High Magic Earth

Chapter 1315: New York is so small

"Petty, did Petty hear?"


"...Ah? Ha?"

The girl named Petty lifted her face confused from the vast sea of ​​books, her face stunned. It didn't look like she didn't hear the call of the other party. . It's more like not waking up at all.

The person who called her, her good friend Halle, rolled her eyes helplessly.

"I told you that it wouldn't work like this. Don't study every day. You'll be a nerd."

Petty didn't know what to answer, so he just smirked at Harley.

Seeing this, Halle rolled her eyes again, quietly. . She really felt that her good friend was one of the prototypes of the ugly girl Betty.

Betty, Petty, the pronunciation of the names of the two people is almost the same, and not only that, they are also wearing silly thick black frame glasses, slow and weak character, their looks are not good.

If it weren’t for Petty, it’s smarter than that of Betty, and smarter than most people, with no braces, and no freckles. Although it’s also unremarkable, it’s a little fattening, but in general it’s not very good. If it’s bad, Halle even thinks Petty is Betty!

but. . Anyway, this is her good friend, Halle can't say such hurtful words.

With a sigh, Halle patted her shoulder.

"Go out shopping on the weekend, I want to dress you up again."


Petty froze for a moment.

Upon seeing this, Halli rolled her eyes again, without speaking.

When Petty next to him saw Halle's helplessness, he smirked.

Petty understood what his friend meant, because according to Halle. . This sentence can be easily inferred if you dress well, and her good friend Halle is worried that her dress is not the first time.

Every time Halle despaired of Petty's appearance, she would pat her shoulders silently, and then told her to go shopping on the weekend.

But every time I went shopping, I bought a lot of very beautiful clothes that I wore then came back. . Petty can wear them in the appearance of a declining girl in their daily dress.

I have to say that this is also a talent.

How many times did Halli break the jar and say that she would no longer serve Petty Cliff, but in the end. . She still did not give up treating her good friend.

Petty is not stupid. As the class's first homework, she knows her good friend, Halle, her true good friend.

Different from yourself.

Halle looks very beautiful, and can even be said to be outstandingly beautiful. Although there is no allure in the country, it is also a rare beauty, and not only that, but unlike her own poverty, Halle does not accept money, although she does not Know what the Halle family does, but there should be a small company.

This can be seen from her usual cost, cost, and occasional pick-up.

Such a person does not say that among those boys, it should be the presence of stars and even the moon, even in girls, it should be the girl's boss, that is, the villain who appears in high alcoholism, the jealous cheerleader, etc., Soyou girls are centered on her, excluding those who blame them.

but. . Not so for Halle.

Halle is usually very low-key. It seems that no one else in the whole school knows that she is rich and beautiful, but only that she is very beautiful. After all, her appearance is unstoppable and can't stop others from discovering.

Only Petty, who is her close friend, knows the hidden wealth behind Halle, but even so, she doesn't know much about Halle's true background.

Halle is a low-key girl who didn’t pull in groups among girls or bully others against the background. Even if she became a friend of an obscure girl like Petty, she didn’t come by pulling a green leaf or a fundamental idea. She is simple. . And Petty are good friends.

Of course, good friends can't be made directly by looking right, even if they are born with fate, they need a process of contact with each other.

At first, Halle didn't like Petty that much, and even hated her a little, thinking that this silly nerd was very unpretentious.

After knowing some trivial matters and a certain **** with each other, she realized that Petty was not what it looked like, and then she discovered that the two of them unexpectedly collaborated, which became a close good friend.

Like everyone else, Halle usually complained about the trivial things of study and life. He took Petty to gossip together. He liked what ordinary people liked and hated ordinary people.

She didn't turn into those nasty cheerleaders that appeared in youth movies because of her good looks and money.

Halle is Petty's best friend and a good girl.

Looking at Halle's helplessness, and some bloated face, Petty smiled, "Okay...but I don't think there will be any new progress this time."

Halle glared at her. "Relax! I have studied the outfit matching for a few weeks. This time...you will definitely look like a whole person!"

Petty shrugged, and Halle said this more than once.

Seeing that Halle seemed to be mad at herself, Petty quickly changed the subject, "What did you just want to say."

Upon hearing this, Halle immediately came to the spirit, gossip is the indelible nature of human beings, especially the female high school students represented.

"Have you heard... We learned the son-in-law!"


Petty was taken aback.

She was indeed taken aback. At first, she did not have any interest in the so-called big gossip of Halle, because the big news in Halle’s mouth was often boring new, but she also talked about it with relish. The first half of the day.

Unexpected this time. . Halle just waited for the big news silently.

"I didn't expect it."

Seeing how surprised her friend was, Halle was also very proud. She smiled at Petty in a complacent manner. Every time the news gossip came to Petty, she was not surprised, and made Halle very uncomfortable. Finally pulled back a game.

"It shouldn't be worthwhile to have a murder... something proud." Petty couldn't help crying.

"what is the problem?"

Sorry was sold, and Halle stopped hiding. "I got it from a special channel. I heard that a policeman came to our school to investigate in the morning because a student... died in hell. kitchen."

"Robbery, gun*, I heard that it seems that the murderer was accidentally injured in a panic."

This time it was Petty's turn to roll his eyes. I heard that it could be heard in such detail. I'm afraid that the non-party concerned would never know what happened from the police.

But Petty also knows some special channels of Halle, not to mention her own background.

