High Magic Earth

Chapter 1284: Why can't you open a store when you come to Marvel?

The area of ​​Hell's Kitchen is not large. It belongs to a block on the west coast of Manhattan Island. The rectangular area spans many streets.

It's just that it can affect the relatively large range. The edge of the border with Hell's Kitchen is also infected by the chaos here, and after so many years of deep-rooted entanglement, the scope of Hell's Kitchen has already extended outwards. More than one point.

The surrounding shops of Yibiao are located on the edge of Hell's Kitchen. From the location of the Purple Man to the shops of Yibiao, it takes more than ten minutes to drive.

Sitting quietly in the back seat of the car, Jebdia leaned against the back of the chair, gazing through the closed glass and looking out the window.

She didn't say a word, and without her order, the other people in the car would naturally not speak, and the whole car showed a deadly silence.

In a place like Hell's Kitchen, it is naturally impossible to see the delightful situation like the endless wilderness road.

Sin is everywhere.

Beating, looting, whispering, two people who trade in private are everywhere on the street, this is what the **** kitchen really looks like.

They also did not respond to the occasional fleeting car, and they were still doing the work in their own hands. As long as it was not a police car, they would never leave.

Jebdia watched quietly, taking a glance at everything.

Sin here, chaos here.

In fact, Jebdia has nothing particularly eager for evil, nor is there any particular exclusion. She is neither Captain America as God’s righteous nor Hydra as if she was born to spread the annoyance of fear exist.

Everything she does is actually very simple, that is, to be herself, to do whatever she wants.

Jebdia's ability is also enough for her to do this.

When she was a child, she could only passively accept the experiments brought by her parents, and now, she has to control her own destiny. . Not only that, she has to control the fate of others.

The fate of everyone.


The car stopped lightly, and the driving stopped abruptly. The parking movement was very stable, and even Jebdia didn't feel much vibration.

But because she didn't order her, the driver couldn't even say it even when she heard it.

"Are we here?" Jebdia asked.

"Yes, ma'am." In this way, the driver can answer.

Pulling the car door, Jebdia stepped out, and the two bodyguards brought by her immediately followed her from left to right, although Jebdia did not think that if the person she wanted to see was really there If it's dangerous, what will these two guys do?

But to deal with the little guys in the **** kitchen who are not long-eyed, they are necessary.

Jebdia strode to the gate at a stride, but uncharacteristically didn't kick the gate directly, but first knocked on the door and shouted, "Anyone?" before pushing the door and went in.

Of course, she didn't even wait for the people inside to respond.

As soon as she entered the store, she saw Yi Biao and Lucy sitting behind the counter, and the other didn't know what was busy by the window.

"Tell me what happened yesterday."

Without hesitation, seeing their two Jebdia spoke directly.

The reason is simple. If the two people present are ordinary people, then she can control them, and they will tell her what happened yesterday, and if not. .

None of the two in the shop responded, and Jebdia noticed that the man looked up at him, his eyes as if looking at a fancy dress.

Then. . Found the Lord.

"We can cooperate."

Jebdia said right.

I don’t know if Jebdia’s proposal was so tempting, or she was shocked by her clear brain circuit. Yi Xuan finally raised his head from behind the counter, buckled the book in his hand on the table, and had an inaudible expression. .

"What?" he asked.

Jebdia glanced quickly at the inverted title of the petri dish maintenance manual in the third virtual plan area.

Jebdia could not help frowning because of the profound meaning in various meanings, but she soon realized that it was not a good time to pick the other party's background.

Because the positions of the two are not equal, even if she is curious inside, she must restrain her curiosity.

"Look, I can use language to control others. You can erase others' memories or replace them. I don't know exactly what they are, but... the two of us can cooperate."

She tried to persuade Yi Chou with the real power of language instead of relying on her abilities, but it seemed that Jebdia, who had lost her ability, did not work well.

"I control other people, and you modify their memories. In this way, we won't appear in anyone's memories at all, the whole world will be ours."

Jebdia waved her hands and talked eloquently, just like a confident speaker. She stared at Yi Chou with her sincere eyes. If it were not for him to understand what this guy is, he might believe it.

So Yi Chou didn't speak for a while.

When she was not face-to-face with Jessica Jones, Jebdia would not easily be stupid. Although she had many flaws in her plan, it was not unreliable.

but. .

"If I remember correctly," Yi Huo said slowly, "You don't have less control over the rich now, when did you start to care about these issues."

"When they're useless...kill it."

"No, no, no."

Seeing that Yi Chou did not show more offensiveness, but a communicable appearance, and a little anxious, Budia also calmed down. After all, she could not control other people. , Let anyone slaughter.

Now, Jebdia seems to be regaining the confidence that can control the lives of others, and his language is becoming more and more fluent.

"That's different."

Her eyes are still sincere, but she always gives people a strange feeling, "I can't control everyone, and not everyone can let me kill at will."

"Sometimes it will make things more troublesome."

This is true.

Even if you don't count those superheroes, in the world of ordinary people, some things can't be controlled by just one person.

Although Jebdia spoke very well, Yi Chou shook his head.

"Okay." Yi Xiao raised his head, and in Tebudia's doubtful eyes, suddenly a smile appeared, "You are right, very good, but... you ignored one thing."


"Even without you, I want the whole world, it is still a very simple thing."

. . .



The blood ran down Marcia's chin, dripped to the ground, and made a crisp sound.

