High Magic Earth

Chapter 1299: Come to Kunming. .

"What the **** is this!?"

The face-to-face ninjas were stunned, and even Jebdia, who had released the group of poker soldiers, was in a hurry, and it was simply unclear what happened.

Not to mention her, even Yihou, if it was not Jebdia who accidentally grabbed this activated magic poker, I am afraid he would forget the existence of these little guys.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Jebdia was now like a little girl who was not **, the whole person was tightly packed into a ball, madly patting everything in front of him, hiding in the corner behind the counter, unwilling to show his head,

Is this a purple man? Yi Xiao couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

Just preparing to conquer the world with such confidence is simply dreaming.

Jebdia threw out the playing card goddess like a flower, and the fluttering pieces of paper were not at all capable, and she did not undergo professional skill training. Of course, she did not throw it far. In fact, it really flew to the group of ninjas The poker in front is only a few, most of them are floating in the air or falling on her own.

The pieces of paper in mid-air swelled up, and those of Jebdia were no exception.

The flat and small cards suddenly turned into living creatures and terrified Jebdia. Although these poker soldiers are still flat, they are soft and have a large number of 54 poker cards. Ya's eyes were blurred.

Can't see the surroundings, it is soft living creatures that start, which has exacerbated Jebdia's panic and fear.

She slapped around indiscriminately. Although the strength was not enough, the poker soldier was inadvertently strong. A bad luck peach was slapped several times by Jebdia’s slap, and was almost fanned from the counter. It was estimated that he was also beaten. Anxious, Hongtao a pulled out the short spear he carried with him, and pierced towards Jebdia's ass.



Jebdia uttered a scream, and thanks to Yi Chou, he shouted at the last moment. The poker soldiers made Jebdia a friendly target. Although the power of the **** spear was great, it did not hurt her. Even the epidermis did not puncture the bleeding, otherwise, if this spear continued, it would probably pierce Jebdia.

But Rao is so, this sharp spear is also very painful, Jebdia screamed out loudly, and at this time it really looked a bit bullied.

Yi Huo has a headache.

The poker soldier, the product of the magic activation, the specific principle is roughly the same as that of the little yellow man, but it is not the same. It is an experiment made by Yi Xiao and Lucy when they were idle and bored.

In addition to the silver tongue, Yi Biao has gained many other strengths in the world of ink heart. For example, Willie Wangka believes that he can make the best chocolate in the world, then he can make the best food. Chocolate, even a lot of strange things, even if it is contrary to physical common sense, can be turned into candy.

R.l. Stan’s stories can be true, not just because he is the world’s best-selling horror book, and he firmly believes that they have come true.

Lucky night shift little security guard Larry picked up a stone tablet, and the magic on the stone tablet brought everything back to life in the museum.

At last. . It is the silver tongues.

Yi Biao has found Willy Wonka, r.l. Stan, and the stone tablet of the museum are in his hands, but the other three abilities except the silver tongue are rarely shown, and the number of uses seems to be very small.

But it doesn't mean they are useless.

The essence of these four forces is very similar. They vaguely display a state of mutual support. Because Yi Chou mainly uses the relationship of silver tongues, they fully support the silver tongue.

Using r.l. Stan’s faith to write a story, the faith in my heart is more firm, and the success rate of silver tongue will be higher.

This is why the success rate of the stories written by Lucy is always not as high as Yi Chou.

There is only a slate, which is faintly excluded from the three.

However, the independent role of the slabs should not be underestimated. At least twice as many new yellow men have been created on the island of Dreamland. Yi Chou re-patched their defects with silver tongues, making them more than just daily The night is resurrected from a doll to real, but live 24 hours a day.

However, Shiban Yihuo did not carry it with him, but stayed in Neverland.

As Yi Chao said, the Red Castle needs the power of slate.

Yi Xiao uses the silver tongue and his magic knowledge to create and modify a new magic circle under the base of the red castle. The magic circle is related to all the statues, reliefs and even any statues in the red castle. Decorations of this meaning are all connected.

And the core of the magic circle. . Nature is the magic slate.

When the Red Castle is in danger, all the statues will come alive. They are everywhere and their secrets are hidden. These guards who have no life and are not afraid of death will be the enemy's biggest headache.

Even when necessary, the entire Red Castle is alive.

Although Yi Biao does not think that the Red Castle will be in danger, it is always useful to plan ahead, and the most important thing is that there are some uninvited guests from time to time on Neverland.

For example, the young Tom Riddle, Tyrion Lannister, and even later a couple of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents Simons, and the soy sauce tourists of the Nautilus. .

Counting carefully in this way, there are really many people who stray into the island.

Although the Red Forest is not as scary as the Black Forest, it is also a restricted area for ordinary people. Although ordinary people rarely pass through this forest, there are exceptions in everything.

In order to avoid the Red Castle also being mistakenly entered. . After all, the magic of the Red Castle only excludes malicious people. Most of the intelligent creatures that stray in are curious and will not be blocked.

If it was malicious, it would be better if the magic left by Yi Chou in the Red Castle in the early days could clean up them.

Therefore, Yi Biao feels that it is necessary to add several insurances besides the defensive magic of good and evil identification, and the activated stone is one of them.

Of course, the defense of activated stone tablets also has a big disadvantage, that is, in addition to the concept that the activated statues have a harder shell and no death, their combat power is really too low.

It is completely at the cannon fodder level, and it is okay to deal with less powerful enemies. . Slightly more powerful magical creatures can hammer them all into pieces.

However, with them delaying the time ahead, it is absolutely enough to support Yi Chou's return to Neverland, and at that time, whoever hammers is not necessarily.

