High Magic Earth

Chapter 1290: In fact, the Marvel world is still very big

Yes, this is the final card of the five of them, the pistol.

This is the reason why they realized that Jessica might not be able to leave after some difficulty, because they have more deadly weapons in their hands.

Although the United States is not a gun-prohibited country, firearms are not so easy to obtain, and money and permits are indispensable.

If you want to get an illegal channel that is not purchased by a gun shop, the price is naturally more expensive. Of course, it may not be difficult to find a way. After all, there are also many people in the United States without a license, and they also have no Without guns, almost every family has a hidden one, and naturally they are bought from these gates.

This obscure transaction is more like a semi-open existence.

But Hell's Kitchen is different. It's not as simple as getting outside to get a gun here.

There may be a lone robber outside, who may have this dangerous weapon in his hand. If he encounters a robbery for the first time in a situation where he has nowhere to go, he may cause even more tragedy.

Gang members in Hell's Kitchen know how much confusion it can cause for those lawless scumbags to get these things. To prevent the government from attracting more attention, the family plays together, to a certain extent, they are in control The firearms in Hell's Kitchen are flowing, and they are not allowed to overrun.

This has caused the gangs to be fully armed. The Russian and Irish groups even have the capital to fight the police, but there are not many real cases of gun robbery or homicide in Hell's Kitchen.

Even far less than other regions, other cities, to know that this is the most chaotic in New York, the highest crime rate area has to say that this is a miracle.

But in any case, this is a country with free firearms, and it is still very simple to get these things.

"do not move!"

With a gun in his hand, the man's heart immediately calmed down a lot. He shouted loudly, and seemed to try to dispel his inner fear.

"do not come!"

Jessica Jones immediately raised her hand, indicating that she was not in danger.

She couldn't stop the power of the bullet. Jessica knew this. Her strange power was useless in front of the bullet. Once hit, it was also a hole.

"Relax, relax."

Jessica raised her hands and whispered.

As a detective, she naturally had a little research on persuasion at the scene. While signaling that she did not intend to resist, she lowered the vigilance of the other party.

Her footsteps wanted to move back slightly, but as soon as she moved, she was immediately noticed by the other party.

This guy was obviously stimulated by Jessica's strange power. As soon as he saw Jessica moving, she immediately shouted wildly, "Stop it! Or I'll shoot!"

Jessica stopped again.

The other guy obviously used a gun for the first time. It was estimated that he hadn’t killed anyone with a gun. His hands were shaking. Jessica didn’t dare to mess up anymore. Fearing that the other party’s excited pistol would go off fire. There is no place to reason.

"Ok, I won't move."

Jessica finally showed a smile on her expressionless cold face.

I have to say that she does have the potential to be a detective. This smile does not show a bit of stiffness and squeeze, just like it is sincere.

A slightly bright smile bloomed on Jessica's face, and immediately made the other person stunned, which was different from the gloomy girlish style before. At this time, Jessica's face was radiant and it seemed like a person.

Jessica's face was already very good. At this time, she smiled and let the other person swallow.

"But what are you going to do, sir, did you kill me?"

Jessica continued to ask rhetorically.

This question also asked the other party and killed Jessica? **** it! How did things evolve to this level, they just want to rob them once.

The last time the mad woman struggled desperately, and then they killed each other by mistake, and the police chased them like a mad dog behind them for nearly a month.

They hid everywhere, and there were also contacts in the Hell's Kitchen, so they were not caught.

The result is now, the first robbery after the comeback, tm encountered a madman again.

He was pretty sure that if they continued to kill Jessica, this time the incident would definitely not be so simple. The police station in Hell’s Kitchen would not let them go. Choose to escape from **** kitchen.

But they don't want to leave the paradise of Hell's Kitchen.

The guy was a little unsure, and while continuing to point at Jessica with a gun, he walked quietly back towards the front of the coffee shop.

The big guy was lying there.

"Bill! Bill! Are you dead!"

Jessica's mouth slightly showed a disdainful smile. She was indeed a bear, even with the name Bill, but she soon realized that she was in a bad situation now, and quickly recovered her smile.

The guy kicked the big guy on the ground lightly, trying to wake up his companion, whether it was to discuss a countermeasure together, or to be more powerful after a lot of people, this is the right choice.

But a pity. . Jessica's power is not so easy to wake up.

After kicking several times, the big guy Bill didn't respond, and the guy was a little irritable.

He looked up at Jessica vigilantly from time to time, but under tension, it was clear that Jessica did not move at all, but he always felt that every time he looked up, Jessica's position would move forward a little.

He became more and more impatient and crazy.

Jessica noticed this keenly. Sweat began to flow from the other person's forehead, and the other hand that didn't hold the gun began to hold it tightly. His cheeks bite slightly, and the palm of his hand must be full of sweat.

The other party is about to reach its limit. Psychology is also one of the necessary courses for detectives. It is not surprising that Jessica knows that humans under the madness will do anything.

"Hey, brother."

She whispered, "There is no need to make things this way."

The call immediately seemed to turn on some kind of signal.

The guy suddenly looked up, staring at Jessica closely, mad and full of fear, and mixed with anger.

"Stop!" He interrupted Jessica loudly. "Past!"

He shook the pistol slightly to the side, motioning Jessica and him into the back alley.

Bill hasn't responded. He doubts that Bill is dead. This female monster can kill Bill with one punch, so it must be easy to beat himself with one punch.

