High Magic Earth

Chapter 1318: Pretending x in front of Coulson is traditional

"And if I remember correctly, it should be the working time for people of your age to feed their families." Yi Xiao looked at the time on the wall clock.

Colson's answer is still very natural.

He raised his arm and motioned for the suit on it. He smiled helplessly, "We are working at the company next to us and just took a short vacation. I remember that it used to be a coffee shop before. A new store."

"So just take a look when you are out."

Yi Xuan nodded and raised his mouth in silence, which made Coulson a little uneasy. If it wasn't for the other person's smile, he even felt that he had been exposed.

But at the next moment, Coulson knew that his hunch was correct.

"I have nothing to say for this reason." Yi Biao suddenly converged his smile and said slightly coldly.

Because Coulson was right, the shop Lucy bought was indeed a coffee shop. Should I say that Coulson deserves to be a professional agent, even for so many reasons?

"I don't understand what you mean." Coulson still smiled, trying to struggle.

Yi Xiao smiled and whispered, "The little things in your pocket are useless."

This time, Coulson did not deny, he didn’t answer, he didn’t speak, and Yi Yihuo didn’t say anything. The two fell into a weird silence, and besides they were still watching carefully, looking for the phone meeting Mei, the triple room The atmosphere became more and more abnormal.

How did he know the secret weapon in my pocket, could it be...

While Colson was thinking in confusion, Yi Chou nodded again.

"Yes, as you think, I saw your thoughts, very confused thoughts."

This time, Coulson was finally unable to remain silent.

"I knew it." He still had a gentle smile, and seemed to say rather helplessly.

But the strange thing is that if he looked like a middle-aged office worker who was still inevitable despite the smile on his face, then now he looks like a gentle middle-aged uncle, making it easy to look at The kind that gives birth to favor.

Obviously they all have the same face and the same expression, which is really strange.

Yi Chou even thought it was magic.

But in the end, it can only be attributed to his strong personal charm. It should be said... It is worthy of one of the most famous existences in the world of Marvel movies and TV shows, Iron Man's belly, Captain America's chest muscles, and Coulson's Smile.

"Those things are rarely reliable." Coulson took out a small device in his pocket and tossed it in his palm, about the size of a ring, and then took it home again, and the movement was natural. pause.

Mei next to him froze for a moment, then glared at Coulson with dissatisfied eyes. Although he soon returned to his usual expressionless expression, Coleson still understood in this very short time. What she meant.

Remember this in advance, and count back.

How to say May is also one of the elite agents. Although Coulson is now following the director of Nick Fury, the authority may not have been promoted to eight poles, but after knowing it, the secrets that have been ordered to rotten in the stomach are definitely more than eight levels, because these Confidentiality is not mentioned, so it is not a violation.

But Coleson’s high authority is not because he is better than May, but that his field experience is more stable. If it is not that the iron riding incident of a little girl has been entangled with Mei, she can’t get out of the inner contradiction. Withdrew from the field sequence, even if she is not Nick Fury's confidant, the authority level is not necessarily lowered by Coulson.

The elite level of the two is not much different.

At the moment when Coulson pulled out the thing, May had captured all its appearance. The information and other matters that could be used for this task were quickly traversed in her mind, and then the light was fired, She thought of what it was.

Mind blocker.

Or...the polygraph shielding device is still being tested, but want to come to this thing can simulate the release of a human-like signal to deceive the polygraph, want to shield telepathy, memory exploration and the like... it is also possible ……probably.

Although it turned out to be useless now, May couldn't help but wait for Coleson to look at it. There is such a good thing that he doesn't want to keep himself a copy. This is a small book.

Coleson and May's years of tacit understanding naturally let him understand Mei's ideas. Although he wanted to give Mei a good look and tell her that he didn't want to stay, but the laboratory had this test product, but unfortunately... Obviously, this is not a good time to engage in small movements and make eye contact with each other.

This extremely dangerous target is staring at itself.

Identity exposure Coulson had been psychologically prepared because they faced a completely unknown target, and there was little clue about intelligence except for some useless clues that could be directly observed with the naked eye.

So he was prepared for exposure long ago, but... this sentence said by the other party is definitely not good, it is not just a simple point of breaking their identity, which means that the other party can indeed see through their memories, Thinking, at least to see their inner activities now.

Otherwise, it is impossible to know the gadgets in his pocket. Coulson is still reserved for the secret weapon, even knowing exactly what it does.

The worst of all expectations... come true.

In front of Mind Reading, there are few things that can hide the past, so once the other party feels that SHIELD has malicious intentions against it, it is a big mess if it is not handled well.

At least they have low-key contact with them, and the style of quick handling has an essential conflict.

Damn it! How did he think of so many things, the cranky Coulson soon realized that it was not good, but the existence of psychological activities is not so easy to control artificially, in desperation, he can only meditate on his name, trying to clean up not Necessary miscellaneous thoughts.

Coulson stared at Yi Xuan's eyes, trying to empty his brain as much as possible, and then tried to see something from the other person's eyes... but it was a pity that Yi Xuan's eyes were calm and seemed to be like a pool of standing water.

No way, Coulson can only continue on the topic.

"Why tell me."

"I mean..." He paused. "If you don't expose yourself, it's hard to prove that you have mind-reading, so..."

"Because it's not necessary."

Before Coulson finished talking, Yi Chou interrupted him directly.

Thinking is the fastest known existence of human beings, but if it is compared with the speed of light, it may be difficult. After all, finding a definition is based on the concepts of light and time, which are different in nature and cannot be compared.

But this cannot deny the quickness of human thinking.

