High Magic Earth

Chapter 1295: cost! Rarely serious headline. . The result is still not serious...

Crossing the plane and crossing the multidimensional universe are completely different concepts.

In fact, the former Star Federation has already done it, and even if Tiliva inadvertently copied the miracle alone, it is not a big news.

But the meaning of the latter is definitely different.

The Star Federation is facing threats. As the largest political power in existence, its enemies have never been in the minority, but the most dangerous enemies are creatures of high latitudes.

Strictly speaking, these high latitudes are all living things and enemies of existence, they are hostile to everything.

The meaning of their existence is destruction.

At first, the Star Federation only regarded them as some kind of bizarre creatures, but later discovered that this was not the case. After no contact was classified as confidential for the first time, after verification, they came to a conclusion that these creatures are likely not to belong to them. This world, or other planes in the same universe, comes from other multidimensional universes.

The Star Federation has always been unable to find a way to contact other multi-dimensional universes. These creatures are extremely threatening in terms of their individuality.

Because of the emergence of high-altitude creatures, humans and insects have been in peace for a long time.

And more importantly, the arrival of high-latitude creatures is not for no reason, it seems to be related to humans.

Among confidential documents No. 73, Tiliva came into contact with a terrible conjecture.

The basic verification of the conjecture comes from the promotion of the law of conservation of mass, the theory of quantum conservation.

Thousands of years ago, while humans successfully carried out the space jump for the first time, scientists in the same period observed a strange physical phenomenon, that is, each space jump would cause a large number of unknown quantum losses and dissipation.

Almost all scientific researchers do not think that this part of the quantum is dissipated or completely lost. They think that these quantums are only transferred, but where they are transferred, they have no way of knowing.

However, the redefinition of the world, plane, universe, and the emergence of high-latitude creatures seem to have given humans new research directions.

Some scholars speculate that those lost quanta are likely to affect a certain existence or break a certain balance, which causes more and more high-latitude organisms to come.

Of course, this kind of conjecture is not guessed at the head of the brain, and scientific conjecture also requires certain basis, but these basis are derived from confidential Document 2 and Document 14, which Tiliva has no right to access.

She can access File 73 because each ghost agent has some tasks with the highest priority sequence, such as the exploration of new planets, the movement of high-latitude creatures, etc., among which the highest is the most limited. . It is the intelligence of the multidimensional universe.

Any news about the multi-dimensional universe must be transmitted to the general console at the first time. The importance of these messages even exceeds the ghost agent itself.

More valuable news than the ghost agent's life. . It is rare.

Although Tiliva is not a scientist, she also has a hunch in the midst of it, that is, these guesses are likely to be correct.

For a long time, humans have arbitrarily used the power of space transitions to jump in the universe and continue to grow themselves, but also unconsciously attracted disasters.

In fact, in the past two or three years, the Star Federation has not been very calm. Most citizens are puzzled. Since the war with the bugs has been quelled for a long time, then there is anyone who dares to provoke the Star Federation.

Although other human powers can unite to contend with the Federation of Stars, they are all human beings after all, and in the presence of extraterrestrial creatures, they can't do the joke of killing each other.

At most it's the degree to which I feel uncomfortable and give you a stumbling block.

But ordinary Star Federation citizens are not clear, but Tiliva, a ghost agent, knows more. These storms hidden beneath the calm surface are most likely related to the multidimensional universe.

they. . Not just a guess.

The storm is about to sweep.

And humans are unavoidable, because this is what they have to bear. . cost.

. . .

Tiliva set aside the information first, and after happily eating two plates of fruit platter, she set her sights on the small TV.

Fruits are not extinct in their world. In fact, as humans continue to explore the universe and continue to discover new planets, materials are becoming more and more abundant.

Tiliva has eaten far more fruits, food, and even stranger creatures than the earth.

In fact, tasting the characteristics of different planets, whether it is food, civilization, or something, is a daily life that everyone living in the interstellar age must bear.

But like today's travel, some people like to walk around, some people like to stay at home, not everyone must like it.

Obviously, Tiliva belongs to the former.

Eating all kinds of alien food is also her biggest hobby.

And she is a ghost agent, whether it is a doctor* or any other treatment is the best, no need to worry about eating bad things.

Fruits on the earth of this world. . There is no such thing with them, even if they are, they are not exactly the same. The long evolutionary process has made the fruit unrecognizable.

Although the taste is not the best, Tiliva was very happy.

"Although the war has ended for two days, the devastated New York, and the emergence of more and more creatures beyond the scope of science can't help but let us begin to wonder, what is the world..."

Tiliva is watching TV.

The programs currently on TV are all reports about New York, and all other news has to make way, not only because the Americans value New York, but also because it matters a lot.

Compared with the giant monster that nearly destroyed more than half of New York and caused madness and death for hundreds of thousands of people around the world, neither the magical creatures still raging in New York, nor the supernatural phenomena and creatures that are constantly emerging around the world. Worth mentioning.

Because the biggest concern of all countries is whether they can win if this creature reappears.

Even if you look at each other, you will fall into a crazy state. . Can the war be won?

No one knows the answer.

Perhaps the answer to this question will never be the best.

Of course, the gap in combat effectiveness is important, but other factors can not be ignored. Almost all capable countries have established special departments to study supernatural phenomena at the same time, whether they consider these existences as aliens, unknown No matter the creature, anyway. . They are an existence that has never been discovered by humans, or even been in contact with it.

