High Magic Earth

Chapter 1326: Paper people don’t expect soy sauce

In fact, there are many kinds of cards in Yihou's hands, and they add up to more than one volume, but thinking about it, the most convenient is actually a poker soldier.

Like sculptures, cards that are double-presented by silver tongues and flagstones also have a common flaw.

They don't have any special abilities, they just look like, and they don't have the concept of godlike.

In other words, even if Yihou threw a **** demon out, it was no different from an ordinary medieval knight card.

There is no special ability, no magic, no devil's proprietary skills, the attack method is only melee, and even the anti-strike ability is the same as the knight.

Because the card material is the same.

The only difference... I am afraid it is only in appearance.

In contrast, the poker soldier has many advantages, such as its thickness is still only a piece of paper after expansion, which is particularly difficult for the enemies of the physics department.

Its weight is also very light, and it can even dance with the opponent's attack, and a real gust of wind can be blown away. Of course, this can be controlled, otherwise the poker soldiers also don't think about attacking the opponent.

This is not because the poker soldiers are inherently special, but Yi Chou made a little effort when making them. After all, it is the first set of experimental cards, and there are always some special places.

After the failure of the remaining cards, Yi Xuan didn't think that each of them was realized separately with silver tongue and re-made.

He is not the professional cardmaker of Bekas, too lazy to do so many cards, even Lucy is too lazy to design their effects one by one.

Of course, Yi Xuan and Lucy are both lazy, not impossible. Yi Xiao’s silver tongue imagination ability is much more reliable than any virtual reality. After all, it is false. Yi Xuan... what is it? , What it really becomes.

So he still has some special power in his hands...only a set of playing cards.

"I am a square piece a!"

"I am a heart of hearts!"

"Gaius, Julius."


"Palas, Athena."


Then, following the square k and **** q that jumped out of a, but before waiting for the two playing cards to stand, a small foot wearing black iron gray flat shoes suddenly appeared, kicking them far away with one foot Go out.

"I am Alice."

"Me too Alice."

The last two spinning cards in the air swelled and suddenly jumped out of two slender little girls, unlike those who were completely flat in two dimensions, two little paper man girls... yuck, two girls The body is closer to a normal person.

Listening to their name Alice and looking at the surrounding playing cards, it is already obvious what needs to be associated.

They are always linked to poker, and Ace who can have a relationship with the hearts, only living in the wonderland.

It's just that the two ages in front of them are a bit older, and the clothes they wear are not fairy tale children's dresses, but more **** styles.

Alice, who kicked the square piece of old k to the side, wore a black iron-like gray dress and stockings of the same material on her feet. The texture was somewhat like metal. Even if you look closely, you will find that there are rust marks on it. Streaked silver-white metal nuts.

And the clothes on the other Alice body are even more weird. Her left and right shoulders are two horse heads, which is the kind of horse head in chess.

The tube skirt on her body looked like she was covered with a chess. Half of the clothes were bright pure red, as well as a pair of stockings, and the other half and the skirt were red and white plaid, just like scarlet. checkerboard.

Their weapons are not the same. Chess Alice carries a huge chess horse-head hammer, and metal Alice holds a pointed kitchen knife dripping with blood.

Obviously...they would not be the normal version of Alice.

Just like most fairy tales, Alice also has many versions, dark story version, original version, fan modification version and even game version.

The two created by Yi Huo borrowed from the image of the game Alice's crazy return. In the past few days, Lucy was busy with another thing...I didn't care about her favorite design link, otherwise the two Alice's image will definitely be more strange.

Of course, it’s not so good now.

After all, they seem to be inseparable from good people as soon as they play, and thanks to their age they seem to be girls, otherwise they are completely alive and murderous.

"I am Alice!"

"No! I am!"

But they hadn't played for two seconds, and even the enemies didn't understand wherever they were, they quarreled with each other.

Yi Xiao covered his face and shouted in a low voice, "Solve them! Immediately!"

