High Magic Earth

Chapter 1286: Assault Hands

"Da da da!"

She walked smoothly through many ninjas and walked gently forward, and the flat sole made a clog-like sound on the ground.

This woman is wearing a white training suit, which seems a bit loose, but if you look closely, you will feel that she is very rigorous in handling the details, or that. . Suitable for fighting.

Never let the costume drag her fighting power.

Her weapon is a knife, a long knife, hanging around her waist. Although she didn't draw it out, Yi Chou saw at a glance that it was an authentic Japanese samurai sword.

There is only a short distance under the skylight from Yi Xiao and others, but as her footsteps continue to advance, the pressure is gradually increasing.

Ziren showed an uncomfortable expression, and even stared at her with a look at the dead. Even if frustrated here in Yihuo, Ziren is still the pretentious Ziren who likes to play everything else between others.

How could she tolerate a "ordinary person" in her eyes to provoke herself.

Well, even if these guys look like they can play well in the eyes, in the eyes of Ziren, they are still ordinary waste.

She couldn't stop the power of her sentence.

The strange woman didn’t notice the expression of Ziren, or noticed it, and didn’t care. She finally stopped her footsteps, stood in front of many ninjas, and looked at Yi Chou and others with a stern look.

Marcia may have thought of something, her lips slightly pursed, and she seemed to be serious.

Yi Biao's extraordinary five senses made him aware of this without looking back. He is now curious about the identity of the woman opposite.

When the other party appeared, Yi Chou guessed her identity.

There are not many women in Hell’s Kitchen, most of them are very iconic, and according to the situation of Jessica Jones’s resemblance to the actor Kristen Ritter in the original play, it is obviously a world that relies on the world of movies and TV shows. Not a comic.

Whether it is the power of these people, or the appearance of these people.

So if it is the heroine of Hell's Kitchen, Yi Chou will be able to recognize it, after all, he has a star face.

So I don’t know. . Probably something strange happened.

For example, Brisbane and Bruce Banner, Tolia Stark and Tony Stark and so on. . Unlike Marcia’s iconic features like blindness, the identity of the other party is not so easy to guess.

A woman with a samurai sword, who likes to use a sword as a weapon and wears a practice uniform. . If it wasn't Corin Rong, then combine Marcia's quirky expression, plus the other party mixed with a group of ninjas. .


Yi Chou suddenly thought of an amazing possibility, whether or not. . Is it Yoshioka Shin's dragon set?

This is the world of Marvel movies and TV shows, so it is very possible.

Yoshioka Shin is an original character in the American TV series, and is inextricably linked with the Japanese organization of the hands-on association and the local organization of Hell's Kitchen.

He is the current leader of the Shouhe Association and a representative of Ji Dao.

Of course, he is not the only leader of the hand association. After his death, the hand association will continue to continue his ambitions in an orderly manner. As an organization that has spread for countless years and even has a history no shorter than the Hydra, the existence of the hand association It is also not a small peep.

Yoshioka letter is not a little boss, in theory. . He can be regarded as one of the uncompromising bosses in Daredevil.

According to the current plot exhibition, Marcia Daredevil, who has not yet put on a red demon suit, should not have overthrow the gold and rule the underground empire, nor have she played with Yoshioka Shin, or even traced the clues of the hand meeting. Just found a bit.

Then she heard a little bit about Yoshioka's letter. . Probably because the other party's information was found.

But it is not Yoshioka Shin’s identity in the hands-on society, but Yoshioka Shin’s local organization in Hell’s Kitchen, Japan’s extreme identity. At this time, the Hand-Assembly has not entered the Hell’s Kitchen.

Yi Biao guessed right, at this time Marcia's heart was also whispering, because she had seen the information of the person in front of her. . Of course I haven’t really seen it, I have seen it with hearing.

Nobuyoshi Yoshioka, one of the leaders of Jidao.

