High Magic Earth

Chapter 1300: 5 times stronger blackening, 3 points weaker whitewashing

The attacking ninja was stunned. He didn't understand how many densely packed playing cards huddled together, how the guy moved back and forth in front of him.

But he soon had no time to think about this issue, because these poker soldiers were not just models that could not be beaten, and the attacking ninja stabbed a **** a. The next moment, it raised its **** style. 'S short spear, he came back fiercely.

The weapons of these poker soldiers are very unique. No matter how big or small the poker soldiers are in the four colors, all they use uniformly are short spears.

If it is a spade, the tip of the short spear is a **** shape, if it is a spade, it is a **** shape.

In front of him, the **** a held its **** short spear, and slammed it into the ninja's head.

The Ninja’s response was not slow either. He backhanded the knife and blocked it diagonally upward, stopping the Spade’s attack, but at the moment when he was going to fight back, a sharp cold light flashed over and his movement stopped instantly. .


The time seemed to stop for a while, and half a second later, the dull sound passed through. A small red flying axe was inserted in the forehead of the ninja. The blood was flowing, mixed with white and red, and I couldn't see it.

Now it is not the Middle Ages, and it is a small-scale war from time to time. This kind of violent situation that seems to be the first in the army of a thousand.

There was a moment of stiffness in their movements, and then at the next moment, the poker soldiers were separated, a poker soldier who was much taller and larger than the ordinary poker soldiers jumped out and shouted.

"Gaius, Julius."


This guy is a block k!

"My God." Yi Xuan couldn't help but hold his head with his hands, sighing forehead.

These playing cards are not saved.

. . .

Chaos is still spreading.

Yi Xiao, a small shop with a small area, was crowded with no fewer than a dozen ninjas, some dead and some alive, already a little bloated.

As Jebdia released the poker soldiers by mistake, the scene became even more chaotic.

Ji Dao holds the information of Jebdia and Yi Chou. In order to avoid being controlled by the power of the two, Nobuyoshi Yoshioka specially selected a group of inaudible ninjas. Facing the chaotic situation at this time, Nobuyoshi Yoshioka’s Orders are hard to pass, and they can only fight on their own.

However, Yoshioka’s eyes are very good. She saw the strange creatures around Jebdia at a glance. While her heart became more anxious, she was fierce again in her hand. She even felt that this task was impulsive. Too.

They seem to be fully prepared, but this is far from the case. At least in the area of ​​intelligence gathering, they only collect fur.

Obviously, life in the **** kitchen for the good fortune made Ji Dao lose his due vigilance, and even without knowing the details of the enemy, he could not wait to clear the stumbling blocks in the road.

Nobuyoshi Yoshioka had a hunch that this time Jiji and the hands would probably get into a difficult trouble this time, or that this is the trouble of the entire **** kitchen.

"Bang! Bang!"

Nobuyoshi Yoshioka's samurai sword is like a gust of wind, roaring beside Marcia. Although Marcia was seriously injured, she still held a steel rod and hurriedly blocked attacks from all directions. Unfortunately, the enemy was too With more, the wounds on her inevitably increased.

Marcia is worthy of the future Daredevil, a natural protagonist, she is simply a standard protagonist template, strong when strong, weak when weak.

Now she didn't get the scarlet combat uniform with good anti-strike ability. The overall defense and roughness resistance are far from enough, but she can support it in the hands of Yoshioka Nobuko until now.

Seriously, as the eldest of the Hand Meeting, one of the current leaders of Ji Dao, Nobuko Yoshioka, her combat power is far from what Marcia can match. The current Marcia is not at all an opponent of Nobuko Yoshioka, maybe the future body Daredevil can easily solve Yoshioka Nobuko after a battle, but by no means now.

In fact, Marcia’s support has not yet died, it is already a miracle, not to mention that although she seems to be precarious, she seems to be able to continue to support for some time, waiting for Yi Chou to help.