In fact, most people think that human thinking is not fast, and it takes a few seconds, or even a few minutes, to think about something. Although a few seconds sounds very short, the speed of light and sound is already very large. A unit of measurement.

But the potential of human thinking is unlimited. When danger comes and the thinking speeds up, the human thinking can be infinite even in the tiniest half and a half of a second.

So before Coulson tried to express the full meaning, Yi Chou had already read it from his mind.

"No need," Yi Chou repeated.

"I don't need to hide its existence at all."

This answer made Coulson's brain spin quickly, why there is no need to conceal, this answer can have many meanings of interpretation, is it because of good intentions simply do not want to hide, or there are other reasons have to say it, or ...A disdain...

"Yes. The latter."

Yi arrogantly said.

Disdain! ...Wait, he saw his thoughts, and Coulson was startled.

Damn, how to communicate in this way, I have no secrets about the other party, and mind reading is almost a terrible ability without solution.

"In fact, there is still a way."

Yi Biao said quietly that when he saw Coulson's gaze slightly, he shrugged, "Of course not counting on your ridiculous shield, the way is...I don't take the initiative to see you."

Coulson smiled bitterly. Isn't this the same as not saying, how could he not take the initiative to watch.

"Of course it is possible. Why do I have to go to see your thinking, memory, mind, thinking, etc. These things are very huge, not to mention, they are also very complicated, and the most important thing is... there are many weird ideas and thoughts, In some cases, it's just spicy eyes."

Yi Biao's expression was unbearable.

Waiting for Coleson to react, he continued, "And instead of discussing this, it is better to care about why you have a secret to me."

He stared at Coulson, his eyes seemed to be full of jokes.

Here I have to mention Colson's good temper. You know, he is a senior agent of SHIELD and he is also the chief of the director's heart. If he is replaced by the political * department, how to say is also a department * important person, but Faced with the arrogance of Yi Huo, he did not have the slightest impatience and still had a gentle smile on his face.

Hmm... It can also be said that most of the time, he is like this.

At the critical moment, he was still very capable. He had robbed the petty man of the petrol station's small shop, he also had the billionaire Playboy Stark, and even the lore **** Loki.

But at this moment, before he could find out the details of the other party, he decided to act strictly according to the original plan. After all, is this also the request of the Secretary, contact in good faith and deal with it in a low-key manner.

"Who has no secrets?" Coulson still said with a smile, "There is a little secret hidden in everyone's heart, isn't it."

"For example...you are not listed."

"Your little abacus is useless to me." Yi Huo reminded faintly, "I can see it."

"Then you should know that I am not malicious."

It seems that it is getting better. Coulson's tone is a lot easier. Although abilities are not common, he has far more than one similar field mission.

Various dangerous elements, mercenaries who have stolen machine intelligence, defected scientists, etc. have all come in contact with him... but this person is a little special, and mind reading is indeed very troublesome, but it does not mean that he can be in this world. Go sideways.

Speaking of behemoths, no one can match SHIELD.

The reason for holding good intentions is because I don’t want to make things big, causing unnecessary trouble and casualties. The responsibility of SHIELD is to protect ordinary people from these things. Different.

"Why don't you have malicious intentions, I will tell you my secret." Yi Chouyou asked rhetorically.

Finally said the topic.

Coulson and May glanced at each other, and then continued by Coulson.

"Cough." He coughed softly, then paused. "Although you should have seen...but we haven't officially introduced ourselves yet."

"I'm Phil Coulson, this is Melinda May, we are from Homeland Warfare..."

"Aegis Bureau." Yi Chou suddenly interjected.

"...Slightly defensive."

"Aegis Bureau." Yi Chou interrupted again.

"...Attack...Oh." Suddenly, Coulson understood Yi Yi's meaning. "Shield Aegis." He pondered carefully, and it was indeed a good name. "I will go back and tell the Secretary." He smiled.


Yi Chou also smiled slightly.

Coulson heard it clearly, but didn’t understand the meaning of these two words, or why did he say that, but he finally pulled the conversation into the topic~www.wuxiaspot.com~He naturally didn’t want to pull it away again, this guy opposite He seemed to be able to talk more than himself. Although he knew that the other party might have seen his careful thoughts clearly, he continued pretending as if he had not heard them.

"...We work at SHIELD, um, agent."

After being interrupted by Yi Chou several times, Coulson's words could not be said naturally, and could only be ended in vain, but the meaning was still expressed very well.

"So you are threatening me?" Yi arrogant continued to ask quietly.

"It's not like this. The National Land Strategy... The role of SHIELD is to protect this world and protect normal people's lives from being disrupted by various bizarre events and bizarre human beings, so please cooperate."

"Relax, we are not malicious, just ordinary investigations and inquiries."

"You think I disturbed the lives of ordinary people?"

"Although this is not what I meant to say, but...I think you should be clear, what happened here a few hours ago." Coulson smiled.

"That group of ninjas." Yi Chou shook his head, showing a disdainful smile.

He slowly walked out of the back of the counter, and then skipped the two of Coulson. With his movements, Coulson and May's bodies also tightened up. Yi Xuan realized, but didn't care.

In the end, Yi Huo went to the other side of Coleson and May, he looked directly at them, "Protect the world? It's ridiculous." said indifferently in an inexplicable tone.

"You don't even know anything about this world."

Coulson's expression finally froze, frowning deeply, wondering if it was doubt or surprise.

Then at the next moment, Yi Chou suddenly smiled, whispering in a voice that was not big, but happened to be heard by the two of Coleson in the shop, "Wow, I want to say this for a long time Yes." 8)

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