The gangs in Hell's Kitchen are intricate, with the Russian Mafia, Triad, Jidao, the Mexican Group, the Irish Gang, and the Hell Raider Speed ​​Party.

Most of the people here are entrenched in the one-third of an acre in Hell's Kitchen. Except for interacting with Daredevil and other gangs every day, they rarely contact other heroes. Of course, the exception is the unfortunate Hellhound Speed ​​Party. The level of the event of the heroes you have encountered is not low.

The famous Luo Leilai, the Banshee of the Sea, that is a god-level alien creature, the enchanted Hellhound Flying Party once attracted the sight and encirclement of the SHIELD, and even Sve of Asgard personally came to the lower bound. This made them almost wiped out and completely withdrew from the stage of Hell's Kitchen.

But most of the gangsters contacted Daredevil.

In the same way, Daredevil knows them well. As a kind-hearted, but not indiscriminate hero, Daredevil investigates every gang deeply because she needs to be careful about the actions the police have arranged in it. Or undercover to avoid unnecessary losses.

Jidao is naturally among them.

Marcia has investigated several leaders of Jidao, including Yoshioka Nobuko.

However, Marcia’s investigation was not detailed. She did not know how much combat power Yoshioka Nobuko had, nor did she investigate her true identity, but she was very confident that she would not be her opponent.

But at this time Marcia was not whispering, but why Yoshioka Nobuko appeared here.

In fact, the answer to the question already had results in her mind, nothing more than the reason for the hand meeting.

This is a mysterious organization that seems to have suddenly appeared in Hell's Kitchen not long ago. As soon as he entered Hell's Kitchen, it involved a lot of industries in the Black Zone, especially walking*. Their ultimate goal seems to be to transport something in.

There are not many clues that Marcia has found. At present, she only found out that their name is Shouhehui, from Japan. Only when the other party is a gang force, she has no idea that the Shouhuihe and the gang power she guessed belong to. Essentially different.

She didn't know what she was facing, nor did she know the other party's terrible.

However, the inexhaustible clues point to Japan, and it is easy for her to think of the pole, and now she can be sure that there is indeed a connection between the two organizations from Japan.

To a certain extent, Daredevil is very similar to Cup Noodles, and has the same character and perseverance. Once the heart determines that the target is difficult to shake, it is also silent and likes to play deeply. After covering half of the face, it is difficult for others to see from their faces what,

At this time Marcia's face was cold and she could not guess what she was thinking.

Maybe it's a temporary retreat first, maybe the person behind him beat Yoshioka Nobuko together, or maybe he beat down Yoshioka Nobuko with the person behind him, who knows.

But Marcia playing silence does not mean that Yi Chou will also pretend to be deep.

Although he has the patience to play a house game with these heroes, it does not mean that he plays the weak side in the house.

"If I remember correctly, the smart little guys in the Hell's Kitchen have given orders to warn the fools under their hands not to go to the little boss in the shop at the end of the West End, it seems... their Worry is not without reason."

Yi Ao looked at Yoshioka Nobuko with a caring mentally disturbed gaze, and his expression was like watching a bear kid who did not listen to his mother.

Yoshioka Nobuko's complexion immediately dimmed.

"Is it."

She has a grin on her face, but a grinning smile, but she smiled and replied, "It doesn't look like you are a small boss."

"Maybe your news is not as well informed as you think."

"Why?" Yi Xuan asked back.

"Because you are the little guys in my mouth who give orders, so for you, there is no need to follow this order."

"Do not."

Yoshioka Nobuko replied coldly, "Because we don't need to care about your existence at all."

"Kill them!"

Throwing an indifferent but murderous command, Yi Biao saw that Yoshioka Nobuko seemed to have pulled out something, and then stuck it in her ear.

Raising his eyebrows slightly, Yi Chou felt that this method was good.

Although it looks stupid, it is very effective.

With Yoshioka Nobuko's order, the surrounding ninjas immediately seemed to be touched by some kind of switch, and their short blades were out of their way, as if they were not destined to flock to the five.

