High Magic Earth

Chapter 1331: This time keep on hand

Time seemed to freeze, um. . This time is a metaphor.

The atmosphere between Yi Chou and Gu Yi was very depressed, and this suffocation and heavyness could be felt even by Colson and others who were hiding far away.

And Coulson's heart is never relaxed.

Although he and May are hiding far away. . But as excellent intelligence personnel, they deliberately did not distance themselves too far away from the two, and because they had nothing to avoid when they talked with Gu Yi, they heard clearly.

The whole of New York.

Coulson is not sure whether Yi Chou has this ability, but if it is true. . Even if it finally came from SHIELD and the counterattack from the army*, the casualties caused at that time were probably irreversible.

As a kind agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., Coulson was the last person who wanted to see this happen.

But to his despair, he now has no means to stop Angomaka, and the only mage leader who can stop Angomaka seems completely meaningless.

"That's thousands, tens of thousands of lives."

Yi Huo said one word at a time, and said slowly, "You really... don't think about it anymore, or do you think I dare not do it?"

He stared at Gu Yi's eyes.

Gu Yi's eyes were very calm, even without waves. She watched Yi Chou tightly, and her eyes seemed to be unable to see through the mirror, reflecting everything back.

"Then do it yourself."

She is still smiling.

It seems that the tens of millions of casualties and life and death that are about to appear are just a number that is not worth mentioning at all.

"You are colder than I thought."

Yi Huo closed his eyes slightly and was silent.

Or, be firm.

The guardian of the earth, the supreme mage who deterred the multidimensional universe, Gu Yi's heart is indeed very firm, I am afraid that even the superheroes like Batman can't compare with it.

Batman's willpower may be able to fight the light ring and even higher levels of emotional power, which is called the existence of the human body, body, spirit, and spirit, but when facing the choice of Gu Yi at this time, he will definitely not be so firm and relaxed.

But if Gu Yi thought that he would retreat in this way, then. .

"You could have miscalculated."

Yi Xiaozhuo Ran opened his eyes.


He gave a low growl.

At the same time, Gu Yibo's uncommon eyes suddenly shrunk slightly. The next moment, the golden light spread, and her entire person disappeared into the air instantly, as if it were. . It was squeezed into the light.

Yi Chou standing on the platform showed a twisted and weird smile. Gu Yi did still retain one or two hands, but now it is a bit late to try to open it, and it is useless!

On the other hand, in the Hawaiian Islands, the happy sun-bathing Lucy rubbed her eyebrows in distress.

"It's such a big mess now... I still have two magic circles not finished."

"It seems that I want to say goodbye to the beach, the sea, sunbathing...and beautiful men."

"Next stop, Los Angeles, set off!"

. . .

Gu Yi disappeared into the light, but Yi Chou's voice did not stop.

On the contrary, this strange sound started to get bigger and bigger, clearer, more muddy and more and more. . Like a kind of whisper.

Sound is transmitted through the medium, and will soon be exhausted in the process of transmission, that is, it is getting smaller and smaller.

However, Yihou's low growl was abnormal, and after a few seconds, there was no tendency to dissipate, but it gradually became clear ignoring the normal.

In the end, the sound wave even condensed into some kind of invisible wave in the air, which could not be touched. It seemed to be non-existent, but it actually existed.

"(We are just pioneers, they will come eventually...)"

"(We are just pioneers, they will eventually arrive...)"

These scales sound very strange, complex, and weird, and surround the ears, they seem to be a bit unclear, but they can also be heard when listening carefully.

Their ups and downs have constituted any language that is not well-known. Their occurrence is very weird. Every two scales have a vague sense of adhesion. If you remove these adhesions and force them to be close to the transliteration, you can recognize it.

Recognizable text. . It sounds a lot like the pronunciation of ancient languages ​​like Italian and Latin.

Yes, just like the name Angomaka.

The very strange combination of surnames, playing with soy sauce for a long time, and whispering as intelligence eavesdropping, Coulson finally recognized a little vague clue.

But soon, he had no energy to take care of these.

"(Everything is just the beginning, but it is on the verge of destruction...)"

"(Everything is just the beginning, but destruction is doomed to be born...)"

Because at the next moment, accompanied by weird whispers and whispers, his target character began to emit a weird black smoke.

Coulson felt it looked like he had teleported in mid-air before, jumping and fighting the kind of smog that he was fighting with Gu Yi. . But weirder.

This smoke seemed to be very dark and deep, as if it could attract souls to the past.

After only a few glances, Coulson felt a drowsy feeling and could not extricate himself.

not good! Is it hypnosis?

After undergoing resistance hypnosis and brainwashing training, Coulson finally woke up. He bit his tongue and gave him a set of punches, forcing himself to move his eyes to the ground.

then. . The rest of his light saw other colors.

The light color, the golden color, is different from the glare golden color shining on Mars and the shining orange-red color like the ancient one. The sudden appearance of this yellow color is filled with the dim and scary heart.

Like the sign before the end of the day, the last dusk before the gods fell.

At first, the dizziness was just a small point, his position was in the hand of the target character Angomaka, and then the dizziness began to gradually enlarge.

It becomes a line, condensed together, like a colorful ray, twisted, clinging to those creeping and spreading black mist and spreading with it.

Then these lights became more and more and more and more huge, and even stained the surrounding shady yellow, which looked even more uncomfortable.

what is this?

I don't know why, Coleson, who has been secretly watching the changes in the scene with Yu Guang, suddenly felt terrified. Is this his last resort to destroy New York? new York. . Will it really be destroyed by these lights?

Like. . The light of the last decaying nuclear bomb is the same.

Coleson, who was in a state of confusion, didn't seem to realize that what Yi Biao said before was just to transfer the battlefield to New York, but he didn't say to destroy it directly.

