

The drawer opened, and Jessica's eyes were silent on the white paper inside, which was filled with numbers, a series of dates, the date of the most recent time, every moment every day Jessica It was recorded.

And now, there is one day missing from it, it was yesterday.

It's not a strange habit, it's purely because of the Purple Man.

The control of Ziren makes people unable to resist at all. The reason for the date record is to record how long he has left Ziren, and the other is to prove himself or himself.

But the record was broken.

In any case, even if drunk, Jessica can remember to remember today's date. Perhaps her handwriting after drunk is not elegant, even chaotic, but she will not forget.

perhaps. . Did you drink too much yesterday?

Jessica was puzzled.

No, it's not right.

Her memory is very clear, and even the process of slowly finding the body following the clues yesterday is still vivid. She must have drunk yesterday as much as in the past.

that. . For what reason.

Jessica suddenly thought of a creepy possibility.

That memory is not her memory, or rather. . This is not true for the true memory. Her memory has been modified. Only in this way can she explain why she remembers everything yesterday, but she only forgets to record the date.

Purple people.

As an old opponent who fell in love with each other, Jessica thought of the Purple Man for the first time.

But if she remembers correctly, Ziren can't modify others' memories, she can only control others, use her voice, and her language is command.

If it weren’t the Purple Man, who would it be?

What the **** is going on.

Jessica felt a little confused.

She swept the beer bottle to the ground, then found her mobile phone from the table and washed her face. She put on her hoodie again, hurried out, and went straight to the police station.

Regardless of whether her memory had any problems, she remembered that she had found the body. The body was taken away by the police and should have been on the forensic table now.

In any case, she has to go to the police station.

The facts are not deceiving.

By the way. . I hope the police station is late enough to get off work.

. . .

The whole **** kitchen rioted again. . In other words, **** kitchen has never been calm.

The arrival of the Purple Man makes the chaotic situation in Hell's Kitchen even more chaotic, and Yi Chou's heavy blow to the Purple Man makes the situation in Hell's Kitchen further impetuous.

The Irish gang is on the move, and the speed* seems to be resurgent, even if it is just some small gangs that are not in the middle of it, they have also started to commotion, and they seem to intend to take advantage of the chaos in the situation.

Everyone is waiting for the muddy water in Hell's Kitchen to be completely messed up.

As one of the indispensable forces that contributed to the link, Yi Chou, still stayed in the surrounding stores as if Lucy seemed to be nothing, studying some meaningless broken things.

"So... even if the compass is successful, I want a compass that can find what I want in my heart."

Yi Xiao finished reading the latest collection of stories written by Lucy with no undulating voice, and then tossed a thin booklet on the glass window next to it, and there was a worn compass that appeared out of thin air. Yi Xiao threw the compass read by the silver tongue into the window.

Captain Jack Sparrow's compass, a gift from the Ocean Goddess, authentic.

. . Well, even if it is not the real product, its capabilities are exactly the same as the real product.

The direction of the heart, even if it points in the direction, the compass will guide you to find the existence of the inner yearning, but conversely, if your heart does not know what you are looking for, the compass will rotate and stop.


Yi arrogantly tossed the compass aside. "It's not as good as my magic. At least it knows better than me what my heart is yearning for."

Magic can also achieve this, and will not fail because of inner uncertainty. Yi Chou's magic will directly find what he wants, even if his own heart is not clear.

Because sometimes, even if people do not know what they want, they will know it subconsciously.

"I know." Lucy shrugged uncomfortably in the face of Yi Huo's spitting. "This is not for you. As a peripheral store, we always have some handy products."

"I don't think..." Yi Huo said with some difficulty. "Normal surrounding stores will buy such magic items."

"I never seem to say that we are normal surrounding stores." Lucy expressed different opinions. "You should know that we have entered the vision of SHIELD."

"So... we always have to show a little unusual place, otherwise it will be too 1o, and will not be valued."

