High Magic Earth

Chapter 1306: Yoshioka Nobuko Super Evolution ---

Yi Xiao has been trying to replicate Daenerys' success, but unfortunately, this has not been smooth. .

The early journey of the Song of Ice and Fire is fairly easy, but in the later period... Well, the angel army led by Lucifer appears in this world. It is understandable that angels and demons are his enemies at first.

But the interstellar guest can open it? What happened to Yunxing, the big world that entered the interstellar age? How did Iron Man and Flash come together? What the **** is the fear light ring?

What's more, there is the inexplicable power that invaded Daenerys, and the unexplained existence of Yi Ming who did not want to pay the magic cost of the sleeping spell and tried to deceive the past.

In the world, Cthulhu...

Although the emergence of these creatures brought great pressure to Yi Noo, but also brought him a more convenient shortcut, using this power to quickly corrode the material, you can create a large number of suitable magical creatures.

To be precise... Magic transforms creatures.

But first, there are two things to do. The first one is how to replicate Daenerys’ success, which can’t be done, so everything is just empty talk.

Yi Xiao knew that the appearance of Daenerys was just an accident. It was not the movement of his magic at the time, but it was directly interfered and interfered by a higher-level force.

And what he needs to do now... is how to steal these forces.

Of course, it is not directly stolen from the evil spirits. That is too dangerous. Those evil spirits are neither stupid nor good-natured. Once they have a relationship with them, don’t think about it.

Fortunately, the source of strength is not only these evil gods, but the indescribable existence is much more. In addition to the specific evil gods, their existing dimensions are full of similar energy, and there are many people who have no wisdom and thinking. It is very easy to steal this power.

Next...the question of loyalty.

Daenerys is free. She may help Yi Chou, but not because of taking orders from him, but out of Yi Chou's friendship as the king, chief teacher, and many life-saving graces.

The next thing Yi Shao created was a legion, so the issue of loyalty bears the brunt.

After getting the power of the silver tongue from the ink heart, Yi Chou has been repeating it repeatedly, conducting a large number of similar experiments, because the occasional success of one or two times does not represent anything. What he needs is to carry out a large number of experiments After groping for practice, a controllable method was finally obtained.

After the creation of Lucy, the experiments to perfect the plan of creation have always been ranked in her first sequence. After all, magical intelligence is more patient than humans. After using the elimination method, step by step, mechanically, a large number of experiments have been completed. Loyalty And other problems have been solved.

Today, the first step of the Chuangshen Project has finally succeeded.

Use the silver tongue to create those spells that did not exist originally, use the silver tongue to create a magic circle, and give the definition of the magic circle in the story to have the effect of absorbing high latitude power, so the magic circle that the two portrayed really has. Can absorb the effect of high latitude energy.

Of course, this process is far from being so easy to describe. The story is very difficult to portray. It is necessary to maintain the effect of the magic circle and maintain the logic and rationality of the story. This requires a lot of useless things as embellishment, although cumbersome and without any Meaning, but it can complete the story and make the silver tongue work.

The results are also surprising. Now the magic circle... has been able to successfully communicate higher dimensional energy.

It was just that in the next time, Lucy replaced Yi Chou, and continued to conduct a lot of magic experiments again, but the progress also once again fell into a halt. Not any creature can withstand this powerful force, most of the materials... The first time I went crazy, died, and even completely turned into nothingness and smashing.

Obviously Daenerys is very lucky.

But Yi Xiaodang was not discouraged, because even a failed experiment can accumulate a lot of experience for him. Now, after analysis, he and Lucy agree that the reason for the failure of the experiment is not the experiment, but the material. itself.

Cats, dogs, flying dragons, and elves are magical creatures similar to humans in nature, and their success is an unknown in itself.

Secondly... Daenerys looks very ordinary, but she is actually one of the well-deserved protagonists of the world of ice and fire.

In other words, even if she didn't do anything, she was definitely not an ordinary person.

She is important.

