High Magic Earth

Chapter 1332: Sudden change in style


Coulson only felt that the flower was in front of him, and the whole person was suddenly fell to the ground by an irresistible force. The strength of the human leg muscles was much greater than the arm, even for women.

What's more, Mei is not an ordinary woman, but the elite of SHIELD's field staff.

But soon Coulson felt not a flower in front of him, but a tightening of his throat. As May’s legs were wrecked on the neck of Jensen, his throat quickly fell into a suffocation and he couldn’t breathe. gas.

There was blackness in front of my eyes, and he was almost faint.

Those enemies killed by Mei are also not easy. . Coulson snapped the ground.

This is not a fighting game. Even if you shoot the ground, there will be no referee running to terminate. Coulson's slap is not only to find out the specific direction, but also to make himself more sober with pain.

At this time, Mei twisted his throat with his legs, and his body was like a cross chain. He twisted his back to the ground. The whole person could not move. His one hand was twisted, and the other hand was pressed to the ground, although it can still move. . . But the magnitude is very small.


At the next moment, Coulson made a cry, and the feeling of fainting suddenly faded a lot.

This is because there are tingling pains in the lower back. . Seems to be gnawed by some kind of beast.

Of course there are no beasts here, the only one attacking me is Mei, so even if you can’t believe it, Coulson knows that it is Mei who is eating his muscles.

His heart sank, and Mei's situation was worse than he thought. . I don't know how to remove this supernatural control or hypnosis.

Although the situation is not Chen Li, but Coulson is still unconventional, and even feels that he can take May back to treatment.

One of the secrets of the success of Ace Agents is to keep your self-confidence confident all the time, otherwise you will not even believe in yourself. How can you cross the two buildings during the leap of faith.

But thanks also to May’s loss of thought, as if the beast attacked everything like crazy.

Otherwise, Coulson now is not gnawing, but a bullet from Mei waist pistol.

Clenching his teeth, Coulson endured the pain and quickly estimated May's specific actions with his hands behind his back. He moved his right hand to find Mei's ankles with difficulty, and then took off a light ape in the inside of the boots. Square objects.


Immediately after that, Coulson pressed the switch without hesitation and shoved onto May's clothes!

Along with the crackling sound of the electric spark, May's legs suddenly lost power. Coulson attached a loose throat. After taking a deep breath, he quickly crawled out of May's lock throat.

Special agents produced by SHIELD must have a rudimentary meaning. The micro high-voltage electric gun will not pose a life threat, but it can be regarded as a coma.

And this stun gun was designed with the agent's self-help in mind. When the agent is controlled by the enemy and wants to take advantage of the enemy's inattention to carry out self-salvage, you can't stun yourself with an stun gun.

The intensity of the electric gun is very ingeniously controlled, and will not be passed to the body of the next person too much. . At most, there will be some tingling and temporary inaction.

Coulson hit the stun gun on May's clothes, and the intensity was much smaller. When it was transmitted, Coulson just felt a little numb.

This thing is very useful, regardless of whether the male and female agents like to carry it with them, but unfortunately Coulson can't figure out his own at all from the perspective of the previous one, and can only go down from Mei's body.

After solving May, Coulson did not feel much better, but worse.

I don’t know if he was strangled by a leg and suffered from excessive hypoxia. He felt that his head was dizzy now. Any thoughts were unclear, and various strange whispers kept coming in his ears.

This whisper is like a kind of singing, but it is more terrible than it, like creeping mucus, like despair and haze, Coleson even feels his ears become wet.

Wipe a hand, there is no blood, just an illusion.

In a trance, Coulson felt a ruin in front of him, pale, twisted and deformed, that was. . Coulson looked at it and realized that it was all in New York.

What collapsed in front of him was the three-curved wing building of SHIELD. The building collapsed suddenly, layer by layer, and the ruins of the broken walls accumulated together, like a tomb-like pyramid, like a layered one. Corpse.


At the next moment, Coulson felt his ankle was caught, looked down, and saw Maria Hill's **** hands and face.


Her mouth was closed, but Coulson couldn't understand what she was talking about, his ears were roaring, and a sharp voice resounded in his mind as if some sort of air defense siren.

At the next moment, everything around him gradually drifted away from him, the ruins gradually disappeared, and everything in front of him returned to the suspended platform.

Immediately afterwards, a great sense of fear flooded his heart.

Coulson stood up strenuously. He realized that everything around him was dimmed and turned his head slowly. It was very difficult for him to make a simple movement now.

then. . He saw the invisible darkness and yellowish luster emanating from Angomaka, which had enveloped himself.

"not good."

Coulson certainly knew it was not a good sign, he had to leave here, but May. .

But soon Coulson didn't need to worry about this problem, because in the next moment, he felt a bad wind attack coming from behind.


It's May.

Coulson, who was kicked out by a kick, rolled on the ground for several laps, in the process, he saw the creature that attacked him.

May was not stunned by electricity. It may be that she had some resistance, and her clothes had resisted. The intensity was not as obvious as the preset, or it might be. . She is now in an abnormal state.

But in any case, Coulson feels worse.

The more they resist these invisible whispers, the weaker Coulson's control of the body is, or rather, weak, which is already irresistible like Mei, the body is greatly enhanced.

Under normal conditions, Coulson is not May's opponent, and the two can fight and often can kill Coulson within five to ten rounds.

Weak Colson and strengthened May, the result is naturally needless to say.

Coleson, who was lying on the ground, even felt that his strength to stand up had disappeared. He rolled a few times on the ground. The wound that was engulfed in the back was scratched fiery. . ♀At least the size of eggs is missing.

