High Magic Earth

Chapter 1285: Someone has to do things

The strange name, Marcia was silent for a while, and then quickly realized that she had not heard of this store.

Not long after opening.

Although Marcia does not have the strong desire to control a certain cup of noodles, and as a forced woman, she cannot use all kinds of black technology to collect intelligence, but Marcia is absolutely familiar with everything in Hell's Kitchen.

Her love for Hell's Kitchen has almost reached an abnormal level.

Perhaps the existence in the shadows, the dark areas and places change every day. Marcia is not very familiar with it, but she is absolutely familiar with the normal businesses, departments, and various places in Hell's Kitchen.

As a blind person, she uses hearing to map pictures into her mind, even more clearly than most normal people see and remember.

She could even print most of the terrain in Hell's Kitchen in her mind, otherwise how could she run faster than the car and stop in front of Ziren's vehicle in advance.

It's just a short cut.

Marcia is very interested in this newly opened store. Her instincts and hearing tell her that this store is unusual, and there may be other things hidden.

But Marcia also knows that the four talents in the car are the key to the matter when it is not time to consider the problem of this shop.

Like a clever night cat, she gently climbed over to the side of the roof next to the store, and there was no trace of noise clinging on it, nor did she alarm anyone.

But Marcia’s hearing, even astonishing, didn’t notice. At the moment when her dust settled, the pseudo-shadows composed of shadow energy at the foot of Yi Chou suddenly moved, and they tried to move closer to Marcia’s direction. But it quickly re-converged under the control of Yi Chou.

The existence of these energies is truly silent.

"anyone there?"

The conversation below has already begun, and Marcia leaned her ears, and also listened carefully.

Her hearing is amazing, and even the sound of blood dripping can be heard. The communication of normal people in her ears resounds loudly like a loud cry, just like in her ears.

"..tell me.."

Marcia listened quietly.

But soon, she could not calm down. As one of the representative groups of high income and high IQ, the lawyer, Marcia is definitely much smarter than ordinary people. Between three words, she guessed through the exchange of the two. The identity of those in the car.

Purple people.

It was she who had to listen to rotten names in Hell's Kitchen these days.

In fact, Marcia also paid attention to the outsider, Ziren, but she didn’t pay much attention to it, not only because she was just an outsider, but also because Marcia didn’t notice that the Ziren disturbed the entire **** kitchen. intention.

She really seems to be just a passing guy, maybe. . There is something in the Hell's Kitchen that interests her.

Of course, if Marcia thinks this way, it doesn’t mean that those jittery gang members think so too, especially because their forces are spreading all over the corner of the Hell’s Kitchen. A new player is coming to Hell's Kitchen.

However, for ordinary people, the police branches in Hell's Kitchen, nurses and doctors in various hospitals, and the ordinary poor living in Hell's Kitchen have not been affected or affected by the Purple People.

They didn't even know that **** kitchen had a guy with ordinary power.

after all. . This is too far away from their lives.

Thugs, quality goods, black industry, these things are closely related to the gang elements, the purple people are involved here, then the gang elements are naturally encountered, and have nothing to do with ordinary people.

Marcia did not intend to go to Purple Man for trouble, or to say. . Not yet.

After she hit the real cancer tumor of Hell's Kitchen, the black existence that had been entangled for unknown years, and the huge underground empire of Jinjiang, she might only free her hand to deal with the Purple Man.

in case. . If Ziren was still there.

Obviously, in the original play Jessica Jones, the Purple Man didn't wait until then, and Jessica Jones completely broke her neck, ending her short life that she didn't know was sad or lamentable.

However, because of the chaotic intrusion, it is obviously like a small butterfly flapping its wings, and the small changes that are almost inconspicuous will accumulate and cause huge waves.

A shop that opened in Hell's Kitchen attracted three self-savvy gangsters, and then the entrustment was handed to Jessica, and then Ziren and Jessica met in advance.

In the end, Daredevil met a purple man who should not have been wandering late at night.

The coincidence of fate, through the curtain of fate, seems to be able to see the proud smile of the lady in control of fate.

As the Daredevil who was originally a member of the plot, she obviously would not know the true direction of the plot. She didn't know what this meant, but she just didn't expect to encounter the Purple Man today.

Although she didn't intend to find the trouble of Ziren for a while, it didn't mean that she would turn a blind eye when she encountered it.

It is also good to collect some information in advance. After figuring out what happened below, if necessary, Marcia will also rescue the three people.

Because their fear can't be faked, it is very likely that the Purple People came to host them.

Marcia didn't know the Purple Man. She just heard about the Purple Man's name and heard what a terrible guy the new player in Hell's Kitchen could control others.

Marcia is unclear about this control. . It is real control. She has just learned that Ziren is a woman. (Yi Xuan: I also just knew.)

but. . I believe she will be clear soon.

Marcia continued to squat on the roof, quietly being a listener.

Communication in the room continues.

There were five people in the room. Except for the two puppets and purple people brought by the Purple People, both Yi Yi and Lucy showed Marcia in the first place.

Yi Chao's shadow energy sensed and locked to Marcia's position, as for Lucy. . As early as the Ziren came on the road, there appeared a little bug behind her.

Lucy didn't confirm who the tracker was at the time, now. . Although Marcia had not yet put on her uniform, the mask that pulled over the bridge of her nose to cover her eyes had exposed everything.

Perhaps for ordinary people, although there are not many blind people in Hell's Kitchen, the number is still quite large, and it may not necessarily be able to associate the devil and Lawyer Ma of Hell's Kitchen with everything.

But for the traverser who saw through everything, and the person outside the box, he met a blind man in the **** kitchen and guessed how difficult her identity could be.

