High Magic Earth

Chapter 1313: I almost couldn't think of a title

"Poo Poo..."

"Poo Poo..."

About 20 minutes later, Yi Chou, who was writing a new story, suddenly jumped into his eyes. The poker soldier vs. Sakura Ninja came to an abrupt halt. He sandwiched the quill with magic ink in his hand, watching With a constant sound of meditation basin liquid level.


At the next moment, with the sound of choking water, Jebdia's awkward figure was lifted to the surface by an invisible force. She thrashed twice and was picked up by Yi Chou.

Is she really a wizard? Being thrown into the water, Jebdia thought about it with a grudge.

He doesn't look like a muscle*.


In fact, Jebdia's situation was originally as optimistic as she imagined. Since Yi Chou was carried out of the water, she fell on the ground in embarrassment, grabbed her throat and coughed, seeming to want to cough the entire trachea. Come out generally.

In addition to being really choked by water, in the meditation basin, the male purple man was directly pinched by Jessica with one hand, crushing the trachea and dying for a certain reason.

As Yi Chou said, the meditation basin transformed by the silver tongue has the ability to experience life in memory, not just acting as a watcher.

He was crushed to the neck and died. . That won't feel great.

Yi Biao is actually very puzzled because he remembers that the meditation potted liquid is not a real liquid. These are flowing memory rays, which are not matter at all and cannot be touched. Why. .

Looking at Jebdia's soaked clothes, Yi Chou swallowed this nonsense wisely.

Obviously, it was Lucy's bad taste again.

She always likes to satisfy her weird aesthetics in these harmless and elegant places. It is really strange. Yi Chou does not remember that when she created Lucy, she added her cells to the artist. It is still such a weird artistic concept. .

What pays attention to the background atmosphere and the rendering of the atmosphere should give people a sense of substitution. . Yi Xiao only hopes that she will not develop to the level of her own bgm in the future, that would be terrible.

"how do you feel."

Seeing that Jebdia seemed to slow down, Yi Biao quickly withdrew his gaze from the liquid surface of the meditation basin, and continued to become the lazy tone, questioning from the top.

"The taste of death. It's so beautiful."


Covering her throat, Jebdia finally coughed hard, then hummed weakly, almost responding that she was still alive.

Yi Biao quietly silenced patiently for a few minutes, and Jebdia finally calmed down completely.

She raised her head and looked at Yi Chou's calm and unremarkable gaze.

"I am a man?!"

. . .

"Parallel world, parallel space, multidimensional universe... whatever you like to call, everything you have experienced before, their relationship is similar to these."

Yi Huo paused, staring at Jebdia who was sitting in front of him with suspicious eyes.

"Do you understand?"

Jebdia was obviously dissatisfied with Yi's suspicion, and she stared. . Then he counseled, "Of course... Although I don't like the two guys, I have to admit that they still taught me something."

"For example, it is the space theory that the seven-year-old filial son should study, the theory of relativity..."

Jebdia didn't dare to be angry with Yi Chou, and could only throw her grievances on the parents who had been dead for more than ten years.

Although she really did not like the two guys.

"The memory you have seen before is what happened in another world, and it has already happened. I have recorded it from the perspective of others, and then used magic. Let you experience it again from your own perspective."

"That's what I mean by the future."

"It is neither established nor changing."

"The future is the future."

The calm purple man is not a fool. Even though she has not been well-educated, her parents are very good scientists. The combination of the two genes is not bad for Jebdia.

She thought about it and quickly raised different questions.

"You said that his future is my future, I will die? This is too far-fetched."

"It is not far-fetched. Although the world is different, there will not be much change in the general direction."

Yi arrogant voice was calm, "especially those protagonists who were chosen by nature, Stark is destined to wear steel armor, Rogers will also be caught from the water."

"This is destiny."

He began to change his tone again.

Jebdia rolled her eyes secretly and then retorted seriously, "This is not the same. I am a man in that world and I am a woman here."

"Parallel worlds... Any occurrence of ulcers from different branches will create a new parallel world, which is why the parallel worlds appear. If they really exist."

