High Magic Earth

Chapter 1311: Revenge girl. .

But Molly still has too little experience.

She neglected a few essential things. Know that what they are looking for is to disturb the existence of the timeline. If it is just an accident, even if they hurried over, I might not get any useful clues. This matter needs Consider long.

But if it is not an unexpected factor... then obviously, the mages who guard the time and history integrity and protect the earth from invasion by external forces are in a hostile camp with this non-accidental factor.

Can the guys who can disturb the time, or even interfere with Gu Yi's sight, really be able to deal with these mage.

Such a big move came to find it. Seriously, this does not conform to the traditional mode of action of the Master.

Fortunately, their luck is good...

"Kama Taj?"

Yi Chou is also a little dazed.

When he heard these words from Lucy's mouth, his first reaction was also dumbfounded, not for the name itself, but for not understanding why the mage of Kama Taj appeared here.

Obviously, they came for themselves.

Before Dr. Strange appeared in the original plot, the Karma Taj Masters were not very active, let alone came to the Hell's Kitchen to intersect with the possible superheroes.

The history, the plot, or the future has been changed, and there can only be one reason for the change, that is, oneself, and the only variable is oneself.

So the question now is why the mage of Karma Taj is looking for himself, to see them, or not.

Although Yi Biao has long planned to deal with the mage of Karma Taj, it is only limited to Gu Yi, and only Gu Yi is qualified to talk to him. The remaining fish... are not worth mentioning.

The exchange that Yi Biao wants is not these little guys.

Lucy walked over to the wall on one side and made two virtual dots. Suddenly the entire wall showed ripples like water. At the next moment, the picture of Hell's Kitchen appeared on the wall.

Satellite perspective... Well, it's not magic, it's a real satellite. Although Lucy is a magical intelligence, it is also intelligent, how to hack Jarvis, and hack a certain map satellite is completely stress-free.

Seeing that the red dots marked with the mage had run to the center of the Hell's kitchen, Lucy looked at the edge of the silver tongue grocery store and calmly said to Yi Chou.

"Relax, they didn't find us."

"……I saw."

Standing in front of the map for a long while, Yi Chou made a decision.

"Stare at them and see what they are doing." He said to Lucy, "But now... when it's not time to contact these guys, I will go to Kama Taj in person to find Gu Yi in a few days."

Lucy nodded.

"Follow me."

Shadow energy controlled Jebdia and others, and Yi Chou took them to the next room.

The second floor area of ​​the grocery store is naturally the same as the downstairs, but this is just the eyes of ordinary people. The magic array covers almost every corner of the grocery store. In the eyes of a wizard like Yi Huo, as long as a little magic power urges, the space on the second floor will be Can be extended indefinitely.

There are several worlds with magical civilization that Yihou experienced, no matter which one, the research in the field of space is not shallow.

Several chairs were called out by Yi Xuan out of thin air, and Jebdia and others were relieved of him.

"Sit," he said.

Jebdia did not resist at all. Although the two unlucky high school little guys were trembling, but after a series of things, they also knew exactly what kind of existence this guy was in front of them.

Despite being scared, they sat on the stool very honestly, with their hands on their knees, nervous as if they were primary school pupils on the first day of school.

I snapped my fingers, the drawer next to it was pulled away by invisible energy, and small things such as red wine, wine glasses, tablecloths, etc. slowly floated in the air. At the next moment, a round wooden table appeared among several people in an instant. At this time, it fell. The red wine and other things just happened to fall on the table.

The red wine didn't move, but the red wine had sprung up from the glass by itself, and the liquid could not keep climbing until it was less than half a glass.

"It must have been very difficult this evening."

Yi Xao took the lead in raising the cup and gently whispered to several people.

Obviously, this group of uninvited guests of Kama Taj suddenly appeared, disrupting his next plan, and Yi Chou also calmly thought about it, continuous transformation may not be a good choice, this is not a game enhancement, and It is said that the success rate of continuous reinforcement is higher.

Although Yoshioka Nobuko's creative transformation is successful, it does not mean that Jebdia will be so smooth.

Although they are all consumables in Yi Biao's eyes, it is better to save some use and prepare for everything when there are not many consumables. After digesting the data of Yoshioka Nobuko's transformation, I will proceed. Let's make it once.

And Yoshioka Nobuko, Jebdia Yihuo has no pressure to use it, because they are all dead in the future, obviously there are some different guys.

For example, Marcia, as Daredevil, but an important person in the future, there should be no accidents. Yi Chou also sent Lucy back to her after letting her memory disappear.

In addition to Daredevil Marcia, there are two other little guys that can also bring trouble to Yi Chou... it is the two gritty Deve in front of you, and Marty.

Karma Taj's group of wizards disrupted the plan and it was nothing. Just let Yi Xiao deal with the two little guys first.

After taking a sip of red wine, Yi Xiao gazed at the few people in front of him.

Jebdia was still calm, but she stared at the red wine and the glass in front of her for a long time, but suddenly asked an unrelated question.

"You made this wine out of magic? Then what are you doing with a bottle of red wine."

She was talking about half a cup in front of her.

Yi Xiao now doesn't need such a low means of pouring wine for people. He doesn't need to pour the wine out of the bottle, he can use the silver tongue to show it directly.

Dr. Singularity can achieve infinite refills by controlling the time on a small scale. Although Yi Chao's methods seem to be somewhat similar, they are essentially different and different.

Hearing Jebdia's question, Yi Chou was also shocked. He did not expect Jebdia to ask such boring questions.


He lengthened his tone and said lazily, "Probably because you can't magic..."