The important reason is not her power, nor her rights, her identity or status, but her own.

The protagonist, this identity is not just about being so simple. Although the so-called protagonist identity is a concept definition that is invisible and intangible, it does not mean that it does not exist. Magic is also invisible and intangible. It is true.

Once magic is involved, many things cannot be explained by common sense. From the perspective of the mysterious side, no matter what the child of the world, luck, Gaia’s consciousness, etc., all illustrate the concept of the protagonist, which is itself an important part of the world. Make up the link.

Maybe... just change the protagonist?

The experiment was originally carried out in this way, a little bit different, and a little bit of groping forward, and finally came to the correct conclusion. Although this method is cumbersome, it is the most effective, even in the scientific field, it is also a very effective method. .

Soon, Yi Xuan began to improve the quality of the material. He gave up those magical creatures without ordinary wisdom, ordinary humans, and began to choose the protagonists around him.

First, the ghosts in the bottle, then Sadako, Fujiang, Athena...

The latter is naturally a well-deserved protagonist, and nothing can replace them in their respective stories. Even if the former has a large number of ghosts, folks also have their stories and legends.

They all meet the definition of the protagonist.

Obviously...Chuang Shen transformation has also succeeded.

The existence of the concept of the protagonist has an influence on the plan of creation of God, but what is the specific reason, and what causes it, but Yi Chou and Lucy are temporarily unable to analyze it.

And this kind of transformation is just the initial stage. If you want to go further, you need more experiments and records.

Materials... a lot of materials.

Ordinary human souls, magical creatures are easy to obtain, but it is not easy to want to have the identity of the protagonist. The number of little guys such as Baiziji Zhongshanzi and Fuji, Yingji are quite a lot, but they still get a lot of money, and Yi Xiao cannot use them as consumables.

Bai Guiji is not his servant, even if they obey Yi Chou's command, they also have their own thinking. If they resist him, although they can't directly fight against the command, passive downtime can still be done.

And the most important thing is that their importance is not good.

The monsters turned into scarecrows such as Fuji, Yingji, and Shanshanzi are only the cheapest in Japanese legends. Even if they are protagonists, they can't bear much power. They can't afford more advanced experiments.

Therefore... the identity of the protagonist should also have a heavy weight.

The number of protagonists should be both large and have a good weight... Obviously, Yi Xuan has given the answer to the question with his actions.

Marvel World and D World, the world of superheroes.

Although the world of superheroes is not the most complicated and massive worldview, but because of its description and selection perspective, it has a large number of protagonists, supporting characters, any superhero or supervillain, even the most inconspicuous. In that way, it may also have the importance of affecting the future in a certain comic.

Yoshioka Shin, Purple Man, Daredevil...

Today's harvest is quite a bumper harvest.

Yi Biao is like a Goblin old farmer who has hunted a human head. He happily put several people into his own basket.

Among the three, except that Daredevil can't die, her death will greatly interfere with the future process. Jebdia and Nobuyoshi Yoshioka... no matter whether the experiment succeeds or fails.

To some extent, they will die shortly in the future in the timeline, so even if they die now, it will have no effect on the future.

Yi Chao’s words did not make Nobuyoshi Yoshioka feel more at ease, but became more and more uneasy. Although listening to Yi Huo’s meaning, he did not intend to kill himself, nor did he peep at the secret of the hand meeting, but to conduct some kind of human experiment.

However, as the leader of the hand-joint association that had never conducted human* experiments, Nobuko Yoshioka knew that sometimes the consequences of these experiments were more terrible than death, and it was worse than death.

With a slight lip movement, Yoshioka Nobuko suddenly found that he had regained control of his body, but only the range of his face, and it seemed that the other party did not intend to restrict himself and others.

Without being blinded by the beautiful future and power described by Yi Chao, Nobuko Yoshioka asked directly, "...What is the success rate of the experiment."

The Jebdia next to her also raised her ears. After ordering other people’s pheromone to lose its effect, she completely became an ordinary person, even more ordinary person than ordinary people. There is no right to resist.

