High Magic Earth

Chapter 1323: The title of frequent appearances

Absurd, there is no logic at all. .

This is the only idea in the hearts of both Coulson and May.

Even as excellent elite agents, in the face of this series of unimaginable experiences, their fragile hearts still cannot accept all of them. Shock is their only thought at this time.

Reason, thinking about something, does not exist at all.

The world of mirrors is a place without reason.

"what are these."

But after all, Coulson is a person who has experienced big scenes. Although he can’t understand everything in front of him, it doesn’t prevent him from asking me shamelessly. The agent is trying to do some possible and opportunistic mobile phone intelligence...such as now.

Coulson tried to keep his only manner, standing upright and asked with a stiff smile on his face.

The ground beneath their feet rises like a jigsaw stone slab, the thickness is exactly the same, and the width is similarly amazing. It can't rotate like a flying carpet, making him feel dizzy.

In secret, he started a communication line to contact the headquarters of SHIELD, but there was no signal at all, and none of Nick Fury's so-called backhands was seen. The only thing still working seriously is the video recording equipment...

Coulson even feels that he and May are no longer in the original world, at least... If New York is really twisted into a drum washing machine, the first thing to go crazy is Bai*.

"As you can see, this is another world."

Yi Huo said with no sincerity.

He didn't know where to draw a cane, and the height was just enough to allow his hand to steadily lean on the ground. He happily shook his cane and strode forward. Around him, large pieces of stone bricks were peeled off from the building, just like Relay-like stitching stretched out infinitely under his feet.

Both Coulson and May are very eye-catching, and havetened to keep up, but they were fed up with this crazy world.

Fortunately, Yi Chou seemed to have played enough. He didn't circle around anymore and said while walking.

"You can call this the world of mirrors, a favorite world of a group of mages who like to open doors everywhere."

"They like to fight here, they like to practice here, they like to feel magic here, they like to live and die here and have fun."

"All in all, here will not affect the real world, nor will it be affected by the real world."

Yi Xiao tilted a building over 180 degrees parallel to the ground under his feet, then poked a young girl who was still working with her cane. She was already upside down with Yi Xiao, but still sitting The steady, unnoticeable anomaly.

The 100-story building was overwhelmingly overwhelming, but Coleson and May were worthy of being the best agents of SHIELD. The heart resisted this depression and swallowed, and Coleson immediately caught Focus.

"That means...here is illusory."

Yi Chou gave a brief glance.

"I just said it would not affect ordinary people, nor would it be discovered by ordinary people. I didn't say it was fake."

"Although they do seem to be fake... but they are true, who knows."

No one can tell the secret of magic, just like the road of science also has no end.

"Oh wow, they look really energetic."

Yi Xiao didn't seem to have much to talk about. After a brief explanation, he immediately turned his attention to another place. He looked into the distance and exclaimed in surprise.

Coulson and May have already given up the means of force negotiation at this time, and the matter involved is too large to be decided by them.

Even the negotiation of force... At least it was Nick Fury ordered to gather the power of the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. to negotiate, instead of the two of them playing heroes alone.

Now Coulson’s idea is to be able to set the intelligence and do his best.

This is a completely strange world.

As the other party said, they simply don't know that there is such a thing in the world. Can this be done by technology? Although he didn't want to admit it, Coleson's sanity told him that no existing technology could do a little.

Whether it is S.H.I.E.L.D., government, Russian, or English, Chinese.

Then he had to face another fact, that is the other person's mouth...Mage.

This is not a supernatural phenomenon by accident. They cannot solve the problem simply and rudely in the usual way, force intervention, negotiate, and then classify the threat level, reduce the detection and control of the detection, increase the direct use of force, and throw it into the warehouse.

What a mage means, means magic, means that they are not facing an accidental situation, but a system of power with logic and inheritance and traceability, but completely different from science.

Although I am not sure about the specific identity of the other party, one is not handled well... I am afraid it is more troublesome than the dispute between the country and the country.

Even if the problem is solved violently in the end, it must be decided after finding out the details of the other party. Before that, the decision cannot be taken lightly, otherwise it may become the fuse of everything.

No one can be an elite agent but a fool.

Perhaps Nick Fury's approach may be different. He is better at first taking a wave of force, and then re-choosing the attitude of negotiation after losing money without hitting the south wall, because the angles of the two are different.

Nick Fury is the director of SHIELD. He is arguably the most powerful person in the world and one of the people who knows the most secrets and knows the world best.

He knew that no independent entity could block the power of SHIELD, so he didn't have to think too much, he also had this confidence.

After all, even if there is the power to destroy the earth, no one will take it seriously before it is shown. This is just like a random stranger saying that he can destroy the universe. It is not so convincing, even ridiculous. .

Even so, Nick Fury didn't make a rash before everything. He would also figure it out before he started, and try to deal with everything in a low-key manner to minimize the loss.

Not to mention Coleson at this time.

After all, how could he and Mei both be so weak that they weren't the opponents who turned upside down in their hands?

Even if they decide to negotiate by force, at least after they go back alive, they will of course choose to look at the degree as agents. When they should pretend to pretend, how can they be stupid and still so stiff.

Hearing Yi Biao's whispering surprise, Coulson immediately hit the snake on the stick.

"They... there are others in this world?"

Yi Chou thought very carefully about Coulson's carefulness. He has long been able to understand these so-called "characters" through various films, useful and useless analysis from the present world, and Lucy's intelligent analysis.

Of course, the facts may still be biased, at least you can't use the thinking of men to try to figure out women...