The present product of this deck of cards is not very intelligent, even the two Alice who have become fine, the same is true. In the face of Yi Chou’s compulsory order, they immediately stopped the quarrel and turned their spears on the outside. .

Of course, I don't know if it was an illusion. Yi Xiao always felt that the two of them seemed to glared at him fiercely before going out.

"Aha! Look at my little unicorn!"

But the strength of twins Alice, who is the king of size, is indeed not covered. Alice holding a unicorn hammer directly stares at a tiger with a scepter of life, and she makes a sip of scent. The one-horned horse-head hammer suddenly rose high, then smashed heavily.

Motoly, who is playing me with your poker cards, suddenly feels a gust of wind, and her instincts have been immediately demonstrated by Karma Taj's martial arts practice for many years. She intuitively gave up the huge amount of unplayable things in front of her. The poker soldiers rolled to the side.


At the next moment, with a large amount of gravel splashing, the unicorn hammer directly smashed the ground into a hole.

The collapse trend is immediately apparent.

Yi Chou's fingers at the back moved slightly, and at the next moment, countless bricks came from all directions, not only to fill the holes that the unicorn hammer hit, but also reinforce the thickness of the entire ground.

Modoli's gaze flickered slightly.


Seeing that Motoly was in critical condition, the whip of the whip sounded again in the air.

It seems that this mage's positioning aids rescue.

The golden long whip traversed like a meteor again in the air, turning into a beautiful arc to prepare to pull out Molly from the encirclement, but the next moment, a blood-dipped sharp knife cut it off halfway.

"Aha! Cut your head!"

She let out a sharp roar that was typical of pranks, and then the sharp knife dragged back.

Obviously just a girl, but Alice's power is surprisingly large, even the middle-aged mage with the other side of the whip was dragged by her directly.

The situation of the other gang of mage is not good. Although Motoli stopped most of the poker soldiers by one person, there are still a lot of them running to these mages. The main thing is that they don’t have the magic weapon and combat power of Motoli. Even with very few poker soldiers, it is still very troublesome to deal with.

The most commonly used methods of this group of Karma Taj Master monks are portal backstab and mirror world raid. Their frontal combat effectiveness is actually not much higher than that of soldiers.

Now the world of mirrors has become the home of Yi Chou, the portal cannot be opened by the blockade... At least their strength cannot be opened, and the effective means immediately bottom out.

Faced with a dozen poker soldiers, they have a tendency to be in a hurry.

And there is still a middle-aged mage's magic whip that can only be supported by continuous support. Now the magic whip is pulled by Alice's sharp knife, and several poker soldiers immediately go straight to the gap.


But the mage is a mage after all, and even a war mage with a crooked skill tree has a few hands to save his life.

The wizards trapped in the poker soldiers didn’t know what they were shooting on the ground. The mirror space on the ground suddenly oscillated, and the poker soldiers stood in a circle and became unstable. They almost fell. Taking advantage of this opportunity, they started again. Break free in danger.

But at this time, the mage with a long whip was completely entangled by the Alice with the sword, and the two seemed to be unable to end for a while. In this way, the two mages with magic equipment were fighting each other, even if the other people escaped for a while, The following situation is still precarious.

"Let them stop!"

But at this moment, Alice didn't know how to get entangled with Molly, even letting her take advantage of a gap and suddenly break free and go straight to Yihuo.

Her scepter of life traversed the fierce arc of light in the air, and then changed from smashing to sweeping.

It seems that even if things develop to the present, she still has no plans to hurt Yi Chou's life.

Obviously, she saw the scene where Yi Chou repaired the ground, thinking that even if he was a mage, he was also a wild mage without formal training from Kama Taj. Except for a weird playing card that he didn’t know where to get, it should be Not much fighting power.

Modoli intends to use Yi Chou as a breakthrough.

But Yi Xiao can only think of her as too fierce fighting and Shi Lezhi. She seems to have forgotten a little. Those who can control the mirror world and even suppress their four mages, in the end...have fighting power?