Of course, the departments related to the study of supernatural phenomena have always been there, but there has been no progress for a long time, plus neither aliens nor ancient creatures will directly appear in human eyes, so these departments are not very good. valued.

until. . New York was smashed in one breath.

Humans began to boil and began to panic, they did not understand what happened to this world, why overnight, it seemed that the whole world had changed.

Whether it is a legendary creature on the magic side, or a crazy guess of science fiction, these existences can only survive in the story. When watching movies and TV series, humans may not feel anything, but when they really appear in life . . This is definitely different.

Although the supernatural existence has not been completely unveiled, in fact, it has already set off a corner to mankind.

Whether it is the free man to which the wizard belongs or the free man to whom the new man belongs, they have made different choices. Some think that the time has come, it is time to announce their existence to the world, and some hide in silence. , It seems that he never plans to reveal himself.

Ordinary people do not seem to be ready.

In fact, although the sporadic powers have vaguely perceived the existence of the free man, they are not exactly in contact. They are only staying in the process of searching, proving, and contacting. Now all kinds of supernatural forces are suddenly exposed, and they are not So good idea.

What's more, there is also a group of creatures that do not have good intentions for human beings and who do not know their true purpose.

Angels, and demons.

No one knows what the future of the world will look like, nor can it be inferred.

Tiliva took a deep breath after switching the TV station to a channel.

Perhaps, with the exception of very few and very few existences, no one in this world knows exactly what the blue giant creature appeared in New York, but Tiliva knew.

High latitude creatures.

Whether it is its anomalous appearance and anti-cognitive appearance, or its energy that no longer diffuses all the time, and its ability to attract madness, these are the most typical characteristics of high-latitude organisms.

This is well documented in Spectral Agent's database, and Tiliva will never admit it wrong.

In a world that has not even entered the interstellar age, and has not even gone out of the earth, he will encounter a high-latitude creature. . Tiliva didn't know how to describe it.

It is simply incredible.

But Tiliva's reasoning also kept telling her that whether it was the appearance of high-latitude creatures or her appearance, there must be a reason. She and high-latitude creatures cannot fall into this world for no reason. what. . The factors she didn't know about.

Tiliva witnessed the whole process of high-latitude creatures raging in New York. According to her speculation, she appeared in this world just before the appearance of high-latitude creatures.

Although there is still a gap in time, this gap is under the concept of a multidimensional universe. . It can almost be small.


Tiliva made a hypothesis that if she really crossed the multi-dimensional universe, and the concept of the multi-dimensional universe is really as their human conjecture, then the blue high-altitude creatures encountered the same situation as themselves.

It also spans different dimensions.

The reason.

Tiliva knew she was passive, but that one exists. . But it does not seem to be, in the continuous tracing process, a word fell into Tiliva's eyes.


Yes, magic.

At first, Tiliva didn't even understand the concept of the two words magic, and the meaning they represented didn't understand. She felt that she hadn't even heard it.

But after deliberately retrieving all the materials about magic in this world and choosing to enter them first, Tiliva finally found the relevant materials from the memory.

There has also been magic in Tiliva’s world, or rather. . Just like this world, they are just stories, and as early as hundreds of years ago, these stories were not popular anymore, because as humans continue to improve the universe and the concept of the world, these stories sound a lot of loopholes, I can't see it anymore.

But now, magic really appears in Tiliva's eyes.

Yes, Tiliva doesn’t know anything that people in this world don’t know, but if people in this world know, no matter where it is stored, even the most confidential black library, the firewall is nothing but Tileva. .

She easily obtained all the intelligence and information on Salem's planned operation that night, including the scene records and videos.

She saw the ghost army that first appeared, the green ghost, and Fujiang in black fighting against it, as well. . The portal that the green ghost passed through before he died.

A space-time door leading to a multidimensional universe?

For the first time, Tiliva felt that her knowledge was not enough, and she finally felt a little sense of smallness, rather than seeing everyone as high as the primitive.

Fortunately, Tiliva is reassured that people in this world do not seem to know the existence of magic, and magic only exists in stories and legends. This is the first time magic actually appears in this world.

if not. . . Tiliva should think about how to run.

Magic, magic. .

Tiliva meditated on these two words in her mind. If you want to say that their world is so different from this world, then obviously it is magic. No matter what the problem is, the key point is magic.

She must thoroughly investigate the existence of magic, even if it is not for this purpose, exploring a completely new energy system is also a must-have task for ghost agents.


In Tiliva's thinking room~www.wuxiaspot.com~, a slight noise next to her caught her attention. She looked up and saw that her peer, who had been taken by her, woke up.

Although she tried to keep her breathing frequency unchanged, even the most subtle airflow changes were captured by Tiliva's personal terminal for the first time.

The fbi participated in the Salem plan two days ago. It is not a key person, but his identity is also very important.

These people who participated in the Salem project have been well protected these days. Even Tiliva, it was difficult to grab one.

Although she already knew most of the situation at that time, there were some things. . Still need to find someone to ask in person.

Interrogation is a very interesting activity, but unfortunately, Tiliva is in a hurry now.

With a sigh in his heart, Tiliva took out a crystal clear unknown potion.

"Sorry." She came to the fbi's side and whispered, "I don't have much time to waste." To find this site, please search "" or enter the URL:

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