High Magic Earth

Chapter 1314: Aegis

Just in the timeline of the world, in everyone. . In other words, without knowing anything but Gu Yi, the sky outside gradually became brighter when it was led a little by Yi Chou.

When the first rays of light appeared over New York, the dark area of ​​Hell's Kitchen suddenly became quiet, as if yesterday's sin had never happened.

But people living here know that sin is not gone, it is just hidden.

When the darkness rises again, they will return.

However, compared to the fierce Hell's Kitchen, the often-destroyed New York City also lives in the depths, but the situation is better than the Hell's Kitchen.

The bright sun shines on the clean and tidy ground, surrounded by the yellow paint, the ancient city atmosphere and the modern simplicity and convenience are intertwined, forming a unique charm.

Just being in it will make people very happy.

but. . Nick Fury couldn't be more happy.

Facing the huge floor-to-ceiling window, he stared out the window with the rest of his one-eyed eyes, contemplating motionlessly. He was immersed in the sun as if he were wearing a **** of gold helmet, everything. ≮In his grasp, the sunlight makes his thoughts clearer and makes him darker.

Only Phil Coleson, who knew his character well, sighed secretly. The sir, who loves to play deeply, can't change the masquerade of the atmosphere.

Even when facing his men. .

Nick Fury's office jumped to the top of the three-winged building. The astonishing height, wide view, and inferiority of the three-winged building allowed him to build floor-to-ceiling windows without worrying about sniper bullets coming from.

Of course, glass still needs bullets, lest the real war comes, helicopter stray bullets can easily destroy everything in the office.

Looking out from the three-curved wing building, almost half of the eyes of New York Chrysanthemum, the towering Statue of Liberty, and the busy Hudson River can be seen. .

Looking over New York in the distance, Nick Fury was lost in thought.

In fact, it is not unreasonable to say that he has control over everything. The current S.H.I.E.L.D. is still hidden behind the scene as the world’s largest spy organization, and Nick Fury, the spy leader, has the authority of a tenth-level agent. He knows all the news in the world. As long as he wanted to know how many rounds of bodies were received by the Hudson River yesterday, this morning the report can be placed on his desk.

But the more you know, the more you feel ignorant. This statement applies equally to the agents' intelligence.

As the shield of S.H.I.E.L.D. is spreading wider and wider, everything is controlled by S.H.I.E.L.D., but likewise, the darkness that cannot be controlled has become more prominent. In this case, they cannot be detected. exist. . The difficulty can be imagined.

These hidden existences are not accessible to ordinary people, even for SHIELD.

The SHIELD can find them. . It is also because of the wide spread of the net. When everything in the secluded world is under control, there must be a problem with the places that have not yet been controlled.

Nick Fury can infer that there are many unknown existences in this world. After all, the significance of SHIELD is to isolate the world of ordinary people from interference, but he does not know what these existences are, or what is wrong, Do not know how to probe.

And this is only one aspect, other than that. . There are many unexpected situations.

For example, natural aberrations, the aliens left behind, and the evil results of scientists.

These are all unexpected situations, and it is Nick Fury's headache.

"So..." Nick Fury rubbed his eyebrows and said in a low voice, "She just turned poker and poker became soldiers of poker?"

"Yes." Coulson had passed the initial seriousness and puzzlement, and said in a relatively relaxed tone, "The video is still there, you can watch it again, sir."

He even had a mood to make a joke.

"I have to say, that's pretty cool."

Nick Fury turned around and glared at Coulson with the remaining one eye, and said angrily, "I should also be thankful that she threw the Tarot card!"

He sighed again with a headache and sat heavily on the chair.

Nick Fury's mood is not good, it's no wonder, as the director of SHIELD, he can be troubled by troublesome things seven days a week.

When it was close to dawn yesterday, a rush phone called him out of bed, and this important clue was delivered directly to his desk, but when he rushed over, he found that the matter was nearing the end, and more important It is because of the particularity of things that it is difficult for them to take risks.

We must treat and investigate carefully before we can make a decision.

After a few tossing, the sky was already bright, and there was no new news from the agents on duty.

That's why Nick Fury is in a better mood.

Looking at the information on the table, Nick Fury frowned again.

"What does the research department say?" he asked Coulson.

The information on the table is very familiar, because just two days ago, he was handed to his table by Coulson. Hell kitchen appeared a superhuman with suspected spiritual ability. He can erase the memories of others, and may even have The power of tampering with memory.

Nick Fury raised the target's confidentiality level, and was prepared to let Coulson finish his preliminary preparations and investigate in person.

But I didn't expect that the new information was put on his desk again one day later, not only because of the mess caused by the goal, but this updated information refreshed his three views, even the world view.

The urgent information that Nick Fury had received earlier was this matter.

Initially, Coulson accepted his orders only, and soon pulled out two experienced agents to stay nearby and collect certain information before they could proceed to the next step.

But it was not yet one day, another target that SHIELD had been staring at for a long time, and the Purple Man Jebdia seemed to find the fact that his memory was lost, and went directly to the door.

The contact between the two targets has no effect on S.H.I.E.L.D., and they do not intend to interfere with the free movement of the target, because the reality has not yet arrived and is the most important. . They can get more surprises and intelligence from this process.

In fact they did get new information, but this surprise seems a bit too big.

According to the current City Record that Nick Fury saw, the first batch of people arrived was Ziren and some of her men, and then three lucky guys got together unluckily. . After all, it was still a shop for young people.

But the next thing was a little more unfolded, first another gang in Hell's Kitchen. "Since Sun*'s Ji Dao knocked down an unidentified guy.

