High Magic Earth

Chapter 1296: This

The crystal clear liquid was injected into the neck of this fbi agent like mercury.

When Tiliva kept approaching her with the potion, she no longer pretended to sleep and sat upright with difficulty. She kept trying to disturb Tiliva with words.

"Obviously you know my importance."

"Do you think you can successfully leave New York after catching me?"

"Working with us, we can give you a chance to abandon your secrets."

"Look at your appearance... Slavic descent, are you Russian?"

Tiliva crooked her head, of Slavic descent. . She didn't know, even if it was, it was probably a bloodline that was thin to almost nothing thousands of years ago.

But Tiliva checked the appearance of the Russian woman, and she did look a bit similar, even with similar names and pronunciations.


But these words had no effect on Ghost Agent Tiliva.

Obviously, the fbi also knew this clearly. The enemy could not be influenced by just a few words, and her face was increasingly desperate.


The next moment, with the sound of the berth of liquid, the unknown drug was injected into her blood.

"Make an inner-brain connection." Tiliva whispered.

This is a special product from live nova, controllable microcell x-33 type.

A living star is a living planet. It is not a planet in the true sense, because it is not composed of many substances such as ores, but is composed of living things.

Countless kinds of microcellular organisms.

Countless micro-celled organisms gathered together, and eventually constituted a huge star that can occupy a place in the universe. It is also called the planet for this reason.

Although it does not match the definition of planet, planet is the only noun that can be used to call it.

The microcells of living novae are very scarce. Although it is them that make up the entire planet, it seems that the number should be large, but this is not the case.

Most of the living nova are composed of dead microcells. Their corpses have not fallen off, but have become stiff, still attached to the surface of the living nova, maintaining the entire living nova.

Except for these dead cells, not all cells are of type x-33.

The live nova is like a huge coordinate. It attracts the arrival of microcells and even microorganisms all the time. Although it can reach a limited range, it is enough to make it into a huge cell bank.

The complexity of the cells in it. . Humans have spent a century of time, but they have only explored the volume of one kilometer and a depth of about one meter.

x-33 is the result.

Many scientists believe that the cell at the core of the entire live nova is the most important. They believe that there is no need to waste time and that they should take the most valuable things. However, some scientists believe that this live nova is a unique treasure in the universe. Undoubtedly stupid.

and. . The core of a live nova is likely to have died long ago.

However, Tiliva thinks that the former is just a sensation, and no one with IQ will do such a stupid thing to kill chickens and eggs, not to mention a unique live star in the universe.

It will be an endless treasure trove of human beings.

Of course, there are not many things that are valuable to humans on the live nova. After a hundred years, the valuable medicaments are only ranked at x-76, which is why some scientists agree with the former.

It is very likely that human beings are wasting time, even if the universe dies, they may not be able to completely analyze this live star.

Because in the process of human analysis, new microorganisms and microcells are still attracted. After human statistics, they do not know whether it is desperate or happy discovery. . The gathering speed of these creatures is much faster than the speed of their analysis.

Although this is a good thing for humans, for obsessive-compulsive disorder, it is definitely a doctor's death declaration.

All human powers are studied on the live nova, and they are in peace, and this is also a rare and peaceful zone, and they will not trip each other.

Because viruses, bacteria, microorganisms, and genes are too harmful, an accidental spread may be a cosmic-level biochemical disaster.

X-33 is a kind of controllable micro cell, the standard configuration of ghost agents, used to obtain enemy intelligence, you can skip the interrogation directly.

This microcell named x-33 can assimilate human memory cells and share memory. There is also x-33 in Tiliva's brain. After absorbing the other party's memory, Tilva is quite Yu Quan accepted all the memories of the other party from small to large.

This is much more convenient than interrogation. It doesn't need to squeeze out the information a little and read the other party's memory directly.

But again, because of the sharing of memories, a little of Tiliva's memories will do. .


As if the sound of the water flowing away, Tiliva pulled out a weird gun from her waist and aimed at the fbi who had lost consciousness and fell into a severe coma.

The invisible light beam hit her. At the next moment, her whole body seemed to be broken down, turning into countless dust flowing in the air and disappearing.

Of course, even if Tiliva’s memory flows past, it is completely unbearable for humans in this world, and the brain with a very shallow human development cannot effectively classify, absorb, and digest.

The biggest possibility is that the cells function efficiently and there are too many deaths, which indirectly leads to brain death.

But for Tileva, it is not a problem at all. Her brain is developed several times deeper than people in this world. Even if she does nothing, she can digest a person's memory completely.

Give her two or three days, it is estimated that she will distinguish between external memory and self-memory, and adjust it.

What's more, Tiliva also has auxiliary brain assistance.

As soon as the memory came in, the auxiliary brain began to classify and sort out those useless feelings, such as family affection, friend friendship, friendship between colleagues, good memories about childhood, memories of happy moments, etc. Remove all, leaving only valuable information, images, and. . Knowledge.

Of course, for Tiliva, the knowledge of this fbi is a bit too horrible.

Closing his eyes, Tiliva stood quietly, digesting the memory brought to her by the personal terminal.

After a while she exhaled silently.

"Interesting world... Have you found other plane worlds..."

This is a wonderful place. Even the earth has not gone out, or even entered the interstellar age, but has found a way to cross other planes.

Or. . Some people found it.


The word jumped into Tiliva’s mind again. According to the fbi’s memory, they had long suspected it, and there was already evidence to prove that these guys with magic and various extraordinary powers were from other worlds. , Or traveled to other worlds.

Their power is derived from this.

But this fbi is not a core member after all, and there is not much news, which is already her limit.