At this time, she has always acted as a background, but always feels that she should be the protagonist here. The purple person Jebdia finally can't bear it, she yelled.


"I'm tired of you guys dressed up like clowns!"

"None of you can kill, go kill yourself!"

If it is just an ordinary person, then this sentence can only be attributed to the wailing of the defeated dog, but. . She is a purple man, and her words are irresistible commands.

Ziren looked forward to the next moment with an interesting scene where they cut their throats with their sharp short blades in their hands, and then splashed blood, but to her surprise, nothing happened in the next moment.

These ninjas seemed to have heard nothing, and still rushed towards them frantically.

The original Yibuo store is not large, and there is only a distance of ten meters between the two. Now. . They almost rushed in front of these people.


At this time, because the order left by Ziren was to protect her, the two puppet cannon fodder controlled by her even trembling inwardly dared to step forward and act as her meat shield and thug.

This made Ziren still have time to be surprised, and then reacted and ran back.

Seemingly noticed the surprise of Ziren, Yi Chou not only showed up on her retreat, she said quietly, "They are all deaf..."

Ziren was taken aback, looked up and saw Yi arrogant and unhurried.

"They can't hear, and your abilities are not effective for them!"

Yi Xiao glanced at Jebdia, "I am afraid you have forgotten how I dealt with the people you brought, even if my ability is invalid...they are not threatening."

After a pause, Yi Chou said again, "Sorry, I forgot, you did."

Jebdia's face was puzzled, and suddenly he was a little uncertain whether the stick in front of him would be the person he was looking for.

But while the two were hiding behind the ink, Marcia was already rushing up, holding two special steel short sticks in her hands, and ping-pong clashed with the group of ninjas.

It's not that she didn't plan to go straight. . But she couldn't go at all.

Obviously, the main goal of these ninjas is that you are not Yi Chou and others, but her.

They didn't even plan to let her go. At least half of the dozens of ninjas went to Marcia, and the rest partly dealt with Yi Chou and others.

Thanks to Nobuko Yoshioka, I don’t know if I think these people can deal with Marcia, or I am a self-holding identity, I plan to play as the finale, or I just wanted to send a wave of experience first without starting.

Next to them, the two guys controlled by Jebdia also stepped forward and fought back, otherwise Marcia might not be able to withstand the first wave of impact.


The steel rod fell hard, and a dodge ninja knocked his eyes white~www.wuxiaspot.com~ His body staggered and was immediately seized by Marcia.

Facing the attack of the ninja companions like a tide, almost no gaps, Marcia tried her best to reverse her body, even if you paid the price of a few knives in the back, you must delay this action by half an enemy. Solve it first.

"Boom! Boom!"

Two more sapsticks hit the unlucky head, and the dull sound almost made a sonic boom in the air, breaking his neck.

Unsurprisingly, the moment a heavy attack fell on his head, he fainted silently.

Missing an enemy, Marcia immediately felt a sudden decrease in pressure. Although her back was bleeding, the wound was not deep because she deliberately replaced it with a wound.

In this case, she became stronger and stronger.


A pair of short and heavy steel rods were alive by her waving, and it was difficult to imagine that this attack was a woman who was not strong.

Daredevil Matt Murdoch's fighting style is similar to Batman. Although his proficient fighting skills are far less than Batman's breakthrough of 100 kinds, they are all **** fighting styles.

There is heavy power in one punch and one foot. At first glance, it is a battle of tough guys.

Of course, because the cup noodles have a high-tech combat suit, even if the combat suit is very flexible and not heavy, he does not like to do some clever tactical moves.

However, the Daredevil Nightmare only has a set of combat uniforms produced in the technical house of Hell's Kitchen. Its defense is fair, and other functions should not be expected.

So occasionally, in the face of crisis, he will also change his fighting style to make himself dexterous.

And in this world. . Marcia seems to have inherited Daredevil's usual fighting style.

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