High Magic Earth

Chapter 1336: This is the last thing I can do for you

   "Air pressure preparation."


"Withstand the energy level test."


"Open the isolation door."

"Expected to withstand a third-level collision."

"Ready to recharge...5...4...3..."

"Charging failed."

Although Tolia doesn't exercise at all when she is lazy, but in order to maintain her figure, she often conducts yoga training such as Pilates. .

Although she is very lazy and likes to stay in the laboratory more than lazy in bed, she is a woman after all, it is impossible not to pay attention to her appearance.

Although not very good in terms of physical strength and physical fitness, but compared to ordinary people. . Tolia was not pulled away too far.

And as Stark, she was born with a big heart.

The more crisis time, the more she was not panicking, orderly knocking on the machine, the door of the prototype was opened, and the robot next to it silently turned its crawler into the prototype. . . One step faster than Tolia.

But the trouble is that when Tolia entered the prototype immediately afterwards, and even the door of the prototype had not been closed, a harsh alarm sounded in the entire transparent protective cover.

"Charging failed!"


"Charging failed!"


The red warning light was flashing, with a feeling of extraordinarily thrilling in such a panic moment.

"What's going on!" Tolia asked loudly.

As the core of artificial intelligence, Stark is not in the building, hidden deep underground, even if the entire building collapses, it will not happen.

In fact, even if the prototype server suffers physical damage, it can transfer itself to the network. Although the current data calculation may be difficult, the core programming can still be retained.

Just like the human soul.

Those materials are too large to be transferred, but as long as the core code of Jarvis is still there, these core codes are Jarvis's thinking.

Therefore, this sudden disaster will not affect Jarvis, it has not panicked.

Of course, as artificial intelligence, it doesn't feel much about the emotion of panic.

Hearing Stark's exasperated cry, Jarvis immediately calculated the result.

"You have been completing this experiment last night. It's too late. You only went to sleep in the morning, and the machine started to recharge before sleep. But the time is too short, and the recharge has not been completed."


Tolia's brain is not as empty as the ordinary people often do. Upon hearing Jarvis' answer, she did not care to complain, and began to think quickly in her brain.

Yes, Jarvis is right.

The main goal of this experiment is energy-level defense. It happened that she had an inspiration for a small nuclear reactor recently, and she was pinched from bed! Pinch! After breaking the neck, Tolia turned this inspiration into a concrete defense.

She must have a certain means of self-protection. She didn’t think that although she inherited Stark Industries, she was still not very old. Although she was a genius, she was still going to school. Now she started to bring Stark Industries More and more new achievements are also refreshing her genius name. . A lot of restless eyes also noticed her.

As the most talented scientist of this century, the head of Stark Industries, the most beautiful billionaire, has the necessary means of self-protection, and it has become more and more urgent.

And it can't be a small pistol, a mini pistol, or a small interference device such a low thing, after all, the essence has not been separated from the firearm.

If you want to protect yourself, you need to be smart and get it right!

The energy protection net, an idea that now only exists in the concept, is so stared at by Tolia. Of course, she does not think that this is just a certain idea.

Perhaps in the eyes of others this is an assumption. . But who she is, she is the most talented scientist of this century, there is nothing she can not achieve, but sooner or later.

Since it is an experiment at the energy level, energy is indispensable during the experiment.

A large number of repeated simulation experiments consume a lot of unnecessary energy and resources, and thanks to the headquarters of Stark Industries, otherwise it is the funding of these energy sources. . I'm afraid it's not something the average laboratory can afford.

But even here is Stark Industries. At this point in time when the energy technology is not as developed in the future, a large number of experiments need to be carried out with time.

Energy recharge cannot keep up.

Last night, Tolia conducted an overnight test until she used up the last trace of energy before she went to bed, otherwise she might continue to spend the night overnight.

so now. . There is simply not enough energy in the entire prototype. If there is no energy, the physical material of the prototype alone may not be able to resist this impact. .

Time, energy, Stark Building, conservation law, the third medium. .

Numerous schemes and thoughts traversed like a meteor in Tolia's mind. For less than two seconds, she instantly thought of the fastest possible scheme.

"The time to recharge slowly is not enough, so..."


Tolia took a deep breath, and before the second half of the conversation was heard, she heard a bite of the elevator door opening, and Pepper Pepper Pots, her personal secretary, came out with a puzzled expression from inside.

"Fifteen seconds?" Tolia looked at the time and sighed, "Your movements are really fast enough."

From the moment they discovered that they had to withstand a high-impact shock in less than a minute, Tolia asked Jarvis to call Pepper.

Indeed, there are many people in the Stark Industrial Building, but Tolia cannot save everyone, and people are selfish in the face of natural disasters.

There are not many prototypes. She is the only one who can save, and the only one she can save. I am afraid that only Pepper.

Because she is her personal secretary, the office is downstairs, and she is always on call. Pepper also moves very quickly, otherwise she will spend a little time. . I'm afraid she won't be able to catch the last bus.

"Don't ask so much."

Tolia waved to her and said, "There! Go in! Immediately!"

She pointed to the prototype.

Pepper looked puzzled, but she didn't have the habit of digging into the bottom. Although she couldn't understand it at all, she walked in quickly with her high heels.

The prototype's nerd moved to the side to make room for her.

"Hello, nerd." Pepper, who didn't even know it was still in trouble, said hello to the nerd.

The stupid robotic hand clicked a little bit, as if responding in some way.

On the other hand, Tolia has restarted the rap on the control platform. She does not feel too much tension. Looking at the time, there are less than twenty seconds left. This time is calculated by Jarvis. There is no possibility of error.