Even if the ninjas are sensitive and silent, but when there are many people, the sound will inevitably increase, not to mention the emergence of these poker soldiers, many of the things in the store have been shattered, the whole house is noisy and noisy, don’t It is said that the two SHIELD agents who have been paying attention to this place have even started to report to several shops and residential buildings not far away.

Of course, although this is not a **** kitchen, it is also convenient for the edge of the kitchen to call the police. . I'm afraid it's useless.

And in this chaos, the three unlucky little guys who were unfortunately caught in slowly wake up

"Hmm..." Deve touched her head, feeling some pain in her back, "... I seem to hear a familiar voice." She muttered in a low voice.

"Woo, woo." Her slightly fat companion was shrunk to the side, and the girl sobbed, but replied vaguely, "If you don't win, let's die!"

Yes, Gaius Julius Caesar is also the prototype of the box k. It uses the tone of the classic line in a game when it calls this sentence and its name. As a comic, a game , Movies, TV series, cartoons, all kinds of veteran veterans, Dive and her friends naturally understand these things.

Deve was just stunned, and her head was a little confused. She didn't remember it for a while. At this time, she was reminded by her companions, and then she remembered why she was so familiar.

Then, the noisy sound became louder.

No shouting, some are just crisp metal collisions as well. .

"I am a square piece a!"

"I am a plum..."

Deve thought she must haven't been awake. What was going on with this weird shout? She opened her eyes, and as she saw, it was a whole mess.

These ninjas are in a group. . Paper people fight?

Deve shook her head, but the next moment, she focused on her companion.

"Where is Tory?" she asked Marty next to him strangely.

Marty, the little fat girl next to her, she just crouched and cried in the corner, but it seemed that her mental state was not bad. . At least still able to joke.

Hearing Deve’s inquiry, Marty pointed to another corner.

Deve looked up, and through the chaotic battle scene, she saw half of her calf exposed behind the counter on the other corner. The familiar jeans were Tori's.

After hesitating, Deve whispered, "Wait here for me..."

Marty nodded and hid himself behind the counter.

In fact, the three of them are just ordinary high school students, and they are also fringe figures in high school. They are neither cheerleading members of Fengyun School, nor a school bully who scorns the exam.

Their three dead houses have neither good figure nor excellent faces, and they like things that look naive in the eyes of others. They are the most standard candidates for bullying.

Not to mention the bloodshed scene, they haven't even experienced a fight, but instead it is a common thing to be tripped and followed every day.

They were controlled by the Purple Man just now, and almost killed by the ninja. Now I don’t know how to get rid of this control. The only thing Marty can do is hide herself behind the counter. She now knows nothing but fear.

You can't count on what a high school girl who knows nothing can do in this situation. She guarantees that she hasn't fainted. It's not easy.

Not only was Marty afraid, but Deve was also afraid.

She had originally planned to stand up and secretly ran over with her waist, but when she straightened up, she found that her two legs were trembling in place, not at all.

In the end she can only comfort herself, then climb over, it is safer to climb over.

In fact, Deve also thought about giving up, thinking that she, like Marty, was hiding behind the counter, holding her head, looking forward to the chaotic past, and praying that the lunatics would not find their heads.

but. . Deve finally did not make this choice.

Why, sense of responsibility? After school, she dragged Marty and Tory to come here. As a result, she encountered such a thing. She felt that she had a responsibility to take them back?

Do not. . It's not like this.

Deve knew the reason for this.

She yearns for the superheroes in the comics, fights criminals, punishes evil and promotes good, but they can become heroes not only because of their cool abilities, but the mature thoughts of Dave know that their true strength lies in their hearts and tenacity Willpower.

Dive sometimes asks herself whether she can be brave when faced with real danger, but the answer is that when she collects blood samples at the school physical examination, she can't even take the courage to do it herself and needs the help of a doctor.

She cannot be a hero by nature.

But this discovery did not hit Dive, but instead made her more obsessed with superhero comics, because in the comics her dream can be realized, but. . It's just in the comics.

but. . Just a moment ago, Deve was pleasantly surprised to find that her dream no longer only remained in the comics.