Secondly, although Yi Xao has not received any agent training, even if he is a genius that he never forgets in this world, these things can not be mastered only by forgetting, not to mention that he can't get in touch.

But now he has one of the ugly abilities, silver tongue.

After using the silver tongue to instill in himself all-genre fighting proficiency and a lot of pseudo-superhero abilities, Yi Chou certainly did not forget other bits and pieces.

For example, the agent’s tutorial, the hacker’s tutorial, and even the combat experience of the veterans, the hunting experience accumulated by the best hunters all year round, can be directly manifested and infused into his memory.

It's just that the taste is absolutely uncomfortable.

If it wasn’t Lucy’s foresight, let Yi Chou use the silver tongue to create a characteristic that would not be crazy in advance, otherwise he would have lost himself long ago, and his personality might be split.

All in all, Yi Biao is no longer relying on a little magic, and the poor knowledge he has learned in this world, posing as a second-hand hacker, detective, and psychologist.

Under the indoctrination of silver tongue, he jumped directly to the elite level of the elite, even if he didn't need other abilities, but the ability to fight the agents could also throw Coleson and May out of the street.

Tactically comparable to Green Arrow, Punisher, Batman, and Level 10 agents are almost the same level as Yihou now.

Of course... knowing too much is not good.

All-knowing and omnipotence is God.

This sentence can never go wrong.

Although Yi Biao is still not omnipotent and omnipotent, but he is definitely the top part of countless people in the world. The more power he masters, the more he knows, the more he slackens his use of power.

This cannot be avoided.

A very simple truth, when a person only has the ability of an excellent agent, of course, he will use his power to complete each task perfectly, and be full of passion.

Then he suddenly had the power to blow the earth with one punch.

He will find that the previous tasks become more and more uninteresting, and even the previous enemies, pursuits, and companions will become very distant. Naturally, he will not complete the tasks carefully and carefully like an ordinary agent. .

Because he can crush everything.

This situation is undoubtedly very bad, because if one is bad, the heart may be unbalanced. The human mind and heart are one of the most unsolvable mysteries in the world. No one can completely determine what the other party will do in the next moment.

Maybe...good and evil are only in one thought.

Yi Biao also has such a problem, but fortunately it is not serious, because in the past he had much more power than the world, and in the world of ice and fire he could destroy everyone.

It's like punching the earth with a punch and raising it to the sun with a punch... Anyway, it's a punch, there's not much difference.

However, although Yi Xiao has a lot of combat experience and bad tactics, he is too lazy to use it. After all, due to his strength, there is no need to waste this energy.

Unless the enemy's level is enough for Yi Chou to be careful...

But certainly not now.

Coleson's little abacus is simply too lazy to ignore, not to mention, these things were originally intended to tell them.

"Of course there are others."

Yi Xiao said with a smile, "Remember those mage I said before, here is their territory... Of course they are here."

"It looks like they are looking for me."

"Why are they looking for you?"

Yi Biao’s attitude is very gentle, and it seems that he can continue to communicate. Coulson will continue to ask questions with a cheeky face. Anyway, he is definitely one of the thickest and nicest people in SHIELD, and he can even get some unexpected information. .

"let me see."

Yi Chou shook his cane with no sincerity.

"Probably... just like you are looking for me."

A misleading, why this group of Karma Taj finds themselves easily is not clear, but the existence of Gu Yi, at least planetary, is obviously much more powerful than the SHIELD group of mortals, more The thing... It doesn't need Coleson and others to know.

Listening to Yi Huo's explanation, Coulson was silent, and did not know whether he believed or did not believe...

But it is undeniable that the current state of Motoly's group is indeed very bad.

Whether they are psychological or material.

First of all, the failure of the task made Motoly very unacceptable.

The first purpose of the mage’s actions is not to expose their own existence. What Motoly and others originally intended was to quietly approach the other party. After finding out about it, if it is determined that the other party is related to this matter, then open the mirror world and talk to the other party. Then take it back to Kama Taj and meet Gu Yi.

But now... before the meeting, the world of mirrors has been opened.

And more importantly, at the moment when the world of mirrors opened, Motoli realized that they dragged two ordinary people who seemed to have nothing to do with this matter~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It can be said that the masters exist Exposure, so that they have failed at least half of this task.

There is no Ministry of Magic here, and there is no one to forget to wipe them out. The memory of the other party cannot be forgotten.

And soon Molly discovered that the problems they faced were far more than that.

Although the world of mirrors has opened, it seems that they are not under their control.

In other words, the opponent also has a mage.


This was the first thought of Molly when she realized this.

At this time, Casillas had just betrayed, and he had not been engaged in the wind and rain outside... It seems that he still accumulated his own power in the secret, absorbing followers and admirers who were also Dormams.

So he hasn't brought so much trouble to Karma Taj in the later period. Other mages may not pay much attention, but he was surprised that there would be such a sad and mad person, peeping into the power of the dark dimension, and even the door can be killed.

But Gu Yi and Molly, who knows the terrible dark dimension, will not ignore it.

Especially the latter.

Casillas is a much more talented person than Motoly. Although he is not young, he is extremely talented. After a few years of practice, he has surpassed most people and has advantages in all aspects. His male identity is not even his opponent.

In other words, if it was not Casillas' rebellion, under Karma Taj, the position of the strongest mage was not as good as Modoli.

What's more, Casillas is still devoted to the dark dimension, and he who has drawn more power will only be more terrible than before, and even a qualitative leap will occur.

Molly's heart sank.

Because if this matter is about Casillas, then I am afraid their trouble will be greater.

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