Halle’s low-key does not mean that those boys will ignore her existence. The outstanding appearance makes her a well-deserved school flower level existence in Midtown Middle School. Besides, this is an open beauty*. Halle changes her boyfriend at a rate no better than The speed of picking clothes with Petty is slow.

Various clubs*, brothers*, but beauty* is a major feature, sometimes taking into account the role of the student union directly, those boys in order to show themselves in front of Halle. . It was no surprise that Halle knew any news.

"Hell's Kitchen... That's not a homicide in our school. I thought we were learning to kill people." Petty also breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Petty is a tyrant, but there are more than ten million tyrants in the world. To put it bluntly, she is an ordinary person. Suddenly hearing such things will naturally cause fear and worry.

"But that is indeed a student of our school."

Halle was a little upset. "It's a girl...we should have heard her name."

"Oh?" Petty cheered up again.

"It's the three of Deve, and the three of them form Tori."

"I heard they went to a store near Hell's Kitchen last night to buy things, and then... and then..." Halle didn't finish, but the meaning was self-evident.

Petty also fell silent.

Unexpectedly, it was Tory, as Halle said, they had heard the name, and although they were not friends, they were definitely not strangers.

Dive, the three of them are all unremarkable girls in the Midtown Middle School. Unlike the girls with some good characters and good personalities, they can develop a variety of passions with the boys. The girls are obviously uninterested.

So they can only immerse themselves in their own world, find some like-minded obsessed companions, and then become more and more house, and gradually indulge in those things that the so-called dead house likes.

In fact, although the nerd Paley is not like the poor students who do not study well, but at home, there is no difference between the two.

Coupled with the fact that Zhongcheng Middle School is so big, they are familiar with each other.

Petty knew that the three of Deve always liked to sit in a comic store or the like after school, read comics, talk to each other, and this time, they went to the edge of Hell's Kitchen this time. . It is very likely that a new comic shop was also discovered.

But unexpectedly. .

Petty sighed.

"Has the murderer caught it."

Halie said, "I don't know, I heard... it seems that I haven't caught it yet."

Petty sighed again, "Hopefully, he will be arrested."

Halle cannot be denied.

Opening his mouth, Hallie just heard a roar from the teacher in front when she was about to say something more.

"Hally! Osborne!"


"When do you still want to talk!"

. . .

Hell's kitchen is more noisy than ever. A large number of policemen and police cars are piled up nearby. The flashing police lights form a pale symphony in the sun.

This is not the first time that the police have come to Hell's Kitchen. As a concentrated belt of New York criminals*, Hell's Kitchen has always been a high-risk area for crimes*.

But unlike Xu Heng, who is unclaimed, they will not be controlled even if they die on the street, this time. . What died was a student at Zhongcheng Middle School.

She is still in high school and is just a child.

Even in the TV series, there are very few scenes of child deaths, not to mention. . It is a real death. The order that has already come down from this matter must be thoroughly investigated!

It can't be fooled in the past like those foolish deaths. . There must be an account!

. . .

Through the gaps in the curtains, Yi clamored quietly at the hustle and bustle of people a few blocks away. The police, journalists, and unrelated people almost had to drain the water around there.

This is not surprising, after all, it's only a few skews before the murder occurs, and waits a few days. . Not even a few days later, after a few more inclines, these people will leave indifferently and forget this matter.

In any case, Yi Biao was still very happy that Alimond did not directly throw the body outside the door, but put it away a few blocks away and then covered it up.

This is much better than Lucy's. Every time Lucy's work ends, it is not clean. Although there are no major issues, the new is always in trouble.

Jebdia is the best proof.

Fortunately, Yi Biao had no intention of letting go of these high-quality materials. Even if Jebdia was put back, she would always get her back after a while, so she looked for her in advance. . It doesn't matter.

Of course, the plans for those superheroes are much more cautious. After all, they are about the future.

Close the curtains and sit down again.

"Is Jebdia not awake yet." he asked.

Following Yi Chou's question, Lucy walked out of a portrait beside him without a word.

"No~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She replied, "It seems that the transformation of high-latitude energy to her is mainly in the brain, this transformation. . It seems to be slower and more detailed than other transformations. "

Yi Chou nodded slightly.

"Yoshioka Nobuko."

"She is getting acquainted with her new partner."

Yi Chou turned away.

"Hundred ghosts?"

"I don't remember I released a lot of ghosts."

He stared at Lucy with a suspicious look, very likely. ≈She is playing ghosts. After all, she has done similar things more than once, such as carrying Yi Yi bullying and fusing, carrying Yi Yi bullying case Shanzi, bullying Sadako, Fujiang. . some type of.

"They didn't accept the transformation, they just released it."

"Fu, Shanshanzi, Yingji."

"These three kinds of ghosts have the largest number, and even if they are not reformed temporarily, they are very threatening to ordinary people."

"Marvel World is not a world of ordinary people." Yi Xiao frowned slightly.

Hundred ghosts look very powerful, but as Lucy said, low-level ghosts can only threaten ordinary people and face this world of superheroes and black technology. . Some black technology may be encountered and may be targeted.

"But we don't need to face those superheroes, Hell's Kitchen now... just ordinary people." Lucy answered easily.

There was no denying Yi Yibuo this time. Indeed, he now opened the map only in the prison kitchen, which can be seen from the location of his shop covering the edge of the kitchen, not the side of the Stark building.

Just like the plot needs to progress a little bit, Yi Chou also needs to integrate into the world a little bit, instead of upsetting everything from the start.

And now. . He seems to have integrated into it.

"So... Should SHIELD come too."

[Remember URL Three Five Chinese Network]

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