High Magic Earth

Chapter 1337: This is only the first time New York has been destroyed



The blazing fireball is like a blooming flower, and the whole mountain is lit up all over New York. The building is overturning, the earth is shaking, and the sky is falling in mourning.

It was a busy and prosperous metropolis the moment before, and the moment it became a world of purgatory, the end of the world.

It took less than a minute to pass.

Doomsday, viruses, alien invasion, these things may look very cool in the movie, but only through personal experience can you know that it is not just cool, but more cruel.

The countless falling cars directly brought a scrubbing attack to New York, and the density was even comparable to a large-scale missile attack.

The first to suffer is the most common high-rise buildings in New York. The buildings with more than fifty floors are the standard configuration of New York, and the buildings with more than one hundred floors are dozens of before and after.

tall. . Means fragile.

It seems that New York has not experienced the trouble of an earthquake. The designer may have considered the danger from the ground at the beginning of construction, but he never thought of the hidden danger from the sky.

Because even in war, few people will be so desperate that they will attack the civilians.

But this sudden sky city is different. .

The cars falling down in the sky, the acceleration of thousands of kilometers to bring them enough acceleration, the hard but equally fragile cars smashed the buildings, but this is enough to destroy the building , Not to mention the fireball that burst after the car fell.

The second threat brought to the ground by the fallen building, the crowd was screaming and running, avoiding the death from the sky.

At this moment, all people are equal, death is everywhere, maybe the next moment. . Life will disappear completely.

The overturning of the building, the collapse of the bridge, and many more cars fell directly on the ground. The sufficient distance gave them an extremely large impact and smashed the ground.

At this time, even the police and military are useless.

Because they are not facing the enemy, if it is an invasion of foreign enemies, perhaps this time should rise up to resist, but what is in the sky. . A city, New York.

Even if it is broken, the broken fragments will cause more damage below.

Almost at the same time, all the S.H.I.E.L.Ds who were watching here were silent, and even their final nuclear strike was meaningless.

Not an enemy, but a disaster.

They can only watch people in New York help themselves, and even organize rescue. . Can't do it.

And watching all this. . There is Gu Yi.

In the gap of light, Gu Yi looked at everything below coldly.

The wailing crowd, the decayed civilization, the collapsed earth, and the city of the mirror world that is about to overthrow New York.

Life passed by in her eyes, hundreds of every minute and every second, maybe they still had a beautiful and happy life at the previous moment, but now, all they left is a cold body.

Do you regret it? Gu Yi did not regret making this decision.

It seems that all this is due to the appearance of Kama Taj and Gu Yi’s tough attitude, but this is only one of the surface of the matter. From another perspective, it can be without hesitation, even the hands are not soft Is it really the right choice to initiate an attack that involves the lives of millions of people and a city?

Gu Yi is not a stubborn old man, who can see through the future and the past more wisely than most humans.

She is well aware that sometimes sacrifice is inevitable, but the choice can be changed by everyone. If she has learned something in the long time, it is undoubtedly the right choice at the right moment.

The choice is two-way.

If Yi Xuan eventually gave up expanding the battle and involved ordinary people, perhaps Gu Yi would still have some doubts and monitoring of Yi Xiao's origin, but he would also be a little gentler.

Karma Taj protects the earth for a hundred years. During this period, there were not no visitors from foreign countries, nor was every visitor malicious. Karma Taj was not unable to communicate.

Gu Yi itself draws the energy of the dark dimension to maintain her longevity and enhance her strength. Obviously she is not a person who believes that power distinguishes good from evil.

Power is just power, good and evil are only in the heart.

Sometimes Karma Taj is not so impersonal.

But again, if Yi Chou expands the battle without hesitation. . Just like now, not only involve ordinary people, regardless of their life and death, and even take the initiative to cause damage to the world of the most ordinary people.

From this moment, Yi Chou's position has been pushed to the level of the enemy of Karma Taj.

This is obvious. Dormam was determined to devour the earth and devour all the lives of all people, and Yi Chou caused damage to the world. Although there was only one New York, wasn’t one New York destroyed?

Gu Yi did not regret doing so.

Yi Xiao's ability to make such a choice means that this situation will happen sooner or later, and will appear because of various situations. She just advances this process.

Self-deceiving people choose to let go and compromise for a temporary peace, which is extremely stupid.

Ignore countless lives, so many lives are not taken into account by people, once he lurks on the earth, who knows what he will do in the future.

As for those who are now dead, innocent people involved. .

As Gu Yi said, sacrifice is inevitable, sacrifice some people and protect others, this may be a very struggling and difficult choice, but it is by no means an unanswered question.

Instead, its answer has always been very clear.

The long time has already made Gu Yi's heart strong like iron, and the life and death of these people will not bring much touch to her.

In fact, as the Supreme Master of Earth, she didn’t have much time to let her sigh. The only thing she needs to consider now is how to defeat the enemy in front of her.

Only by defeating him may he be able to calm the souls of those innocent people.

Gu Yi is hidden in the light, watching Yi Chou quietly, and thinking about how to win.

The other party's magic is unprecedented, she is completely different from the Karma Taj's magic, even if Gu Yi draws energy from the dark dimension. . But the energy use of the actual dark dimension is no different from other dimensions.

Otherwise, Gu Yi could not suppress his own energy, avoiding the sight of Dormam.

But in front of this guy. . Anyone who refutes Gu Yi knows that the power he possesses seems to be a brand new magic system and very complete.

Although Gu Yi is the guardian of the earth, she is also a wizard in nature. Like the wizard, the research spirit has their natural attributes.

But obviously it does not seem to be a good time to consider these academic issues.

