High Magic Earth

Chapter 1322: The venue is a bonus to both parties

This is the world of mirrors, which is undoubtedly familiar to the group of wizards who are good at playing mirrors, otherwise Molly would not be able to detect abnormalities so quickly. .

The world of mirrors corresponds to the real world. Everything in reality also exists here, but like words, all are reversed.

In other words, there are also silver tongue grocery stores here.

Most of the mage’s pathfinding skills are full, and running with sullen heads without looking at the direction, you can always find a way out if you walk around. Within three or two minutes, Motoli and others locked the silver tongue grocery store. Location, and then touched all the way.

Sure enough, not long after walking around this street, they found a huge sign on the edge.

"Silver tongue... really it is silver tongue."

Motoly looked at the flashing neon signs and couldn't help but spit it out. The name... always felt weird.

The location of this store is on the edge of the Hell Kitchen block, half of which occupy the Hell's kitchen, and half occupy another block adjacent to the Hell's kitchen.

It’s not a big deal, and it’s not a national border. It’s all in New York, and you can manage any block you like.

Now Molly remembered it. These people just came here... and then lost consciousness and entered this strange mirror space, then the culprit... can be imagined.

Molly stared at the shop window and soon saw some blurry reflections on the glass of the door.

Although it is not very clear, but it is any glass, any mirror surface has no reflection in the world, the only existence of the concept of shadow.

"It really is here."

Motoly said coldly.

Being locked in the mirror for no reason, even a person with the best temperament will inevitably get angry, not to mention that Motoly is just serious and fair... never said how good her temper is.

The remaining mages also gathered together, a few people looked at it, and then went back to find their bodies.

After a while, the soul returned to the body and they came to the store again.

The shop was naturally empty. The four of them were sitting in front of the door, staring at the blurry shadow inside the door. The pedestrians around seemed not surprised that the silhouette of the door glass was reflected, nor did they reflect the glass and mirror. It’s weird not to show my own figure. It seems that the mirror and glass can’t reflect the figure, as if the common sense of the world has been completely reversed.

Instead, the four of them gathered here... It doesn't look like a good person that attracted a lot of attention.

But mages who already know that this is not the real world will naturally not care about the eyes of some fictional people.

"What should I do?" asked the mage.

Motoly didn't answer. In fact, she didn't know what to do, but staring at the transparent glass door, she could already see these blurry figures.

There were several people... about four, they talked around the counter in the store... Yes, it was in the store, but they looked from here, but there was no one in the store.

Obviously, this is the entrance to another world. The shadow they see from the door glass is also a sight of another world.

"It can only be tried," said Molly calmly.

As an apprentice of Gu Yi, the strongest mage in this, Molly must be indifferent at this time, even if she doesn't have anything in her heart at all.

Don't look at the other three mages who are more than 40 years old and close to 50 years old, but whether the mage is strong depends not on age but on talent.

Otherwise, let alone live for a few hundred years, Gu Yi is invincible. The life and time of Dormam doesn't make any sense to it. Does such a guy need to fight and just surrender.

The strength of these overage mage is far less than that of Molly, they are mostly in experience...experience more.

As the voice fell, Molly's hands had flipped out a few weird and beautiful gestures in front of her, and the surrounding world instantly deflected and twisted.

The surrounding buildings fell down as if they were burnt slices of bread. Their ground and the ground beneath the feet of Motoly and others showed ninety degrees, and they continued to intensify. Even the sky was a falling trend.

Almost in an instant, the whole world is like scattered puzzles, scattered and scattered.

But the weird thing is that not only did Motoly and others have not been affected, but even the others around them have not been affected. They still do their own thing, and have not found that the land under their feet has reached the original sky. position.

Some people have even walked upside down completely, but are still unaware of it.

The sky is turning, the earth is splitting.

At the next moment, the surrounding world was split like a broken mirror, accompanied by a crisp blast, Motoli and others felt as if something had broken, and everything in front of him suddenly became clear.

The mirror... was broken...

As an excellent agent, Coulson's heart is actually very proud and proud.

There are so many agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. that they are selected by elites from all walks of life. Being able to be a member of S.H.I.E.D. itself means that they are the best among ordinary people. Man is a fool.

And Coulson... can stand out again among these countless elites.

Coleson's excellence is on the one hand, and on the other hand... he also feels that his idol's Captain America spirit is inspiring and influencing himself.

As an excellent agent, Coleson's authority has not reached the highest level, but the task he experienced is definitely unimaginable by others in SHIELD.

He has experienced all kinds of strange tasks.

Crazy scientists have created uncontrollable substances that pay attention to destroying a city, people who can breathe fire, or even turn their bodies into flames, and the legacy technology from aliens is activated by those stupid social residues, hostile to the frightened and frightened child The district carried out in-depth rescue.

Coulson has done everything. He has seen advanced technological power and supernatural events that science cannot explain.

But everything...can't be compared with what it is.

As the man said, this is... another world.


May whispered in a low voice, the gun in his hand had been aimed at Yi Chou instantly.

But the next moment she realized in horror that the ground under her feet had stood up, or... the ground under her feet had turned upright ninety degrees, and it seemed to be continuously tilting.

Under such a tilt, Mei naturally could not stand for a long time. When the tilt angle reached a certain level, she rolled over and rolled down, but before she continued to aim at Yi Chou, Yi Chong had already moved forward slowly.

Similarly, the ground beneath his feet was also flipped over, some folded, some extended, and some erected and tilted, but none of this seemed to stop his footsteps.

Yi Xiao gently waved his hands, the ground under his feet spread out infinitely and flatly, paving a flat road for him.

