High Magic Earth

Chapter 1310: What is the timeline of Marvel World. .

"White bone waiter, it's not bad." Yi Chou was very polite, and he directly omitted the two words in front of Yoshioka Nobuko's name. He shrugged and didn't care much.

What's the name, whatever she likes to call.

"Can we go now."

But Yi Chou didn't want to stay here for a second, but it was true.

Nor is he afraid of the erosion of high-latitude energy. Before Yi Biao went deep into studying magic, he was also very cautious about the things that mysterious mysteries often have to do with curses.

In the face of an unknown existence, bravery and self-confidence are often not a good thing, but stupid, and caution is the right choice.

Before clarifying the secrets of high-latitude energy, Yi Biao naturally has to be careful, and he can only be completely relieved after he gets more data, more information, or even deciphering the high-latitude energy.

Bai Biao Shi... Well, Yoshioka Nobuko glared at Yi Chou without disproving.

Nobuyoshi Yoshioka feels strange in her heart now, and seems to be very contradictory. She feels that she has a hatred that is not in common with the guy in front of her.

But there seemed to be another voice in her heart, constantly telling her that she really wanted to do this, but in any case, this guy was the only person in the world who was related to him.

Although he was annoying sometimes, he wanted people to kill him, but he was sincere about himself. For example, with this power, he did not deceive himself.

As for why Yihou became the last close person in this world, Yoshioka Nobuko... I am afraid even Yoshioka Nobuko is unclear.

But the weird thing is that Yoshioka Nobuko didn't seem to realize this, and didn't even think about it.

This is the use of silver tongue to achieve, more perfect induced magic than the soul charm.

Unlike the simple and crude soul-taking spell, this kind of induced magic penetrates deeper into the heart, and it is more gentle and subtle to change the other party's thinking and heart.

Soul retrieving spells are often imposed on the opponent by the caster. Although the opponent does obey under the magical restraint of the magic, when the order conflicts with the opponent's heart, it also causes strong resistance.

Uncoordination, passive idleness, and even a short break away from the shackles of the soul-draining curse are caused by nonsense, which depends on the individual's willpower.

But the magic in the crystal ball is different. This kind of magic only serves as an inducement. In fact, everything is thought by Yoshioka Nobuko's own heart, not made up by Yihou.

Isn't there such a sentence, people can only cheat themselves by themselves.

It can be said that all this is done by Nobuko Yoshioka, how could she doubt herself.

"time to go."

Lucy felt the signal from Yi Chou's heart in an instant, so the side-eating crowd Jebdia immediately found herself unlucky again.

Like her, there were Deve and Marty. The three of them were bound by magic again, like a puppet, and Lucy grabbed one shoulder by herself.

The next moment, as if the dust was blown away, Yi Chou and Lucy and others have disappeared in place...

On the second floor of the Silver Tongue Grocery Store, the rich shadow energy gradually converged and reconstructed two fuzzy figures, it was Yi Chou and Lucy, and then there were more and more figures around.

Since having a silver tongue, Yi Biao’s magic can be said to be a trick play. It turns out that he only has a very poor customer experience, and the word of mouth is simply that the entire multiverse is black. … Yi Huo can play a hundred patterns.

But in terms of magic, Yi Chou can say that he deals with all the magic in the world, as long as he can think of it, he can do it.

But... it's just a matter of fact.

The silver tongue can easily achieve the magic effect Yi Yi wants, but after all, it is different from the real magic. The two are essentially different. One is magic, the other is... both are silver tongues.

And Yi Chao's seemingly omnipotent also has an upper limit. This upper limit is the silver tongue. Although Yi Xuan has not found the limit of the silver tongue for the time being, it should exist.

Yi Xiao is not sure whether this is good or bad, but he has no way. After all, the silver tongue is the most powerful force he has at this stage.

Therefore, Yi Biao urgently needs to add more power and more means, not created by the silver tongue, but by the existence of the silver tongue.

It is like the spiritual power, magic power, magic, silver tongue, etc.

