High Magic Earth

Chapter 1309: Someone seems to be in trouble

"what is this?!"

Jebdia fell to the ground, and she found she could move. .

But she could not care about the others at this time, she just screamed, and she fled backwards and crawled, no one was trying to attack her in front, and she was not threatened.

Such a reaction is purely because of Yoshioka Nobuko.

As the surrounding energy storms calmed down, the space gradually lit up again.

The remaining luminous energy has not been destroyed. At this time, despite the danger that has just been lifted, the surrounding space is still tirelessly lit up, bringing a little light to them.

With these lights, Jebdia also saw things floating in the air... definitely not human!

Jebdia swears that she has never seen such... weird existence.

It's not ugly, and it's such a weird thing, so it's so disgusting to just look at it at one glance, as if the most uncomfortable thing she has seen in this life.

And what is this thing... Jebdia's heart is also very clear.

She couldn't be clear, she was not blind.

This guy in front of him made such a big stance... Isn't it just for the thing in front of it, it was turned by the very fierce Japanese woman who looked fierce, or this monster is her!

Jebdia does not want to become this thing, she is not stupid, obviously, that woman will be her turn later, although Jebdia also yearns for strength, when she does not seem to be like this.

Compared with Yoshioka Nobuko who has nothing to do with British energy, Jebdia is still very beautiful, especially since she is still young, she believes that she will become more beautiful in the future.

And she feels that her current strength is easy to use... well, although sometimes not so easy to use.

So half of Jebdia's scream is because normal people can't touch these indescribable beings, even if it's just a little residual energy, even if it's just a transformed creature, the other half is because of her fear of her future.

Become the fear of this monster in front.

Although the previous energy storm was short, it was very strong. Yi Chou thought that the energy could not be stopped. The experiment failed. He and Lucy were ready to run, so they released the imprisonment of Jebdia. Always take them away with them.

But now it seems... the experiment went very smoothly, the energy storm disappeared, and Yoshioka Nobuko was not destroyed in the energy storm.

Although the magic circle and the crystal ball were destroyed, it was a consumable item. When needed, Yi Chou used the power of the silver tongue to read it again.

Ignoring Jebdia's wailing as if it were a defeated dog, Yi Chou then waved back, and a sphere of shadow energy hit her.

The energy spread instantly, like a giant net, and posted the wailing, Dive and the sullen Marty on the wall with a shivering look on the side.

Shadow energy blocked their mouths, and Yi Chou's ears finally became quiet.

Lucy, still carrying Marcia, also came out. She was still struggling to write and write, but she was very excited.

"We succeeded." She seemed very confident.

"The first experiment in the second phase has been successful."

She left the word "pass" on the experiment log, and then gently closed the experiment log, and she could see that Lucy was also very happy. She was even more happy than Yi Huo.

"Is it……"

Hearing Lucy's confirmation, Yi Chou's eyes remained fixed on Yoshioka Nobuko's changed appearance and whispered.

"Energy is similar to 98%."

"More than 35% rich."

"E can..."

Lucy recites a series of data very fluently. The comparisons are very detailed. They are all previous experimental data. As a magical intelligence, Lucy naturally has memory and processing power, and the development of Yihuo’s brain domain is not ordinary people. Although not as good as Lucy, it is more than enough to calculate these things.

At the same time as Lucy finished, Yi Chou already calculated the final result...

"We succeeded." He said again, "The intensity exceeds 70% of Sadako, which is in line with our expectations..."

"Yes." Lucy confirmed again.

After arriving here, Yi Huo no longer hesitated and walked slowly towards Yoshioka Nobuko.

Although Nobuyoshi Yoshioka belongs to the second enhancement of the Chuangshen plan, it is still not an easy opponent...if the budget data is correct.

Energy richness, body density, high latitude traction, etc. can affect the combat effectiveness. If you want to exceed Yi Chou, you need at least four stages of the God of Creation plan. Of course, some special circumstances are not excluded.

