High Magic Earth

Chapter 1308: White bones!

Yes, life.

The answer to the question is very simple, what I have long sought... is life.

Among the colorful crystals, Nobuko Yoshioka was caught in a strange fantasy. Her eyes flashed through a series of broken mirror images, like a lantern and a slide.

Her life reappeared in front of her, learning kendo for the first time, being a kendo teacher for the first time*, struggling against her own fate for the first time, killing for the first time, holding the **** heart in her hands for the first time... …

When looking at her life from another angle, Yoshioka Nobuko discovers that she has long believed that her lost goals have always been with her.

It is...life.

She killed, immersed in blood, tried to prove her meaning with death, but all the premises were pinned on her life, lost her life, all this would have no meaning, and nothing could be proved.

She joined the hands meeting not because of their powerful brainwashing power or their persecution, but because their beliefs are the same as their own, life...black sky...immortal power.

It's life.

The crystal ball in this magic array is very strange, it looks transparent, but it is actually one-sided. Yi Chou and others can see the Yoshioka Nobuko from the outside, but Yoshioka Nobuko cannot see the outside.

Looking out, she could only see layers of herself in the inner wall of the crystal ball. The infinite figure seemed to herald an infinite future.

Of course, in addition to some strange guys...such as Deadpool and the like, there is no need to worry about anyone in the crystal ball thinking that people outside can't see and do something strange.

After all, Yi Chou feels that no one will enter this magic circle voluntarily. Those who can enter here are probably forcibly captured by him and Lucy.

If you are caught forcibly and think of other things, this person's heart is also big enough.

Seeing Yoshioka Nobuko's eyes in the crystal ball lost in confusion, Yi Chou made a wink at Lucy next to him. This was a phenomenon they had never observed. To be precise...the second phase of the experiment was never carried out at all. Ever.

However, after waiting for Yi Chou to pass his gaze, he discovered that Lucy had fixed his gaze on the crystal ball for a long time, and even used several kinds of observation magic and image recording magic.

Obviously, Lucy is still very reliable in the matter.

Yi Xiao withdrew his eyes and continued to ask the third question.

"The third test, what you have forged, built forever, you want to use these hands... to create something."

"Prosperity, wisdom, hatred, strife."

Hearing Yoshio’s question, Yoshioka’s eyes were confused for a moment, but soon, as her eyes fell to the inner wall of the crystal ball, she became firm again.


She said.

In fact, Nobuko Yoshioka didn't understand the meaning of Yi Huo's question, but it didn't prevent her from answering, because among the answers to these four words, if she followed her heart, then it was... wisdom.

Although Yoshioka Nobuko looks like a muscle-strength faction, she is more than just a daunt, as she can see from the fact that she can sit on the hands of the leader of the club.

Although Yoshioka Nobuko is not qualified as a leader, and the hand meeting is not the leader's speech...After all, for Japan*, it is a tradition to be under control.

But to be able to stand out from countless people in the hand meeting, Yoshioka Nobuko's wisdom also cannot be underestimated.

So after a little hesitation for half a second, she followed her heart and made this choice.


There seemed to be some kind of vibration in the deep darkness around him. Yi Chou's eyes also slightly twitched, and he was ready to spread his legs to start running, but it seemed that it was only a shock and did not continue to spread.

The light and shadow in the crystal ball are still circulating.

This crystal ball is not brought by high-latitude energy, even the magic array is created by Yi Piao. The so-called high-latitude energy is just some energy, just like air, they exist like that, of course not What will create a crystal ball.

The crystal ball, the magic circle, including the questions Yi Chou asked at this time, were created by the silver tongue.

Needless to say, the role of the magic array is to mobilize high-latitude energy and converge it. Although it cannot be controlled very accurately, it can also prevent them from spreading everywhere.

The role of the crystal ball is to induce people in it, such as Yoshioka Nobuko. In fact, the hypnotic magic that Yi Chou released to her is achieved through the crystal ball.

It will modify the subconscious of the inner unknowingly, but in order to avoid subconscious resistance, violent conflicts and the like fall short of success, Yi Chou will also try not to choose me as a simple and rude, no cultivation and technology. Content of brainwashing content.

As for these questions now...

In fact, Yi Chao and Lucy considered at the beginning, once high-latitude energy invades a creature, what kind of transformation will it cause to the creature, apart from the commonality and abstraction of the shape, there is nothing Other factors can be controlled.

On the basis of such research... these six problems were born.

They are not meaningless existences. After Lucy created this story and put it into reality with Yi's silver tongue, these six questions will be turned into reality together with the magic circle. They are supporting existence. It's like some kind of mantra.

In the story, these six questions will guide the targets in the magic circle to find a more suitable power for themselves. Then after the silver tongue manifests it as real, how incredible it can be... they can also do this.

It just doesn't make sense.


Yi Chou whispered in a low voice.

Nobuyoshi Yoshioka, still in the illusion of a crystal ball, did not find out that after she answered the three questions, some small changes on her body surface that were very difficult to observe have appeared.

Her eyes seemed to be gone, or...not to be gone, but was blocked by a layer of white material, and her skin also began to change color, otherwise the whites became white.

This kind of whiteness... is not the color of Caucasians, it is more like a pale, a pale, a sick color.

Yi arrogantly observed, and Lucy next to him also carefully recorded the picture, but so far, the experiment seems to have no accidents.

Turning over the ancient booklet, Yi Chou continued to ask.

"The fourth test, for the wisdom you have, what you... will choose."

"Purity, revenge, victory, results."

Yoshioka Nobuko was silent again.

She doubts whether her wisdom is really enough, or that the other party’s Japanese expression is problematic. She still does not understand the question, but her heart is telling her the details of these four answers, just like a kind of intuition.

