High Magic Earth

Chapter 1321: See the level before the boss

"someone is coming."

Half an hour ago, Yi Huo was sitting at home, enjoying the rare tranquility after a busy night.

But it is a pity that the time of tranquility is destined to be short. Lucy didn't take half a body out of the wall next to him before taking more than ten minutes.

"Who did you learn from, Nobuko?"

Although Lucy often appears as an arrogant butler part-time assistant, occasionally the role of a servant, and is also a magical intelligence, but she can't deny that she is also an excellent wizard.

Even if she ignores the silver tongue, she can be said to be the strongest wizard-like existence created by Yi Chao.

Using magic, she can easily simulate this ability.

"Is it all called a letter?"

"Bai Gu Ji is really not very nice, Bai Baiji is even more awkward, and you just said that someone is coming?"

With a smile, it's rare that Lucy didn't hold on to the subject of Yi Chou's diversion. Obviously, something really important.

"It's SHIELD." she said.

Yi Xiao nodded, and then Lucy added, "There is also the mage of Karma Taj."

But Yi Xiao's expression was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that... this group of mages really came up.

"Just by roaming around in Hell's Kitchen, you can find this place?" Yi Chou obviously didn't believe it.

"They appear in the back lanes outside three streets. According to my calculation...the destination is here if nothing unexpected." Lucy's tone was firm.

Seeing Yi Xiao falling into contemplation, Lucy's pupil flashed a faint yellow, and then quickly returned to normal.

"This is an opportunity," she said.

Facing the eyes of Yi Chou's inquiry, Lucy's tone was relaxed.

"For the group of turtles of SHIELD."...

Modoli felt a little strange.

The enemy's speed is obviously not much faster than her... why disappeared in a blink of an eye.

It seemed... something was wrong, but Molly didn't know what was wrong.

If she read right, the enemy ran fast in front of her the moment before, just turned a shop, and the people disappeared. If you have such a speed, can you be chased so badly by yourself?

Strange operation.

When chasing, Motoly wanted to use mirror space to trap it, which not only prevented the opponent from running, but also didn't hurt the ordinary people around him, but the opposite side was no longer visible, no one could see, and the mirror space was naturally not used. .

Running a few steps forward again, the other three mages also rushed from the other three directions of the intersection.

The four met in the middle of the road, then took a breath.

"What about others?" asked Motley.

One mage shook his head, and several others said they had no gain.

But at this moment, Molly suddenly saw the front in the distance...and it was the crossroads facing the mage in front of her. The man stood there, seeming to be waiting for them.

"Over there!"

Said Motoly.

The four continued to chase over there, and I have to say that the mage of Karma Taj are very good. After all, their main output is actually physical attack... no matter whether it is sprinting or long-distance running.

The shops on both sides, the streets are receding back, and the pedestrians around seeing the rushing pedestrians also retreating. As they ran all the way, they crossed half a street in almost minutes, shortening the distance.

But... there seems to be something wrong.

"do not run!"

Seeing that he was about to catch up with each other, Motoly put his hands together, ready to start rubbing skills while running, and by the way, he reminded the other party.

But in the next moment, the man was very obedient to an emergency stop, and turned around to also pose a posture ready to attack.

Motoly and others did not dare to neglect. Although Karma Taj often stupid by hand-to-hand combat, but they also have a lot of weird magical means, endlessly emerging, maybe they will be overcast.

The mage headed by Molly stopped and guarded the other carefully.

It wasn't until this time that Molly had the opportunity to look at each other. His appearance looked pretty good. A young man, not young, was not small. The face is a little long, and he is also wearing a mage robe... in fact, it is similar to the mage robe. After all, there is no uniform rule for this thing, and it is still worn on the chest and still worn...

"The Eye of Agomo!"

Even with the calmness and calmness of Molly's fandom, she couldn't help but exclaim.

No one else is going to be any better. The Eye of Agomomoto is a well-known thing at Karma Taj. It’s not a secret, it’s just that no one can move.

However, other people don’t have a deep understanding of the eye of Agomomoto. I just thought it was a very powerful and time-related implement. But as an apprentice of Guyi, Molly knew the eye of Agomomoto very well. Importance.

It can be said that the importance of the Eye of Agomomoto is higher than their mission this time, or that this mission was caused by the Eye of Agomomoto?

But when was the eye of Agomomoto lost, how did she not know that Venerable Gu Yi hadn't said... wait, this time's mission? They... what other tasks are coming?

Just then, the man suddenly showed a contemptuous smile, then turned around and ran.

I don’t know what’s going on. Although this smile is a bit unpleasant, it doesn’t make Motoly confused, but it’s strange that at this moment, Motoli is suddenly angry and unusually angry, just like being born and This guy doesn't deal with the same.

Coupled with the eyes of Ago Moto, even Motoli was hard to calm down. She couldn't care about any tasks or tasks at this time, and shouted, "Don't run!"

Immediately caught up with others.

Their mage robes are not too strange, just make people feel that the aesthetic is a little weird, but three or five people dressed like this gather together and run wild, which is somewhat conspicuous.

Pedestrians kept escaping them from the side, pointing at them.

Motoly was anxious and wanted to use the mirrored space to draw everyone in, avoiding the sight of ordinary people, but the other party was obviously a veteran master, always able to re-open the distance from them on the occasion of a severe blow.

After chasing a few blocks again, the distance between the two was gradually narrowed. Motoly ran and twisted her hands in front of her, and the whole world began to tremble and shake slightly. The mirror world began to build, and the scope of the mirror world spread.

