High Magic Earth

Chapter 1319: Temple Masters

Another incomprehensible sentence, Coulson was helpless.

He understood each of these words, even together, but he couldn’t understand why he said that. Is it true that he is really old, no? A few days ago, Director Fury said that he works well, and Or was it something he couldn't understand?

Thinking about what this store sells... Coulson thinks it is very possible, and he now finally feels that he is a person of two worlds with young people.

"No kidding, Mr. Angomaka." Coleson's face smiled again.

But what does Yi Chao say, he knows nothing about this world? Coulson did not believe it at all, joking, what is the existence of SHIELD.

Its predecessor was the Strategic Science Corps, which was founded in February 1940 to oversee supernatural phenomena and mysterious events around the world. The intelligence it collects is far more than f and other departments, and most of the intelligence is sealed up. Strictly graded, apart from successive directors and nine-level and ten-level agents, almost no one knows.

Although S.H.I.E.L.D. cannot be said to be spread all over the world, the long time accumulated is enough to cause qualitative changes. Now it is completely enough to be called the well-deserved first intelligence organization.

SHIELD knows nothing about this world? It must be that this person knew nothing about SHIELD.

"I'm not kidding." Yi Xiao gave Colson a soft look and shook his head.

Coulson frowned a little, he couldn't understand the context of the hustle and bustle, the other party didn't look like a man with a bad faith, but... what he said was really appalling.

almost impossible.

"What's the matter... we don't know?" Coulson asked tentatively.

He can only think so.

Because according to his agent’s thinking, if the other party is not talking, then the only function of this sentence is to exaggerate the facts, elicit what he wants to say next, and occupy more initiative in the conversation. Of course, such conversation skills are in Cole Not worth mentioning in Mori's eyes.

"Say whatever you want," said Mei, who had not spoken for a long time. It seemed that she was also fed up with the nutritional temptations of Coulson and Yihou.


Yi Chou rubbed his forehead, somewhat helpless.

Naturally, he couldn't see the meaning of the two. They thought they wanted to take advantage of the conversation, which was ridiculous.

"I have said it many times, and it has no other meaning."

"My intention is...you know nothing about this world."

Seeing that Coulson was still trying to argue, Yi Chou extended a finger to stop him, "You said... You protect the world of ordinary people from all kinds of strange events and strange human invasions."

"But you seem to have forgotten a little bit, and that's yourself...an ordinary person."

Colson frowned, his expression serious.

"Have you ever thought about when the inaccessible existence of ordinary people, such as pure energy matter, invisible creatures such as ghosts, who is... protecting you."

"And S.H.I.E.L.D. was established during World War II. Until then, the world has always been safe? You never think you are the center of the world. When the world is without you, stop turning. "

Colson's expression was slightly serious.

"You mean... there is another group of people protecting us?" He added a tone to our words.

Yi Xiao smiled.

"So I said, you know nothing about this world."

Once again, he extended a finger to interrupt Coulson, and Yi Chou pointed to the store door.

"Your luck is good, because today... it just happens to have the opportunity to take you to know another side of the world, one you have never been in contact with... the other side."

As Yi Chou's words fell, the surrounding space burst like a mirror, and the air wafted through the waves, which fluctuated with irregular patterns, and then continuously superimposed and diffused, spreading out...

Motoly was a little dissatisfied with herself, because she felt that the task of teaching Gu Yizun to her was messed up again.

Obviously the original plan was to quietly invite people over, but now... it is directly using the spell.

This thing seems a bit strange, but Molly has not yet imagined that they will be the mission target of this trip... Yi arrogantly made a ghost, thinking that it was a mistake by other mages.

But it might not take long for her to realize this.

Half a day ago.

The night was still shrouded in Hell's Kitchen, the dawn sunlight did not appear, and the darkness did not dissipate from above New York. Naturally, there was also darkness in the New York Temple, only sporadic... The incandescent lamp was shining.

Although the New York Temple does not appear in the eyes of ordinary people, it does not mean that it is still in the era of igniting kerosene lamps.

Wires and the like... New York's underground power grid is so developed that it can connect two of them at random. For many years, Karma Taj has never received a master apprentice who is proficient in circuits.

You know that the headquarter Kama Taj uses Wu Mao wifi.

Motoly in the room was sleeping, she slept soundly, her breathing was smooth and powerful, and the thin quilt covering her body also fluctuated regularly with her breathing, but her brows were tightly locked together, her expression Serious, there is no sense of relaxation at rest, it seems that I have encountered something that needs to be dealt with seriously in my sleep.

Indeed, the task entrusted to her by Venerable Gu Yi has not yet been completed. Even if she was asleep, Molly could not sleep well.

Originally, she just wanted to take a light sleep, get up again after a short rest and continue to be busy, but unfortunately, no matter how serious her character is, an ordinary person without training, not an elite agent, could not reach the shallow level. The effect of sleep.

Once her head was covered with pillows, after a busy night and half a morning, she fell into a sleepy sleep.

Yesterday, including Molly, all the mages were busy in the **** kitchen looking for possible clues all night. Of course, they were fruitless. When Molly told Gu Yi about this, and returned with his name, At that time, it was near dawn.

Motoly, who got the new clue, was naturally as if he had been hit with chicken blood. After all night of fatigue, he looked for it again, but unfortunately there was not much gain.

Fortunately, some of the remaining mages still have reason, and one of the mages proposed to let others go to rest first, leaving a few people to continue searching, and then change shifts.