Jebdia seemed to acquiesce in this statement. She raised her glass and drank it, then picked up the red wine next to it and renewed it for herself. After three glasses, she seemed to relax.

Although alcohol can make people confused, but in a short time it will make people more sober and calm. Obviously, Jebdia has completely calmed down now.

"Not a dream..." She seemed to murmur.

Jebdia's wine is very good. After all, it is a false **** in a sense. Only one sentence is needed, and the whole world will be in her hands.

In the past few years, she has enjoyed madness, and she has never tasted a variety of delicious dishes, such as red wine... I am afraid that Yi Biao is not proficient in her.

Although the red wine brewed by the plants grown from the rich magic environment of Neverland is a bit more flavor than ordinary wine, it has not yet surprised Jebdia.

She put down her glass and re-entered her silence.

It seems that she made her own choice.

Yi Xiao showed a smile, and then turned his eyes to the two uneasy little guys beside him.

"What about you guys?"

The little guy named Dive lowered his head and shook his head without talking.

Yi Xiao smiled on his face, but gently tapped the armrest of the chair with his fingers. It seemed that there was something wrong. This was an intuition.

But at this time, the little guy next to him called Marty had raised his head and said timidly, "Can we... can we go home..."

Her voice was trembling, and even Yi Biao could feel her fear.

So Yi Xuan showed a bright smile and replied, "Yes."...


Not to mention Marty, even Dive next to her was a little surprised, and even did not react for a while, only Jebdia remained silent, it seemed not surprising.

But Yi Xiao did not explain, but smiled to continue to the next topic.

"Do you have family?"

No one had a family, and Deve rolled her eyes strongly, but she knew what was happening now, and like Marty, she nodded her head like she was afraid.

"...When, of course." The answer was still Marty.

There are more and more strange feelings in Yi Huo’s mind, but this intuition has drawbacks and advantages. The advantage is that it can remind the subjective consciousness of unexpected accidents. The disadvantage is that it is difficult for you to think about what happened. problem.

Just like the mentally retarded prop of the memory ball, it can remind you of something that you have forgotten, but unfortunately... you may not remember what you forgot.

Because you can think of it, it is not forgotten.

"Are you a total of three people, one dead?"

Yi Biao's tone is still faint. It seems that a dead person is as simple as eating and walking in his mouth, but this is not simple in the eyes of Deve and Marty.

After all, it was their companions, their friends, their classmates, a living person, they were still discussing what comics to watch tonight, the next moment, she became a cold body … This is not something that an ordinary high school guy can accept.

Sure enough, after hearing Yi Biao's question, Marty's eyes were filled with tears. It was estimated that she thought Yi Biao would kill her too, but Jebdia knew that Yi Biao would not do it.

The next Deve also shook her head suddenly, trembling slightly again, as if afraid.

Strange... Weird feelings are getting stronger.

Knocked on the side of the chair, Yi murmured, "Trouble."


He whispered, and in an instant, the rich shadow energy opened on the wall behind him, forming a black vortex gate, the gate issued a real wave, and it seemed to lead to another space.

Jebdia raised her head and looked at the strange scene in front of her.

Soon, Alimond, the leader of the house-elf, the human appearance, stepped out of the gate.

"You are calling me, sir."

Even if he turned into a human, his etiquette did not change much. Of course, when he faced Yi Huo, his bending curve was almost ninety degrees.

"Lucy is busy, and others can't count on it. Send these two little guys out, erase their memories, and then disguise the body as a robbery scene. Don't leave any traces, and finally call the police."

Yi Biao simply explained to Alimond that he could be selected as the leader of the house elf by Yi Biao. Alimond's intelligence level is naturally not low.

He instantly understood the meaning of Yi Huo.

"It's very simple, sir." He stooped and retreated again. At this time, the two of them found that their bodies were out of control again, as if they were puppets behind Alimond and walked down the stairs together.


As the door was gently taken, only Yi Biao and Jebdia were left in the room, and the surroundings fell silent again.

After a while, it was no longer Yi Chou who broke the silence first.

"I shouldn't be able to leave, right."

Jebdia poured himself a glass of red wine again, shaking the glass, and whispered.

Yi Chou nodded.

"Because the woman and I... even if they are missing, the police will not look everywhere."

Obviously, the trouble caused by Deve and Marty is not the same as Marcia~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Marcia is Daredevil, one of the main characters in the future plot, with the status of superhero, her death will Bring uncontrollable variables to the future.

And Duff and Marty are different. They are just ordinary people. Even if they die, they have little impact on the future, and they are even dispensable.

But superheroes have troubles with superheroes, and ordinary people have troubles with ordinary people.

The problem of Deve and Marty is not to affect the future, but to affect the present.

If they are like members of Yoshioka Nobuko, the three little bastards, even if they are really missing, will not attract much attention. If no one reports the case, the police will not even bother to ignore such social residues.

But these two little guys are obviously different. They are innocent and come in by mistake. Of course, Yi Chou will not care whether they are innocent or innocent, but they cannot ignore the huge network behind them.

They have at least parents and families.

The disappearance of the three people will more or less make the police notice this and bring unnecessary trouble to Yi Chou. It is not as good as sending them out like Marcia, but unfortunately one died, hoping that Alimond’s forged scene is precise enough.

And the last remaining Jebdia... as she said, Yi Chou had no reason to let her go this time.

Jebdia is very smart, but unfortunately, no matter how clever she is, she is also a person in the box. I don’t know the information outside the box, and I can’t imagine the real reason for Yihuo.


Yi Huo laughed in a low voice, "Perhaps, this is a reason."

"But the real reason is in the future."

"Your disappearance or death has little effect on the future."


Jebdia was finally surprised again, his face puzzled. 8)

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