But just as she was about to separate the others and pull the guy in front of the mirror world, the man suddenly accelerated again and then turned to the side. The whole person suddenly disappeared behind the street corner and no shadow was seen.


Being escaped by the other party over and over again, even a serious person like Molly could not help but swear, the sloping ground continued to lay flat, the dumped building became stable, and the mirror world that had not been constructed had already disappear.

At this time, only Motoly was left, and the other wizards separated from her halfway, trying to cut off the other party from different directions, but the other party was obviously very familiar with the map of New York.

Molly had no time to think about it, hurried to catch up, turned the corner of the shop where the man disappeared, but saw that there was no one on the other side of the street, only two unmanned cars were parked on the street, and the billboard changed occasionally Content... The man is gone.

"Damn it."

Motoly frowned, how could that man run so fast.

The enemy's speed is obviously not much faster than her...how can it disappear in a blink of an eye.

But...if there is such a speed, can you be chased so badly by yourself?

Wait, Motoli suddenly felt that something seemed wrong, specifically what went wrong, um... is this situation somewhat familiar, she... seems to have experienced this scene?

Confused, she continued to run forward for some distance, and Molly felt that she came to a crossroad, and then she saw three other mages rushing from the other three directions.

"What about others?" Almost instinctively, Molly blurted out subconsciously.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he felt that this strange sense of familiarity was getting stronger and stronger, and his face became gloomy.

No, no, there must be something wrong, but what went wrong?

"Uh... missed it."

After a middle-aged mage replied, he saw Modoli's face suddenly froze. He didn't think Modoli was angry because they didn't catch up.

Although Motoly is Gu Yi's apprentice and has a serious and old-fashioned personality, it is not bad, not only fair, but also very generous. Even if there is something wrong with her, she rarely has to deal with it seriously. It's just that the surface looks very serious and bluffs.

So it’s not their problem, then...

"What happened, Master Molly."

Motoly didn't answer him.

She was like crazy at this time, looking around left and right and around, towering skyscrapers, shining advertisements running, rushing buses, and bypassing them, taking photos with her mobile phone and pointing. pedestrian.

All of this seems to be walking around in her head, spinning, and then they are faster and faster, faster and faster, and finally it seems that the world is rotating.

again and again……

Motoly suddenly realized something.

"This world is fake," she said.

Yes, this is not the first time she has experienced it, and Molly is not sure how many times she has experienced... but it is definitely not the first time.

"What, fake?" The mage next to him said in surprise.

"Fake... Phantom, or whatever." Motoly didn't explain much... because the matter was not very easy to explain, she could only find the facts and truth in person.

"protect me."

She whispered something to the others, and then immediately chose to leave her soul.

Yes, the soul is out of the body, the second master of these mages, the state of the soul out of the body always allows them to harvest some unexpected information or break through some strange things.

But the real role of the soul away from the body is not here. It allows the mage to escape from the physical world and see the deeper world truth through the physical world, for example...now.

At the moment when Motoli's soul was away, her body collapsed softly. Fortunately, she said in advance that a female mage immediately supported her and leaned on herself.

And at the next moment, Motoli, whose soul is away, also sees the world again.

It seems... nothing has changed.

No one expected her to become a monster, no one disappeared, and no world collapsed. It seemed that everything was still functioning, but she could be seen from others and became others. Invisible transparent state.


Molly muttered inwardly.

She floated to a newsstand around, staring at the newspaper seller's face and carefully looked at his face. The face was still that ordinary face, without eyes, the mouth turned into a black hole, and her appearance was still ordinary. There seems to be no change around... wait!

But in the next moment, Molly found something wrong.

The text in the newspaper...is the opposite.

They are in the mirror!

Realizing this, Motoly couldn't think about what kind of magic this was. She instantly crossed the road and floated to the other side of the road. She stared at the transparent glass window for a long time. Sure enough, she didn't see a little reflection on it. .

This is abnormal.

Molly stared at it for a long time, realizing that this thing was indeed unusual, and perhaps it was just what she guessed, so she stopped staying and turned and flew back towards her body.

After all, she can't be out of the body for too long, so she has to send a message to others first.

The next moment, she pounced on her body and opened her eyes again.

"How is it?" asked the mage immediately.

Just at the moment they stayed ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Not only did the person they chased ran away, but there were also many people pointing around at them. When Molly fell down, it was estimated Someone called the police.

They had heard the sound of the police car vaguely.

"There is a problem." Motoly said in a low voice, then quickly said, "Follow me, leave this first!"

Even if you don’t use magic, it is a very simple thing to get rid of these ordinary people. The wizards who walk the streets all the year round are even more proficient than big-name superheroes.

After a few turns, they threw the crowd without a trace, and came to the depths of an unmanned alley.

After a while, four transparent spirits floated out from behind the alley.

"It's not... nor here!"

"None here."

The four of them were scattered, but they were not too far apart, but on the same street. They were responsible for the shop window of this store, and they were responsible for the other.

According to Motoli's guess, they might be trapped in a mirror, but since they were trapped, there should be an exit.

If all mirrors and glass can't reflect anything, then the one that can reflect things is probably the passage to the original world, and it reflects the scene of the original world.

As the situation of the infinite return of the mirror world was broken by them, some of the memories they never realized were gradually recovered. They remembered that they were on the way to the silver tongue grocery store, and they fell into it without knowing how. The world of mirrors.

Then they obviously saw what was visible at a glance, so they were caught in the trap.

If there is no accident... the trap is buried in the window of the surrounding shop, then the same should be the exit...


Sure enough, found it.

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