He did not want to die, nor did he want to break several ribs.

Hell's Kitchen is not a charitable organization. It can only afford the lowest level of treatment in the hospital without money. Death is the most common situation under the occasional supply of cheap medicine.

and so. . He cannot die, then Jessica must die.

He didn't think the opposite female monster would let him go.

And the back lane is a good place to solve each other. At least it will not attract the police in the first time, but will also give yourself a little time to run.

Jessica also saw the dangerous luster in the other party's eyes. She was not sure if the other party would kill herself. She just continued to complete his robbery, but Jessica did not dare to gamble.

"Relax, relax, don't go away."

Jessica dispelled the other party's vigilance and moved her footsteps to the back alley, but during the transfer, she scanned the surroundings with her remaining light, observing whether there was anything available.

Unfortunately, she seemed unlucky during this time, and there was nothing that could help her get rid of the status quo.

Then. . There is no way.


Jessica's eyes suddenly froze, turning her head to look into the back alley.

She didn't say anything, but often the movements of the human body were more convincing than words. The other party didn't respond for a while, and turned and looked inside.

At this time, Jessica didn't look back, and rushed forward with her instinct, as long as she was close to each other. . Then she must not be afraid of anything.

She can hit the opponent with a punch, and she can even bend the barrel.

but. . After the opponent saw only darkness in the back alley, he immediately realized that he had taken the trick. His muzzle had never left Jessica. In a panic, he did not care about aiming, instinct. Yes, I pulled the trigger one after another.

Jessica's pupil contracted suddenly.

She could only subconsciously block her arms in front of her, hope. . You can get better luck in the end.


At the moment when Jessica completely delivered herself to her destiny, with the clatter of a clatter, a shadow suddenly rushed out of the broken door of the coffee shop next door.

"Be careful!"

The deep alto appeared suddenly in Jessica's ear. Before she could react, the figure stood firmly in front of her and blocked all the bullets.


Gunshots and muffled sounds echoed under the night, causing a screaming police siren not far away.

Jessica didn’t recover from this series of surprises. She stared at the sound in front of her for a second, and then paused for a second before she stepped forward and wanted to help the man. live.

"Are you OK?!"

"Are you crazy?!"

Jessica has never been a good talker. Even at this time, what she said is not so pleasant, but she has made up her mind to save the person who rescued herself at all costs.

only. . It seems that the other party does not need Jessica's worry.

"You broke my shop door!"

The guy who blocked the bullet was like no one else. He didn't even shake his body, and ignored Jessica behind him, and went straight to the guy who was in a daze with a gun.

The guy on the opposite side was still stunned with a gun, because not to mention him, even Jessica did not react in a series of accidents.

Without resistance, he stood so stupefied, and was slapped on the head by the sudden man without any movement.


The guy who appeared suddenly might not be as powerful as Jessica, but it was also not small, and the other person's head was photographed directly on a low advertising slogan next to him, and he passed out on the spot.

Very good, in this way, the last pseudo-hippie was also solved, he fell silently by the corner of the wall.

At the next moment, the guy who saved Jessica's life turned around and then looked at Jessica quietly.

At this time, Jessica could see clearly the appearance of this man through the dim street light.

She is a young black woman with a fit figure and seems to be vaguely able to see the outline of the muscles. She squeezed a smile at Jessica and said with a deep alto.

"Lucol, Cage."

. . .


Jessica let out a long sigh of relief, then whispered a few words, and then raised her head and said in her signature sleepless tone, "Jessica, Jessica Jones."

Although she knew that Jessica was not cursing herself, the lazy movements and tone made the rigorous and responsible Lucour feel uncomfortable. She narrowed her beautiful eyes and said in a magnetic voice, "Although I save Lost you, but it doesn't mean I like you."

Of course, this liking is not that kind of liking, it's just that looking at each other is not good.

I don’t know what the specific reason is. There may be a saying that there is a natural mismatch. Jessica’s eyes seem to be sharp at this moment. She slightly glared, and then changed back to the lazy expression, said, " What a coincidence, although you saved me, I also don't like you."

Lukoul was too lazy to have an unnecessary argument with Jessica, she said directly, "All this." She looked around, "You are also responsible."

"At least half of the responsibility."

"Me?" She looked funny looking at Jessica's expression.

"It's you."

Lu Kor's expression was serious and his voice was low. "You can obviously avoid it, but you are directly greeted. Why, shouldn't your amazing power be used in such a place."

"You don't need to use it anywhere." Jessica said unkindly.

"You are in a bad mood, just want to find some venting objects." Lu Kor said again.

"How do you know I'm in a bad mood."

Jessica didn’t even bother with her expression this time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She raised her head lazily and gestured. That look made Lukol dislike it, and she felt that the two of them were naturally not suitable for their personality.

But she answered very seriously, "This... is not a difficult phenomenon to observe."

Lukol was a little funny and hurriedly gesturing her face. She was about to express Jessica's gloomy expression. In fact, Jessica was so gloomy every day.

However, Lukoor seems to lack some talent for acting, and her sloppy gestures can't be understood by most people. Fortunately, Jessica actually understood it.

"Really." But Jessica still didn't want to talk nonsense.

"So, are you looking for my trouble now?"

Jessica is also very depressed.

In fact, when she first saw the group of pseudo-hippies, Jessica confirmed that she had encountered a group of walking sandbags and could be out of breath, but she didn't expect things to develop to this point. If she knew that, she would be fine. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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