High Magic Earth

Chapter 1301: Everything is indispensable

As the top of the mountains, Everest is directly inserted into the sky, covered by snow all year round, and you can't even see the top at a glance.

Every year, challengers try to conquer the highest mountain on the earth. Every year, there are countless corpses buried at the top of Mount Everest. Because the altitude is too high, it is difficult for humans to move, and no one even dares to converge.

At this altitude where humans are difficult to survive, every minute of oxygen is the most precious life-saving existence. Even just moving one step forward will consume a lot of physical strength, not to mention the corpses of these climbers.

They sleep like this on the top of the world, companion Everest and Shirayuki, and sleep forever.

But no one knows that at the top of this snowy mountain that ordinary people can't reach, there is a magnificent human building that can't be touched and never found.

It's like cutting the world apart and standing in another space.

. . .

The pinnacle of the world, Kama Taj.

When the surrounding temperature is already below zero, and even the breath of human breath has become thin ice, in a magnificent building on the top of the snowy mountain, there are a group of guys wearing plain short short robes and tirelessly paddling the air with their hands , Seems to intend to draw a perfect arc.

And it is amazing that there is nothing in the sky, but with the movements of these people, there are really Mars splashing from time to time, and in front of some guys, a dazzling light arc has been successfully condensed .

This is the largest magic organization in the Marvel world, one of the origins of magic, Karma Taj, also known as the hermit in some worlds.

In addition to the many cultivators gathered in the square outside the temple, there are also rows of mage sitting in the temple, and there are less than twenty carefully counted.

In the forefront of everyone, there is a middle-aged woman sitting still.

She is wearing a yellow mage gown, her eyes are slightly closed, there is no hair on her head, and there is a quiet and soft breath around her. She is the Supreme Master, Gu Yi.

Her title may be louder, after all, her name resounds throughout the multidimensional universe, but. . She was born a low-key person.

In other words, the mage of Karma Taj is very low-key.

They originated from ordinary people, but they were never discovered by ordinary people. They separated the world. They belonged to them, and they belonged to ordinary people who knew nothing. They blocked any supernatural power that tried to invade the world, but Not noticed by ordinary people.

The Master's Hidden Cultivation Society is well known.

"Dott quaint, your heart is still."

In the temple, the mage sat still.

Unlike the outside masters who are still practicing the portal, the masters here are higher in level and stronger in strength. Similarly, they have stayed with Kama Taj longer and are more familiar with Gu Yi.

Their magical power has been perfected, and they are also very skilled at using a lot of energy, which is now needed. . It is just to strengthen their hearts.

As long as the last level is passed, they will be sent to temples all over the world to become members of the new temple guardian, adding strength to guard the peace of the world.

The first hurdle to torture yourself is to calm yourself down first.

If your heart is still, how can you listen to your heart.

but. . Just like not everyone is suitable to become a mage, not everyone who becomes a mage is suitable for self-cultivation, especially this is a philosophy from the East.

Those wizards who obviously have Asian faces are okay. Some Western-faced masters who just sit still for more than ten minutes haven't arrived, and they can't sit still.

However, if they are not too special, Master Gu Yi will not take care of them. Until an idiot secretly tries to chat with the person next to him, Master Gu Yi opens his eyes and reminds him indifferently.

These mages may have poor patience, but. . When faced with Gu Yi, all were very respectful.

Maybe they have a good relationship in private, maybe they can make jokes, but in any case, these people will not forget that the Supreme Guy Gu Yi saved them and gave them a new life.

Most of the mage origins of Kama Taj are not wonderful. For example, Dr. Strange, who seeks medical treatment because of a disability, there are not many people who finally find here. It can be said that magic has brought them to life.

Both Marvel and DC world have magic, which is beyond doubt, and the magic power of these two worlds is not weaker than technology.

DC World has Neptune, Wonder Woman, Shazan, and the most well-known magic representative in the superhero world, Constantine, and the Dark Justice League to which he belongs.

As for Marvel. . The magic power of Marvel World is not weak, and the representative is Strange Doctor Dr. Strange, in addition to the evil knight, **** devil Mephisto, Lucifer and so on.

The importance of Kama Taj is self-evident.

Similarly, the magic power of the Marvel world is also different from what Yi Biao knows. In fact, the magic of most worlds is different, but there are certain similarities.

But in any case, the most essential core will not change, energy.

Here, magic is also composed and supported by energy. This strange energy can heal many injuries that science cannot cure, such as the hands of Dr. Strange. . Most people here also rely on this energy to get a new life.

In other words, if they lose their magic, old injuries will come back to the door again.

Faced with Gu Yi's warning, this guy named Dortmund guilty immediately converged his hippie smile, nodded, and then quietly meditated again.

Look inside, look inside, look inside. . He meditated inwardly.


But at this time, Dr. Gu Yi, who seemed to have nothing to touch her, or surprised her, suddenly surprised and even stood up once.

"What is it? Venerable."

A petite and delicate black woman at the front of the Masters immediately asked with concern, she had never seen the Supreme Man show such a look, what happened? . Is it the dark dimension?

However, the Supreme Master did not live for hundreds of years anyway. After the initial surprise, Gu Yi quickly calmed down, and within a second, she changed back to that breezy look.

"Don't be nervous, Molly," she said with a smile.

Brother Modu. . In other words, Master Sister Molly didn't ask much. At this time, she almost obeyed everything about Supreme Master Gu Yi, without any doubt, until she discovered the power of Gu Yi.

"Sir, your heart is not quiet." Dortmund quipped below jokingly.