After all, something like high-latitude energy, like time energy, is also a completely strange field for Yi Chou, and it is very likely that something he can't master will happen.

But if it is estimated according to the forecast... Although the second stage is actually very close to the fourth stage, the gap is the gap, which cannot be filled.

And there is nothing to worry about even the four-stage creation of God, the crystal ball fantasy will impose a high level of hypnotic magic on the transformation target, and it is only the first insurance. In addition, Yi Bao left many different Disturbing magic, implying magic in the heart, hiding in some inconspicuous places, subtly transforming the thinking of the experimental body.

Even if he would not obey Yihuo 100%, at least he would not resist him, even hostile to him.

Yi Biao can't always create some enemies that can't be used by him, but they are also extremely powerful. It is completely uncomfortable for himself.

Therefore, the research on brainwashing, loyalty, and spiritual hinting is earlier and deeper than the plan of creation. If these methods are not effective, Yi Chou will not even start the plan of creation.

And from the current effect... brainwashing is very successful.

Of course, Yoshioka Nobuko is not the first case, and Yi Chou will not do experiments on the experimental body that was the enemy at the previous moment without complete assurance.

In fact, the specific effect of brainwashing, just look at Athena.

She is the first successful case.

You know, in the world of Ink Heart, Athena is in a hostile camp with Yi Piao. If there is a chance, she will kill Yi Piao without hesitation. How could she help him?

Yi Xiao's use of silver tongue to reshape Athena is on the one hand, and on the other hand, it also uses hinting magic to constantly transform, which forms the current Athena.

Sure enough, the monster turned by Yoshioka Nobuko seemed to notice Yi Chou here, but he didn't make any excessive moves, but looked at Yi Chou suspiciously, and then raised his hands again, as if at Looking at myself.

She didn't understand why she became like this.

It's just that neither Yoshioka Nobuko, who is still in a confused stage, or Yi Yi, whose research spirit occupies everything, has not noticed.

Just as Yi Chou slowly stepped forward, and gradually turned his back to Lucy, a glimmer of dark yellow flashed in the eyes of this magical intelligence.

Like lightning, just a glance at one's eyes can make one's heart frightened.

As if something was sensed, there was a burst of restlessness in the surrounding calm space. Obviously, the magic circle had been lost and the connection with the high-latitude space was completely cut off, but the high-latitude energy seemed to want to flow into it again.

Because they feel...there is an energy here that is very similar to them and very similar to them.


But this restlessness came as fast as ever, and it went quickly. As Lucy's eyes returned to normal, the surrounding space stopped shaking.

Even because the duration is too short, this vibration is like an illusion.

In fact, it never happened...


Yi Chou's progress suddenly stopped.

As a wizard, especially after obtaining some of the magical knowledge of Oz, Yi Chou is so sensitive to energy that he can no longer be keen.

More than just magic power, any kind of energy is included in this list.

Sometimes Yi Biao even thinks that instead of calling himself a wizard, it is better to call his energy control ability. Before getting the power of silver tongue, Yi Biao can really prove that he is a wizard. There are really few tricks, mostly small tricks. .

After obtaining the silver tongue, the magical method of omnipotence made Yi Tong look like a real wizard.

Just at the moment, Yi Chou felt that those high latitude energies seemed to be resurgent, and began to converge towards this world again.

His movements suddenly became cautious.

The high-latitude energy is an energy that he can't control at this time. Yi Chou doesn't know what kind of consequences this energy will cause when he invades himself. Perhaps it is about the same as the ending of people like Yoshioka Nobuko, so the best way is to not Entangled by high latitude energy.

Another reason is... If the high-latitude energy resurrects, it means that the experiment is still lacking, and it actually failed.

Although there are still many alternative solutions, since they can be selected and paid for, it is clear that this solution is the most perfect, and other solutions are more or less lacking.

Then it will become very troublesome.

Fortunately, this energy dissipated quickly, and the surroundings became calm again, just like everything before was an illusion.