However, under the interference of these rays, Colin, the Ace Agent of SHIELD, who had always been savvy and clear-minded, seemed to have no ideas, and his head was blank. . Only destruction, and despair.

Also known as Shi Lezhi.

Similarly, Coleson, who has been in a state of distraction and continued confusion, has not noticed that Mei, who has not been on the field for a long time, has not had the quick response of the past.

After realizing that this light might have a hypnotic effect, she did not break away immediately, but hesitated whether she should continue to look at it. . There may be important information.

But at this moment of hesitation, she was dragged into eternal darkness. .

. . .

Chaos, manic, and never ending.

No one knows what the abyss looks like, but Mei feels that she is now in the abyss.

She has never been a person with phobias, whether it is deep-sea fears or secret room fears, and the state of multiple psychological assessments of agents has been excellent.

But now, she feels the biting chill straight into her soul and spinal cord, making her tremble as a whole.

Wailing, endless whispers, ubiquitous peeping, gazing deep into the soul, disturbing her thoughts all the time.

Mei felt that she was falling. The abyss seemed to have no bottom. She fell in the air. Even because it was too deep, she could adjust the falling movements in the air boringly. . But meaningless.

The cold from all directions made her feel that she was surrounded by darkness, and there was no possibility of breaking away.

She was afraid that she would continue to do this forever, never seeing the end, enduring everything endlessly, torture, this is the end of her own.

Then vaguely, May saw Coulson.

He seemed to be in another world. Through the abyss, she saw the world around Coulson colorful, different from the darkness, the world around her. . It seems beautiful.

Look, what a bright color. . want to go.

but why. .

Envious, envious, all kinds of negative emotions emerged from all around the abyss, surrounded Mei, and penetrated her soul a little.

No, no, that's your own. . friend. .

Mei thought with his last hint of reason that he is his best colleague and best friend, and his relationship is more intimate than the average person, it seems that his lover is less than a friend. . But is it much more complicated than this relationship?

Seemingly thinking of something interesting or sweet, Mei Bing's cold face showed a smile and remembered the task. . She was with him. .

Wait, Mei's eyes looked through the abyss, looking at the face of the fuzzy man with a slightly high hairline, he. . What's your name?

The next moment, hatred, pain, destruction, including Mei.

Put her into darkness.


The abyss moved with a hazy groan.

. . .

Coulson feels a little bad.

Although he deliberately controlled himself not to face these lights directly, it seemed that the hypnotic feeling accompanied by murmurs and whispers was too strong.

It was so strong that even if he closed his eyes now, waves of calls would still come.

Coulson even suspected that this would continue, and it wouldn't be long before he escaped.

Will. .

What did you whisper? Coulson couldn't understand it, but he always felt that there was a violent and fear surrounding his heart. Two emotions that were not close to each other seemed to be ice and fire, and he was about to tear his brain and heart.

He even felt his heart thump.

Blood is rising, and the sound heard by the ears is unusually clear.

This will not work, but in the face of this supernatural power, Coulson can't resist at all. The mage leader doesn't know where to go, leaving Angomaka holding a big move here, it is impossible for him to use it. How many pistols come?

He watched Angomaka's legs cut out and grow out again. . Coulson did not want to die.

Unless, escape from here!

But then Coulson smiled bitterly, and the plan was well arranged, just like playing Super Marie, hopping on the platform, the disc, the rotating building and the wall, and hopping away a few times away from here.

It is actually very difficult to operate in practice. In addition to the drop point, the endurance of their bodies is also the most important reason, otherwise they might not break their legs.

And May. . Wait, May!

Colson suddenly thought of what he had overlooked, and he turned his head immediately. . But before turning his head, Coulson noticed a bad wind.

Almost instinctively, Coulson didn't think about it, tumbling aside ugly.


At the next moment, Mei's iron fist hit the stone brick ground of the platform heavily.

There will be a few cracks on the ground, but Mei's fist is also bloody, and even white stubble is exposed.


Coulson called out worriedly, and he felt something wrong. . But did not understand what happened.

Immediately afterwards, May turned around, and then Coulson saw May's situation at this moment, and immediately sank his heart.

Mei’s eyes have no focal length, or even her pupils have disappeared, her face is twisted and crazy, and the skin surface has blue muscles, and a little mucus flows down the teeth. To say that Mei is now a beast instead of a human, Cole Mori can absolutely choose to believe.

Hypnosis? Demon possess? Mind control? A lot of thoughts appeared in Coulson's heart in an instant, and to say hypnosis, it must not reach such a level.

There are also many hypnotists at SHIELD, and they will do psychological surveys for agents every time. . Or clean up potential spies, but there is no such exaggeration.

However, based on the present supernatural situation, Coulson felt that he could believe everything.

and many more. . Thinking of the supernatural, the little prince of intelligence, Coleson, turned his head instinctively and saw Angomaka's crazily twisted face at the moment. This style of painting. . How does it look like May.

Or May is very similar to him.

It's just that Coleson hasn't watched it carefully~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The light that has been enlarged more than doubled immediately made him mentally trance, and at this moment, Mei suddenly withdrew.

"Bang! Boom!"

Although Mei looks crazy, she still seems to have various fighting skills. She strode forward, and her body has been reversed halfway. When she came to Coulson, her body suddenly vacated, two powerful His legs just caught his neck.

When Coulson recovered, his eyes were two pairs of cold leather boots. .

"It turned out to be this trick..."

Colson was a little helpless.

This move is well-known in SHIELD, legendary orange agents, black widows, imitation birds, and other elite female field agents, all of which will be strangulated, and Mei is also one of the best.

Coulson has seen May use this trick to solve many enemies.

But he never thought about it. . One day I will eat this lore of Mei! To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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