Although the Red Castle Magic Array has taken shape, the power of the stone slab can still be borrowed. After Lucy was created by Yi Chou, she immediately stared at the stone slab.

Unlike the power of the silver tongue, the magic of slate is much simpler.

As long as it is a sculpture-type substance, it can be activated at night, whether it is bronze, stone, iron or even paper murals, it can turn it into a living existence.

The most magical thing in this is nothing more than a portrait. The other substances, whether it is bronze, stone, or iron, have just changed the material. There is no difference between them, they are all physical. The difference may only be hard and not hard.

But portraits. . The portraits are different.

It is somewhat similar to the portrait of Harry Potter known by Yi Xiao, but not exactly the same.

First of all, the portraits of the Harry Potter world are inaccessible to living people, and even for the people in the portraits, the internal space is not very large, it can flow freely in their portraits, but this space may only have one house , The size of two rooms.

However, the slab's activated portrait is different, it can allow living people to enter.

Yi Xao and Lucy once learned an old photo framed during World War II as they did in the movie, and then they really entered the world of World War II, and it was black and white, only their style of painting was color of.

Fortunately, the United States there was at the time of the post-war carnival, otherwise the two of them must have been more than just attracting onlookers.

After exploring, Yi Biao and Lucy found that there seemed to be a complete world. At least the two of them did not encounter the so-called world barriers and borders. This point is many times stronger than the portrait of Harry Potter.

Resources, population, if all of this is true, then there are countless treasure houses.

Lucy revitalized several paintings and then stored them, making this a priority research series, but even so the two of them have not had time to spare.

The verification of this experiment is indeed very important, but there are many more important things than it, for example. . About the full development of the silver tongue, the unique power of the superhero world, as well. . That laboratory.

And this playing card was some small things made at the same time during the experiment. In addition to it, there are many different sets of cards and similar existence.

As for why this card was taken from playing cards, it was because the inspiration came from the Queen of Hearts in the world of Alice.

In fact, the slate is not necessarily something that can activate everything, otherwise the two don’t need a little experimentation.

Although the magic power contained in the magic stone tablet does not need to be as troublesome as the silver tongue, it also needs to write a story, read it, and it looks like a statue can live, but this is not the case.

First of all, stone statues that are too large in size cannot be resurrected. Yi Xiao once created a half-city-sized stone statue in an experimental space created independently, which is hundreds of times the size of the Statue of Liberty. . Cannot be activated.

In other words, it can still be activated, but in the process, Yi Chou can feel the endless flow of magic power, he paused because he always felt that if this continues, very, very bad and terrible things will happen.

Second, even if you create some statues with powerful shapes, such as angels, Titans, gods, or the iconic Medusa, they will still be ordinary stone statues after activation.

They are no different from ordinary stone men who can only beat people with fists. They have no special power. For example, the shape of an angel can fly, and the shape of Medusa can petrify others. It doesn't seem to be at all. . Only the statue came alive.

In this way, the direct activation of the statue seems useless because of its limitations.

But Lucy deserves to be magical intelligence. Even if her thinking is not as easy as that of real human beings, the huge computing power makes her use the exhaustive method, and the calculation will be a hundred times faster than Yi Huo.

Almost within half a day, she found several sets of experimental schemes that can be used as a sword.

Activating playing cards is one of them.

In addition to the slate magic, it also contains silver tongue and Yi Chou's own magic. Although they seem a little unremarkable, they are really high-level magic items.


The first playing card soldier landed, although its body looked light and fluttering, but at the moment of landing, it made a clear sound.

That is the short spear in its hand.

The poker soldier looks very strange, its body is flat, it doesn't seem to have the concept of cross section, its front is an enlarged playing card, um. . This is Spade Two, so its head is a spade, and there is a **** logo on the front playing card.

But the side of it is completely a line, if it is not holding a short **** of spades in his hand, he can hardly see where it is.

"I am Spades 2!" it yelled strangely.

Yi Xiao rolled his eyes, and had a bad hunch in his heart.

The next moment, a poker soldier next to it immediately shouted, "I am Heart 4!"

"I am Spades 8!"

"I am Red Heart 5!"


As the poker players began to count, the entire battlefield seemed to become a chess room for a while.

Jebdia didn't know when he finally calmed down. He looked at the group of poker soldiers in a daze, then looked at his hand dumbly, unable to understand what was going on.

Listening to a group of noisy poker cards, Yi Huo also has a big head.

They are the first batch of experimental products, but they are not perfect. Obviously, this can be easily seen. They will not say anything but their own names.

Fortunately, they also have wisdom and can communicate, otherwise, Yi Chou will definitely be unable to help them all be destroyed humanely on the spot.

"I am Red Heart 3!"

"I'm Square 7!"


The number of poker soldiers has not stopped ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You have to know that they have a full number of 54, and when they are all resurrected, although the cross-sectional area, it is estimated that this small area will also be included Crowded.


In a panic, it was still the group of trained ninjas who reacted most quickly. They quickly calmed down and rushed to the group of monsters again with a short blade.

Their ultimate goal was to kill Jebdia, but unfortunately, the closest ninja to Jebdia was also separated by several poker soldiers.


Poker is crowded with poker, and the crowd is full of people. This group of ninjas are not kind people. They throw their hands up and down, and they directly pierce the nearest poker soldier with a dagger.

They originally thought that even if this thing is difficult to kill, they would at least pierce a hole with a dagger, but they did not expect that with a thump, the playing cards in front were directly like a piece of paper blown by the wind. Escaped his attack, and the dagger didn't even touch it. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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