High Magic Earth

Chapter 1312: How was this distorted aesthetics cultivated

What the nagging guy in front of me is saying, future?

Just kidding, does he think he can see through the future, no matter what the future is, whether it is fixed or changing, no one can see through the future, otherwise the future will not be the future.

No wonder she had a strange feeling at the beginning, but Jebdia always couldn't explain why, now she finally understood.

It turned out that she went into the nest of a religious fanatic. Such a lunatic is the most troublesome, no matter what he believes.

Yi Piao, who peered at Jebdia's shallow thinking, also had a black line on his head. I didn't expect this little guy's thinking to be so active or to escape.

"I don't believe in God, because praying to the enemy is a cowardly act."

"Even though I am not a determined warrior, the wizard has his own persistence."

Uh-huh, those religious lunatics say so. Jebdia has been greedy for enjoyment all these years, and has constantly controlled those rich people, but it has also seen ridiculous things. Similar religions and fanatics... have also learned a lot.

Most are deceptive.

Wait... Did she ignore something?

"Can you see what I am thinking?!"

Jebdia exclaimed suddenly.

"Don't be so loud."

Yi Ao waved carelessly with a smile on his face, "I can hear... and I can see it."

Sure enough, this guy's ability is very similar to himself, what should this be called, spiritual power? Overclocking induction? He seems to be the same person as himself.

"I found that after my memory was erased, I found it even if I didn't hide far away... It was for this reason." Yi Xiao smiled.

"remarkably brave."

Damn, he can really see through my inner thoughts.

"Not completely." Yi Chou said indifferently.

Damn it, don't watch it!

"Okay." Yi arrogant raised his glass, still without sincerity.

But he did cut off the invasion of shadow energy.

For wizards, the most famous spiritual trick is also a spell at the early stage. It’s nothing more than psychic capture. Dumbledore is a master of this, and there are many talented wizards who are naturally versed in meditation. It doesn't even need a spell to release it, just like the aura of passive blessing.

But the telepathy can't really see through other people's hearts. It can only see the most shallow layer of thinking that occasionally appears in the other person's mind, just like psychological activity, and it is also very vague.

Short and hazy.

It can't uncover the secrets of other people's hearts, nor can it explore the depths of the other person's heart. Even Dumbledore, who is the most proficient in it, can't do this.

This is not the cause of talent, but the limitation of the spell.

Even if I hadn't waited for the silver tongue, but the clamor from the Harry Potter skill book was full, it was just a little less obscure.

It is different from true mind reading.

Sometimes it is not that I have not thought about it, if I can enter the world of quasi-dnd rules, how good it should be, or say, such as World of Warcraft.

Isn't there a movie version of World of Warcraft, maybe you should find its coordinates.

Although the world under the dnd rule has a magic net and hierarchical leveling of magic, it seems that everything is planned clearly and strictly, like turning magic into another technology, but I have to say that sometimes layering There are also benefits of layering.

It is more convenient and concise.

This is also in line with the core thinking of technology. Technology is changed into life. Isn't the essence of technology exist for the convenience of human life.

Under the background of system-free magic, magic seems to have infinite possibilities in the world that seems to experience arrogance. However, this infinite also represents the difficulty of learning magic. There is no specific system to learn from, even Hog. Watts' system is also very loose.

Although the magic net has become magic like technology, but it can not deny its convenience, magic net a little, when the level can learn what magic, it is more accurate than the game.

Similarly, the existence of the magic net also vaguely limits the development of magic, which is a limitation of thinking, and once leaving the magic net, it is like a salted fish with a broken net.

There is no value in existence.

Various systems have their own advantages and disadvantages, but it is undeniable that no matter what kind of system, limitations and limits and limitations exist.

Knowing that Yi Xao has mastered the power of silver tongue.

Shadow energy is the only magic method that Yi Biao currently masters. It cannot be said to be the only one, but it is true that most of the rest of the low-level magic has been abandoned by him. After all, there is something better than it.

This is the case with Yi Biao. Although he has not forgotten the magic of the past, he no longer uses it.

Shadow energy is his only means right now, the one he is best at...and also the omnipotent means.

Obviously, the shadow energy was transformed by the silver tongue. Yi Chou used the silver tongue to transform it into a versatile magic. It can replace all kinds of primary magic effects, such as floating, flying, flying, shield, protection, This includes prying into the hearts of others.

And there is no need for mantras. Shadow energy is like an extension of Yi Xuan's body. When the mind moves, the energy has completed what Yi Xuan wants to do instantly.

Shadow energy possesses the ability to spy on the thinking of others. Obviously, it is not only so inferior to the mind-absorbing, it is already very similar to mind reading, and it is not even weaker than mind reading.

When the shadow energy invades the thinking of others, Yi Chou can fully perceive everything he thinks, even the deep memories in his heart... It is not impossible to see.

But this is very damaging to the target's thinking, and may even become an idiot.

Things such as memory, mind, and soul are always fragile. No matter how deep the magic is, it will inevitably cause damage to the target, but only the probability. Because this factor is not caused by magic, but by ordinary people. The soul is no better than a wizard.

But shadow energy mind-reading is not all you can see, and those who are equally mentally active will not be able to, for example, a series of spiritual mutants represented by Professor X, White Queen and others.

What they have...but the power of the universe.

The wandering thoughts were taken back by Yi Chou in an instant. He looked at Jebdia in front of him and showed a faint smile.

"You seem to have many problems."

The inner thought is different from what is said in the mouth. The latter must be thought through the brain and think hard, and it will be difficult to say what it will be like, but the inner thought is the original thought and the most unrevealed reaction.

Even the best trained agents can hardly control their inner thoughts in an instant.

