High Magic Earth

Chapter 1289: Street fighting

How great is Jessica Jones?

In the world of movies and TV dramas without official settings, this is a difficult question to count.

Just like how much money Scourge McDark actually has, no matter how much money others have. . There is always no money for it.

Maybe Jessica Jones had more power than Spider-Man, maybe she didn’t, maybe she had more power than Captain America, maybe she didn’t. Who knows, but in any case, Nu’s efforts to overturn a car are okay.

This is not just her arm strength, but refers to any fighting action included in the force skills, whether it is elbow strike or hand knife, or knee strike.

Of course, the overturning of the car is only the result of her concentration of power. Perhaps other power skills do not have such terrifying and powerful power, but I am afraid that the general things can not resist the rigidity of the power of the flying car.

For example. . Some bad luck.

bingo! Another pun.

At this time, the poor guy in a skull shirt was speechless. It was really speechless. His mouth grew up in vain, and his eyes protruded outside like a frog.

Although this injury seems to be serious, and sometimes a coincidence of death, but in most cases it is only severe pain and puffiness, etc., rescue or a little recuperation, you can still recover.

But in front of this guy. . Obviously, there is no need for rescue.

He was so stupid that he tried to compete with Jessica Jones.

Perhaps let Jessica vent the first, the consequences may not be so serious, but he even thought he could block Jessica's power.

Jessica did not expect him to react so quickly, or rather. . So skilled, it seems that this situation has not been encountered before.

But just after he hit Jessica's knee with his wrist, the ensuing increase in strength directly crashed his wrist into a fracture, and even the entire wrist was folded back.

Although the wrist is a joint, it is also fragile, but after all it is a bone. Even the hardest bone of the human body can't block Jessica's power, the part covered by the wrist. . Probably the situation will not be better.



A scream of sorrow echoed over the kitchen of Hell.

Like a beast deprived of everything, and like a gambler with nothing, he maintained a motion, standing motionless, foaming in the corners of his mouth, and the smelly liquid quickly soaked his jeans.

After a long time, he fell with a loud bang, and never moved again.


Jessica sighed. "Heavier."

Seriously, Jessica feels that she has a decent position. Although she is an anti-hero, but not a villain, she will not kill innocents, or even kill people.

She thinks this person is not dead yet, do you believe it, but whether you believe it or not, this is actually the fact, he really is not dead yet. . The premise is that the rescue is timely enough.

But even in time, it was just to ensure that he would not die.

The tragic situation made everyone take a step back and clamped their legs together, but the next second, the tragic situation of their companions made them instantly controlled by anger.

They did not know how powerful Jessica was, because it was difficult to tell from the misfortune of their companions, after all, any man would fall to the ground after being hit.

This confuses them.

This group of pseudo-hippies still regards Jessica as an ordinary woman. . Okay, maybe the courage is bigger than the average woman.

"Dog*raised son! You hurt Guinome!"

A guy who seemed to have a good relationship with the hapless guy who fell to the ground was the first to suffer. He swears in anger and throws a sharp knife.

Although the length of the knife is less than half the width of the palm, Jessica, who has been involved in various scenes for a long time, knows the power of this weapon.

The human body is very fragile, and any small injury can have fatal consequences, and a knife that looks like a toy with half a palm is enough to cause a lot of fatal wounds than a small injury.

In fact, it is often this humble knife that is more dangerous, because it is more secretive, and in the dark chaos, few people can show its existence.

Jessica's expression was still not too salty, but her eyes were cold.

After pulling out the knife, the pseudo-hippy did not continue to entangle with Jessica, or continue to tease her or something, but directly lowered his body and rushed towards her.

The knife was held in his hand, and according to Jessica's estimation, if it stabbed itself, the stabbed part would happen to be the abdomen.

Bleeding from the wound is also fatal.

Obviously, these guys have already seen blood, they are cruel, they may still have human lives on their hands.

Yes, Jessica suddenly smiled bitterly.

In places like Hell's Kitchen, a few more people are clean.

The pseudo-hippie who took out the knife was called Andrew, and it was a name that was so common that it was no longer common. Of course, a few protagonists occasionally appeared.

As Jessica guessed, none of them were newcomers.

Although there are no local gangs joining Hell's Kitchen, their little gang has been around for a long time, and it even has some fame.

These fame are certainly not good things, all of them are derived from continuous crime and evil.

The most common thing they do is to rob single women, of course they include other things besides money.

And just last month, in the fierce resistance of a single woman, they accidentally killed the other party. For this reason, the police have been investigating this case throughout the month and looking for them.

They didn't show up for a whole month.

Today they still feel that the wind seems to have passed. On the first day of re-offending, they still felt lucky when they saw Jessica. .

It's actually a bit bad, right?

They didn't lack women, so they didn't have any troubles. After realizing Jessica's threat, Andrew thought of the killer in the first place.

Perhaps this is the terrible power of inertia. Before they kill, they will always be careful to avoid making unforgivable mistakes, but once there is a bad start. . Then everything is logical.

Before Andrew wouldn't really stab the knife at others, he would only keep threatening in his hands, now. .

But this also caused Andrew to look stupid.

They are all the humblest gangsters on the streets of Hell's Kitchen, gangsters, and those gangsters who are not at the same level.

Whether it is the black industry quota or combat power involved.

These guys will only fight on the streets.