"Even if it is just a butterfly flapping its wings once more, it may lead to different storms, not to mention the change from a man's gender from a man to a woman. This is not a wing of a butterfly."

Seeing Yi Chou's increasingly dark face, Jebdia closed her mouth wisely.

"I will die, yes, I know." She replied concisely.

Yihou nodded with satisfaction, then lifted the glass and continued to taste a sip of red wine, but apparently, Jebdia's character was more irritable than he expected. ♀I just discovered it.

After half a minute, Jebdia couldn't seem to hold back anymore, and asked in a low voice, "Why... tell me this."

"You can do it..."

Jebdia's words were not finished yet, but the meaning was already obvious.

She watched the whole process of Yoshioka Nobuko's transformation, but she didn't mention the transformation beyond her cognition and the strange shape after Yoshioka Nobuko's transformation, but Jebdia saw it with her own eyes. . Although the reformed Yoshioka Nobuko seems to be dissatisfied with Yi Chou, this dissatisfaction has been suppressed to the limit, and she can even follow Yi Chou’s orders.

You know, Yoshioka Nobuko before the transformation. . It is still in a state of hostility with Yi Chou. Although it can not be said that it is a kind of life and death enemy, it is almost the same.

Obviously, Yi Biao also directly transformed the memory of Yoshioka Nobuko, or her heart and other things that Jebdia can't say.

He could use this method to control himself again. Jebdia didn’t feel that there was anything special about him. The ordinary person, Yoshioka Nobuko, couldn’t stop her, and she couldn’t stop the strange power.

The other party doesn't have to talk nonsense to themselves.

It is impossible. . What's so special about yourself, or is the other party looking for yourself?

Thinking of this, Jebdia was a little bit beautiful and at the same time, he also seemed to suffer a lot, if he liked it. .

Looking at Jebdia who relapsed into his brain hole world, Yi Chou was also desperate. How could he not know that Ziren was still a brain hole girl, and it was simply. . Has broken through the sky!

However, if you think about it, this appearance does not seem unpredictable.

What kind of guy is Zebudia Kirgrave in the original drama? The control maniac, arrogance, arrogance, think of himself as a god, in other words. ⊥It is a secondary disease.

And it can't be concealed under the shortcomings of this series of chats, it is also lonely.

Any one of his words will become an order and will be executed perfectly, in this case. . He even has no friends than the most tyrannical king.

There is no friend.

Because he can't communicate and communicate with people at all.

In this case, Ziren can be said to have been living in his own world and entertaining himself, and he also has this unique power. It can be said that no one can control him.

But after all, he is a male, and he may also think that Zhong Er Cai is not such a proud thing, so this loneliness and closure soon distorted into a series of evil emotions such as cruelty, brutality, greed, etc.

Then he happened after meeting Jessica.

And here. . Ziren is a woman, or a young girl. Unlike a boy, a woman is more emotional and emotional.

Obviously, this purple man has not come out of the age of two in his brain hole, nor has he been converted into cruel and brutal. . After all, women's heart and personality are always weaker than men's.

So she became a brain-hole girl. . Not surprising.

Think of it this way, why is he even more desperate, Yi Biao has some help.

"You and Yoshioka Nobuko are different."

Sure enough, after finishing the first sentence, Jebdia's eyes lighted up. In order to avoid any more strange things from her brain, Yi Xuan decided to make a quick decision and not continue to pretend to be deep with her ink.

"Like I said, you know too little about the world. If you don’t mention the parallel world, just talk about the world. Do you think you can compare with the gods? Do you think you are special? No. You don’t. Not the only one."

At the next moment, Yi Biao pulled his hands in the air, and an invisible light screen appeared in front of Jebdia’s eyes. The light screen was full of strange characters, as if the robot was like a golden and red metal armor flying in the sky. A green monster like a giant is destroying the city, and the figure beneath the thunder holds a high one. . hammer?

Jebdia even saw a shield inside it, which belonged to Captain America.

strange. .

"You are not the only special existence." Yi Chou said slowly. "There are many special existences in this world. They are secluded by human beings. They are still human in nature, and secluded are no longer."

"But it's undeniable...they are many times stronger than humans."