Mirrored space is a method commonly used by Karma Taj Masters, but unlike portals and direct construction magic, mirrored space is obviously more difficult.

The only ones who can quickly learn to mirror the space and use it perfectly, or even freely control it, are probably Supreme Master Gu Yi, Casillas, who has also begun to draw the power of the dark dimension, and Master Sage, the savior of the magic world.

Although Motoli can also open the mirror space, it is obviously not skilled, and thanks to the four mages who came this time, otherwise they may not necessarily be able to break the magic trap of the mirror buried in the shop.

The mirrored space is directly connected to the multidimensional universe. The more you know about the multidimensional universe, the more skilled you are at using the mirrored space.

In other words... your destruction and impact on the multidimensional universe are even deeper.

This is why Casillas immediately increased his strength in the mirror space after he fled to Domm, he knew more about the multidimensional universe, and the mirror space was naturally more familiar.


Life Scepter did not encounter Yi Chou after all. I heard that this thing can smash seven infinite gems into a ball. Although the settings in the movie should be different from the comic world, Yi Chou does not intend to be touched by it.

Facing the attack of the scepter of life, Yi Chou's body flicked back slightly and gave way to a distance.

Without waiting for Motoly to catch up again after a miss, the lingering voice of Chess Alice has followed.

"Aha! Little unicorn smashed x2!"


There was another loud noise, and the unicorn hammer directly hit the ground in front of Yi Xuan, almost hitting his toes hard, and the gravel splashed, and all the splashed Yi Xuan pants were.

Yi Biao's mouth twitched slightly, and he felt that Alice was intentional.

However, the attack speed of the hammer was too slow. Alice's attack did not give Yi Chou a siege, but created more opportunities for Molly.

"Let them stop!"

Motuoli's eyes shone coldly, his mouth snarled, and at the same time the scepter flickered, chasing Yi Chou again.

With previous experience, this time her scepter suddenly stretched to both ends, divided into a piece-by-piece structure, and each piece was connected into a golden dazzling brilliance, and the length of the entire scepter extended more than doubled.

Facing the perseverance of Motorola, Yi Chou finally escaped.

I... seemed to be treated as a soft persimmon.

At the next moment, Yi Xiao grabbed it with a backhand, and a squirming black mist appeared near his palm, followed by a black cane of the same length that was directly caught by him from the air. Made a few laps, crossed a beautiful arc, and then slammed forward.


The life court scepter collided with Yi Chou's black cane, making a loud and shocking loud noise, but the sound was not loud but it seemed to be able to enter the soul.

The billowing air wave erupted, and with the collision of the cane and the scepter, a shock that shook the entire space directly erupted between the two.

The invisible sonic boom spread out all around, directly twisting the poker soldiers, flying all over the sky, and even drifting out of the platform in the direction of the wind, even Colson and the group of wizards behind were affected and stood Instability sat directly on the ground.

Modoli in the center of the shock is obviously more uncomfortable, but even her character alone can be seen, she is not a person who is so easy to give up, biting her teeth, Modoli is withstanding the impact of the outbreak, one step also Not yielded.

But Yi Xiao did not give her a high glance.

It wasn’t Molly herself that attacked to this degree, but the weapon in her hand. In other words, she was able to support it not because of how powerful she was, but also because of the magic weapon in her hand.

And the solution... is also very simple.

With one hand suppressing the scepter of Molly and the Court of Life, Yi Chou's expression was very relaxed. At the next moment, the black cane was suddenly lifted, and a beautiful arc was traversed again in the air, but Molly's tight pupil Watching, at a speed that she didn't have time to respond at all, suddenly came to her heart.

"go with!"

Yi Chou whispered calmly.

At the next moment, Molly rose up into the air and flew backwards, vaguely, a vague appearance similar to Molly's appearance appeared vaguely.

Then came out through the body.

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