High Magic Earth

Chapter 1325: The most important thing in a deck is neat

"You are Angomaka?" Motoly was startled.

Not only her, but also the mage around were all stunned. Although I had a hunch...but it was still somewhat surprising.

"You know me."

Yi Xiao smiled and said, "Then I guess right, you are here for me."

Motoly ignored Yi-huo's self-talking questions. She frowned, "Is this all about you?"

She has not seen Yi Chou in Kama Taj, that is to say he is not a mage, then why the whole mirror world seems to be alive, more skilled than the professional mage they play.

"I think it's your turn now and answer my question."

Yi Chou continued to smile.

Will Molly answer, obviously not.

It's not because of some strange arrogance. Although the mages are beyond ordinary people, they don't mean to look down on ordinary people. After all, before they become mages, they are also members of ordinary people.

They are just estranged from ordinary people and do not want to bring these supernatural troubles to ordinary people and involve them. Of course, this is only one aspect. On the other hand, nature is still because of magic, magic, and not magic. Speaking of going together.

Illiteracy and scientists still have communication barriers.

And now the reason why Molly doesn’t want to answer Yi Huo’s question is because of her position. She came here to explore the truth about the timeline being changed. The timing of the opposite guy’s appearance is strange, like It's like having a big question, plus his name is Angomaka... It's strange that Molly can answer.

But being able to be entrusted by Master Gu Yi with a heavy duty, Molly is obviously not a fool. She is serious and not rigid.

The keen she certainly can't notice the abnormalities on the scene... And the source of everything is the man in front of her.

After careful consideration, Molly did not say anything nonsense on the scene, nor raised any questions, she said lightly.

"We come from Kama Taj, our teacher Gu Yizun wants to see you."

After she finished speaking, her eyes naturally fell on the two of Coulson behind Yihou. Of course, her eyes also showed that the two were different from ordinary people.

Although it is not clear who they are... but they are certainly not ordinary people.

Sending this guy away, the bigger trouble is still the two witnesses behind.

More than once, Molly felt that the development of things was beyond her control. She didn't plan to use the world of mirrors, not to mention ordinary people. Even if they were involved in ordinary people, they could not have appeared.

If you don’t expose yourself, you can explain.

Even if ordinary people see the world of mirrors, no one will believe them, only think they have an absurd dream.

It's a pity that Molly not only opened up the world of mirrors, but when none of them responded, she came directly to Yi Chou...the eyes of the two ordinary people.

Nothing can be concealed.

Things change unexpectedly quickly, just like the guy in front of him.

Originally, Molly intended to find clues about Angomaka, whether it is people, things, or whatever remains, you can follow the clues and continue to search.

They can't always rely on Gu Yizun, and they always have to use it a little.

But the idea soon dissipated after seeing Yi Chou.

Because the other party is too weird.

Motoly is not stupid. It is the Kryptonian who encounters the first wave of recklessness. On the contrary, Motoly, the mages with extraordinary power, are more cautious.

The essence of their work is to protect the world from invasion by foreign substances, and to conceal themselves as much as possible to minimize the possible impact.

In other words, they do not want to disturb ordinary people, so when dealing with certain things, they must minimize the impact.

Of course, in the face of some extremely dangerous situations, they will not hesitate to face the sacrifice. Although it is a very difficult multiple choice question to sacrifice some people to save more people... but very few people will do wrong. A question.

So in the face of the strange guy like Yi Chou, Molly decided to hand over to Master Yi.

I believe that as long as Kama Taj arrives, no matter what secrets the other party is hiding, with the power of Venerable Gu, he will not be able to set off any big waves.

I have to say that Motley's choice is very correct.

Go back to the teacher if you can't fight? Very correct choice, as for losing face... Nothing exists, there is no such thing as losing face in the mind of Molly.

Relative to the dangers that might bring to this world, it would be normal for Mr. Molly to return.

Hearing Motoly, Yi Xiao smiled.

"Very wise," he said.

"But unfortunately, I won't go with you."

This time, Molly did not answer immediately, because she was still hesitant, but at this time, the mage beside them controlled the suspended matter under her feet to float down. Obviously, they had already answered with actual actions.

Motoly immediately knew their choice, and squeezed the metal scepter slightly, Motoly said in a deep voice.

"I'm afraid this can't help you."

Yi Xiao shook his head.

"So after all, do you want to do another one?"

Motoly winked at the people around him, but didn't do it himself.

Although all of this looks strange, and the other party has shown an arrogant attitude in line with the strange surroundings, after all, the hostile relationship has not been formally determined, and they just investigate it first.

Motoly didn't want to offend people directly, maybe...just a misunderstanding.

The group of mage of Karma Taj is not as uncommon and domineering as expected, but similarly, their methods are not so gentle.

Perhaps in their view, compared with the safety of the world, the time delayed by the person who was taken away casually did not need to care at all.

However, no group can be represented by an individual. The above are just the thoughts of Maudoli. There may be many mages in Kama Taj who uphold the same gentle and prudent principles as hers, but it does not mean that everyone is such.

What's more, Yi Chou is still an arrogant attitude.

Hmm... In the eyes of this group of wizards who are far from the world of ordinary people, after the ordinary people see them release their magic, the only and most normal reaction should be to yell and express surprise, shock, or unacceptable. .

It is obviously unreasonable to be as calm as Yi Chao.


One of the two mages who came forward has made up his mind to secretly teach Yi Chou a lesson. Of course, although it will not be too much, it is inevitable to suffer some hardships.