Fortunately, after the group of ninjas who threatened her life at all times, Jebdia’s IQ was rarely on the line. She didn’t end up in the second place like when facing Jessica, because she found this guy who initially thought she was her kind... …It doesn't seem to be a kind generation.

The brazen behavior is likely to bring death threats to her. Jebdia has already regretted that she found this place and tried to retrieve her lost memory.

In other words, she is too confident in her strength and thinks that no one can hurt herself.

"Slap! Slap!"

Clapping his hands, Yi Chou noticed that Lucy had climbed up from the ground not far away and was completely finished.

There was a wave of invisible and obscure waves on her body. This is a precursor to the invasion of high-latitude forces into the world, that is, Lucy as a magical intelligence. If it is replaced by an ordinary person, I am afraid that the high-latitude forces will invade when depicting the magic array. It is enough to make it into complete madness.

The reason why high-latitude energy is defined as high-latitude is only because it is larger than the energy discovered by Yi Chou at present, even the currently known energy. It removes a series of side effects such as inducing madness, but it refers to energy , Yi Biao has not yet found something comparable to it.

Even the most mysterious time energy has no such penetrating power, invasion*, assimilation and corrosion*.

So even if only a magic array is depicted, the high-latitude energy is already like finding the water flow in the gap, and it squeezes in instantly.

At this time, the ground has been completely renovated, and it is engraved with patterns that Jebdia and others cannot understand. These patterns are strange and full of strange beauty, and there is a faint sense of balance and some kind of saying no The clear charm, even if you stare carefully for a long time, even your head will become dizzy.

Jebdia and Deve, who had kept her presence as low as possible, quickly turned around and turned their eyes.

"Success rate?"

Using magic to clear the remaining high-latitude energy from Lucy's body, Yi Chou glanced at Nobuko Yoshioka with a smile.

"The success rate of the initial transformation is 100%."

Although I'm not sure whether Yi Chou is cheating himself, but after hearing the 100% success rate, Yoshioka Nobuko and others still breathed a sigh of relief, but unfortunately, before this tone was over, I heard Yi Chou continued .

"But what you accept is not the first transformation, but the second transformation. The success rate of the second transformation is currently...0."

Yoshioka Nobuko's complexion immediately became very ugly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She just tried to refute something, and she saw Yi Chou gently making a closed gesture with her finger, and suddenly, she found her mouth seemed to be It seems to be stuck together, and can no longer be opened.

Yes, the success rate is currently zero.

Although Yi Xiao has succeeded in giving Zhenzi, Fujiang, and even Bai Guiji and others to receive gifts from high-latitude forces, that was only the first stage, and even the gifts could not be talked about at all, they just received some high-latitude forces The infection is just like the coincidence of the Hulk gamma ray, publishing the good luck that Spider-Man was bitten by a spider.

As the protagonist, they are more able to resist this force than ordinary people, so they are not crazy, but they have obtained more useful different abilities.

But today is different. What is going on today is the second phase of the entire creation plan, which is to completely accept a large amount of high-latitude energy, not just try a little infection.

A large amount of high-latitude energy is flowing in. Whether these so-called protagonists can resist, even Yi Xuan does not have an estimate, and the identity of the protagonist of the ghosts such as Bai Guiji is likely to be insufficient, so Yi Xuan did not risk using them. Instead, he chose to catch some villains in the superhero world.

These humble guys have enough weight, but many of them, even if they die, will not cause too much disturbance. It is simply the best material choice.

And even more fortunately... they even came to their door.

Kneeling halfway in front of the magic circle, Yi Chou touched the ground with his hands, and the black flame spread out along his hands, gradually burning the entire pattern, and the flame rose, emitting an ominous breath.

At the next moment, Yi Xuan took out a weird book from his arms, and gestured slightly to Yoshioka Nobuko. She was like a controlled puppet, raising her legs numbly and walking towards the burning magic circle. in.

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