More information. . It's about the coordinates of these extraordinary human hiding places.

Tiliva swipes gently over his wrist, and an invisible transparent film is projected. It converges into a map in the air, and begins to constantly lock, shrink, rotate, and reorganize.

After three seconds, this map has covered everything in the entire United States.


Tiliva spoke in an incomprehensible language.

The map trembled, and then began to show light spots quickly, one after another red light spots quickly emerged on the map, and finally densely spread over it.

These are all known, beyond the possible hiding place of human beings, and the fbi who has disappeared even the corpse may only know less than one-tenth of the coordinates. As for the rest, Tiliva obtained from other information And calculated.

"So... let's go here first."

After watching for a moment, Tiliva's eyes fell on a coordinate not far from New York.

"Werewolves and vampires together, it must be fun."

Because if Tiliva remembers correctly, in many stories of this world, werewolves and vampires are all feuds.

. . .

Cut the sword!

Like a fleeting meteor in the night.

Yoshioka Nobuko's sharp blade with a breathtaking breath came towards Marcia Benz at an unstoppable speed. The sword-drawing was originally based on the speed and saw the skill of life and death at the moment of the shot. Yoshioka Nobuko as a master of swordsmanship , Is the best among them.

Although Yoshioka Nobuko shouted before he started, the technique of knife drawing is still as fast as a sneak attack for most people with different swordsmanship.

In the face of Yoshioka Nobuko's full blow, Marcia had no possibility of evading.


The roar of the wind.

Marcia heard the sharp wind, that something was coming out of the air, soon! So fast that I didn't have the opportunity and possibility to escape.

Sensitive hearing allowed Marcia to instantly capture the target of this thing. At her neck, she wanted a blow.

At the point of life and death, Marcia no longer cares about the others. She tries her best to twist her body to the side, and at the same time reaches out to grab a ninja who is taking advantage of the situation and wants to use him as a shield.

But it was too slow. When Marcia finished the series of actions, I am afraid that Yoshioka Nobuko's katana had cut her throat, and blood was splattering.

Obviously, Yoshioka Nobuko, who killed countless enemies, also knew this. A bloodthirsty sneer appeared on her face, her slender arm muscles swelled up, and her strength was once again a bit greater.

At the next moment, cold light appeared, then. .


With a loud noise, both sides of the battle, whether it is Marcia or Yoshioka Nobuko, were there for a while, because a **** body suddenly fell from the sky, and strongly intervened in the battlefield, and fell together, there was another person. .

The owner of this store, the existence that is ignored by everyone.

However, his current state does not seem to be very good, Yoshioka Nobuko's katana cleaved diagonally into his body, and obliquely cut under his ribs into the abdomen, almost half of his body.


But this guy was like a normal person. Seeing everyone watching him, Yi Biao shook his two intact arms and said easily, "I hate you now."

Because Yi Xiao stood facing Yoshioka Nobuko, this sentence sounded like she said to her, but not like that.

"I mean you."

After a pause, Yi Chou turned his head again and added a sentence to Marcia.

. . .

The samurai sword that split into the body was obviously uncomfortable, and Yi Chou reached out and tried to take it off his ribs.

No matter how weird the situation is at this time, it is clear that Yoshioka Nobuko's instinct as a warrior will not allow his potential enemies to get away so smoothly.

Seeing Yi Xiao reaching out and grabbing herself, she keenly wanted to spin around with a knife, directly dividing Yi Xiao into two.

But a pity. . Yi Chou is not an ordinary human like Marcia.

Yi Xiao reached out and grabbed Nobuyoshi Yoshioka. He clearly didn't seem to move fast, but Nobuyoshi Yoshioka only watched, watching him approach him little by little, no matter how he avoided it, eventually. . Yi Chou was still holding his wrist.

"Let go." Yi Xiao smiled at her as if coaxing a child.

Yoshioka Nobuko felt a numbness in his hand, and the samurai sword had dropped.

Yi Xiao took the handle and slowly pulled it out of his body while complaining to Marcia, "It's too stupid, won't you hide it."

No blood flowed out, and no liquid flowed out. The samurai sword was cut into a piece of cream.

Faced with this unknown and strange situation, Marcia wisely kept silent.

Seeing Marcia not answering herself, Yi Chou shrugged and threw the samurai sword back to Yoshioka Nobuko. Yoshioka nobuko took the knife with his face, without saying a word.

In fact, Yi Biao was able to avoid Yoshioka's attack, but he couldn't, because Marcia behind was too late to avoid it.

After all, Marcia is just an ordinary person. She has been trained to use her hearing to restore her surroundings. She is proficient in fighting skills. Although she has special features, she is all hearing.

Her body did not exceed the limits of ordinary people. In the face of this attack, she was able to react, but she could not make a successful escape.

Of course, Yi Huo can.

But according to his observations ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ he took Marcia to avoid the side, it is better to help her with a knife, anyway. . If Yi Huo is willing, Yoshioka Nobuko's katana cannot even cut his own skin.

However, Yi Xuan thought of looking at the small bugs here with a high-powered telescope in the distance. Instead of breaking the samurai sword of Yoshioka Nobuko directly, he used shadow energy to simulate the situation where the samurai sword pierced his body.

The scene gradually calmed down.

The ninjas gave up their goals and began to gather around Yoshioka Nobuko. Yi Chou heard murmured voices, that is, more ninjas are approaching here.

"It seems...we all underestimated your existence."

Yoshioka Nobuko stepped back, took off his earplugs, and said quietly to Yi Chou.

Yi Xiao raised his eyebrows, still smiling, "Do you know."

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