However, Yi Chou knows that this is not an illusion, the energy is very unstable, and the key question is not whether it is stable, but why it is unstable.

Yi Chou didn't know the reason.

After the magic array and the crystal ball were damaged, the gap connecting the high-latitude space was closed. Why did those high-latitude energies try to enter here.

If there is any difference between this experiment and the previous ones, the only difference is that higher latitude energy flows in more and stays longer.

But these clues...can't draw any conclusion at all.

In any case, it is not safe here, and who knows what problems will occur.

Move out from here as soon as possible, then close the space... observe.

Thinking of this, Yi Huo didn't have the thought of taking a close look at Yoshioka Nobuko.

"Are you okay." he asked in a dull tone.

After all, Yoshioka Nobuko is a rigorously trained warrior. Even after being brainwashed, all her qualities are still preserved. She seems to be no longer confused, but she still has some doubts.

"...Okay, it's never been better, but not too good."

She wondered how to make a fist with both hands, and then let go. "What's wrong with me," she asked.

Yoshioka Nobuko changed not only her appearance, but her voice also changed, or... it was her internal structure, and she was completely reshaped.

At this time, her voice sounded very hoarse. Even if the volume was turned up, it sounded like a whisper. This is not the subjective reason of Yoshioka Nobuko, but her vocal fold structure has been changed and can no longer produce the exact same tone as humans. .

"You have become stronger and gained strength."

Yi Chou said nothing hesitantly.

Nobuyoshi Yoshioka refused to say no, she could feel the powerful energy in her body as if it would never be exhausted, and not only that, her physical strength, her sharp mind, even the senses of hearing, etc., Both have been greatly strengthened.

The original her...it is impossible to defeat her now.


"I remember you said that this power comes at no cost."

Yoshioka Shinko's tone was cold, even though her vocal cords became hoarse, even though she could only whisper, but this coolness can never be removed, as if deep in her soul.

Although she didn't directly put Yi Biao's throat in a shell like a bone, Yi Biao could also feel her inner anger and killing intent.

Yoshioka Nobuko is very satisfied with this power, this new life form, of course, she is also very clear that if there is a harvest, there must be such a powerful force, how can it not pay the price.

She just... Why didn't the other person tell him directly, anyway, he imprisoned himself to complete the transformation, so what is the point of cheating.

Is it...

"Yes." It seems to have been expected that Yoshioka Nobuko would ask this question, and Yihou replied very skillfully, "In fact, this power really has no price~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You must refer to the appearance now. It’s not a human being at all, but... this is just one of your forms. In other words, you can still change back to human beings, and the power will not be lost. Similarly, you can also become what you want now."

"But this requires a little practice, I think you should understand what I mean."

The cracks representing Yoshioka Nobuko's two eyes are slightly larger. As a member of the big anime country, Yoshioka Nobuko will sometimes look at things that she thinks are stupid. I have to say that some are also very interesting.

Form, is this easy to understand, of course she can't understand.

No answer, Nobuyoshi Yoshioka immediately began to try to change her form, she did not ask Yi Chou, because she seemed to have an intuition in the vagueness, that is, this change should be her instinct, and she can learn without a professor.

And Yi Biao can guess what Yoshioka Nobuko is going to do now without magic. After all, the first reaction of Sadako, Fujiang, and even Athena is this. Women...cannot understand.

But now is not a good time to let her enjoy the experiment. After all, the danger seems to have not been lifted. Who knows what these high-latitude energies are all about, it is better to leave first.

"Bone bone Ji, there is time to let you control this power, now... we are going to leave here."

Yoshioka Nobuko didn't have much resistance, but she heard Yi's name, but she felt that the name was not suitable for her.

"Don't call me that." She retorted.

But there must always be a name. Yoshioka Nobuko thought about it for a moment when Shang Yihuo revealed this meaning, and soon re-chosen a very Zen-like name for himself.

Because she has always been very obsessed with Buddhist culture.

"...Crimson Bone Waiter."

She whispered.

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