May and Coulson's eyes widened as they looked at Yi Chou and around.

In fact, as early as a minute ago, when Yi Huo wandered in front of Coulson and said the sentence that brought you to see another world, May was alert.

After all, this sentence sounds very ambiguous, as if I were to throw you into hell.

She pulled out her pistol for the first time, trying to prevent the other party from acting rashly.

But she did not expect that what the other party said allows you to see another world, it is really just knowing... another world.

Broken, reorganized, as if in a huge kaleidoscope.

At the moment when the other party's voice fell, Coulson and May noticed the anomalies around them for the first time. It seemed that... the air was broken?

This incredible thought only stayed in their minds for a moment, and the next moment, they saw a more incredible scene.

The counter became two.

In other words, as if a mirror had been erected next to the counter, the counter in front of them appeared exactly the same in a blink of an eye, then the third, the fourth...more and more.

The first counter was copied, and the two of Colesen felt strange, but when countless counters were copied and spread, they felt panic and fear.

And they found in despair that this situation seemed to spread to the whole world.

The marble floor is like a kaleidoscope mirror, showing a fan shape spreading out. Although it is very regular, it is inevitably too large. The chandelier on the ceiling has also begun to be misplaced. It is obviously three-dimensional, but at this time it seems to be in the same The flat surface is spread like a building block.

The expansion of these things is very regular, like... mirrors, the effects of all kinds of mirrors, ordinary disc mirrors, and twisted haha ​​mirrors, which have the most kaleidoscope effects here.

Although it has a wonderful effect on curing obsessive-compulsive disorder, I am afraid that it will also give birth to a new psychological disease, intensive phobia.

And it's not just a few things, everything around it is showing regular copying and spreading, unlimited extension and reorganization, as if the whole world has been included in countless mirrors.

They are surrounded, surrounded by mirrors... or something unknown, anyway, they are definitely not in the original world.

"What exactly is going on?"

Coulson had to admit that even his consistently shrewd head couldn't think of any clues or reasons at this time.

Like May, he looked at everything around him with wide eyes.

Soon, this store was also divided into two, not the collapsed one, but in the true sense, as if it was split by a knife, it was cut in two with two cuts, and... Without collapsing, each half is still standing upright, and then getting further and further away from them.

Then... they saw the bigger world, the whole of New York.

The world is turning upside down, everything is overturned.

Almost any building was out of its original place from where Coulson was looking. He saw the twin towers and the surrounding towering towers that were lifted up like a tsunami, standing upright at ninety degrees, but The buildings seemed to be unaffected, and he even saw the surrounding cars still flying...from bottom to top.

He saw the building sink into the ground, and then emerged from the sky again. He saw the earth separate from the center and bloom back like petals.

Everything is so unbelievable, everything is so incomprehensible, everything is like... dreaming.


At the next moment, the ground shook violently again, and this time the anomaly finally spread to the feet of Coleson and May. They soon discovered that the ground seemed to be broken by layers of people like building blocks, and was about to leak out... the sky.

As agents, they certainly found that they fell in time from the previous observations, and they also fell from the sky, but this does not mean that they have to verify it in person.

What's more, they don't think that even if it is not a bottomless abyss, they will not fall if they fall from the sky.

Almost at the same time, Coulson and May made the same decision.


And Coulson still had time to wonder for a second, he remembered that the cars were still running on the ground, why the gravitation of both of them seemed to disappear.

However, the tremors that followed became more and more intense, so that he had no mind to think about these problems.


May yelled and pulled Coleson to start running.

Although sitting in the office for a while, but did not hinder Mei's skill and physical ability, she is still the top agent Tieqi who rushed to the front line.

Although Colson is middle-aged, his hand is not weak, but compared to these top combat agents, whether it is physical or reactive, there is more than one line of difference.

The two reacted quickly, but they could not escape this strange world.

The ground spreads like a kaleidoscope, tilting ninety degrees from time to time or even flipping upside down, May and Coulson can only run as if they were running over obstacles, crossing over obstacles that don’t know where they came from, and then from This ground jumped to another ground to regain balance.

In just a few minutes, Coulson felt as if he had fought a battle with a hundred enemies, and his physical fitness had quickly bottomed out~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although Mei is better, but not good enough Where, and most importantly... was their desperate discovery that they did not have the kaleidoscope spreading ground at all, but still stood still.

And the ground is getting thinner and thinner, it seems that the next moment...will disappear completely.

Coulson gasped, while May still did not give up, and continued to find a possible way out.

At this time, Yi Chou returned to the two of them quietly again.

"Follow me, I believe you have experienced it here."

Coulson and May suddenly turned around and found that the other person was behind them, and had already walked away again, too late to ask, they quickly followed.

Then they immediately realized that...the other party was not walking forward at all, but the ground under his feet was holding him forward, and the asphalt road seemed to move the floor under his feet.


When Coulson just wanted to ask a question, he saw the other person raise his hand.

In an instant, countless buildings, ground, and sky separated with his movements, and the patterns and slabs on the ground on both sides floated up to form a square platform in the air to support them.

Except that this platform is the final calm place, all other sights are changing with the opponent's movements in various strange shapes, the earth is subverted, and the sky is also dumped.

Even the sharp-eyed Coulson saw several figures in the overturned city desperately jumping. Their jumping range was very large, and they could even jump from one hundred-story building to another.

And all of this is so incredible, as if it can only appear in... the most bizarre dream.

"how do you feel."

I don't know when Yi Xiao appeared again at Colson's side. He smiled unclearly and asked in a low voice.

"This other world."

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