High Magic Earth

Chapter 1292: There is actually a reason

Who is that?

No... I should say who this is, who these people are, and the people in these photos.

Sudden unexpected guests made the owner of the perspective very confused. He turned his eyes away from the wall of the photo and did not give Liv time to let them identify the identities of these people.

At the next moment, the angle of view suddenly drew closer, and the faces of men and women in front of him became clear.

A handsome man and a beautiful woman, Liv feels that they should be models on the catwalk, not in such a dark dark basement.

Yes, the surrounding environment is well recognizable, typical basement style.

But I don't know why, Liv always feels that these two people look very false. Under their gentle smiles, there is some kind of cold and indifferent indifference, whether it is the man or the woman next to it.

At this time, the owner of the perspective began to yell.

"Sam! Pete! Where are you!?"

"You killed them?!" he growled loudly at the two in front of him.

Sam and Pete, Liv remember these two names, they are the names of two of the three bodies.

It can be seen that the owner of the perspective is flustered, the perspective has been shaking, and the focus is not always locked in front, but instead looks around in panic, as if looking for a usable weapon or escape from here.

"Kill them?" the man on the opposite side seemed amused. "No, of course not."

Suddenly his voice lingered a little. From time to time, Liv knew that this was the end of the memory. Perhaps it was just the end of this memory, but it might also be the master of the memory...life is forever.

"Killing you will only dirty me... well, I have to admit that this sentence doesn't suit me."

"I'll make it clear, you won't die here, it will affect my business and cause me trouble, but I am a serious businessman."

"But one thing is right, you may die, because I will leave you to her to deal with, you will leave here quietly, without a little attention, and then disappear silently in a corner of the earth. , Just like it has never appeared in this world."

"It sounds like a sad ending, right."

"That's because you slipped into a place where you shouldn't come." The man said with a smile. "Child, don't you know if the door is closed then there must be a reason for it."

Shaking his head, the man nodded to the woman next to him, "Handle it clean, don't cause us trouble, it's not yet..."

The rest of the voice, Liv, could no longer be heard. The picture became more and more blurry and shaken badly. The woman came up and grabbed the arm of the master of the angle of view. She was very powerful. The master of the angle of view was almost dragged by her. .


Suddenly, Liv felt a panic, because the woman seemed to find something, bowed her head suspiciously, and stared closely at the owner's eyes.

Her pupils were dark, like a bottomless abyss.

She seems to be looking for herself, but Liv knows that this is impossible, this is just a memory, she is just a bystander watching this memory, no matter how, the other party can not find herself.

But... the other person's eyes gave Liv the feeling that it was too similar, as if he had already discovered his existence.

Deep, huge, and unparalleled darkness sent her pupils to spread out, then more and more, closer and bigger, and finally, finally... gradually swallowed Liv.

"Liv? Liv!"

"Wake up!"...

Ravi was relieved to see Jessica holding the anatomical data of the body, like a guest holding a take-out order.

Don't look at him as silly, but Ravi is not really stupid. In the United States, doctors are one of the highest paid professions and it is also very difficult to become a doctor.

No one who can become a doctor is a fool, even if it is just a forensic doctor.

The reason why Ravi did this was to prevent Jessica from seeing the corpse, now... it seems that his transfer target plan was very successful.

And there is a reason why he didn’t want the corpse to show up. It’s not that the corpse is gone, um... maybe it’s a worse reason than the corpse is gone, and the corpse’s brain is gone.

Of course, the average person doesn't care where the brain of the corpse is taken by the forensic doctor, but he still... is a guilty conscience.

Because Liv.

Liv is a zombie.

The real zombie, zombie zombie, is not a strange young man like the Ha ghost clan, the ha zom clan, she is a real zombie.

Unable to eat human food, she has great strength, no fatal injuries, she can run and jump even if her waist is gone, and she can only eat human brain.

Then it’s already obvious where the corpse’s brain is.

Liv is a good zombie, Ravi thinks so, at least she will not hurt other humans because of starvation, but becomes a forensic assistant, using the brains of those corpses.

Anyway, it is necessary to enter the incinerator or bury it in the ground to wait for decay. It is shameful to waste food.

In this way, the harm to society immediately decreased from murder to embezzlement of company finances, which fell by more than one and a half points.

Therefore, after discovering Liv's identity, Ravi did not immediately extend it, but chose to help Liv. Well, in fact Ravi himself was also very interested in the existence of zombies.

After all, forensics is also a doctor.

The existence of zombies completely broke his understanding of the existing science, which is definitely an emerging species. If he can decipher the secrets of zombies, he will be able to win the next Nobel Prize.

Of course, it is not the award that Ravi really values. He is still a very enthusiastic person in essence. He wants to help Liv more.

According to Liv, she used to be a doctor. The good girl at home decided to take part in a wild cruise party. There was an accident at the party.

Youhuo, a new type of product.

There were few survivors at this party, but Liv survived, but she became a zombie.

Except for her pale face, she seemed indistinguishable from ordinary people until...she was hungry.

So she can become a forensic assistant. She used to be a doctor and had relevant professional knowledge. Otherwise, even an assistant is not so good.

Outside of Liv, if this zombie aberration is really caused by the kind of party goods, then there may be more than one zombie.

There must be other survivors. If those on the cruise ship’s missing list become zombies, it is very likely that they will survive the zombies’ stubborn survivability.

And... the source of the product.

Ravi has been trying to develop antidote, but the progress is not so successful, and during this period, he and Liv accidentally discovered that eating the human brain can allow Liv to see the memory in the brain.

They used this to help the police station solve the case, while developing antidote. Occasionally, because the brain of the corpse is not too large, they will apply for transfer, and all the way through the twists and turns, they came to the **** kitchen.

