High Magic Earth

Chapter 1287: This is definitely not that. . disease

Even if she is a woman, her fighting style is still very tough.

The heavy steel double sticks were opened and closed by her waving. From time to time, one turn and round kick kicked and hit the opponent's neck with the steel rod two consecutive times, which immediately made the opponent lose the fighting power.

The most important thing is that Marcia really has such a heavy and crazy power, able to wield such a heavy steel rod, and at the same time have the spare power to hit the enemy.

Even though she looks healthier than normal women, she still looks petite.

Such a petite body contains such power. . Really a terrible guy.

After catching a flaw and using an injury-for-repair method to solve an enemy, Marcia immediately opened the situation completely, and in less than three minutes, she seized the opportunity to solve an enemy, which allowed The pressure she faced suddenly decreased.

Continue this way. . Victory is only a matter of time.

But unless the other party has any other conspiracy, the other ninjas around can't let Marcia break down one by one like this.

Seeing the defeat of their companions, the ninjas who were thinking of Yi Biao and others approaching immediately immediately separated three people and approached Marcia, trying to make up the offensive circle again.

Presumably, in their view, for a store owner, a store clerk, and a useless purple man, leaving two ninjas is enough to solve them.

And easy to clamor. . I would also be happy to tell them that they were wrong.

But before that, another problem must be solved, that is. .

Purple people.

It seems that she feels something. Even if Jebdia has not acted yet, Yi Chou has already guessed her next move.

"Don't..." Yi arrogantly said, as if trying to stop her, but looking at his lazy expression, he knew he didn't take it seriously, "Take a gun."

Even if Jebdia had eaten deflated here, she was still the prideful or even brain-dead purple man. How could Yi Chou persuade him in one sentence, not to mention that he spoke so slowly.

Sure enough, Yi Biao's words did not work at all, and Jebdia pulled out a pistol from her lady's suit without hesitation.

"You fools! Pigs!"

Jebdia's face was fierce, and the muzzle of the black hole in her hand was aimed at the ninja in front. The distance between them was even less than two meters, and she had no chance of losing her hand.

In fact, although Jebdia looks stupid, she was also well-educated when she was a child. After all, her parents are all scientific researchers. As a smart person who thinks she is tall, her children must of course accept the most. Excellent education is that they teach in person.

The two chose English education, and it seemed that they wanted to train Jebdia as an elegant model of British nobility.

Unfortunately, their education was not so successful. . And the time is short.

After the experiment failed and everything went out of control, Jebdia’s education ended naturally, and what advanced physics they taught in a few years was useless. It is not as good as an orthodox elementary school education.

After all, Jebdia also studied for a period of time, including etiquette, and was the most painful experience of her childhood. I was very impressed.

So at this time Jebdia's every move always seemed to some outsiders. . nondescript.

The most intuitive expression is that she obviously looks like a little gangster, a female rogue, deliberately and contrived, but in the swearing words when she is angry, it contains a rich British flavor.

The black hole's muzzle was aimed at the ninja in front of Jebdia. His ears were deaf. He could not hear Jebbia's angry yell, but his eyes were brighter than ordinary people to see the deadly muzzle clearly. Crisis.

only. . He did not panic.

Jebdia may have overlooked one thing. Although the distance of less than two meters can allow her, the guy who will never be on the target, to aim at the target, but similarly, this distance is for hand-joint, pole, these specializing in melee, Especially for the ninjas who are well-known, that is, the time that can't be reached in a blink of an eye.

Unparalleled speed.

Even before Jebdia hadn't responded, and even didn't pull the trigger, the ninja's body suddenly shook in front of him, jumped to the side, and appeared beside her instantly.

The dreaded short knife, with cold light, pricked towards her neck without hesitation.

The enemy in front of him did not dodge her attack at all, nor swung the short blade towards her wrist, but pointed directly at her throat.

Because as long as she died. . All threats disappeared.

Jebdia's pupils contracted sharply, and at this moment, time seemed to slow down.

In fact, Jebdia is really a weak chicken. Without the power to use language to control others, she can't even use a gun.

And she usually does not carry a gun, because she thinks it is very 1o, since she can control others completely, everything is done by others, then why do you have to do it yourself.

That is, when I came this time, I felt that my ability was not effective for the other party, and it seemed a bit dangerous, so I temporarily shot a gun in my arms, otherwise she may not even have weapons now.

Of course, Jebdia will never admit that it is because it is meaningless to control others to accomplish all purposes with a gun since it is not accurate, so it does not take a gun.

And her skill is even weaker, even worse than ordinary people.

Even the male purple man in the original play, Zebdia Kielgrave, his situation is not much better, weak hand will not use a gun, remove the power to control others, it is a battle.

Perhaps the real Kilgrave, the purple man from the comic, will be much better.

The Kiergrave identity in the comic is a spy, not a bear child with a tragic childhood in the shadow of a crazy scientist.

As a spy, Kielgrave has rich experience, is proficient in all kinds of reconnaissance and anti-reconnaissance, intelligence collection, and has elite level combat capabilities and fighting skills.

The most important thing is that when the purple gas brought mutation to him, it not only gave him the special power to control other people, but also greatly enhanced his physique.

Although not as good as Wolverine. . However, at least general physical damage can be recovered quickly.

Although this seemingly superb ability does not sound so powerful, it is definitely the most important part, because it directly gives him the qualification to break the wrist with the level heroes.

At least out of ordinary people's physique, so that he will not be able to stop even one-level heroes with a single blow, can't stop a blow and talk about other things, always survive first, so there are more possibilities.

