High Magic Earth

Chapter 1320: I almost didn't come up with the title

"Is there progress?"

Motoly looked delighted.

Don’t look at her pretending to be calm all the way, but she still feels awkward. I’m afraid I’ve heard no clues about it. There’s no such bad news. Even if the whole temperament of Molly changes, but how much can you change in one night... …

She stepped forward two steps, and the people around her quickly made room for her.

"Uh... we tried to find all the people who went in and out of New York yesterday, but we didn't succeed..." The man thought for a moment and then began to explain, but in the first sentence, he spoke a bit.

Even Motoly, who was not very proficient in these chores, gave him a glance. Obviously, this idea was simply stupid.

As a world-class big city, how much traffic does New York handle in a day? Not only can the masters be completely locked down to everyone, but even the most high-end technology monitoring requires a lot of time to identify.

"Then we tried to lock in all the words related to Angomaka, but...it still failed." The man continued.

"Why." Motoly frowned.

This is not easy to understand. The flow of people in New York cannot be distinguished. It is normal, but if only the name Angomaka is locked, it should be easy.

"We didn't find any information about Angomaka, whether it's a person's name, a trade name, an item, or any other records." After a pause, he emphasized, "No one."


This was Modoli's first reaction. Although she was not sure of any magical means to do this, magic was the only explanation.

He didn’t mean that no information about Angomaka could be found, its information was obscured, but that there was no information about it in the world. It seems that the word was ignored. Everyone is subconscious and has a choice. Sexually skip it.

It's like a taboo that can't be mentioned.

Only magic can do this.

"Then we changed our thinking again..."

"We directly target the area of ​​Hell's Kitchen. Although we can't go from large to small, gradually narrow down the scope of the investigation so detailed, there may be omissions... but after all, this seems to be the only feasible solution at present."

"The way of locking depends mainly on the way to lead the scales."

In the direction pointed, Molly looked at the table. A huge map was spread out in front of it. There was an old scale on it, and several mages were busy beside it.

Leading the way to Libra... Seriously learning about Modoli quickly recalled the information she had seen at Karma Taj.

As the name suggests, this is a magic item used to find things, but its role is not limited to finding things.

The three temples include Karma Taj, and almost every one of them is a huge treasure house with hidden magic items, supernatural items, and trophies that the monks will find for so many years.

As the only magical organization on earth, the power of the hidden retreat is undoubtedly, the reserve of magical items is also astonishingly large, and almost no external enemies have invaded the temple...after all, their enemies are very terrible. The external creatures of Gu Yi often block them from the earth. If the temple is invaded, it means that the earth is almost the same.

So after a long period of time, the number of magic items stored by the Hidden Society is very large, and there are also a few high-quality quantities like floating capes. Of course, there are more miscellaneous gadgets.

But there are not many masters who can be completely controlled by the wizards and some magic items.

Most of these magic items are relics of a long time ago, some were accidentally discovered from old houses, some were cut out from unknown ruins, and some are loot, there is no complete method of use.

So there are a lot of things... all can only be fumbled for use, and even cannot be used.

Magic items are not comparable to technology, they are often very dangerous, and even if it is technology, it will inevitably hurt you when you use it when the function is unknown, and some things need special learning.

Guided Libra... is one of them.

As far as Molly knows, the way to lead Libra is unknown, but the time is very old. At least it has a history of nearly a thousand years. No one knows how it is actually used, just groping... vaguely knowing a rough idea.

Write the problem on paper, place it on the tray, then tear off the map and place another tray. If the location on the map is related to the problem, the tray will rise, otherwise it will lower.

The rise of the pallet has nothing to do with the fall and the weight of the material on the pallet, it is only a matter of question. This is a scale that is constant with a certain spell. It cannot be used to weigh items like an ordinary scale. If only one side is placed with something, Its tray will not even fall.

The mage of Karma Taj has done many experiments. They put a lot of things on the tray, such as normal small scales... abnormal blood, animal carcasses, etc...

Although the hermits tend to be in the camp of justice, they are not conservative old stubborn, because there are too many magic items of unknown origin, it is likely that they were originally evil things, and they need to be opened with so-called evil products such as blood, so they Do not mind using them during the experiment.

Of course, this is not their bottom line.

But Libra did not respond to this. Only when the combination of the problem and the map was put on the Libra, it seemed that the tray that was fixed there was not inclined.

In fact, although the magical items in the temple cannot be said to be as many as fur, but the scale is definitely not a few, but the number is actually not very large after figuring out how to use it.

Because magic items are too dangerous, many things are idle there, and no one dares to try them easily.

A new discovery of a magic item leading the way to Libra is also a piece of good news. It was even sent to Gu Yi. After reading it, Gu Yi felt that the role of this thing should be far more than this.

The mage tried to continue to try, but after a certain attempt, the user lost the hearing, even if the magic could not be recovered, but after knowing his true life... no one tried to try it again.

In addition to the mode of question plus map, the guide way scales have not developed any other mode.

But it is enough, at least for now.

"... Yesterday's record of personnel changes in the Delov restaurant, is it here?" A mage around Libra quickly wrote a line of text, put the piece of paper on the side of the tray, and then torn off the half Put the map on the other side.

At the next moment, the Libra on the side where the map was placed rose slowly under the watchful eye of Molly.