At the same moment when she was controlled by the Ziren, she rushed towards those ninjas involuntarily. In the face of the cold light coming from her face, Deve's heart did not appear strangely fearful, but instead a surge of eagerness emerged.

Although she was stunned in the end, but. . This feeling will not go wrong.

The hero, still cowardly, may be the opportunity God has given her!


Dive’s body slowly stiffened, and a ninja fell in front of her. The short blade in his hand was almost inserted into the bridge of her nose and fell into the ground. Dive was stiff all over, lying motionless. For a long time in the same place, I realized that this guy who fell suddenly was dead.

With a long sigh of relief, Deve's ambition disappeared without a trace, and she ran to the inconspicuous corner, then approached Tory again.

Worried about attracting the attention of these black ninjas, she was dragged by her for three or four minutes in just a few steps.

Fortunately, however, she finally came to the counter where Tory was hiding, "Tory! Tory!"

But before circumventing the counter, she whispered, "Don't hide, come with me, we will take this opportunity to slip out of here."

Marty and Deve's initial hiding place was close to the gate, but Toli seemed a bit unlucky. Her hiding place in the panic was deeper in the store, and it was difficult to slip out, so Deve moved closer carefully, trying to bring Tory left together.

From this point of view, Deve is still very courageous, at least she didn't run away alone.

but. .

Tory didn't give a response, and Deve didn't feel strange. She thought it might be that Toly didn't hear, but when she bypassed the counter and came to Tory's side, she was stunned on the spot.

Tory leaned quietly in the corner, with a sharp, sharp glass in her heart, her blood stained her placket, obviously. . She has lost her breath.


Deve felt that her thinking was stiff, her breathing stopped momentarily, her throat seemed to be plugged, her brain became blank, she had no idea what she was thinking, only Toli died in her eyes.

Her classmates, her friends, and her partners also discussed comics together at the previous moment and at the latter moment. . It has turned into a cold body.

Death, death that shouldn't be, her fate shouldn't be like this, she even just went to high school! Dive yelled and growled silently.


Lucky, who is quickly cleaning up these ninja fish, and recollecting the poker soldiers into playing cards, is stunned, and Lucy, who is idle and beside, frowns.

Because at the same time, both of them felt that the protection magic had an unknown wave.

Looking at each other, and seeing the eyes in both eyes, Yi Chou and Lucy can already confirm. This is not their illusion. The magic circle is inspired, but the problem is. . why.

The magic touched is not a simple protective magic, but to cover up the whereabouts of the two people, disguising their words and practices in this world as normal behavior magic.

Its existence is to prevent higher-level beings from staring here, and likewise, in general, it will not trigger its existence.

As the master of the protection of magic, Yi Xiao's understanding of magic is obviously deeper. He quickly recognized that the magic array is not really warning, nor is there a higher level of existence, such as a watcher like a watcher. Got here.

The magic was just disturbed.

It seems that there will be changes in the future, which in turn affects here, affects both people, and affects the defense magic that protects them.

At the same time that the cause was found, then new problems also appeared. . What happened in the end has actually affected the future process.

. . .

Dave kneels blankly in front of Tory’s body~www.wuxiaspot.com~ motionless, she doesn’t want to do anything now, what beliefs, what superheroes, all go to hell, she just wants to let her friends survived.

If Tori can be resurrected, she is willing to give everything.

but. . The dead cannot be resurrected.

Staying in place for a while, Deve was silent, but after a moment, she suddenly looked up, no. . wrong! Why not be a superhero.

Don’t superheroes start with tragedy, perhaps. . This is revelation!

There was a weird smile on Dive's face, and sometime, even she didn't even notice it, her thinking began to get confused.

Her eyes turned cold from bright to bright, and finally, she looked at everyone present with a hateful light.

"If you want to become a superhero, you must first have a loud name. The original Haibian king I thought was too low. Perhaps... I should change one." To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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