Gu Yi is waiting.

The other party did not know what method was used, which not only broke the restraint of the mirror world, but also broke the barrier between the mirror world and the real world.

The world of mirrors cannot affect the real world, everything in it seems to happen in the mirror, the mirror.

But now, as the barrier is broken, the mirror world can affect the real world, and all disasters are caused by it.

The mirror world can affect the real world. In other words, the mirror world and the real world are on the same plane, which means that everything in the mirror world is directly transformed into reality. .

Then it is not surprising that the car fell down and even the building crashed.

Although the reason for all this is clear, but. .


"Click! Click!"

New York in the world of mirrors is gradually reversed. When the barrier is not open, everything in the mirror world can be constantly changed like a kaleidoscope. The barrier is opened, and this change disappears.

Similarly, the world of mirrors is frozen at the moment the barrier opens.

The whole mirror world is at an oblique angle, and the angle is large enough to allow the car to fall down.

Mirror World is the opposite of New York. Everything in Mirror World is the same as New York. Except for nobody, in other words, the buildings of Mirror World are also buildings in New York that do not take into account other factors besides earthquakes.

This is not to blame the designers. . Apart from earthquakes, are there any other factors that threaten humans?

When the world overturned and the building was gradually deflected, the fragile beams and spine could no longer support the weight of the building, and began to gradually pull apart under the pull of gravity and gravity, and began to break toward New York below.

Coleson and Molly are not much better than the crowds below New York, but they are in a worse mood. . It is Supreme Master Gu Yi.

She told herself that some sacrifices are necessary, and the answers to the questions are very clear. It is difficult to make a choice but the process of making choices. .


With a harsh light arc unfolding, Yi Chou's pupil shrank.

Yi Chao floats in the air and overturns below New York, and above the ground above New York, with free flight ability. Yi Xiao will not be troubled by the transposition of the air at home. He looks down at the ground and sees the car falling like a raindrop. New York is rendered in red, like an indifferent god.

He naturally also saw that the New York building of Mirror World was cracking.

In fact, he did not think of the fact that the world of mirrors turned into reality. He originally just wanted to open a gap, so that Kama Taj and Gu Yi and others had to be exposed to the world of ordinary people, under the eyes of the public, but did not expect. . The world seems to be in trouble.

Fortunately, there is Lucy. .

The world of mirrors turned into reality is probably a ghost of high-latitude energy. The power of this thing is similar to that of the silver tongue. After all, it can directly forcibly improve the state of the creature. In a sense, the transformation of the creature has nothing to do with the silver tongue. How much difference.

But of course, the high latitude energy is more twisted than the silver tongue, hiding the unintelligible maliciousness.

Obviously, it is the short high latitude energy that turns this into reality. . Fortunately, even if Yi Xiao cut it off, I am afraid that now it will not only be transformed into reality, but also more likely to distort the entire mirror world, and it is very likely to be infected with the inexplicable existence that ordinary people cannot understand.

He was killed by the same New York from the sky. . Still everyone is crazy.

I'm afraid no choice is good.

Now that the world of mirrors has turned into reality, Yi Biao naturally needs to pay attention to it. It doesn't matter what those cars are, but the heavy building breaks down, although the body of steel can bear it. . However, Yi Biao didn't like to experience a superhuman anti-building move in person.

Seeing that the building began to break, Yi Chou was of course ready to avoid it, but at this moment, a sudden sound came from his ear like a spark burning, as if the sound of Mars splashing.

I am familiar with it, but it is the portal of the Karma Taj Masters.

"You finally come out, Gu Yi." Yi arrogant said to himself.

As far as the eye can see, Yi Chou didn't see Gu Yi's figure, but the portal had been opened and appeared under the sky building that was about to break.

As a Supreme Master, if one does not consider factors such as stability, it is very simple to simply expand the range of the portal. Almost in the blink of an eye, the portal has a diameter of more than ten meters.

And this is not over yet. At the same time, the golden light in the sky continues to appear. Immediately after the raindrops ripples, the portals formed by countless light arcs spread out.


At the next moment, the building broke, and then fell into the portal without accident.

Yi Xiao soon discovered that new portals appeared above these portals, and the broken wall debris that fell into it quickly fell back from the portal. . It constitutes a perfect cycle.

Although New York kept it. . But compared to Gu Yi, who maintains such a large and continuous portal, there is not much energy to deal with other troubles.

Find Gu Yi and fix her.

Yi Xiao shook his hand and threw out a few golden balls. These golden **** resembled the Quidditch props golden thieves in Harry Potter. They had wings and were extremely fast, but if you look closely, you will find that they are not The ball, but an open book, the wings. . In fact, it is the opened book page.

They don't fly around like a golden thief~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but can find people according to Yi's mind.

of course. . When the silver tongue came out, Lucy did refer to the image of a part of the golden thief, it was named Practical Gadget No. 37 Tracing Book

After Yi Biao threw them, these flying books immediately scattered at a speed that could not be caught by the naked eye, and then within a short period of less than five seconds, several of them began to change direction, and finally toward the remaining ones that did not. Of books catch up with the past.

Obviously, they have found Gu Yi.

Locking Gu Yi’s position is not so easy. As a mage who can use a certain amount of time, Gu Yi’s method of hiding herself has long been not limited to ordinary means. Time is her best way of concealment.

It is now so easy to find Gu Yi, one is because Gu Yi should spend a lot of energy to maintain these portals, and the other is because Yi Chou is also not weak, even in the magic field, it is much better than Gu Yi.

At the next moment, Yi Huo moved smoothly, rushing in the direction of the flying books. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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