Successfully giving a compliment for preventing Jessica's mechanics, the beautiful Ravi suddenly noticed Liv's abnormalities.

Her pupils are somewhat dilated and there is no focal length. This is the expression that only appears when she sees the memory in the brain. At first, Ravi did not care. After all, this is not the first time Liv has seen the memory. , She will get a lot of useful clues.

But soon, Ravi felt something was wrong, because this time was a bit too long.

"Liv?" In order not to attract Jessica's attention, Ravi only lowered his voice, but it didn't help Liv at all.

"Liv, Liv!"

"Wake up!"

Ravi didn't know whether this situation was good or bad, but he was naturally conservative and he quickly made the choice to stay the same, waking Liv up, and things would not get worse anyway.

"Liv, wake up!"

When Ravi lowered his voice, his face awkward, afraid of being discovered by Jessica, a familiar voice suddenly appeared in his ear.

"What's up with her?"

Ravi turned his head stiffly, and saw Jessica looking at the two lazily, as if watching the idiots.

"Uh... she... she..." Ravi said stiffly. "She... often like this, yes, often like this, often like this."

Jessica continued to stare at him for a while, then suddenly said, "You believe it yourself, right."

Ravi shrugged his shoulders discouraged. "Yes." He said helplessly. He really is not suitable for lying.

But after a second, Ravi revived, and now it was not the time to discuss this issue. He had not awakened Liv.

"Liv! Liv!"

"Wake up!"

I wonder if it's time, or Ravi's call came into play. At the next moment, Liv seemed to wake up from a nightmare, suddenly made a short exclaim, and then opened his eyes.

"...Silver tongue!"

She whispered.


Not to mention that Jessica was a little dazed, even the forensic Ravi next to him was confused, but he reacted quickly and immediately realized that this might be a "clue" that Liv saw again.

"What's the silver tongue?" Jessica cut in force as they saw the two begin to play a mystery.

"Uh..." Liv, who knew she was speechless, obviously didn't want to say more. Although she saw Jessica's face in her memory, she was also involved in this matter, but that was all.

She had no more clues, and she didn’t want to drag Jessica in until she got things clear... nor would she easily believe anyone involved in the incident because she mistakenly regarded the murderer as a murderer in the previous investigation This is the experience summed up by her own victims.

"It's nothing." Liv pretended to look around the landscape. "It was just yesterday that I watched a movie. The plot there was so scary. I just recalled it, and I was taken aback."

Ravi seemed to realize that there were others here too, quickly echoed and said, "Yes, that movie was watched with her yesterday. It was indeed very scary."

Jessica looked at them indifferently.

"You believe it yourself, right." She continued to say to Liv with that idiot's gaze.


But Liv is unknown, because just when she used this sentence for Dravi Law, Liv was still swimming in the ocean of memory.

"Forget it." Jessica shook her head a little boringly. "I won't ask you which of the two movies is called."

"The clue I wanted has been found." Ignoring their embarrassed faces, Jessica Yang raised the information in her hand. "Thank you for your help, I will leave now."

"Uh..." Ravi seemed to want to say something, but was stopped by Liv, afraid that he would get worse as he explained, and said very diligently, "Of course, you're welcome, welcome to come again next time."

Welcome to come again next time, hang?

On the back they couldn't see, Jessica rolled her eyes and waved her back to the two. She soon disappeared at the end of the office corridor.

As the door to the morgue re-creaked, it was clear that Jessica had left here.

"What did you just want to say?" It wasn't until this time that Liv put down her hand covering Ravi's mouth.

"Uh..." Ravi stretched out a finger and said weakly, "I want to tell her... that thing she can't take away."

He pointed to another stack of information on the table, which was already missing.

Rolling his eyes, Liv decided to ignore Ravi's intermittent idiocy.

She sat on the swivel chair in her own way and put her feet on the table. Uh... in addition to being able to see the memory, the edible brain will also affect Liv's character for a short time, let her Towards the character of the brain owner.

Obviously, the three unlucky eggs who broke into a certain store by mistake have not received any good education...so Liv is what he is now.

Shaking the swivel chair for a long while, Liv suddenly yelled, "Ravi."

"What?" Ravi questioned aside with a copy of the anatomical data.

"Have you heard of the League of Defenders?"

"Are you talking about the latest issue of Tebuya?"

"No..." Liv's indifferent face~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I think no one but you will see this stupid thing..."

"how is this possible!"……

Silver tongue grocery store.

This is like a magical magnet, constantly attracting the ninjas. Just after Nobuyoshi Yoshioka followed Marcia Murdoch and rushed into the grocery store, there have been more than ten poles gathered nearby. Dao Ninja.

And not only ninjas, but also ordinary members of the Dao, who are dare to try hard with guns.

They were all here as soon as they were summoned by Yoshioka Nobuko.

Fighting is naturally about calling people. Like in the movie plot, the villains are always fighting more and more, they are the younger brothers who are constantly summoned.

Although Nobuyoshi Yoshioka does not think that so many people are needed, the crowd can avoid any strange accidents.

The weird woman with the hood has touched many secrets that should not be discovered, and it has caused great trouble to their business.

Can not continue to let it go, this time we must solve her, once and for all.

Seeing that Marcia had solved two ninjas in a row, Nobuyoshi Yoshioka felt that the battle should stop here, and she decided to take action in person to end this meaningless farce.


Yoshioka Nobuko shouted, beckoning that she was about to cut into the battlefield, and then her whole person instantly turned into a vague black shadow, and she approached Marcia's side in a blink of an eye.

Her hand was empty on the handle of the samurai sword, and she stared at Marcia's neck without blinking.

At the next moment, her hands were clenched suddenly, and the sharp blade cut through the night sky like a lightning, running like a meteor.

Draw the knife and cut!

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