Since there is no mistake, these twenty seconds are enough, and there is no need to feel nervous.

"Authorization password: ax4*"

Tolia said quickly, "Jarvis, immediately use the backup energy of the Stark building, leaving the elevator, and all other energy is given priority to the prototype."

"Are you sure, ma'am."

Jarvis quickly shut down the energy and transferred the pipeline to the prototype, while inquiring, "To maintain the complete operation of all building elevators requires 3.3% of the energy."

"Turn them off, maybe you can save 2 seconds."

"Then let the people in the building wait for death." Tolia asked back.

"With the subsequent impact strength, even if you reserve the elevator passage, I am afraid their chance of survival will not exceed 0.33%."

"That's always better than 0%," Tolia said directly.

"I'm not missing these two seconds."

"Tolia, what are you doing there?"

Pepper of the prototype didn't know what was going on. She knew that Tolia was a genius, so she didn't dare to step out of the prototype's reach, grabbed the edge with her hand, and asked with a head out of her head.

"I will come here."

Tolia knocked on the last line of code and hurried into the prototype.

With a long sigh of relief, Tolia suddenly asked, "You have no family in New York."

Pepper froze, then shook his head, "No."

"That's good."

"In the end it is..."

Pepper's problem is not over yet, and the alert of the prototype sounded again, "Charging failed, continuous charging failed for the second time."

Before Tolia was mad, Jarvis said in advance.

"The backup energy and the direct energy are physically disconnected, and physical means must be re-connected. The entire time for energy transfer...it takes at least one minute."


One minute, not to mention one minute, I am afraid that there is not even half a minute, and less than ten seconds. . The impact is coming.

After clenching her teeth, Tolia was also a decisive guy.

She rushed out of the prototype again, following Jarvis's guidance, and soon came to a circuit board. The welding and sparks flew together. The harsh noise and fire splashed.

Tolia feels that she has never been so skillful. At this moment, she definitely exerted the fastest speed and focus in life. Of course, she did not realize that Xiao stayed silent after she left the prototype. Slipped out.

Restructuring the circuit board, Tolia even took less than five seconds.

should. . You still have time?

Tolia, who is blowing the circuit board for physical cooling, suddenly realized a new problem. To transfer energy, the two energy interfaces must be continuously connected.

The connection of the interface requires the switch to remain unblocked. . Because this thing is very uncommon, I used the old-fashioned switch a few years ago, that is, I need to keep pressing it.

If it is normal, give her three or two minutes to let Jarvis go directly to the Internet of Things, but now. .

What she lacks most is time.

The big pull-down switch in her palm is now heavier than a rock in her eyes, how to connect? Press it down with heavy objects?

Tolia knows her lab well, I'm afraid. .

Then people. . There's more than one person here. Pepper doesn't know what happened, as long as she doesn't tell her the facts, she insists for more than thirty seconds. .

No, Tolia shook her head immediately. She might not be able to sacrifice herself to save others, but she could not deceive others to save herself.

did not expect. . The first person to verify the effectiveness of the prototype was not himself, but Pepper.

At the next moment, Tolia was about to draw an excuse for energy, but at this time, a somewhat cold manipulator reached out from the side.


The strange robot arm made a strange shaft sound, ignoring Toria's entanglement, and pulled down the switch.

In an instant, everything around them lost power, the lights were turned off, and the music was cut off. Only Jarvis's voice was at least twice as weak as a reminder of the bad situation around her.

"Madam, there are less than five seconds, four seconds..."

"It is recommended that you leave here and enter the prototype."

Looking at Xiaoduo, Tolia was a little stunned for a while. Xiaodiao didn't have a camera or a sound device. It didn't know if he was watching Tolia. It just shook the manipulator and seemed to be signaling Tolia Click to leave here.

But even so, it still pressed the switch firmly.

Some sullen Tolia returned to the prototype again, and the moment she entered, Jarvis closed the prototype door.

At the same time, a prompt sound also sounded in the prototype.

"Recharge succeeded."

"Energy is being supplemented... 1%... 10%... 80%..."

"Defense is on."

There was no other moth this time, because it was an emergency defense method. The prototype was charged very quickly, and it was fully charged within the blink of an eye under the full attention of backup energy.

In the last second of the end of the recharge, Pepper's doubtful eyes shocked. . Came suddenly.


Countless fireballs are in full bloom, and the whole of New York seems to tremble, and after the trembling ends, everything falls into a sea of ​​fire.

Tens of millions of cars fell from high altitude, and the density was all concentrated in several equally densely populated areas. The huge explosion and impact were instantly comparable to the attack of war.

As one of the few tallest buildings, Stark’s industrial building has also suffered more attacks.

And Tolia's laboratory is still on the top floor of the building. .

Almost in an instant, the top of the whole building was smashed into ruins, Jarvis's voice was cut off instantly, and the little man who was pulling the switch was buried in the ruins in an instant.

"Stupid!" Tolia, who was staring closely at the outside, shouted~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but the next moment, even the ruins disappeared.

The Stark Industrial Building began to collapse and crashed. The prototype began to roll over and fall down. Although the invisible energy grid was still unstable, it still protected the prototype from various explosions and impact forces. It also maintained the internal relative Gravity balance.

Even so, the aftermath of the collapse and explosion of the building had a huge internal impact on the prototype. Tolia had not yet seen what happened to Xiaodu. At the next moment, her eyes were instantly dark.

Pepper and she rolled together in the prototype. Under the protection of the prototype, the two people were accompanied by a large number of building ruins from a height of hundreds of meters. . Falling down.

I need to. . protection. .

This is Tolia's last thought.

. . .

At the same time, under the sky, Gu Yi seemed to be unable to hide. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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