High Magic Earth

Chapter 1291: People who should not appear

"Of course not." Lucol said seriously.

"I just want to tell you, don't do this anymore."

Jessica took a breath out of frustration, seemed to roll her eyes indecently as she lowered her head, and then said impatiently, "Well, thank you so much."

At this point, Jessica didn't want to say anything more.

Shaking his head, Jessica passed Lukol Cage and continued to walk forward. Although the words were not speculative, but Lukol saved his life, Jessica would still remember it. There is a chance that she Will definitely return to this relationship.

Both of them did not talk much about their specifics, such as why Jessica was able to blow a strong man close to two meters away with a punch for several meters, or that Lukol could resist bullets without being injured.

With the sirens getting louder and louder, Jessica's figure also grew farther and farther away, and when she couldn't see it, Lukoll shouted behind.

"Where are you going?"

"Police." Jessica's lazy voice came from a distance.


It was a cold joke, Jessica snorted at the corner of her mouth, and then stretched out a hand.

Lukoor in the back also sniffed the corner of her mouth because she vaguely saw the gesture left by Jessica.

A big middle finger. ...

No matter how hard the two were in the original plot, black strong men matched white sweet girls, but here, obviously the first time they met was not so pleasant.

A series of encounters made Jessica's mood even worse. She speeded up and rushed to the police station. In her heart, it was all attributed to the guy who had moved his memory.

Purple people.

She is about to thrash the purple man's head.

As for the question of not being able to fight, Jessica didn't think about it. Her first wave was her style. Can't beat it? nonexistent.

With the rising anger value, Jessica finally came to the police station in Hell's Kitchen.

As a not-so-famous detective...or a little-known detective, Jessica certainly didn't have the privilege of being able to enter and exit as soon as she passed the business card.

Similarly, the police station was very guarded, and there was no window door for her to slip in.

Fortunately, there were people coming and going in front of the police station, and it was not difficult to get around, not to mention, the place Jessica was going to was the forensic office or the morgue, not the police station.

These two places are not in the same place.

Squeezing the brim, Jessica walked into another building next to the police station.



Although it is already late at night, the police station is still very lively. After all, this is the **** kitchen. At night, when criminals are active, some unlucky guys are caught and sent to the police station.

Even the level of excitement is not lower than that of the day.

But compared with the police station, the corpse parking room next to it is obviously more than doubled. There are only three people here, or because the forensic office is also in this building, and two forensics and forensic assistants are temporarily transferred from New York, otherwise There is only one person on duty.

As a government building, of course, there is no problem of disrepair, and the utilization rate of the corpse parking room in the **** kitchen is also higher.

But for some reason, perhaps deliberately, the door to the morgue was also very noisy, and there was no rust, but as Jessica pushed the door open, the squeaking sound immediately resounded in the empty hall.

The little brother on duty raised his head and asked with some doubt, while a hand was already placed next to the alarm button.

Of course, he wouldn't doubt what strange things came in. As a guy who can work in the morgue, he was naturally bold enough to resign.

He was worried about what criminals came in.

After all, in a sense, this is also one of the police’s exhibit rooms. After all, the corpses sometimes expose a lot of things, or even more.

The destruction of corpses is not a strange choice, and as a duty officer, he may also be traumatized by poisoned hands.

If you want to live longer, you need to be smarter. The younger brother on duty always thinks this sentence is a reasonable saying.

"Jessica Jones, private investigator." The answer to him was naturally Jessica. She didn't hide anything and reported her name directly.

When he came, Jessica, accustomed to a rash wave, finally thought of something.

She didn't come here to do something shameful, and she didn't need to sneak in sneakily, she could report it justly.

With Jessica's answer, she soon came to the door of the duty room.

The little brother on duty saw Jessica being alone, and seeing her face again, and could not help but froze for a moment, "Oh, oh..." he stuttered.

"Detective...Is the detective."

"Yes." Jessica didn't know where to find a business card and handed it over.

"What's the matter with you?" The brother on duty glanced at the business card, and traced it into the pocket of his chest without leaving any traces. He seemed to ask attentively.

"I want to see a body."

Jessica smiled on the door frame, "It should have been delivered yesterday, I found it, and reported the case. The bodies of three young people are not very old, and their height is about 180. I want to see... in fact , I can see any corpse."

"The entrustment that my client has given me is not over. I have made some new progress, but I think the clue may be on the body, is it okay?"

Jessica asked with a smile.

"Of course." The little brother on duty said without hesitation, "Of course."

"Wait for me to check." He made a slight gesture to Jessica, and then quickly rummaged.

"Let me look for it, let me find it...don't worry, three bodies, just arrived yesterday...found it!"

The little brother on duty clapped his hand and pulled a folder from the drawer. "That's it." He said, "No. 38, go forward, then turn left. Do you need me to go with you?"

"No thanks," Jessica smiled. "If something happens, I will call you."

"Of course." The little brother on duty nodded incessantly.

Just when Jessica turned around, the little brother on duty said again, "Uh... there are two people in it, the new forensic doctor and his assistant, and they haven't gotten off work yet."

"The two were transferred here three days ago. I heard that it was temporary. I was not very familiar with them. If you are going to see the body, it is best to talk to them first."

"That's it." The brother on duty winked at Jessica.

"Of course." Jessica smiled.

There is nothing else this time.

Jessica turned her head, and her face quickly froze. She rolled her eyes impatiently and strode forward.

With her detective talent, Jessica quickly found the right position. She stood in front of the freezer wall in the morgue and locked her target in the freezer 38.

that's it.

