High Magic Earth

Chapter 1294: Lost ghost agent

What is the difference between the two worlds.

Tiliva was not clear. In fact, at first, she didn't even notice the difference between the two worlds. She thought she had simply traveled through time.

Through the collected data, she has a lot of understanding of the history of this world. Unfortunately, she does not have much understanding of her original world history.

The time is too long, and the detailed records are in fact obscure even in the old alliance period, not to mention the more distant original planetary era.

Tiliva did not distinguish the difference between the two worlds until...she obtained a record of the modern history of this world.

The three laws of thermodynamics, Newton's law, the law of conservation of mass...Most physical discoveries and chemical discoveries are the same as those known by Tiliva.

Although she couldn't determine the specific age of discovery, but... things like the laws of physics will not change, even after a thousand years, the content is the same.

It was only soon that Tiliva discovered a little bit different, or rather, something that the world lacked.

The third law of quantum.

It was discovered by Dr. Yang Hua that Keynes and his assistant Zhan Lemu complemented each other and laid an important law for the future history of mankind. It is also the only law discovered in the early days of the original planet but with detailed records in history.

Because of the emergence of this law, it directly reversed the future of mankind.

It appeared very early. At that time, human beings had not yet detached from the earth. In theory, most of the history of that period and before had been lost, or the language was unknown, but its discoverer and discovery process were clearly recorded.

Because the emergence of this law represents a major turning point in the human world, and it is precisely because of this law that mankind has the opportunity to explore the infinite universe.

The third law of quantum sounds like nothing. Although the name is tall, the laws of physics on the tall are gone a lot, but there is no such simple theory of gravity as most people are familiar with.

This is not the case with the third quantum law. In addition to the name quantum third law, it has another name.

Basic theory of space jumping.

It interprets the relationship between quantum and quantum, material transfer, space jump, and even wormhole in detail. All mature technologies are all based on this basic theory.

Dr. Yang Hua discovered this basic law because of an accidental accident, and then extended several extended physical laws in half a year, which directly opened the door of the era of space jumping, and also opened the path to interstellar The passage to the entire universe.

The third law of quantum is one of the most important laws before mankind entered the interstellar age, which directly opened the door to a new world for mankind.

But there is no quantum third law here, history... there have been changes.

The reason why Tiliva can determine that there is no third quantum law here, rather than not yet appearing, or appearing late, is due to another reason.

Reference object.

She didn't find clues about the third law of quantum, even a trace of quantum-related discoveries, but Tiliva unexpectedly discovered the progress of nuclear technology. ......The foundation is very perfect.

this is not right.

Because Tiliva knew very well that nuclear technology only began to improve after the short-range space jump technology was perfected, which has a detailed record in the Star Federation.

When mankind began to successfully use the third quantum law and tried to build a spaceship to explore the universe, it immediately encountered a problem that must be solved, the energy problem.

At that time, human beings gathered a lot of scientists. Every country seemed to compete with each other. Everyone wanted to get out of the earth first.

Just over a decade ago, nuclear technology, solid-state energy technology, bioenergy technology, a whole lot of messy, energy-related technologies are almost coming out.

The purpose is to allow the spacecraft to have enough energy to support leaving the earth.

And in the end... Mankind also succeeded. After the first spaceship was able to jump away from the earth, the precious material materials that were continuously coming from the universe and other different planets were collected, and the earth entered a period of great leap forward.

It didn’t take long for supercomputers, which existed only in theory, to be discovered unexpectedly on a certain planet, with special materials that possess superconductivity and accommodating qualities.

Humans with more computing power have made greater progress, and... the history of this period has also been preserved.

Although it was still lost, it was not as thorough as it was.

And here... nuclear technology can almost flatten the planet. You should know that until the emergence of supercomputers, nuclear technology should not have such huge power in theory.

It can’t be said that it’s not. It’s just that the direction of research is inconsistent. Your own world is biased towards energy, and here, it’s biased towards weapons and war.

By now, Tiliva can be sure that she has not only simply passed through time, but has come to a different world, completely different from her own world... completely, completely different.

Since they are two worlds, even if there are some similarities, they are only similar, and they are still completely different.

Nor can it be generalized.

After recognizing this fact, Tiliva began to think about how to go back. In any case, she discovered a new planet, or maybe a new world, a new universe, even if she was a ghost agent, in the star In the Federation, this is also a big contribution.

Even if this is a completely different planet, the human genes above may not be the most primitive map, but they are also valuable.

As for how the Star Federation treats this planet, that is not what Tiliva needs to consider.

Although Tiliva looks very active and her personality seems to be a little cute, but don't forget that she is a ghost agent, the trump card among the agents, sacrifice and cold blood are always the most basic traits of the agent.

But before trying to find a way to go back, Tiliva must figure out another question.

Here, exactly.

Not that this planet is, but that this world, this universe.

Regarding the parallel world, the theory of the multidimensional universe is actually perfect in Tiliva’s world. It is not a mess left by the old federation. It has nothing to do with the old federation. It is only after the establishment of the star federation that these theories begin to gradually develop. perfect.

Because of war.

The gene conflict has disappeared for six generations, that is, two hundred years later, mankind finally encountered the first large-scale intelligent race in the universe, a group of disgusting and dangerous stupid bugs.

This is a very special ethnic group and they are very dangerous.

Assimilation and engulfment are their instincts. Their adaptability is very strong. Each time they reach a new environment, they can always evolve a habitable physique in the shortest time, and this physique will not be constant. The birth of life degenerates again and continues to evolve.