Thanks to the fact that the wound is not deep, it only enlarges the area laterally, otherwise it is not as simple as bleeding.

Looking at May's figure, Coulson sighed.

"Now you are more than a bottle of wine... at least I owe my steak... three meals!"

He said.

"I hope that the record of this embarrassing mission will not be recorded in the school's teaching materials. ⊥None of the record..."

Coulson's whisper was not over, May's rushed up.

Mei's condition is strange, but it must be more than zombies or zombies, so her movements are not slow, and even hit Colson's neck faster than ordinary people.

This is normal. If Mei really only has instinct left now, then the neck is the most vulnerable place for creatures. It is in instinct to give priority to attacking the neck.

May no longer uses human weapons, but she still has teeth and nails.

The next moment, just as Coulson closed his eyes, ready to enjoy the zombie bite he had only seen in the movie.


A crisp sound passed through the fog and whispers, and it sounded right above his head without any errors.

Coulson opened his eyes in an instant, and was seeing a golden rope around Mei's neck, making her sharply twisted and some deformed teeth not to tear her throat.

The other end of the rope was submerged in the dark mist.

That group of mages!

After watching this for a long time, Coulson immediately knew who rescued him.

Sure enough, the next time he attached the surrounding stone bricks seemed to separate to the sides, as if some kind of mechanism, he and Mei fell off instantly.

Then Coulson personally experienced the portals of the mages.

I have to say that it is very convenient.

In addition to the ability to transfer anytime, anywhere, there is also the issue of angle adjustment.

Obviously, Colson dropped into the portal, but in the next moment it became directly facing the ground. After Coulson left the area covered by the black fog, his condition suddenly improved a lot, and the lack of meat was a small injury. It's nothing.

He rolled over in place and then got up easily.

On the other hand, the golden rope on Mei's body had long since disappeared and fell down the door. Although she was away from the black mist, her condition did not improve.

Almost without hesitation, she rushed to the nearest mage.


Colson saw the black woman. . That is, when Master Molly pulled his hands, a golden magic light lock appeared in her palms.

She slammed the light beam out and caught May's foot.

Another mage also rubbed out a magic weapon beam and tied May's hands.

"Stun her!"

Motoly shouted.

Without any hesitation, Coulson strode forward and took out his pistol, aiming at May's neck and hitting it with a fierce butt.

He felt that his power was already very strong, but after seeming to hesitate, May not only did not faint, but began to struggle more intensely.

Coulson gritted his teeth and hit it with a fierce butt.


The muffled sound was so loud that Coulson felt pain when he listened. This time, May finally didn't continue to struggle, but fell down softly, and there was silence all around.

Only these beams of magic beams were still burning in the air, blazing like sparks and sparks.

Coulson was relieved, but not too optimistic.

"What's going on in this situation, do you have any solutions?"

He was very familiar with May's situation and questioned the mages next to him. While asking, Coulson observed their situation.

Obviously, they are fighting another platform, because from his current point of view can see a huge block filled with shady.

It is lying in the air, the mask is half as big as a ball city.

Not surprisingly, it was the circular platform at the beginning, but it was already covered by the shady curtain at this time.

Coulson didn't dare to look at it, but just glanced at it with an afterglow and quickly turned away.

In the face of Colson's doubts, Molly didn't ignore them directly. After all, in that case, it might as well not save them.

Modoli already knew that they were political agents, and Kama Taj heard about SHIELD.

In fact, Motoly still admired the secret agents who also contributed to the world, although they did not know the secrets hidden under the world.

"I don't know." She regretted her head.

"Perhaps there is a way for Venerable Gu."


Coulson gritted his teeth and didn't speak. Of course, he was worried about May's condition. He naturally hoped that it would be lifted as soon as possible, or many more minutes would be more dangerous.

But he also knew that Gu Yi should be fighting Angomaka. He doesn't want to struggle with who is right or wrong. Now the only thing Coulson hopes is that all this will end soon. New York should not be affected. . May also recovered.

just. . Gu Yi is obviously not free.

"I'm sorry, the space is blocked again. We can't even get out now. Perhaps only Venerable Gu can take us away."

Motoly also announced this regrettable fact~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The resistance of the wizards is not much higher than that of ordinary people. Although it is far away from the dark fog here, Coulson can still feel some irrelevant effects, even Seeing a mage also stunned.

They also did not look directly at the existence and direction of the black mist. Coulson observed that the condition of Molly seemed to be exceptionally good, as if not affected much. .

It is strange, is this for any reason, willpower, or degree of firmness?

But Coulson thought he was not bad.

Do not understand.

Faced with the supernatural danger that these groups of wizards were helpless, Coulson certainly had no idea, even if the situation deteriorated further. . He also had no choice.

. . .

On the other hand, Yi Chou was shrouded in rich shadow energy.

At first, he thought that he should use shadow energy to break a mirror world, what should be easy, but he still underestimated Gu Yi's strength in space, or rather. . Overestimated the level of shadow energy.

Shadow energy sounds very tall, but it is just a collection of magical tricks, which is far from the scarlet energy of the scarlet witch.

It is not so easy to break through Gu Yi's mirror world easily.

Don't look at Gu Yi's own use of space to cut people into two halves easily, but other people want to break through this space. If there is no Kama Taj's hanging ring, you will not even find a crack in the space.

Yi Xiao apparently encountered this situation.

Of course, he can use silver tongue or violent breakthroughs, but it will inevitably reveal a lot of things. Once the ability is too dangerous to make Gu Yizhen play with him, it will be worth the loss.

In desperation, Yi arrogantly used a force that was in the middle of the law.

Light ring.

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