Of course, too powerful is not easy for Yi Chao to be able to touch, but it happens that there are some things here, which are very suitable for Yi Chao...

Yoshioka Nobuko, Jebdia, Deve Marty...

Yi Xiao roughly looked at the number of people and found that he had not forgotten who was in the low-level mistake like that in the previous world, and tore the portrait on the wall off in two strokes.


Without being reminded by Yi Chou, Lucy had pulled another portrait from the shadow warehouse, hung it on the wall, and walked in with the original one in his arms.

This is a space dedicated to observing magic experiments. It also has good quality that is easy to abandon and style. Once something goes wrong in the space, it directly destroys the entrance of the portrait. This space is not connected to any other space in Yihuo, which will not cause Chain influence.

Wait, Marcia.

It seemed that Lucy held her before, and Yi Biao quickly turned around and found that Marcia was lying on the bed and was still unconscious. Instead, she was sitting beside her with Yoshioka Nobuko with interest, as if she planned to lift her mask.

"Let's keep a little mystery," Yi said. "Mystery is more likely to make people feel better. Doesn't it mean...when a woman is curious about another woman, it's time to feel good."


Nobuyoshi Yoshioka surprised with a strange voice, she was even surprised that the voice was a bit deformed.

Yi Ao shrugged and threw a magic at Marcia.

With the IQ of Nobuyoshi Yoshioka, she soon thought of the role of Yibiao magic. She tried to unlock the mask unbelief, but found that there was more than one layer of protective mask outside the mask, and the mask and Marcia’s With her face covered, she couldn't touch the gap between the mask and Marcia's face.

And within these few minutes, Lucy has come out again.

"Magic is on." Lucy said.

The space is semi-closed. There is no other way to enter except this entrance, but as an observation room, it naturally needs a place to observe, not another entrance, but magic.

There are at least hundreds of similar observation rooms in Yi Chou, all of which are in the form of portraits. They are revised in a photo album, and when needed, they will be taken out like Lucy today.

In the same way, the number of one-time experiment spaces is much more than this photo album, and thanks to Lucy's magical intelligence, the sorting and sorting is her old business. Otherwise, with Yi Huo, he must remember Unable to keep up with these things, it is inevitable that there will be some troubles caused by accidents.

Nobuyoshi Yoshioka has stopped curiosity about Marcia and began to explore her own power. Although after gaining a new body and new power, everything looks like an instinct, but even if the baby learns to walk, it will take some time.

Walking is not just instinct, in fact, the correct walking posture is also set by the person and needs to be learned, otherwise it is not impossible to walk very ugly.

But as an emerging high-latitude variant, Yoshioka Nobuko is clearly unable to control his own power, which is beyond doubt.


A careless, sharp, bone-like spur suddenly came out of her elbow tradition, as if whip through the entire room.

"Kaka Kaka!"

A series of walls were cut off directly by bone spurs, the newly repaired furniture, and the items placed in it also shattered, thanks to the slow response of Yi Xuan and Lucy, one directly laid the portrait, and the other one laid Tibdia. The heads of the three men slammed down.

Otherwise, Yoshioka Nobuko’s attack would not only be as simple as destroying a portrait, but would also receive three heads.

Jebdia was startled again, and the sharp and cold touch almost wiped her against her scalp, directly scaring her out of cold sweat.

Although it is unclear what she is, she can be sure that her neck is not as hard as a wall, and even the wall can be split directly from the middle... There is no pressure to cut her head.

Jebdia stared angrily at Yoshioka Nobuko, but unfortunately, her eyes had no deterrent effect on it.

Before the creation of God, Yoshioka Nobuko was not afraid of Jebdia at all. As long as she didn’t hear Jebdia’s voice, the influence of her signal hormones would be greatly reduced.

Although ultimately relying on these signaling hormones, even if there is no voice to control the other party, but this time is enough for Yoshioka Nobuko to kill her hundreds of times.

