High Magic Earth

Chapter 1307: evolution---

In the terrified eyes of Jebdia, Yoshioka Nobuko passed the flame unharmed.

These jumping orange-red flames don't seem to be actually burning, they are more like a phantom, or other substances, anyway, Yi Chou will not be stupid enough to let the high-quality materials that have just been obtained have not begun to test, they will burn. Die on the test stand.

"Recording process."

Yoshioka Nobuko's figure is a little closer to the center of the magic circle, and Yi Noo also reminded Lucy next to him.

"Document 34."

"Categorization: One"

"Target person: World No. 1, Yoshioka Nobuko."

"Creative God Project: Two Stages."

Lucy raised her hand, and the thick experiment log fell into the palm of her palm from the virtual to the real under the convergence of shadow energy, and turned over more than half the thickness. Lucy recorded it in a special language and words.

Yi Xiao took out one of the wizard's robe pockets as if half a century ago, two ridiculous glasses with very small lens spacing were put on the bridge of his nose. He flipped through the ancient book in his hand, just as a scientific researcher recorded audio and records while doing experiments That's it, said to myself.

"The target mood is unstable and in a state of being charged."

"Control energy is shadow energy."

"The target body strength is about 1.3 times that of ordinary people, there is no physical change, it is within the normal range, and the willpower is high."

"Three minutes from the start of the experiment."

After talking about it, Yi Huo took a step back. The experiment at the initial stage may still be in control, but now the experiment... has exceeded the range that Yi Huo can control.

This point is selected here, because once the consequences are irreversible, he will directly abandon this space and throw it away like garbage.

Anyway, for the concept of space, most people, even most of the world, whether it focuses on technology or magic, are difficult to reach, so just throw it here at random...probably no problem Right.

At the same time, Yi Xao also opened the book in his hand and chanted in a low voice.

"Sturdy fortress, unlucky holy city, even if it is just a projection, it is equally indestructible, it exists in the gap of time, the sea of ​​space..."

The power of the silver tongue... is actually very powerful.

As long as it conforms to its rules, it can do almost everything, or... everything.

The completion of this magic array in front of you is very simple. No lost magic spells or advanced magic principles are needed. Yi Chou just completed a story with Lucy.

The story is about a young wizard seeking power. During his journey, he discovered a lost magic circle that can communicate some unknown power. This power is very powerful, stronger than any power he knows, but unfortunately... …Any creature trying to gain this power is caught in eternal frenzy, or even only a little erosion. This power will make the creature crazy.

The next is the consistent routine of the story, all kinds of ups and downs of the plot, seemingly reasonable and unreasonable logical explanations, and finally the wizard controlled this power, but unfortunately he did not realize that... he had already become a slave of power, The so-called control is just an illusion of power.

For Silver Tongue, as long as it is a good story, it will become true after being read by Yi Huo, so as long as the logic of the story can be justified, the story is considered successful.

After more than a dozen refinements, this is extremely unsatisfactory, even in terms of storytelling, it is still a success in a street store that will not be published by any publishing house. In any case, it has met the most basic definition of story .

Then the magic circle in front of him... was taken from the story by Yi Chou, the magic circle discovered by the wizard.

In terms of setting, it communicates the power of high latitudes, so when it becomes real, it can also communicate the existence of those high latitudes in this world, which is what Yi Chao wants.

It's a pity...it's just as dangerous as it is in the story.

In addition to danger, there are many other settings. Although these settings are very useless and easy to discard, they are a necessary part of maintaining the overall logic of the story. Remove them... The story is not a story.

This is the power of the silver tongue. It is just a story that accomplishes countless high-level magics that are difficult to do.

Steal power at higher latitudes.

And the two of them are completely new to this magic circle.

As long as I continue to write a story, another wizard finds a manual. The manual seems to record instructions for starting a magic circle, but the wizard has never found the magic circle.

The instruction manual is also available.

It's that simple.

The limitation of the silver tongue is big and big, and small and small. Although it can't fulfill a person's wishes as easily as wishing, it also has no restrictions on wishing.

Yi arrogance is silver tongue, silver tongue is arrogance.

With this power, Yi Chao will naturally not guard Baoshan and do nothing. The magic intelligence Lucy, the pseudo-steel body, etc. have all been developed, and the plan for creating God is also in this list.

In addition to the magic array that is used to communicate high-latitude energy and can be said to be the basis of the God Creation Project, Yi's protection work is also in place.

The story he meditated at this time is one of the means of defense.

Indestructible Mirage Fortress.

As Yi Huo's high and low voice gradually approached the end, a section of the wall appeared as a phantom in front of everyone, vaguely surrounding them. Although this wall seemed very unreal, it seemed to be between reality and nothingness Between, but the feeling is extremely real, Yi Chao and Lucy can even step on the stairs of the phantom to enter the top of the city wall, overlooking the Yoshioka Nobuko in the magic circle.


With a clatter, the controlled Jebdia and others walked over like themselves off-line puppets. Marcia was still in a coma. As Daredevil, she was not a tester this time. Lucy carried it with her and hid it in the tower next to Yi Huo. Even if something unexpected happened, Lucy had the opportunity to transfer her as soon as possible.


With the thunderous buzzing, the sky above the magic array suddenly gloomed down.

In fact, this is an independent space with no sky and no sunlight. The so-called light is just a light source created by magic. They float in the air, making the entire space visible, and there is no light like the sun. body.

But at this time the sky was gloomy.