"Even if it's you, I'm afraid it looks like ants in some eyes."

"These existences are called superheroes... yes, heroes, where there are humans, there are opposing justice and evil. Just like movies and stories, with superheroes, there are naturally supervillains, and they are interdependent. of."

"Yoshioka Nobuko, a villain, is naturally terrible to ordinary people, but to you... If you are not prepared in advance, it is still not enough to watch."

"So she is at best a villain, not a super villain."

"But you... can be regarded as the former I said, a super villain."

"Congratulations, you have stepped into the ranks of extraordinary human beings, but it's a pity...it's the bottom one, of course, your abilities are very special, in some cases comparable to gods, but in some cases, even ordinary people Not as good as."

Yi Biao paused for a while, which was a digestive time for Jebdia.

After all, he did not throw out the box theory, the source of the world's information, not that Jebbiah was free of phenols, but this was the last secret. Yi Chou could not tell anyone, even a free man in the wizarding world. , Yi Chou is also tight-lipped.

Only Lucy and others know this. . Dornting may also know, but this escaped magical intelligence is not a clue obtained from Yi Chou, but is originally hidden in the database of the world of Oz.

While thinking about these messy things, Yi Budia suddenly looked up, "So...I finally succeeded?"

Succeeded? What a ghost, Yi Chou was also stunned for a moment, only to realize what Jebdia was referring to, her ambition was about becoming a super villain, and she seemed to have succeeded. .

Jesus, in order to prevent Jebdia from continuing to think about it, Yi Chou continued.

"And you also saw the situation of Yoshioka Nobuko, she is very hostile to me, you may not understand the hand meeting, but that is indeed a very brain-washing organization. In that case, my means It can only be more intense."

"But you... you didn't have much hostility towards me originally, and you are very free. We have the possibility of cooperation. Although this cooperation is still dominated by me, it is not much different from the Yoshioka Nobuko, but it is not necessary after all. Too fierce means."

"We can talk."

"Like now."

Yes, Jebdia thought so carefully, and found that Yi Bao's words really made sense. She didn't have the fierce conflict between Yoshioka Nobuko and Yi Bao, and. . What I want is not just one that can be communicated. .

If you think of it this way, it seems not, there is no possibility of cooperation. .

Looking at the slightly contemplative Jebdia, Yi Chou showed a smile. In fact, without Jebdia herself consciously, her thinking had begun to deflect unconsciously in the direction of Yi Noah~www .wuxiaspot.com ~ As for the reason. . It should also be very simple.

. . .

Outside the room, Yi Biao looked at the huge crystal ball, Jebdia and Yi Biao were talking, his face calm.

When Master Karma Taj visited Hell's Kitchen, Yi Biao left Lucy and left Jebdia and Dive alone in this room. A simple illusion tricked everyone.

Deve did leave halfway, but Jebdia. . Ignoring the strange appearance of the crystal ball, she stepped into the crystal ball in the next step under the guidance of Yi Chou, and thought that she was taken to another room by Yi Chou and was communicating with Yi Chou.

But it's a pity. . Everything she experienced was actually hypnotic magic from the subconscious level, which changed her thinking step by step.

In any case, Jebdia is also a super villain in the future, but it can't be transformed by Yibiao's two or two sentences.


In his contemplation, Yi Chou suddenly turned to the side, avoiding a sharp bone spur. At the next moment, he saw Yoshioka Nobuko quietly appearing to his right, and Yoshioka Nobuko had a white face The fox mask, the whole person spooked half of the body from the wall strangely.

Yi Chou was silent, she was also silent.

After a long while, Yi Huo asked softly, "Strength...Has you got used to it?"

"Yes." Nobuko Yoshioka slowly retracted the bone spurs, pulled his body out of the wall, and landed lightly on the floor without making a sound.

"It's convenient and powerful."

After a long silence, Yoshioka Nobuko said slowly.

"You shouldn't put my subordinates back, now... I don't have anybody."

"That group of ninjas." Yi Xiao made a disdainful expression.

"Relax, in the future your men will be countless times stronger than them, and. ⊥ soon."

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