At this time, Andrew's movements can make people see his bottom is thin. Depressing the waist can make the center of gravity more stable, and can also make the opponent unable to see his movements. It is too late to defend and can reduce his body area.

To know that street fights are often group fights, protecting yourself is always the most important thing.

But Andrew's misfortune lies in it. . Jessica has no rules.

Jessica did study fighting techniques for a few days, but she was better at street fighting.

She is not a patient person, learning combat techniques is also three days to fish and two days to surf the net, she gave up in a few days, she fights almost all rely on her brute force.

Whether it is a ninja who has a close combat skills like Ji Dao or a Russian with a gun, Jessica may not be pleased, but she happens to meet Andrew.

A group of gangsters who can only fight on the street meet a female tyrannosaurus who is also proficient in street fighting.

The result is self-evident.


Faced with Andrew rushing towards him, Jessica flashed aside, clasping his hands on the back of his head, and then pushed forward fiercely, pushed, and hit the ground.

Jessica's great strength, this set of actions Andrew has no chance to even resist, just like a basketball dunk, he was heavily dunked on the ground, and even a few teeth fell off, blood on his face.

It is estimated that he did not respond.

Andrew struggled for a long time without getting up, and the knife flew off without knowing where he fell.

Others see things badly, but have no choice but to run away. After all, their small group has been established for some time, and there have been many fights. This scene still does not scare them, and the most important thing is Because of. .


He glanced at each other, and the remaining three gathered around him very well.

Obviously they are fighting in groups, even if there are only three people left, they are methodically in danger and even chaotic.

The core of street fighting is naturally Promise, and Jessica lay down two people in succession. This group of guys naturally saw that she was not annoying, so at the beginning, the three of them pulled out the knife.

The strongest guy rushed directly to Jessica without any fancy, and the other sneaked close to the side, as for the remaining one. . He flew forward and ran directly to Jessica's legs, seeming to intend to hug her and throw her down.

This is really no scruples in the middle, bottom, and top three.

The strongest man in the middle is indeed strong enough. He has a unique American physique. He is more than a meter and nine meters tall. His muscles make him look like a bear.

He is estimated to be the force of these five people.

Although Jessica was tall, she was thin like a sheep compared to him, not to mention Jessica always liked the decadent style, she slouched around her waist, like she couldn't wake up. At this time, she was more like him. The doll is up.

In fact, Jessica solved the two of them one after another. . But Brother Meng still doesn't think Jessica is so powerful.

After all, one was attacking that place, and the other was too stupid and was directly thrown to the ground by the other party.

He planned to plop up and hug the chick. No one could get rid of his bear hug. He even wondered if he would crush the chick's bones with a hard effort. After all, she looked too thin.

But a pity. . Brother Meng soon knew how ridiculous he was wrong.


Jessica looked at the bear rushing to herself and said coldly.


A slight step left without a trace on his right foot, Jessica clenched her fists, and then used all her strength to blast forward.


A loud thunderous noise suddenly sounded, and in the next moment, the bear-like confidence-filled fierce brother seemed to be hit head-on by a speeding truck and flew straight out.

He slammed into the glass door of a cafe behind him, packed the glass into a lot of fragments, and then rolled down to the ground.

Jessica's punching action is very nonstandard, or rather. . She didn't have many fighting skills as a whole, and it seemed that she had forgotten to clean up fighting in those days.

Whether it was elbow recovery or extension, Jessica's movements were so amateur that she could no longer be amateur, and she couldn't throw all her power at all. It was good that this punch could throw a third of the power she mobilized.

The rest of her strength was either wasted by her, or was dispersed by other muscles, I don't know where to go.

Otherwise, this big man is not as simple as flying backwards and smashing the glass, Jessica's fist is likely to directly penetrate his chest.

But even if Jessica wouldn’t use her power, she didn’t have any fighting skills. This strange power was enough to deal with these street gangsters.

After a very violent and tough direct punch to hit the biggest guy, Jessica did not stay, looking at the guy who tried to hug her leg and fell herself. She raised her right foot backward and sneered sneer~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Just old lady is in a bad mood now! "

Another vigorous volley, Jessica’s heavy round-toed leather boots kicked directly on the man’s shoulder. The unlucky guy instantly shifted from the forward momentum to translation, and flew out to the right. Rolled several times on the ground.

But he was always much better than the big one. He flew to the ground less than a meter away, and then rolled to the corner.

However, his right arm must not be able to lift up. It is estimated that the bruise on his arm will not disappear in ten days and a half months. In fact, half of his body is numb now.

This is the result of Jessica not killing, specifically avoiding his neck, otherwise he may be kicked off the neck and killed on the spot.

This is simply a humanoid female Tyrannosaurus, is this still human!

Watching Jessica solve the two remaining partners instantly with extremely violent and brutal methods, the last guy finally realized that he and others had kicked on the iron plate.

It's just that this year's hero is still not popular, and there are not many powers that appear in the public eye. He doesn't know what he has encountered.

If it is in the future, he will immediately realize that he has encountered a level hero, and then the wise choice is to give up resistance immediately and be sent to the police by the other party.

Unless he is a villain himself. . Otherwise, the end of the resistance is often a beating and then sent to the police.

Instead of shouting like this, "Monster! Monster!"


The last remaining guy had a mixture of anger and terror on his face. He stepped back several times in a row, and then suddenly took a dark pistol out of his arms, aimed at Jessica, and shouted, "Don’t you come!"

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