Revenge...Revenge means that there will be revenge for any revenge!


Yoshioka Nobuko whispered.

Yes, there will be revenge, and she likes it, so must she!

The whiteness of Yoshioka Nobuko's body was once again full-bodied, and her waist unconsciously ricketed down, with a spike of a long arm sticking out from behind, which looked like a white human-shaped hedgehog from afar.

But what surprised the onlookers such as Jebdia and Deve was that Nobuko Yoshioka didn't seem to find his abnormity and accepted her current appearance very indifferently.

It was like...she thought she was like that.

Yi Chou's eyes narrowed again.

He had noticed the abnormality of Yoshioka Nobuko before, but he was not sure what it was, because according to the strengthened experience of Sadako, Fujiang and others, they began to twist and deform after the magic circle was closed. .

Like a sudden illness, the body becomes softer than Slime, and after a twist, it will fix its new appearance.

Not in the magic circle.

Yes, Yi Biao is now sure that the abnormality of Yoshioka Nobuko is due to high-latitude energy, which has begun to invade, and even has begun to transform it.

Without pause, Yi Chou asked again.

"The fifth test, led by you, how do you think about bleeding."

"Sadness, pity, joy, fear."


Nobuyoshi Yoshioka gave an answer without much hesitation.

She understood this question, and often when she was alone, she often thought about it. She killed a lot of people, maybe one day she will be killed, so... how should she think about it? .

She thought a lot, and this question bothered her very early, and after countless thoughts and countless times to overthrow her answer, Nobuko Yoshioka finally came to an answer that she was quite satisfied with.


Perhaps she didn't even realize that when she killed her prey, she would have a complex feeling of respect and pity intertwined with the prey.

Is she cowardly? No, after thinking for a long time, Yoshioka Nobuko thought it was a pity.

Life and death... There is no essential difference. She killed someone today, and maybe she will be killed tomorrow.

It's that simple.

"Kaka Kaka Kaka!"

Suddenly, Yoshioka Nobuko's whole body burst out with a series of crisp sounds, and the white matter spread suddenly, directly wrapping her firmly inside, forming a huge substance like a sphere.

But the surface of this substance is still potholey, with countless twisted patterns, and even just a glance, it will be disgusting.

Yi Ao's mouth twitched. He wasn't worried about Yoshioka Nobuko being killed, he was just worried... there would be no oolong incidents such as Yoshioka Nobuko hearing the next question.

Fortunately... it's easy to think too much.

"The last test, the supreme thing."

"What... what is in your eyes."

"Glory, peace, change, domination."

But when Yi Huo asked the last question, a whimperous roar of whine was quickly heard inside the white ball.

This sound doesn't sound like a human being, and she doesn't know what she's talking about. Fortunately, Yi Biao has the help of the Universal Translator of Neverland Center, and finally understands the meaning of Yoshioka Nobuko.

She is indeed not human anymore, this is also a seemingly special language, and the grunting scream means...


"A glory..."

Yi arrogant thoughtful.

Yoshioka Nobuko's answers are very strange, because according to Yi Huo's original expectations, she should not make these answers, but should be a more cruel choice.

Such as dealing with the joy of bloodshed, and the dispute of building, but unexpectedly, the answer given by Yoshioka Nobuko is even more ethical than Yi Chou.

Deep down in her heart... there is still a trace of true samurai spirit.


But when he was thinking aloud, Yoshioka Nobuko's whisper like a whisper still didn't stop, and as time passed, this kind of murmur became more and more clear.

"It seems that something is not right." Lucy next to them came to Jebdia and others, taking Marcia still in a coma.

"Okay, stop." Yi Chou said to Yoshioka Nobuko, but it was not clear whether she heard it.

Lucy turned her eyes to Yi Chou. After frowning slightly, Yi Chou shook his head. "Wait, don't worry." He said.

Any kind of experiment is risky, and patience is also needed.




Yoshioka Nobuko’s whispers are getting stronger and stronger, and can’t even be called whispers, but a scream. This scream seems to carry a certain mental attack. At least Yi Chou feels that something like a needle stick is trying to invade his brain. Closed net.

Finally... With a crazy roar ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the whole space trembles suddenly.

"In my eyes... I saw glory!!"

The darkness was shaking, just as Yi Biao first vomited, this gloomy castle was swallowed by the surrounding darkness in a blink of an eye, and disappeared to nowhere, without a trace.

The intense energy storm began to sweep, even the lowest-level energy storm is extremely terrible, not to mention this is the most intense high-latitude storm known by Yi Chao.

Fortunately, Yi Biao and others have already prepared. Although the Phantom Fortress is also crumbling, it still seems to last for a while.

On the contrary, Yoshioka Nobuko was a little worried, although she accepted the transformation of high-latitude forces, it did not mean that she could resist the high-latitude storm, and this kind of storm would also crush her.

What's more worrying about Yi Biao is that if such a storm is attracted at the end of every experiment, will there be no experimental target to survive, that is to say... failure?


But at this moment, accompanied by a blast, the magic circle and the crystal ball suddenly burst, and their burning light dispelled the darkness in an instant. Yi Chou saw a vague shadow, and then the next moment, it seems that because of the magic circle After breaking the connection with the high-latitude world, the surrounding energy storm took advantage of the last chance to return to its own world. After half a second, the surroundings fell into a quiet to strange strange silence.

Only left...one seems to be the existence of Yoshioka Nobuko, quietly suspended in mid-air.

The white shell, the twisted armor, and the bone-like material covered her whole body, wrapped her inside, and looked from a distance... like a monster with bones growing outside.

The indescribable monster with a strange and twisted appearance finally got another one, or... it was successfully born.

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