So even in the comics world, the Purple Man can only be regarded as a small boss that has been imprisoned by SHIELD, but its strength is absolutely not to be peeped. It is definitely an insurmountable existence for ordinary people.

Not to mention the ninjas in front of them who are not much stronger than ordinary people.

Even if it is the whole hand meeting, I am afraid that it may not be able to deal with the purple man.

Of course, it refers to the hand union in this world. The hand union in the comics world is also more than one level higher in both its heritage and strength. Especially in the underground world famous for resurrection, it has created a lot of difficult-level villains.

In any case, although the hand meeting here is also proficient in resurrection, it is not the one in the comics, and the Purple Man is also not Zebdia Kirgrave, but Jebdia, so in the face of the death breath The blade was looming. As the existence of the five slags of war, she had no resistance at all.

Death is approaching.

Jebdia can even smell the rust on the blade, but. . Seeing the opponent's technique is obviously murderous and extremely skillful. Will there be rust on such a person's knife?

Do not. . It's not the smell of rust, but the smell of blood stains. I don't know how much blood is impregnated to condense the rich breath.

It turns out that a person's thoughts before becoming dead will become so clear. Jebdia has never known this, which is not surprising. After all, she has never really died.

Everything around seemed to be very slow, time seemed to stop flowing, and Jebdia didn’t know whether to thank the change or hate it.

The slower thinking allows her to live a little longer, but the same way, she will experience the despair before the death more fully.

At the next moment, the sharp short blade turned into a chilling cold light, which instantly submerged her throat.

Jebdia closed her eyes and waited for death, however. .


This time was long and short, as if only half a second had passed. Jebdia didn't wait for the expected severe pain or the coldness of the passing of life, but instead heard a crunchy sound like a metal collision.

She opened her eyes in disbelief and saw Yi Xiao standing beside her, reaching out a hand, traversing in front of her, and directly grasping the short blade from the spur with her palm.

There was no blood on the palms, not even a trace of red marks.

This. .

Just as Jebdia was puzzled by everything in front of her, Yi Chou's voice came from her ear.

"You really are... weak and pathetic."

With a sigh, Yi Huo murmured again in a low, unheard voice, "I don't know if you can sustain the past God-creating plan..."

Of course, because the voice was too low, even Jebdia, who was by his side, did not hear it, let alone the deaf extreme ninja.

But in fact, although the ear of the extreme ninja is deaf, his eyes are more sensitive than ordinary people.

It may be the result of a deliberate selection and training among children in a hand meeting or Ji Dao, or it may be changed. Anyway, his eyes are different from ordinary people, brighter, and can see more things.

Even the blocking effect of the layers of darkness is worse than others when it acts on him.

As a ninja, skills like lip-speaking are a must-have talent. Jebdia did not listen, and he could not hear, but he could see it.

He clearly saw the twitching of Yi Xuan's lips and understood his whispering whispers.

just. . He couldn't understand the meaning of it, just like the word dimensional can understand, and the word exile is also easy to understand, but when they are combined into a dimensional exile, the difficulty immediately soared several times.

But all this did not prevent the ninja from tensing.

Not only is Yi Biao blocking his short edge with his bare hands, but also a kind of. . Intuition from the hunter’s instinct.

As a sharp knife, a murderous ninja, he naturally walks between killing and being killed every day. Of course, he constantly walks between life and death. Of course he is particularly sensitive to danger.

The man in front of him gave him the feeling. . Is dangerous.

Very dangerous!

Even like a terrible beast, his **** fangs were savagely opened, trying to tear everything in front of him, and he was the poor prey in front of him.

From the identity of the predator, it was instantly reversed to prey.

The whole body of Ji Ninja was tight.

In fact, in addition to intuition, it is also a very important reason why Yi Biao blocked his attack with his bare hands. The Ninja Ninja is naturally knowledgeable. He knows how much power is needed to attack at this distance. Perhaps there is Weapons are not necessarily easy to use, not to mention disabling both hands.

In this era when the abilities are not prominent~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Just blocking the metal weapons with his hands can bring great shock to others, and I don't know that he will see Thor drop down with a hammer What will happen to hundreds of Cherritas.

The eyes brighter than ordinary people glared greatly in the dark, just staring at Yi Chou's every move, his ears could not hear then the eyes became his only organ that could capture a lot of information.

In fact, this ninja has not yet realized what he is facing. In his view, Yi Chou is indeed dangerous, but it has not reached the level that makes him retreat without a fight. Maybe he can fight a little by himself. Chance to hurt the opponent.

After waiting for his companions to congregate, and continue to cause wounds and expand more advantages. . Maybe they have a chance to win.

However, Yi Yao, who is also attracting thoughts, only needs one look, and the surging shadow energy is instantly invisible, and he can clearly observe the light and thin thoughts in his cerebral cortex, so Yi Chao can be very clear. Tell him that you think too much.


Feeling a slight tremor of the short blade in his hand, the other party seemed to intend to pull it out of his own hand, and Yi Chou did not hesitate to push upwards, only to hear a bang, and the short blade broke in response.

Without even turning his head, Yi Chou threw his broken blade out of the backhand.


With a soft sound again, the broken blade accurately fell into the throat of another ninja who was continuing to Lucy after all.

The ninja didn’t even have time to react, and blood came out of his neck. At the next moment, his vitality was cut off. He grabbed his neck in vain. It seemed to pull out something, but he finally collapsed weakly. In front of Lucy, who was sitting behind the window and bored his nails.

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