The freezer was unlocked, and Jessica stepped forward, ready to pull it away.


But at this moment, a light cough came from behind Jessica.

Rolling her eyes, Jessica's expression was impatient. She was not frightened by the sudden sound, but was interrupted repeatedly.

"Who are you? What are you doing?"

Turning around, Jessica saw two people in white gowns. Obviously, they were the forensic doctors mentioned by the younger brother on duty.

The two looked strange, a guy with a slight beard like an Indian, and the other a skinny girl with a pale face... pale as a vampire.

Jessica thinks the other party is childlike, is it fun to play a vampire in the morgue.

The girl doesn't need to mention it, it looks weak and not very powerful. The other guy also seems to be a part of the house and probably has no guts.

At a glance, Jessica swept the two into the pile of bullies.

In this case, Jessica immediately changed her tone. She asked lazily, "Who are you again?"


Sure enough, neither of them was a strong character. In the face of Jessica's questioning, the forensic doctor was still stuck there for a while, unaware that they were the masters here.

"I am the forensic doctor here." He said, "You can call me Ravi."

"This... is my assistant."

The pale girl nodded again and again.

"Hi! Hello, my name is Liv."...

"What's Liv, okay." Jessica nodded, then looked down at Ravi's face. "Indian?" she asked doubtfully.

"Of course not." Ravi looked disgusted. "I am American."


Jessica shrugged insincerely, "I am a private investigator, Jessica Jones. I found the three bodies I sent yesterday. I am still investigating this case. I found new clues, but and The body is related, the younger brother on duty told me that the body is here, the freezer 38."

"The one who fell into the sewer after getting drunk?" Ravi may have Indian origin, anyway, his expression is very vivid when he speaks.

Jessica froze for a moment. She was not very impressed with these questions, but she responded quickly, and immediately nodded affirmatively, "Yes, it is him."

"Are you really not of Indian descent?"

"Of course not!" Ravi said dissatisfiedly, but hesitated, but shrugged helplessly, "Well, there is one point, one-sixteenth, my grandmother has half of Indian origin."

However, Ravi’s people are good and enthusiastic. He seems to have no hesitation about Jessica’s identity and greets enthusiastically. “We have already dissected that person. I have detailed information here. Would you like to take a look.”

In fact, Jessica didn’t care what she looked at, as long as she determined what was wrong with her memory, she responded, "Of course."

Ravi quickly went to a stack of documents, and in the process, Jessica followed the two people out of the morgue to their office.

Along the way, Jessica looked around.

Obviously, as the little brother on duty said, the two were moved in because even the office looks very new and seems to be newly furnished.

The office is very warm, in addition to the office space, there are lounges, and even a mini kitchen.

Cooking and eating in the morgue? Jessica now admires these forensics somewhat.

But along the way, Jessica noticed that the forensic assistant called Liv had been silent, she didn't seem to talk much, and she even had a trance.

Jessica wasn't the kind of nosy person. She glanced a little and didn't look at her again.

Within a few minutes, Ravi found what Jessica needed in a stack of documents.

"This is it!"

He stuffed the folder in Jessica's hands.

It wasn't until this time that Jessica finally became slightly serious, nodded, and then she silently opened the folder in her hand.

The information in it is very detailed, as Ravi said, although he does not look very reliable, but in fact is a very good forensic, at least relying on Jessica, she is impossible to see from the body anyway. So many things.

Severe drunkenness, fell into a half-meter high ditch...

The fatal injury was behind the brain, the brain was damaged, and died on the spot...

Jessica looked at the material in her hand, with photos and text clips on it. The colored photos had clear pixels, almost like real people.

Trying to recall his memory, Jessica gradually fell silent.

She remembered this scene, although it was a little vague, but it was also engraved in her mind, exactly the same as she experienced it.

She followed the clues to the outskirts of the city, and then found the body in the sewer. After probably confirming her identity, she immediately called the police.

The corpse is now here, and the information in the hands of the forensic medicine is also correct, everything is correct, so... there is no problem with her memory?

If there is no problem with her memory, why is she missing one day's mark and really just forgetting it? This is impossible~www.wuxiaspot.com~ because the daily record is just to prevent this from happening now, and Jessica will not forget it anyway.

She felt a little confused, or rather puzzled.

Jessica didn't notice that she had been holding her data in a daze for a long time, so in the same way, she would not pay attention to the Liv next to her, and she also looked a little trance.

"Liv! Liv!"

The forensic doctor Ravi who knows the situation of Liv the first time discovered Liv's situation. After eating the brains of others, Liv can see some strange illusions, or not illusions, but eaten. The memory of the brain.

Now in her situation... it is about seeing these memories again.

Memories cannot be triggered anytime, anywhere, and certain keywords must be used, perhaps the scenes that appear in the memory, the objects in the memory, or the people in the memory... people. ...

"Jessica Jones...The Future League of Defenders..."

In a vague phantom, Liv saw Jessica.

No... it wasn’t Jessica, and soon Liv realized that it was not right, because as the perspective in her memory receded, she gradually saw the whole picture of Jessica.

This is a photo, or...innumerable photos, densely affixed to the wall, with some instructions next to each photo.

They were all strangers and irrelevant. There were ordinary businessmen, salaried workers, and soldiers and policemen. Liv even saw Tolia Stark, the head of Stark Industries.

Without giving Liv much time for observation, the next moment, the perspective was distorted again. As the memory master turned back in horror, Liv saw the figure of a man and a woman.

The man seemed to sigh very much, he shook his head and said, "Oh... uninvited little guy, you saw something you shouldn't see."

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