Later, S.H.I.E.L.D. found out the person's information. Marcia Murdoch, a blind man, a lawyer, also did some punishment for evil and good at night.

It is for this reason that she was stared at by Jiji.

Not to mention these things outside the branch, when Ji Dao found her, the two groups broke out without accident, and the chaos caused by the conflict caused the target and the Purple Man to be drawn into the same.

Ji Dao seems to have expected that those ninjas they sent out that are comparable to elite killers are not under the control of the Purple Man, nor are they affected by the target's mind, and then. . They have all been packed.

Originally set as the goal of possessing extraordinary power of the mind, it showed extraordinary power in the chaos, fighting skills, ordinary people can't have the ability to bounce, balance, or even resist the impact.

According to estimates by the research department, he has even reached the initial stage of super soldiers.

Next came some more unencumbered phenomena, a poker soldier thrown out from the sky, a dozen ninjas mysteriously disappeared, and the second floor of the shop that was repaired for no reason at all. .

As the director of the department that deals with the mysterious forces and the supernatural phenomena, Nick Fury certainly does not deceive himself to say anything. This is impossible. Are you kidding me? The people under him are fooling me. Such a meaningless command, he is in the first place. It took a while to believe and value.

Carefulness and caution are essential qualities for every agent. . No ghosts are dead.

What he doesn't need is not meaningless complaints and surprises, what he needs to know is, what exactly is this power, and what is the limit of this power, they. ≈What attitude should be used to deal with this unstable goal.

Therefore, the information about the target was sent to the research department as soon as he was able to analyze what the **** was this.

Hearing the chief's inquiry, Coulson naturally made the inquiry unwillingly. He knocked on the headset and whispered a few sentences before giving an unexpected answer.

"I'm sorry, sir... they uncovered what it was."

What technology is it that can turn playing cards into living poker soldiers and robots? How can they explain the reasons for their amplification?

SHIELD has the best scientists in the world. . It may not be the best, but it is also good enough. The most important thing is that they are in large numbers and can form groups.

Even such an excellent group of scientists has not released the technology contained in it. . Coulson didn't know what that meant.

Nick Fury was not surprised when he heard Coleson’s answer. His dark face made him unable to see his expression, and Shu's single eye could not see his slightest thought.

After a long silence, Nick Fury said suddenly.

"If technology is excluded, what else will it be."

Colson froze.

"We have been exposed to a lot of unencumbered phenomena. We can't crack the technology left by aliens, including the target itself, his extraordinary power is a mutation."

"Is it possible. ♀Something too."

Will aliens leave poker soldiers like playing cards? Probably impossible, Coulson secretly pouted, but if it is the ability to target. . Not impossible.

After all, they now know almost nothing about the target, the only clue they know is the remote observation of the two agents.

"This is what I just received."

Nick Fury handed Coleson a piece of paper, "They set this level of threat to the target... what do you think."

"I'm sorry, sir, I haven't contacted, and I can't get more conclusions."

Coulson quickly glanced at this report for target analysis, and he did not stop answering.

The next moment, Nick Fury apparently had already made a decision.

He gently put his hand on the table and calmly said to Coulson, "Like what we lack, we need more information about the target."

"You are responsible for reaching him."

"The sooner the better, remember, your bottom line is... just contact, don't take any initiative to provoke incidents."


"Understood, sir." Coulson said immediately.

"Go do it."

Watching Coleson leave, Nick Fury dialed another number again, "...I need a team to assault..."


"...Mainly protection..."

Nick Fury's speech was so fast that within a few moments, several phone calls had been made to get things done, and then came. ⊥It's time to wait for a response.

They will not take the initiative to provoke incidents, but also, SHIELD has never been a benevolent existence.

The reason for this is to tell Coulson. . It is also because the other party seems to be able to manipulate the memory. If this is not said, I am afraid that even the beginning of the conversation will be impossible.

Therefore, these apricots responsible for Wu Li's aid must be secretly avoided to avoid Coulson.

As for what plan to use to face the goal. . In fact, this was still a problem at the beginning, but as Coulson officially contacted each other ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ there was only one ulcer left.

Nick Fury can't let anyone see through the memory of the senior agents of SHIELD. . Also free outside.

. . .

When the sun rises again at an angle and spreads out of the sky without good intentions, and even those corners of the room can be illuminated, a room with curtains filled with wine bottles and cans, Unexpectedly ushered in the warmth of sunlight.

Not the morning sun, but the noon.

Sunlight came here through the curtains, dispelling the darkness and the cold, and also awakened a figure leaning on the chair, with his feet walking forward casually.

"Uh... damn, how long have I slept."

The Jessica chair stood up from a bottle of wine. . She didn't drink alcohol when she came back last night, but her family has nothing but bottles.


Stretching a lazy waist, Jessica grabbed her short black hair that didn't seem to be messy.

"Don't drink...the head still hurts so much," she muttered in a low voice.

At the next moment, massive memories poured in, making her instantly wake up from the confusion, looking for lost memories, corpses, corpses, weird forensics and forensic assistants, as well. . clue.

Jessica got up suddenly and rushed to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face. After a total of three minutes, she rushed out again.

Opening the curtains, the swaying sunlight also expelled the darkness and completely illuminated the things hidden in the darkness on the wall.

It was a map, full of photos, and densely packed lines of colored dots, connected by pushpins, meaning that Jessica was threading threads and cocoons.

In any case, her own job is also a private investigator, looking for the truth. . But her old business.

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