The sound that could not be captured in the ears of ordinary people, in her world, was as clear as Hong Zhongda Lu.

She could feel her blood dripping to the ground, the splashing blood flower splashing around, then slowly standing still, and finally flowing slowly among the rugged dirt particles.

But she knew more clearly that she didn't hurt badly.

It's just that there are many wounds and blood, and it looks miserable.

Supporting the wall and panting for a while, Marcia stood up and pulled her hood down again, pulling it over the bridge of her nose, covering her eyes completely.

Then she slowly, but raised her feet firmly and walked out step by step.

This guy wearing a black night jacket and a hood not only covers the head and most of the face, even the two eyes are covered by Marcia Murdock, the famous lawyer Ma, the conscience of the **** kitchen.

She and two small partners with the same ambitions have joined forces to open a law firm that provides services for the poor in the **** kitchen or other innocent people who can't afford it, as long as they are really innocent.

As for charges. . You can't even break through ten dollars, homemade crepes, baking cookies, or even just a thank you.

Their name in the Hell's Kitchen is still unhealthy, but it is very real, helping many innocent people out of prison.

But no one knows that in the daytime, Marcia Murdoch is a sharp and aggressive person who makes the plaintiff hate professional lawyers who can’t help herself, but at night, she changes her identity, but still uses her own Silently guards the Hell's Kitchen.

That's the unknown hero in Hell's Kitchen, the devil in the eyes of gang members.

The demons of Hell's Kitchen, the future. .


"Tick, tick..."

The blood was dripping, but Marcia was unimpressed. Although she was blind, her heart was more determined and stronger than most people, even fighting with God’s righteous Captain America.

of course. . In fact, these injuries are not serious at all, they are all skin trauma, and most of the blood on her body is also her enemy, otherwise she has already dealt with the wound.

Even the excessive blood loss was enough for her to drink a pot.

Daredevil Marcia Murdoch is also different from ordinary people, but it is only manifested in her hearing. Her hearing is like a scan with infrared rays, which can form an image of the surrounding situation, and then feedback on her. In the brain.

In addition, she is just a trained ordinary person, her body is also fragile, and she will also be injured and unable to withstand the attacks of firearms and multiple enemies.

Of course, her blindness prevents her from seeing anything, so there is no fear, which makes her go to the house like a Spider-Man and dislikes the usual road.

And darkness is no different to her during the day, but the difference is greater for others, which is why she often appears the devil called Hell's Kitchen at night.

Ok. . She still has to work hard during the day.

These superheroes are actually not easy, especially when the activities are in the evening. After work at 8 or 9 o'clock in the evening, they have to work until one or two o'clock in the morning, or even two or three o'clock in the morning. Get up and occasionally experience a fierce battle.

Without physical strengthening, I am afraid it can't be carried.

Daredevil Marcia Murdoch is a typical example, she can support all this, purely by her mind and amazing willpower.

But recently. . Hell's kitchen is too messy.

Not only are there too many small shrimps and fish in the muddy water, even Marcia has traced the clues of the existence of the hand meeting, they seem to have to enter the **** kitchen, no. . Not seemingly, but definitely.

What conspiracy they are brewing, but they have not found a clue.

Marcia wiped the blood from her fist and prepared to go back to sleep.

She had just solved a little gangster who was in contact with the hand club, but unfortunately they didn’t ask anything, they obviously didn’t know anything, they didn’t even know who they were selling for, and they didn’t even hear the three words of the hand club Ever.

But it's not surprising that the whereabouts of the hand meeting is always concealed. After tracing for so long, she found no useful clues.

However, thanks to the blessing of the hands together, many big gangs have converged. They seem to have made some kind of agreement. Although this makes Marcia more uneasy, her workload is indeed much less.

These unscrupulous little gangsters were not at all afraid. They were all her sandbags. They threw them near the patrolling policemen, and the breath she received during the day was out of breath.


Marcia, who was indifferent in her face but suddenly resented, suddenly stopped at www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then stopped completely.

Her ears seemed to be listening carefully.

Through several buildings, through countless doors, windows, glass, she heard the sound of a car, but the problem is not here.

Despite the chaos of Hell's Kitchen, it is also a modern, developed country. As a country on wheels, there is no shortage of cars anywhere in New York.

What really catches Marcia's attention is the heartbeat of four people in the car, one is normal and the other three. . Marcia listened to countless experiences and told her that they were in extreme fear.

Extreme, extreme fear.

What happened to them will scare them like this, even if the heart beats as if it is about to jump out of the heart.

Marcia was silent for a moment, and then dispelled the idea of ​​going back to sleep today. This kind of panic is not something that can happen under normal circumstances. In any case, she should go and take a look.

perhaps. . Someone needs her help.

Marcia turned violently and jumped on an external staircase in two steps. She climbed up the rusty stairs. After a few back and forth, she walked through the corridor of the building to the other side of the block.

Just like a big detective who looks like a stupid goldfish, Marcia knows all the terrain in Hell's Kitchen. She can cut off the car by cutting the road.

But Marcia did not plan to do this because. . She also wanted to know where this car would eventually go.

Silently following behind the car, Marcia kept jumping on the roof, or on both sides of the external staircase. The distance between her and the vehicle became shorter and shorter, and finally. . The two stopped together at the edge of Hell's Kitchen.

Next to a newly opened shop.

Silver tongue grocery store.

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