So Lucy didn't respond to Marcia's arrival, just when she was not here, because the other party's hearing was really bug-level, even if it was just a turning movement, Marcia could be noticed.

and. . She didn't think there was anything to hide from Marcia.

The more people, the more interesting, isn't it.

"...Even if only me, this world is still within my reach."

Because she didn't understand Ziren's abilities, Marcia didn't think there was anything wrong between the two people on the opposite side, but she still frowned instinctively when she heard Yi's words.

This is not like what a good person said.

Whether the other party has this or not. .



Marcia, who listened carefully, suddenly felt a crisis coming, and then, the piercing voice of the air appeared clearly in her ear.

In this case, she doesn't know what was born, then she is not Daredevil.

Suddenly to the side, a dart flickering with cold light, as if with a residual image, instantly cut through the air and blasted.

The darts fell fiercely into the half of the wall in front of Marcia, even leaving only a tail on the hard concrete.

The small spattered stones hit Marcia's face, causing her jaw to tingle slightly.

Immediately surrounded by hearingless images, Marcia immediately noticed who was coming, one of the large gangs in Hell's Kitchen, and the Japanese polar organization.

Only they like to dress up as a ninja, and there are dozens of people on the move.

Obviously, they are also related to the clue that was vaguely pulled out, the hand meeting, otherwise they will not find themselves for no reason, or even so fast.

Although Marcia is still cleaning up the forces of Jinhe in the recent period, these forces will always be vaguely linked to another clue.

A mysterious organization, hand meeting.

But apart from they came from Japan and were interested in Hell's Kitchen, Marcia couldn't find any more.

But now. . The clue was sent to the door.

But before that, she still guarantees her safety.

Marcia, who had escaped the cold dart attack, didn't have much time to hesitate, because at this time, several masked ninjas had jumped out of the inconspicuous corners around them like shadows.

Although Marcia could not see, she could hear their movements, even their faint appearance.

Although the members of the Japanese Dao are dressed in a ninja costume, they are just ordinary people who have been trained. As one of the old gangs in Hell's Kitchen, Marcia knows them well.

But these people seem to be different. Marcia hears their heart beating fast, which means they are more energetic than normal people. . Their eyes are also very bright.

Under the night, it looks like the pupil of a cat.

Marcia has no more time to figure out the enemy's dress. The two nearest enemies are only half a step away from her. Several short knives are held in their hands and hidden in the shadows of the humble sleeves. Next, only when the time comes, it will reveal a fatal killing opportunity.

I cannot cope with so many enemies.

Marcia clearly realized this, and at the same time, she took the opportunity to make a decisive move and jumped aside suddenly.

There is a glass skylight on the roof of the shop just built by Yi Xiao, which leads directly to the store on the first floor. Although it is now closed, for these heroes who do not take the unusual path, it is no different from the open door. .


Large pieces of broken glass echoed down, breaking the silent night sky and interrupting the astonishment of the purple people below.

. . .

Just two seconds before these ninjas swarmed up, Yi Chou and Lucy suddenly raised their heads with a feeling.

"It's coming." The two sighed.

The question mark on Jebdia's face didn't make it clear that the style of the last moment was still everyone's control of the world, and how it became so strange in the next moment.

I heard a sudden bang on the roof, and a large figure of shattered glass fell, and a dexterous figure mixed in it suddenly fell.

Although there was no room for help in the midair, she still found the landing point at the moment she jumped the window with her excellent sense of balance, and landed safely without much obstruction.

Upon seeing this, Lucy quietly moved away the valuable things around her, and Yi Chou also stood up.

"Meow meow meow?"

Now, Jebdia finally figured out what was going on, but what puzzled her was why the two guys in front of him were aware of it in advance. Is it that they are the only weak chickens in it.

Thinking about how much power you can control others, although useless to the guy in front of you, to ordinary people who do nothing. . I am definitely not a weak chicken.

Jebdia nodded in satisfaction, then quickly hid behind the two guys under his control.

Natural cannon fodder and shield, and if the next form is not good, Jebdia will immediately run away with her legs, she can’t believe the two people in this shop~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and don’t want to fail in cooperation Time, what is the relationship with them.

Look, Nick Fury's analysis is very accurate.

Although Jebdia has acquired ordinary abilities, it is essentially the same as ordinary people. It is still a mentality of wealthy little citizens.

This can be seen from her continuous pleasure and control, and those who control the rich to enjoy wantonly.

She didn't do anything for the villains at all. . meaningful thing.

And at this time, if it is Rocky, the clown and the like, they must not be afraid to stay and join in the fun. After all, for them, watching the fun is the most interesting thing, and Jebdia just wants to run away.

She lacked courage, and she could even be said to have no courage at all.

After removing the mask of controlling others, she was worse, worse, and worse than ordinary people. . fear death.

Marcia rolled to the next one after landing, jumped up and took a firm foothold after the situation, a set of actions was very pleasing to the eye, but unfortunately the guys on the scene were not just salted fish and ordinary citizens who shouted 666, and no one thought it. Her behavior was applauded or shocked.

Her enemies chased straight down without stopping. Dozens of ninjas in black seemed to make dumplings. They swarmed down the skylight broken by Marcia, and then slowly spread out in a semicircular arc. , Surrounded by Marcia Ziren and even Yi Huo and others.

There was a strange silence all around.


At this time, there was another soft sound, and only a residual image was swept under the skylight, and the figure was completely grounded.

The ninjas in the middle gave way slightly to both sides, leaving a gap, revealing the last one who came and was blocked by them behind them.

A woman.

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