So although Jebdia's inner thoughts are wild, she still is very clever on the surface...or calm, because she knows how she is now.

Life and death are not far away from her.

So the other party said that you have a lot of questions, maybe not to ask you questions, but to let you... continue to shut up and listen.

"I know the future."

"Whether you believe it or not, this is true."

"This world is very big, and you know too little. You think you are invincible and you have become the new world's card secret? What a joke, you even know nothing about SHIELD."

"And this group of people who claim to be the protectors of the world... are just a group of ignorant people."

"But it can't blame you, nor can they blame them. The limitation of the box is nothing, there is no way to do it."

"Even if it wasn't me who came from outside the box, I wouldn't be qualified to say this, and I would also be a member of these idiots, perhaps the most obscure kind."

"But sometimes, fortunately...in itself is a part of strength."

After listening to Yi Nao's nagging talk, he stopped for a long time, and Jebdia also breathed a sigh of relief, so that he wouldn't kill himself if he saw what the other person said, after all... look at him The plan is to let myself experience the same thing as the other day*.

As long as it doesn’t die...it’s okay, not to mention that the woman of the day turned into a monster, but it still changed back.

Not so unacceptable.

Thinking of this, Jebdia's complexion also eased a bit, and even raised his hand weakly, and asked softly, "So, what... what does Carmi mean."

Yi Xao stared at Jebdia, and looked at it for a long time before speaking coldly.

"It means idiot."

Jebdia immediately lowered her head again, watching the nose and nose.

"Returning to the original question, you have no influence on the future, why, what talent do you think will affect the future."

This question didn't seem to be a joke. Silent, Jebdia immediately gave the correct answer.



Yi Xiao stood up and slowly walked around the table and asked softly, "How would you feel when you die at the hands of Jessica."

He stopped behind Jebdia, as if a cold breath deep into his soul made Jebdia shivering, and she whispered, "...I don't know."

I don't even know what you are talking about, death? Will I die in the future? Just like you won't die in the future, everyone will die a hundred years later.

Jessica killed me? The little guy saw me like a mouse and a cat. I probably found out that Jessica and I knew each other before saying this, just like the fortune tellers, they said all those golden words, what, your Unhappy childhood...


The table seemed to be tapped twice, and there seemed to be some shaking around it. Was it an illusion?

Jebdia wanted to look around, but before she looked up, she heard the people behind him continue to speak, and she was so shocked that she shrank her neck again.

"I don't know, because there is no experience, no feeling, no feeling right..."

What does this mean?

Jebdia suddenly had a bad hunch in her heart. She felt that she couldn't pretend to be an ostrich anymore, but she just raised her head and noticed a big change in the table in front of her.

The table in front of me is separated from the middle... Or there is a hole in the middle. The surface of the hole is filled with liquid. Although the green-black liquid is not dark, it has an unusual attraction, as if it can **** the soul of the person. Go in generally.

Although the ground is very calm, the surface of the liquid is still rippled, even as if there are storms roaring from time to time. The waves are icy, cold, and biting cold. Even now it is summer, Jebdia can still feel them. Suddenly came.

This is definitely not a good thing.

This is Jebdia's first thought.

This script is not right. Shouldn't I accept the same transformation as that Japanese woman?

This is Jebdia's second thought.

But what she didn't notice was that after this thing appeared, even Yi Chou behind him frowned, not surprised or strange, but... seemed a little helpless.

Before waiting for Jebdia to ask anything, Yi Chou suddenly grabbed her neck and threw it directly into the liquid in the table.


The power of the Pseudo-Kryptonite is even shown to you in minutes, not to mention the small skinny Jebdia, she has no reaction time for one second, the whole person rises into the sky and falls into this. Cold biting liquid.

At the next moment, the cold temperature did not reach the top of her head, her eyes were dark, and then Lu Li's light monster passed through like a barracuda, and soon took her into another world.

A... her world with men...

Yi Xiao sat at the edge of the table, with a book spread out in his hand and black tea beside him, recording something from time to time.

It has been more than four hours since Jebdia was thrown into the meditation basin by her, the sky has been brightened, and the monitoring magic next door has been removed. The Kama Taj Master Touring Group found no clues after a night, but had no choice but to retreat back.

When they returned to the New York Temple, they couldn't continue to monitor the movement, so Lucy was also sent to find Nobuyoshi Yoshioka by the clamor. The latter's power development stage needed guidance.

And he... stayed here and continued to stare at the meditation basin.

Yes, the meditation basin.

The thing that Yi Biao threw Jebdia into is the meditation basin. Although its appearance is strange and daunting, it still cannot change the fact that it is a harmless meditation basin.

The meditation basin is plainly a place to store memories. Dynamic memory recordings, more advanced with deep magic, may also be able to make virtual reality scene experience, there is nothing terrible.

So why is it transformed into this terrible look... Probably Lucy's bad taste, for her so-called attention to atmosphere, atmosphere... She has been saved.

Yi Chou's helpless expression behind Jebdia just now is also for this reason.

But... it's been more than four hours, and it's probably over.

What Yi Biao showed to Jebdia was the so-called original plot, that is, the American drama Jessica Jones. Of course, the purple man in it was a male version. The TV series I watched through Yi Biao, with the help of silver tongue, Yi Xiao transformed this meditation basin into an experiential scene to watch.

Jebdia will observe some from the perspective of the purple man. After the transformation of the silver tongue, even the feelings can be simulated. It is roughly the same, natural... including the moment when the male purple man died.

Although the entire TV series spans a long period of time, and even lasts for several months in it, in the meditation basin, a lot of time is just fleeting.

Four hours...about should be over. 8)

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