What's more, Yoshioka Nobuko now accepts the creation of God, she doesn't know how strong she has become, and she doesn't take Jebdia in her eyes.

Although Jebdia, who was determined to become a villain, had little insight, she still had some wisdom. She was not stupid. She even realized at the first time that she could change the situation and only have power.

At this moment, she even somewhat repelled Yi Chou's transformation to be done next to her, because then she could reap this power, after all... this power seems to be nothing bad.

"All right."

Yi Biao was very dissatisfied with the bullet on the bone spurs that had swept over it, and after stopping it, he held it directly in his hand, so as to prevent Yoshioka Nobuko from continuing to destroy it.

His hands were in the empty spot, and the surroundings immediately seemed to go back in time again, recovering all the damage.

"The house that has just been repaired, don't damage it here."

"I will find a suitable place for you."

"Lucy, send this uninvited guest in trouble... By the way, get ready for the next experiment."

Helping Yoshioka Nobuko to recover the bone spurs, Yi Chou gave a series of orders, and Lucy nodded slightly, turned and carried Marcia on her shoulders, and walked out.

The so-called uninvited troublesome guest... is Marcia.

In other words, it is all important heroes.

If you want to not change the future as much as possible, then you can’t kill these guys, but these important people like to be idle, Yi Chou already has a hunch...life in the future will not be so calm.

But this is also good, because it also proves from the side that he has been integrated into the superhero circle.

No matter what his position is.

The existence of superpowers, destined that these people can never merge with ordinary people into a group.

In the eyes of Jebdia, how many such portraits do you have, Yi Chou takes out a space door again, and then withdraws Yoshioka Nobuko, telling her that she can vent at will, even if everything is destroyed.

That side is not a red castle, and it is of course impossible to connect directly to Neverland, because these transformed high-latitude variants have a strong instinct even without the professor of Sadako and others.

After all, as the first batch of Sadako and others, they did not teach them, all the power was fumbled by themselves.

After sending away Yoshioka Nobuko, Yi arrogantly touched his chin. Since the formation of the Magic Legion is just around the corner, the specific name and the like should also be determined.

Should be called...


But in the next moment, the whole silver tongue grocery store suddenly remembered the sharp and harsh exclamation. This sound sounded full of urgency, which made people realize the first time...it might be an alarm~www.wuxiaspot. com~ This is indeed an alarm. It is issued by Yihou's defensive magic system. Although it is harsh, it will be noticed if you stand outside the store at this time. Although the internal exclamation almost broke the eardrum of the person, it is a little outside. I can't hear the sound.

Everything around was shrouded in the night, still very calm, like...the countless nights of Hell's Kitchen were as normal as they were without any abnormalities.

At the next moment, without waiting for Yi Biao to check the reason, Lucy returned to the second floor.

"It's a mage."

She gave an answer to Yi Chou.

"The group of guys from Karma Taj."...

Molly took a group of mages under the robe and went straight to Hell's Kitchen. She was not afraid that this dress would scare others in the middle of the night.

However, the Master has always claimed to be the protector of the world. They protect ordinary people, but they also look down on ordinary people, and they don’t care too much about ordinary people’s ideas.

As long as they protect all the safety and security.

In fact, Gu Yi is worthy of being the most powerful Master Venerable and Supreme Venerable in the world. Even if the timeline is deviated due to the intervention of Yi Huo, or even disturbed, she has passed through countless mists, Point directly to the real clue.

She used facts to prove that you are Gu Yi or you Gu Yi. The problem is not only in New York, but also in the **** kitchen.

After receiving the clues passed by Gu Yi, Molly had no doubt at all. Sure enough, her teacher Gu Yi was worthy of being the supreme, and she was still the most powerful mage in the world.

After a brief exchange with the wizards of the New York Temple, Molly took the others straight to Hell's Kitchen.

Others are not surprised, because Motoly is like this. She was still at Karma Taj, and she will complete the tasks assigned to her as soon as possible, not to mention... This matter is still very important.

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