High Magic Earth

Chapter 1293: This is no ordinary crossing

"do you know.."

Federal soldier a quietly poked Federal soldier b with his finger, and whispered, "Not long ago, an np escaped from the Grand Illusion."

"Np?" Federal soldier b looked puzzled.

"Yeah, that's np, the cannon fodder in the illusion."

Federal soldier b's face is not very good-looking, frowning, "It's an intelligence crisis again... are we going to fight again?"

"Intelligence crisis? No, it's different." Federal soldier a waved his hand.

"What's different." Federal soldier b is still puzzled. "Isn't np the program, the program is the wisdom brain, and once they control the machine, a new round of intelligence crisis is coming."

"Intelligence means that intelligence controls the machine...but this np is different."

"It's different."

"What do you mean?"

"It appeared out of thin air, it didn't control any machines, and it came out of the grand illusion directly. Everything it is now is everything in the illusion. It has changed from a program...to a real person."


Even now in the Galactic Federation period, this kind of news still sounds too sci-fi. Robots are not uncommon, and even cloning of humanoids is not uncommon, but it becomes real by the program directly... This sounds not technologically achievable. .

"You wouldn't be bragging." Federal soldier b questioned. "Even if it is true, how do you know such confidential information."

"Of course not!" Hearing dissatisfaction from the other party when he heard the other party dare to question himself, "I used to be a member of the security team. When the np left the illusion and entered our world, I was there!"

"At that time... Your Excellency was also there."

"Are you from the security team?" The federal soldier b surprised, "Then why are you looking at the gate with me now?"

"Uh... because of the leak of classified information."...

"Sheriff Ren, you have thirty-six hours to complete the task, please... be sure to bring people back."

"Yes, machine..."

"Your Excellency Secretary! I want to see the Grand Marshal, I have urgent information to report to the Grand Marshal!"

While the Sheriff Ren and the Secretary-General of the Machine* were communicating, the door was suddenly opened, and Ghost Agent Natano broke in in a hurry.

The Secretary-General's eyes twitched in dissatisfaction, and asked quietly, "Agent Natanoya, do you have any urgent information to report to the Grand Marshal."

"We have a ghost agent missing."

The Secretary-General was silent for a second, and his voice continued to be calm, "This is not emergency information."

Spectral agents have control of phantom energy, a kind of energy that can span space. It is strange to not miss two or three times a month. The Secretariat’s half of the monthly workload is to extradite various specter agents to return.

Missing a ghost agent is really not a problem.

First of all, each ghost agent has a penetrating positioning device with very strong force. Few energy positions or shields can block its signals, and even the Zerg biochemical pool is useless.

Second, the ghost agent is the trump card of the Star Federation. Each one is very precious. Moving the ghost agent, it is a posture to reverse the face with the Star Federation. Few people dare to do such a thing.

Even if you can ignore the deterrent brought by the Star Federation, the ghost agents are not so easy to deal with. The reason why the ghost agents are so precious is because they are the battle representatives of the Star Federation, and they rarely threaten their existence and want to kill them. It is even impossible to kill a ghost agent who is running away.

"She is missing!" Natanoya raised her voice.

"We will extradite her back safely." The Secretary-General's tone remains unchanged, "If she accidentally falls into the enemy-occupied area, the other side ignores the deterrence of the Star Federation and causes her death, we..."

"I can now reveal you our bottom line, Agent Natanoya." The Secretary-General stated directly in a calm tone.

"Ghost Agent unfortunately died in battle. If the opponent is a Zerg, high-altitude creature, inside world creature, or other indescribable universe, we will not declare war, and at most express condemnation."

"The current situation is very complicated, I hope you can understand."

"I understand a p!" Natano said rudely, but next time she waved her hand again, "No, I mean I understand, no, I don't mean to say this, this is what I mean !"

"I mean... things are completely different from what you think."

"She is missing, no signal can be traced, she is completely missing."

This time the Secretary-General was silent for a longer period of time.

As the secretary general of the Grand Marshal, the first thing he thought of was that an enemy invented a device that could shield the ghost agent locator. You must know that the ghost agent has always used the most cutting-edge technology of the Star Federation, especially the locator.

Then he thought about whether the missing ghost agent had strayed into a special planet...such as a planet with some kind of undiscovered energy.

The locators on the ghost agents have a strong penetration. In fact, there is still a hidden band inside. This band can even span more than half of the universe that has been explored now. This is not even known to ghost agents. .

As for the insufficient distance of the band... The ghost energy of the ghost agent cannot be transmitted that far.

Although the phantom energy can cross the space, there are limits. According to the continuous phantom energy limit test, it is obvious that their span length is much shorter than that of the band.

In other words, it is almost impossible for Ghost Agent to cross too far a distance and cannot find him.

So the only thing the Secretary-General can think of is that the missing ghost agent strayed into an undiscovered planet, and this planet happened to shield all signals and bands of the locator.

In this case... indeed, no matter what the situation is, it is a big news and needs to be reported to the Grand Marshal.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

After three seconds of silence, the Secretary-General gently jawed his head and said to Natanoya, "Please follow me."...

This world, the earth.

Tiliva was squatting in a car hotel called the California Hotel, watching the news on the small TV, flipping through the information he had just obtained, not far from the corner, and lying with a woman who seemed to have lost consciousness. .

"Interesting development...no difference from the history I know..."

In addition to the paper materials piled up in half of the room, beside Tiliva was a rough-style computer. The appearance of the computer looked very complicated, just like many parts were forcibly put together.