Of course, because of the different circumstances, this period may be several months, or it may be more than ten years.

But no matter how long this period of time, the special characteristics of insects, in the eyes of other creatures, are extremely incredible.

It is precisely because of this that insects can survive in the universe and even grow gradually.

The bugs have wisdom, and they have been there since the beginning. Among them, there are many smart guys who have also explored the mysteries, science and truth in the universe.

But... it is useless.

Although their appearance is different from that of humans, they also have organs such as branches, using ores and metals, they can also smelt various things.

However, everything is no match for their greedy engulfing nature, no matter how meaningful technological creations, in the end will be swallowed by them.

The reason is the same as humans making houses with cakes, and all the people living in the houses are foodies.

Over time, they will give up scientific development and give full play to their talents and instincts. Only a few biochemical technologies like the biochemical pool transformation dishes that best fit them have been retained.

As for why these things have not been swallowed by them, the reason... Probably like humans will not eat apple trees that can produce apple fruit.

The war between humans and bugs has lasted for a long time. Of course, they are not really bugs in nature, but the name is originally invented by humans. They like to call this kind of bugs... they are bugs.

Although these things are terrible, they are not invincible.

Humans are not stupid. They can use evolution to adapt to human attacks. It didn't take long for humans to realize.

So humans directly used the strongest technology at the time, various biological bombs, genetic information destruction and other means to directly kill the insects.

After expelling them out of the safe area, mankind began the journey of climbing the technological tree wildly.

In fact, over the years...the essence of war is whether the competition is whether humans are climbing the tree faster, or the insects are more adaptable to evolution.

However, after all, nature is slow, and it is far less rapid than the explosive development of technology. Of course, there will be no bottlenecks. Fortunately, human technology has not encountered bottlenecks, so in these years, humans have won more than lost. less.

The long period of war lasted for a century and a thousand years. During this period, both humans and bugs realized that the universe is far more than the existence of the two of them, and they are not necessarily the nemesis of birth and death.

Insects are also wise. Both they and humans know that the universe is large, and they don’t have to stare at each other all the time, as this will only slow their development and drag themselves into the vortex of destruction.

In the long time, the hostility between the two has not been as strong as it was originally.

Similarly, in these thousands of years, in addition to insects, countless other creatures have appeared, the most typical of which is the traces of high-latitude creatures.

They are the third largest wisdom group after insects.

They have different shapes and are erratic. Most of their existence is even just some aggregated energy.

At first, humans just thought that they are a kind of creature in the universe. After all, the universe is very large. On some planets with special environments, they are not creatures that have not seen pure energy bodies.

But soon humans discovered...not like that.

They don't seem to belong to this world, or... it's not accurate to say that, to be precise, they don't belong to this universe.

All the foundations that constitute their lives are refuted by the common sense recognized by mankind, physical laws, chemical reactions, whether it is general common sense or biological special properties, seem to have no effect on them.

They are not special... but completely, completely, different from this world.

Humans can understand creatures that are completely composed of energy without form. After all, although they are very strange, they are not impossible, but these crazy creatures, they... they can’t be described in words, even everything just sees them All living creatures will fall into a frenzy.

They do not belong to this world.

Because of these things, humans began to reflect on the answer to a question, the world, the plane, and the universe, what exactly should be.

In the long history, human beings have lost a lot of things. The only thing that is well preserved is probably the brilliant human culture. This is because...about the same important relationship between material food and spiritual food.

Science fiction has never been cut off from ancient times to the present. Humans in the past imagine the future. Their stories look so ridiculous in the future. Similarly, humans in the future imagine farther. Perhaps in the future, humans in the future will also be laughed at. .

Many stories have made conjectures about the world and the plane. They understood the world, the universe, and the plane as different names for the same thing, but there are other things. The parallel world can also be called the parallel universe and the parallel plane. .

But this is just conjecture, and humans have not received any evidence.

From a special biological race translated as the energy cloud, humans have gained their knowledge of the mysteries of the universe.

They believe that there are countless planes in a universe, and each plane is a world. These worlds may not be parallel~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's just that they are somewhat similar.

In addition, they believe that there is a multi-dimensional universe. This concept is not equal to the plane, it is above the plane.

As for what other multi-dimensional universes look like, do they also have countless planes...the energy cloud is not clear.

As for the evidence, Tiliva does not know whether these guesses are true, because these things are listed as the top secret of the Star Federation, and even the ghost agents have no right to know.

But Tiliva knows that the Star Federation has never stopped exploring these things. Seventeen years ago, they even successfully opened a wormhole to the eccentric plane.

The reason why Tiliva knows this is that it was the ghost agent who performed this task. Although Tiliva did not personally participate, it was also on the scene.

And even more surprising is that the special communicator carried by the ghost agent at that time actually successfully communicated across the plane, and the performance of the things produced by the Star Federation is really not blown out.

Seventeen years later, although these communicators are still not in mass production, they have become popular among ghost agents.

However, the communicator uses a special kind of energy, which is difficult to replenish, so unless the ghost agent is facing more than level 1 important information, it is not allowed to use it at will.

So when Tiliva discovered that this communication device had also lost contact with the solid barrier, the degree of inner wonder could be imagined.

This is simply... incredible.

Either the planet has a special substance that can shield the energy that can penetrate different planes, or it is not the plane that she crosses, but... a multidimensional universe.

If it is the former, this is a big discovery, but if it is the latter... then Tileva's trouble is greater, or human trouble is greater.

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