In fact, Molly knew that she was in a hurry, and agreed without much hesitation, but she insisted on being on the first shift.

Motoly is Gu Yi's current apprentice and the strongest of all. Others can't raise any objections. They can only secretly decide to change shifts more frequently. After all, Motoly looks tired.

A few hours later, the mage who took a break came to change shifts, and after finding out that she could not persevere, Molly could only agree.

And a few hours later.

"...Ah, eh?"

Suddenly, Modoli's brows were frowning, and then she suddenly awakened. She opened her eyes. She was a little confused in the eyes at the first moment, but she was completely awake at the next moment.

"How long have I slept."

In the dim room, the dark skin of Motoli and the background merged into a natural protective color, and then the faint light from New York through the curtains, Motoli saw the time of the wall clock on the wall.

"Three hours."

Immediately after, her brow furrowed, rolled over, put on the mage robe, and hurriedly pushed the door away.

Although there are not many mages in the New York temple, they are a little more popular during the day than last night. The three temples are not the transfer points of the mages. Normally, not many people will come. Because of the mission of three or five people and Gu Yi brought by Molly.

"Master Molly."

Along the way, from time to time someone saw Motoly and nodded.

Although she hasn't reached the height afterwards, she is an apprentice of Guyi after all, and she can become a lifelong enemy of Doctor Strange in the comics. Baron Modu, the villain, is also enough to illustrate her talent.

For the superheroes in Marvel, their strength is almost constant, and they will be achieved with the passage of various events within a short time of debut, and then will not be long afterwards. Has increased.

At this time, Motoly is in a period of rapid growth. This growth is very unscientific, and even just small things and small tasks can trigger her perception and make her feel, regardless of mentality. Still strength, because of this increase.

It's simply sitting and upgrading in the true sense.

And after this night, even if she had no gains, no useful and valuable clues were found, but after calming down, Molly still calmed down a lot, even the temperament of the whole person was one of them. change.

Keeping nodding to others, Molly quickly crossed the promenade of the New York Temple and came to a hidden room in the side of the Temple.

Pushing the door open, the crackling knocking sound kept ringing, and several mages and ... computers gathered inside.

Yes, it is a computer, a computer known to the average person, and not only that, but the walls are also covered with large screens and various instruments that the average person cannot understand. The modernization of the entire room is not even lower than that of some top bases... …

In fact, there is nothing strange about it. Don’t think that the mage will not use the computer. After all, Kama Taj is not an orphanage. There are indeed some mage who were trained by Gu Yi from an early age, but a large part of it is because of the acquired day. If there is an incurable disability or disease in the body, come to seek treatment and hope for cure, then stay.

For example, Dr. Strange.

Of course, there are many mages like Strange who don’t agree with the ancient concept of salvation after being rescued, or that they don’t think of themselves as a warrior, even if they learn magic, their mentality is just a magical ordinary people.

So they did not stay, but still returned to their respective lives, concealing magic and continuing to pretend to be an ordinary person who was cured of disability and disease.

But there are still some people who choose to stay. Don’t feel like personal heroism. Americans who seem to carelessly live very casually don’t know how to be grateful. Gratefulness is human nature, and nature is also a virtue.

It is important to know that Europe, America, and even other states, both historically and nowadays, are full of people who have paid half their lives for a little help.

And people in Europe and the Americas are particularly dead-headed in this regard. Behind almost every successful organization leader, there are one or two loyal deputies and diehards, mostly because they have been saved before...

The composition of these masters is much more complicated, and there are some high-end talents...

Masters can use computers, and it is not surprising that the hacking ability is very slippery.

Motoly is also surprised by this. Even if she is a great disciple of Gu Yi, she has never rejected the existence of non-magic. Karma Taj has always been a school of non-magical knowledge that does not exclude science and truth. On the contrary, Modoli always seems to feel that there is a faint feeling that the Master is the one that affects the world and the balance of nature.

But she soon burned this idea, after all... Supreme Master Gu Yi is protecting the world, and there are many other mages guarding the temple. If they are not, the world will inevitably be met by some terrible creatures. Invasion ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Isn't this ridiculous idea?

Seeing so many mages still busy, Molly's anxious expression eased a lot.

And the room is not full of modern electronic equipment. After all, this is the New York Temple, one of the headquarters of the Karma Taj Masters. On the other side of the room, there are several old and shabby long wooden tables. , Which is filled with all kinds of strange and strange things and at first glance does not seem to know the purpose.

Most of these things are very old, which can be seen from their craftsmanship and appearance style. It even makes people wonder if they can find any previous antiques. Obviously, these things are not ordinary old things.

They are all magic items, there is a scale-like thing swinging the weighing pan up and down, and another small wooden box blooms from the gap, dimly shiny, obviously in the same room, but on a few tables Against these magical items, it seems to be divided into two centuries.

One belongs to the modern, one belongs to the past, one is full of the breath of technology, and one is enveloped by the mysterious glory.

In the same way, there were several mages on the other table. They whispered in a whisper, not knowing what was being discussed.

"Master Molly."

Soon someone saw Motoly, nodded, and greeted in a low voice.

Others naturally realized that Motoli was there, except for those who were still busy, all greeted softly. Motoli nodded in response, and then asked softly, "How... there is a clue What."

The two mage around the wooden table didn't speak. Instead, the mage clapped in front of the computer. The mage stopped suddenly and then looked at the others, nodded affirmatively.

"Although it has not been found, but... there is progress." 8)

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