As for what happened when I finally found out that this was really a misunderstanding... Karma Taj was far away from this world, this guy couldn't see it, and could rush in and beat himself up.

Faced with a sudden change, neither Coleson nor May was surprised.

Both of them are senior agents. It's hard to be familiar with the method of turning your face like this. Seriously, it would be strange if a transaction is smooth and profitable.

Seeing that the situation is about to strike, the two of them are very calm and hide back. Just so, they can look more closely at what the other party is... something?

Yi Biao's expression remained unchanged, but his eyes seemed to become more indifferent.

He glanced aside suddenly, his eyes falling on a middle-aged mage on the right.

"I always think you are not kind to me." He said.

"Okay, I also decided not to look at you."

As the voice fell, a stack of cards had slipped down Yi Yi's sleeves and flung forward. The cards were like petals scattered in the sky, blocking the line of sight between Yi Noo and the mages.

Colson's pupils shrunk behind him.

After doing his homework, he naturally knows what this is. Although he has watched the video more than once, this is the first time he has seen the real thing.

But Coulson knew that these mages were not clear.

Faced with these light cards, the two wizards instinctively thought that there was no threat, and subconsciously wanted to set them aside and proceed with the cards.

But Motoly in the rear and the mage with a long whip became serious.

It is not that they have watched the video, but the rich combat experience tells them, don't underestimate any opponent at any time, this is the field of magic!

"...I'm Square 7!"

At the next moment, accompanied by a sharp shriek, the cards swayed out of the sky suddenly expanded and turned into a poker soldier with a height of half a person, holding a sharp short spear, and he poked towards the mage in front of him without hesitation.

And this group of Kama Taj-born war mages deserved to be tactical double cultivation. Faced with the oncoming short spear, his body suddenly swelled, twisted to the side with an incredible flexible angle, almost wiped the short The side of the spear avoided, but the sharp short spear still left a small wound on his cheek.

The blood splattered and spattered a little blood in the air.

But this is not the end, just the beginning.

"I am Heart 5!"

"I am Square 9!"

"I am Spades 2!!!"

With a roar of battle, one card after another swelled completely, and when a stack of poker was stacked together, it might not feel crowded, but as they completely swelled, even if it was still the thickness of a piece of paper, densely packed But it still makes people feel shocked.

"Be careful!"

The sharp short spear is like a dense jungle, and the mage who escaped from the disaster was sealed in an instant. In all the space that can be avoided next, they are woven into a large airtight net, just waiting for the prey itself. Sent to the door to be pierced into a sieve.

Although the poker soldiers are not smart, the fighting instinct is first-rate.

Seeing that the unlucky mage was about to wear a cool heart, the mage with a long whip in the back made a roar, and the long whip's golden light flashed into a stream of light.


The whip made a crisp sound in the air. Although it seemed to be very powerful, it did not hurt the mage when it finally fell on the person. The long whip rolled his waist and directly pulled him from the short spear jungle. go back.

Yi Biao's eyes moved slightly, obviously... that was a magic weapon.

Because the light shining above can be seen as long as it is not blind.

Secondly...The positions of these mages are not close, and it is so easy to roll back the target, and the strength required may not be small.

This middle-aged old man who plays with the whip does not look like a power hero, that is the role of the whip.

In addition to extending the length, it should also have the function of freely controlling the direction.

But Yi Chou is more curious about why this whip is also golden, Modu... that is, the shoes worn by Motoly's feet, it is not surprising that the scepter in his hand is golden, how to say Motoly's future is also a A well-known villain, the weaponry in her hand is also not small, and the recognition is golden.

But how it looks... It seems that every magic equipment of Kama Taj is golden, and any soy sauce mage has golden weapons in his hand.

Isn't it that their magic items are loot collected from all over the world, it should be very complicated.

Or... Gu Yi is actually a hidden emperor?

Yi Biao quickly withdrew his gaze, just a magic wand, not worth his fuss, and they saved one mage and another.

"I am Spades 8!"

"...Square 5!"

The roar of war did not stop, and even became more and more in just a few seconds .

Unthinking poker soldiers will not be shaken by any external factors. They seem to have not seen the rescued enemy. They turn the target again and pounce on another person together.


But at this moment, there was a sudden buzz in the air, and the sound seemed like...the buzz before some kind of shock broke out.

Then immediately, after a muffled sound, Motoli's figure suddenly crossed the distance of more than ten meters and came to the poker soldiers. The scepter was thrown in the hand, and the light appeared suddenly, with a shock wave like shock waves and waves. Shocked the nearby poker soldiers away.


She let out a low growl, and the mage around her did not respond slowly. She seized the gap and turned and ran back.

The strength of the mage is strong... but the opposite is obviously not an ordinary person. Although this group of poker soldiers looks thin and crisp, but they are actually not very good to deal with. Always breathe first.

I thought the other party was a rookie, but I didn't expect to get to the iron plate...... There must be some preparation time.

The mage rescued by Molly did not run back directly. After all, the situation they are facing now is not thinking about how to escape, but preparing to take the other side down.

After two steps back, he quickly merged with other mages and rushed back up.

Before that, Motoly, who rescued him, had already dealt with the poker soldiers. The golden scepter of life was waved by her waving tiger and kept pushing the playing cards back.

The next moment, Yi Huo threw out a few playing cards again, and then said quietly.

"Solve them."

The card fell in the air, flipped over, revealing two card faces painted with little girls.

King and little king.

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