There was a low laugh among the mages. In serious occasions, they were disciplined, but in private, this group of mages were not without feelings and inhuman.

But the laughter quickly converged, and Dortmund Gaudi also lowered his head in Modoli as if to eat cannibalistic eyes and glares.

Motoly is a master sister, not only nominally, she is also the most capable of this group of mages. Motoly respects Gu Yi Master very much and dares to make jokes of the Supreme, then be prepared to be beaten. .

Gu Yi smiled, but did not blame them.

"Come here today," she said. "Motorie, you stay."

Gu Yi’s smile still seemed to be breezy, and she couldn’t see the pressure hidden in it, but it seemed that Motoly, who was most familiar with Gu Yi, still felt something wrong. Behind one.

After the masters got up, saluted, and took everyone away, Gu Yi took Motoly into the temple.


Halfway along, Motoly seemed to be hesitant.

Although Gu Yi lived for hundreds of years, he was very open-minded and did not have the character of selling Guanzi. Of course, it may be that the situation was really serious. She heard Modoli's doubts and explained while walking.

"I observed... the timeline was touched."


Motoly's complexion changed greatly.

At this time, she has been completely out of the division, and her combat strength may not be the strongest except Gu Yi, but she is also among the best. Gu Yi has already told her a lot of things, such as the dark dimension, Dormam, and the eye of Agomo, as well as. . The real task of their mage.

Guard the integrity of the timeline.

"who is it?"

As a serious academic and practical school, Motoli's talent may not be strong, but any basic knowledge can be remembered to be very strong, naturally knowing the terrible consequences of being touched by the timeline, this price they can't afford.

But what surprised Motoly even more was that the Supreme Master Gu Yi, who always knew everything, shook his head.

"It's a pity," she said, "I don't know."

"Even the Venerable..."

Motoli's words were not finished, the two had arrived at the inner hall of the temple, here is the transmission center of the temple, connecting New York, London and the sanctuary of Port *.

There are three closed doors on the wall, which lead to the three temples, and can reach the other end of the earth in a short span of time, across a distance of thousands of miles.

At the very center of the hall, there is a beautiful stone platform above the stone platform. . It is the Eye of Time, the gem of time.

"More troublesome... I can't detect what will happen in the future."

"In other words, it is actually too late, and the future has changed, including my memory. Now I can only perceive this change."

Hearing this, Motoly's brows were deeply frowned, and his already darkened face became even darker.

"Fortunately I can observe... its location is in New York."

Gu Yi opened a circle, threw a few letters in, and then continued to say to Motoly, "I have a hunch, this thing is not simple, Motoly, you are willing to go to New York for me to find the truth What."

"Of course." Motoly said quickly. "Sir, as you wish."

Gu nodded, "I notified Yake, Dononan, and other mages, they will come over soon, although you don't know if there is an enemy, but you go to New York together... it will be safer."

Motoly nodded, naturally no objections.

The mage’s support came quickly, because a circle can pull people directly, and within ten minutes, four mage came from all over the world.

After explaining the situation, no one chose to back down.

As for why they went to check instead of Gu Yi. . As the supreme person who protects the earth, Gu Yi is so busy every day. How can everything be done by herself, she certainly has other more important things.

"Pay attention to Motorola." At the end, Gu Yi whispered, "I have a bad feeling."

"I will, Venerable." Molly replied equally seriously.

Immediately afterwards, she picked up her long weapon stick, opened the door to the New York Temple, and walked with the other four mages without looking back.

The teleportation gate was closed, leaving only Gu Yi Master alone.

Gradually, Gu Yi's face showed a worried look. Just like other wizards, she was also a human being. Even if she lived for hundreds of years, her feelings were still not worn away, she would feel tired, would Feeling tired and worried.

But she is the supreme and the core of all mages. She cannot reveal these negative emotions, probably. . Only when she is alone can she release her feelings.

"Motorie...be careful."

Gu Yi murmured in the empty temple, echoed, echoed, and finally dissipated into nothing.

. . .

Lucy can monitor everything, but it means that in the scientific field on the non-magic side, the scientific side is almost unprepared for Lucy, a kind of artificial intelligence that is similar to artificial intelligence and non-artificial intelligence, but in the face of the same specialization in magic In the New York Temple, Lucy couldn’t do whatever he wanted.

Although the magic in the New York temple is not as powerful as Yihuo, it is also not easy for Lucy to invade, so she did not monitor the movement of the New York temple.

At this time, whether it was Lucy or Yi Chou, I did not know that there were already five masters who had rushed over from Karma Taj.

Because they are still entangled by the group of Yoshioka Nobuko.

"Are these guys not afraid of death."

Yi Biao complained to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After clearing out some poker soldiers and ninjas, Yi Biao stopped the magic and did not change all the poker soldiers back to playing cards. Budia is not bad, at least she can not stop screaming.

But this group of intrepid ninjas still made Yi Ao feel a little impatient. This crazy momentum, even if he has not seen him in the Assassin assassin, should be said. . Is it really a Japanese ninja?

Taking a deep breath, Yi Chou felt that the farce should be over. He didn't intend to expose too many things, and he should come step by step, but obviously, Jebbia's accident made him put some forces that should not be exposed in advance. Show it.

Yi Biao can think without using his head that everything that happened here must have been passed back by the two Aegis Bureaus who were watching here from afar, and even Lucy could not intercept the information under their strict protection.

And there is no need, after all, his power will be exposed sooner or later, only a matter of time, he just does not like this situation beyond the plan.

but now. . It's time to end, Yi Chou turned around, the shadow energy spread, and took his whole person, and immediately rushed to Yoshioka Nobuko. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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