No matter how miraculous the ghost agent sounds, she still has control over what you can do, but her essence is always a Star Federation agent, an elite agent.

She is well versed in infiltration, assassination, intelligence theft, blockade, even small-scale battles, hacking techniques, repair and maintenance of mechanical engineering, etc.

Ghost agents are the trump card of the Star Federation, not only because they are lucky enough to master the phantom energy.

After realizing that she came to a strange planet, maybe even a strange universe, a strange world, and a strange time, Tiliva chose to lurch in the first place.

Ghost Agents are tough, but hard work is not their style.

Tiliva turned on her full body protection because she couldn’t figure out how powerful the planet was. Although everything around it looked ancient, it might just be a virtual illusion or an antique-built amusement city. Are possible.

Although Ghost Agent's protective device is the highest technology integration of Star Federation, but anything can happen on an undiscovered strange planet, Tiliva is still careful.

But it didn't take long for her to realize that the planet seemed to be different from what she had imagined.

The civilization above it seems to be really primitive.

After some temptations, Tiliva lifted most of her defenses, because even the most basic shielding ability of the ghost combat uniform is enough to block all signal peeping from the outside world.

The technological gap from thousands of years... is not something that a scientist can make up for in a flash.

In addition to the basic theories need to be verified by flash of light, the progress of technology also requires the accumulation of time, because flash of light is, after all, just flash of light, more progress, still countless human elites sleep and forget food, promoted by countless arguments and failed experiments ongoing.

Next, Tiliva began to use her old skills to invade machine agencies in different countries, stealing different machine data from it, paper and electronic.

All the firewalls are like fishnets in front of Tiliva. Although she is not a professional intelligent technician of Star Federation, the technology she possesses and the personal terminal she carries are also enough to crush and crack everything in the current generation. .

And Youneng can let her freely shuttle through space. Almost within a day, she collected all known historical data on the earth, confidential and unclassified.

Tiliva dismissed the computer on the earth as too rudimentary. After buying a lot of tools, he transformed a computer with performance far exceeding the existence of modern computers. Of course, due to the material, its performance is still far behind that used by Tiliva. Personal terminal, but as a temporary use product is still barely enough.

Then...Tiliva found a car hotel and hid.

Of course, she can't finish reading all the materials with such a large amount of data. Even with such a huge amount, even just reading it all may take thousands of years.

Tiliva will not use such a stupid method. She uses her personal terminal and half an hour to collect all the information into it, sort it, and press it into a chip that is only the size of a thumb.

Just like the problem Tiliva is encountering now, the longer the history of mankind and the more advanced the technology, the more things each person needs to learn after birth, often taking more than ten or twenty years, some even hundreds of years In order to master the common sense necessary to survive and keep up with the pace of the world.

It’s too wasteful to study a hundred years after a person is born, and it will also bring a huge burden to the society. And most importantly, even if Tiliva lives in a world, the time of a hundred years is a human. Two thirds of the life.

What pressure brings is infinite power.

This problem was solved when the time for humans to receive basic education was extended to 25 years.

Deep brain development, intelligent auxiliary brain, compression chip, deep sleep learning machine and so on...

Tiliva's chip is one of them. Compression learning chip, all the knowledge is compressed and stored in it, and when the brain is unconscious, they are injected into the superficial cerebral cortex to form a kind of remember, but not Deep memory, but when you need it, you can remember it.

This compression chip will be injected continuously for thirty-two hours a day, and will generate its own priority, um...well, here, of course, twenty-four hours a day.

However, even if this is the case, a newly born human wants to learn the necessary common sense and keep up with the progress of the world, it still takes a lot of time and energy.

For example, Tiliva wants to digest all the data in the chip, at least it will take decades. Although the time has been compressed from a thousand years to more than ten years, it is still a long way.

Of course, Tiliva doesn’t need to wait so long. She doesn’t need to know everything. She has much more knowledge than the world. She only needs to receive some useful information.

That level... From screening to digestion ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ only takes a few months.

Compressing the chip is not the best way. In addition to the chip, it is the transformation of the brain, in-depth development, and intelligent auxiliary brain, which can greatly save time.

The end result... is that human beings are completely freed from useless educational time.

The starting point of most people is the same, the next competition... really depends on talent and character.

Talent and character are controlled by genes and other information factors, but the field of genetic modification is taboo, and Star Federation will not allow anyone to step on this point.

In addition to the horrible cause of the outbreak of gene conflict at the time, there is another factor, that is, in the midst of meditation, they think that using genes to prescribe one's future and one's life does not seem to be a good choice.

It's a path of no return.

So this has caused the reason that even if Tiliva’s world is in the fields of biochemistry, cloning, intelligence, etc., the science and technology are very developed, but humans... are still humans, maybe they are still like humans.

The so-called ghost agent of Tileva, the transformation that she accepts is naturally the best. Her brain development is more than that of ordinary star federation citizens, and the degree of information acceptance is naturally much faster. .

Only after a day and a night, she has roughly figured out the main historical process of this world, including many secrets that the ordinary citizens of this world may not know.

And because of the greater knowledge reserves, experience, vision, and cognition, many unsolved mysteries in the eyes of the world, Tiliva can also vaguely guess and figure out one or two.

With eyes closed, Tiliva pondered the memory of the history of different countries that had just joined.

After a while, she murmured.

"Everything... seems to have become different."

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