This is not so simple that the light is blocked. Yi Nuo and Lucy have been aware of every link in the stage after countless experiments. This is that high-latitude energy is being gathered.

The energy at high latitudes is stronger than any known energy, just converging, this space has vaguely foreboding signs.

"Indescribable world, roots of chaos, crazy beginning..."

Yi Biao did not pause, and placed Jebbia and others behind him, and immediately began to sing the next paragraph non-stop.

This book in his hand is the story of the use of the silver tongue. Whether it is to start the magic circle, call the phantom fortress, or the three-stage or higher stage of the experimental steps are here, they have been arranged for the story, Yi Chou only need Just read them out with silver tongue.

This book is written in a language that Yi Biao deliberately uses the silver tongue to create. In this world, except Lucy and Yi Biao, there is no third person who knows, nor can a third person understand or read out.

So for Jebdia and others who stared behind them and looked at the magic in front of them, Yi Chou was singing an unknown spell.

No one can think that he is reading the story in the storm, and naturally no one will find the secret of Yi Tong's silver tongue.

"...Wait for chaotic forces, please...enter this world."


There was another loud noise.

As Yi Chang's singing gradually came to an end, the whole space began to shake.

This story has few words, and it doesn’t take long to read, only about three or four minutes, and in just a few minutes, the entire space has been eroded by darkness, and most of them are still maintained by Lucy. Light, otherwise the only brightness may be gone now.

And at the moment when Yihou's voice fell, the darkness above seemed to find some kind of vent, just like the tranquility before the storm, there was a momentary pause.


Then at the next moment, as if numerous cracks had been cracked in the sky, a thick darkness suddenly poured in.

This kind of darkness is a kind of darkness that has never been seen before. It is thicker than the darkness itself. Even in the dark night when you can't see your fingers, you can still distinguish their thicker black figure.

Pure... black.

"... The flames in the magic circle are burning, and it protects the safety of the prayer. The crystal clear crystal protects the prayer in it. It is the only light in this world."

One stage will be completed.

Yi arrogantly continued to read the story down, the transformation of Zhenzi, Fujiang, and Bai Guiji and others were here, they received a certain amount of black... that is, the corrosion of high latitude power, and then Yi The clamor expelled this force.

But today, what Yi Biao needs to do is to use Yoshioka Nobuko to continue the experiment.

So in the next story, although Yi Xao has repeatedly practiced, it is the first time it has been put into reality.

"...Magic is turning around, and the strange array of magic is enveloped by this more bizarre energy, and it seems to have some unknown resonance with it."

"The ground began to change. It changed from an irregular pattern to a six-pointed star-based magic circle. At the very center of the magic circle, a huge crystal ball appeared."

"This is where the prayer stood before. The prayer is gone, but she hasn't disappeared, she...is in the crystal."

"This is a crystal of unknown origin. It cuts off all energy connections and becomes the last safe haven for prayers, but it is also a test."

"Because only looking at yourself in the crystal and examining your own heart will you become a user of power, not a slave of power."

"And now... the test has begun."

As Yi's voice fell, the high latitude energy around him calmed down, and the surroundings began to become quiet. Only the surface of the magic array floating in the void was still burning, against the crystal ball... shining it Colorful.

"Yoshioka Nobuko." Yi arrogantly whispered.

"Are you willing to accept the test."

Yihou's control of the shadow energy of Yoshioka Nobuko is not a simple mantra similar to that of Jebdia and others behind him, but a more hypnotic magic than a soul charm, a subconscious-like method.

And this magic is much faster than hypnosis on the science side. During this time, even if Yoshioka Nobuko has not completely obeyed all this, she will not resist at least.

It's like... She subconsciously thinks she still needs to escape, but now is not a good time, wait, wait.

In fact, Yoshioka Nobuko will never be able to wait for this opportunity, because in her subconscious mind, she always thinks that the time is immature and cannot escape from Yi Chou. This is the effect of hypnosis.

For example, now, Yoshioka Nobuko consciously cannot escape from such a strange magic ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So she chose to cooperate.

"I do," she said.


Between one question and one answer, the surface of the crystal ball began to be large, and then turned into a dark green like algae.

Yi Biao holds an ancient manual, condescends, and asks Yoshioka Nobuko with a kind of grand, vicissitudes, and a dignified tone.

"The first test is what you bear. What are you carrying..."

"Love, perseverance, sacrifice, truth."


Nobuko Yoshioka said without hesitation.

The gloss on the surface of the crystal ball began to change and became a mixed color like pink and green...not very beautiful, and at the same time, there was a burst of crispy sound like ice cracking in the darkness, and the thick darkness began Converge, and eventually form a knight-like figure, three people tall, similar to some ancient stone sculpture like a chess piece, and it fell heavily on a corner of the six-pointed star magic array.


It fell slowly, and the whole space shivered.

Lucy didn't say anything, and the fast-moving book next to it recorded everything, while Yi Chou narrowed his eyes and continued to calmly ask the second question.

"The second test, for what you are after, embarking on the path of blood and iron, what are you... looking for."

"Freedom, faith, life, wealth."


There was still no pause, and at the moment Yi Yi's voice fell, Nobuko Yoshioka gave an answer.

At the same time, Yoshioka Nobuko in the crystal ball also began to be serious. At first, she didn't care what Yi Chou asked. After all, she was not voluntary. Although she chose to cooperate, it did not mean that she could not secretly do bad things.

It's just now...as Yi Yi's questioning continues, she also seems to be unknowingly reflecting on herself, what she...is looking for.

Is life. rw

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