"In the locker?" The new piece of paper was placed on it. He tried to continue to lock the target, but Libra slowly sank.

After thinking for a while, the mage changed the question again, "Personnel supervisor's home?"

This time, Libra rose again.

"On the table?"

Libra rose.

Immediately afterwards, the wizard on the other side of the long table had no need to remind her. She extended her right hand with a hanging ring and slowly drew the arc of the portal in the air.

Mars and the light spot splashed at the same time, and a portal with the size of a human head appeared in mid-air.

The next moment, she put her hand in, as if groping her pockets, frowned slightly, and within a few minutes she took a thin folder and pulled her hand back.

The portal disappeared, and only sporadic fire spots burned twice in the air.

Throw the folder to another person next to it. It was at this time that the answer to the new question was handed over again.

"City* material backup library... the specific location, the seventh drawer in the second row and the third row of the No. 34 book shelf."

In a burst of flames, the portal was pulled open again.

At the same time, it has long been a decoration, and there are usually few people coming to the second floor of the New York paper document library. A circular aperture appears out of thin air. A hand is stretched out from the inside and fumbled around. A bag of documents went straight back.

The arc of light disappears.

"The list you want."

The wizards cooperated quickly, and the combination of spells and technology made them more than twice as efficient. Almost everything in the blink of an eye was obtained.

Motoly was expressionless, but probably figured out their way.

She is used to being serious, not stupid.

Obviously, some people are responsible for thinking about where there may be people flowing in and out of the Hell's Kitchen yesterday, and the other Master uses Libra to lock the position, and then... opens the door and takes it away.

The last two should be the most troublesome. If you change to an ordinary person, I am afraid that it will take several days to confirm once. There are many cumbersome steps.

Although this does not directly target Angomaka as a key word, or to observe that there are so few fish in the net in New York, the former cannot do it, and the latter is almost impossible... this is the only way.

"Yesterday's recruitment information for tourists, companies, restaurants, police stops..."

The mage who first answered the question of Molly was still busy in front of the computer, trying to find all the factors that may have changed in the **** kitchen yesterday.

However, this is obviously a bit difficult. Although Hell's Kitchen is only a district in New York, it has a large population, and there are many black industries in it. Perhaps the neighborhoods of remote cities are easier to check the flow of population, but here...

The mage obviously knows this, but he can only do this, after all, this is no way.

Although it makes sense to know that they did this... but I don't know why, Motoli couldn't help but roll his eyes.

But... hold back, you must hold back, the majesty as a master sister.

Motoly told herself this.

When can we find clues like this, and when Molly couldn't help but want to complain, a mage next to him suddenly stood up and looked hurriedly.

"I think I might have found it."

Just the first sentence, he attracted everyone's attention to the past.


Before waiting for Motoli to ask a question, the man handed over a document and pointed to a blank space above it.

"...Transaction document."

Mo Dolly glanced at the name, didn't see it very clearly, only to see a few vague words, it seems to be... a copy of the house left after changing the owner, apparently, the mage directly pulled out from the political * department .

"Here." He said, "There is nothing here, which is very abnormal."

"I have searched a lot of records, and the place where I should fill in the name is blank, which is obviously not in line with common sense."

The matter was urgent. He also knew that it was not time to sell the customs. "It is not that I forgot to fill it out, because... if the name is blank, this contract cannot be effective at all, nor can it be backed up unless..."

"Unless it is ignored here."

Motoly took it immediately.

"That person's name."

Only that vocabulary can produce such an effect, leaving no name, but it will not make people feel abnormal, and Molly reacted immediately.

Other mages around have also realized this, and none of the mages who can successfully draw circles are stupid.

"But... isn't this too..."

But this is still a little too far-fetched. It can't just be an unreasonable empty name, and directly determine that this matter is related to that word. In the next moment, someone has put forward different opinions.

"I know."

Molly didn't hesitate much ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Obviously thought of this problem too.

"But it's just a look, even if it doesn't matter... it's nothing."

Seeing that there was no objection, Motoli immediately ordered a few people, and then carefully read the information again, and wrote down the name of the trading room*.

"Emily Cafe, now renamed... Silver Tongue Grocery Store?"

"Strange name."

"Come with me."……

Yi Chou didn't realize that it would not be a good thing to let Lucy falsify everything too well, because this would obviously leave a lot of clues that can be verified...follow the clues to find it.

Hell's Kitchen, in a small alley.

A bright yellow aperture emerged, with a little spark, the scope of the aperture became larger and larger until it spread to the length and width of several people.

Molly was the strongest, and behind her were three other mages.

As a few people who did not know how many years of study at Kama Taj, it was naturally much better than the singular doctor who had hurriedly intervened in the battle before he was sent out. Although the talent of singular doctor was high, he was still a half-hanger...

The positioning of the spell is very accurate. I just found a hidden back alley in Hell's Kitchen. Even in Hell's Kitchen, the alley was empty in the daytime.

Molly's luck was pretty good. It wasn't bad luck until it was delivered, and someone just came out and threw garbage to see them...

After taking off the mage's hood, he sorted out the clothing a little so that he didn't look so weird. Molly looked around, and then found a direction.

"Go!" she whispered.

Several people are here to conduct preliminary investigations. If they really find clues about the changes in the timeline, they will choose to do it selectively, but before that... they are still ready to integrate into the world of ordinary people and act in a low-key manner.

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