"It's easier to carry out our plan without attention. When the stars gather, I don't want to be followed by a lot of SHIELD that value me."

Yi Huo's tone was plain, and he emphasized the pronunciation of the two words.

"Then we don't want to enter SHIELD's line of sight from the beginning." Lucy looked at Yi Chou contemptuously, "I will be ashamed of you for the traverser as you."

"It's still infinite."

Yi Xiao rolled his eyes.

In the shop, the words or actions that they said should not appear will not be noticed by the higher presence. The magic around them will automatically replace all this with normal existence, such as counting the goods and doing a little low-level Magic experiments and so on.

As a magical intelligence, although Lucy has her own personality, and sometimes a little out of the ordinary, but her core essence will not change.

Be loyal to Yi Chou and assist him.

A broken compass is obviously not helpful to Yi Chou, but that will not be Lucy's only achievement.

At a time when Yi Xiao rolled his eyes, Lucy turned around and photographed a thick clay pot on the counter in front of Yi Xiao.

There was a frightening shaking out of the glass counter, but in the end it finally calmed down.

The jar had obviously not moved for a long time, the area was covered with thick dust, and the dust even rustled down with the action of Lucy.

Of course, these little dust will naturally not fall on Yi Chou, and even no magic or mantra is needed. The shadow energy surrounding him will automatically exclude these small problems.

"This is..." Yi Xuan frowned, obviously recognizing this thing, but looking at his expression, it seemed that he had completely forgotten it.

"Hundred ghosts."

Lucy said, "Looking at you, you should have forgotten."

There was no rebuttal this time, because it was true.

"It's time to release them." Lucy said, "inside... but there are many powerful ghosts, even monsters."

Baiguiji, as the name implies, refers to their race, even if there is no one hundred, it is at least a few dozen.

Their strengths are strong and weak. The strong are like Yuzao before, and they are not even easy to shake off. The weak are also Shanziji and Yingji, who can only rely on the number to win.

But even the weakest Shanziji and Yingji, they have an overwhelming victory in the face of ordinary people, and their number. . There are also quite a few.

Otherwise, it is impossible to occupy a place, and it has already been wiped out among the ghosts.

Yi Chou didn't think about reading them all at once, but that was not an easy task.

Hundreds of ghosts such as Huajiji, Shanziji, and Yingji are easy to read, and their story writing is not difficult. They even take those boring folk stories to read, which is also a bit interesting.

But if a big monster like Yuzao Qian wants to read her truly powerfully, the rationality and logic of the story need to be carefully considered.

This will be a long process, and it will be very cumbersome~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So Yi Biao will forget them for a time.

But now Lucy took them out. .

"Do you have a way?" Yi Huo asked, "A success story?"

This is the only possibility that Yi Chao can think of.

"The story is unsuccessful." Lucy smiled. "It's up to you to experiment."

"No." Yi Xuan spread his hands.

So what's the difference between this and the original way? It's because Yi Xiao tried a little bit to test whether the story is feasible and whether it can be realized with silver tongue, but I don't need Yi Xiao to write the story himself. The fault tolerance and correctness of the story are greatly improved.

But it is still very cumbersome.

This is not only a cause of dry mouth, but also a kind of mental boring. Even reading these very boring stories for a long time, even if it is easy to stand up.

And he can't easily use magic to interfere with his thoughts, because thinking soul and body are the three most important things of a person, and any change can't be careless.

"Aren't you calling boring all day." Lucy continued to smile, but Yi Xiao always felt that she had a bad intention in her smile.

"This will waste a lot of time." Yi Xuan tried to make Lucy continue to reduce the total number of stories from other aspects.

"We don't have much time to waste."

Lucy pouted, admitting that Yi Chou said the truth.

After a moment of silence, Lucy suddenly hugged the clay pot back, "Today's stop here."

In Yi Yi's puzzled eyes, she said slowly, "The first released fish came back by myself, I have seen it."

"Purple people are on their way to here."

"Well... there seems to be a strange guy behind her."

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